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Authors: Valerie Bowman

The Unlikely Lady (28 page)

BOOK: The Unlikely Lady
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Garrett closed his eyes briefly. “Thank you for telling me, Claringdon. I assume Lucy sent you so she wouldn't have to face my wrath.”

Claringdon inclined his head. “Something like that. She also had the nerve to ask me to tell you she still believes you and Jane make a fine couple and you should seriously consider marrying her.”

Garrett's throat tightened. “It's too late.” He shook his head and stared, unseeing, into the fireplace across the room. “You must congratulate me, fellows. I have just decided to marry Isabella Langford.”



“But Lucy told me specifically that you adore
Much Ado About Nothing
and you would certainly agree to accompany me,” Daphne Swift said the next afternoon as she and Jane took a turn around Jane's parents' garden. Jane would have preferred a stroll through the park, but considering how gossip about her behavior at the wedding house party was spreading through town, she thought better of such an outing today. It was only a matter of time before her mother found out. And possibly dismissed Mrs. Bunbury. Which was ridiculous, of course, but entirely probable.

“Please, Jane,” Daphne continued. “It's been so dreadfully dull since Cass and Julian left on their honeymoon. I've nothing to entertain me.”

Jane gave her a sideways stare and pressed her lips together to keep from smiling. “What about Captain Cavendish? He looked as if he were entertaining you at the wedding ball.”

Daphne pushed her small nose in the air. “Captain Cavendish makes me more angry than entertained. The man drives me quite mad.”

“I know the feeling,” Jane said on a sigh. When Lucy had informed Jane this morning that Upton would be announcing his engagement to Mrs. Langford, she'd done an admirable job of taking the news in stride. It was true she'd briefly lost her mind and fancied herself in love with the man, but after his quick defection to Mrs. Langford, he was no longer someone she even bothered thinking about … mostly.

It was her own fault, really, not Upton's. Upton had never made her any promises. He'd never pretended to be anything other than who he was. If Lucy couldn't change her ways, neither could her cousin. Jane never should have believed for one moment the man wasn't a rake. While Lucy seemed convinced Garrett had somehow been forced into proposing to Mrs. Langford, Jane knew better. She'd seen Garrett's attraction to the widow with her own eyes. God help her.

“I do adore
Much Ado About Nothing,
Daphne, but I cannot go with you to the theater. My reputation is in shreds. I'm sure to be treated like
persona non grata
were I to attend.”

“Oh, fiddle. You'll be with me and no one will dare cut you. Not to mention you have the backing of the Countess of Swifdon and the Duchess of Claringdon as well.”

“But Lucy and Cass won't be with me.”

Daphne threaded her arm over Jane's. “No, but I will, and I'll make Mother come, too, if it'll help.”

Jane laughed. “There's no need to drag your poor mother into it.”

“Please, Jane. Please come with me.”

Unwinding her arm from Daphne's, Jane bent to pluck a violet from the path next to their feet. “I don't know.” She smiled up at Daphne. “I'm still miffed at you for your part in all this, you know. Lucy told me she recruited you.”

Daphne returned her smile. “I can only plead that Lucy Hunt can be quite convincing when she wants to be. She told me I'd be doing you a favor to keep Mrs. Langford occupied.”

Jane stood and twirled the violet between her fingers. “Hmm. That part was true, actually. Perhaps I shouldn't be miffed at you at all.”

“That's right.” Daphne nodded happily and the two resumed their stroll. “If you don't come to the theater tonight for yourself, do it for me.”

Jane blinked. “For you?”

A soft pink blush crept over Daphne's cheeks. “I heard Captain Cavendish will be at the performance tonight and I…” Daphne bit her lip and glanced away.

Jane arched her brow. “Aren't quite as indifferent to him as you'd like everyone to believe?”

Daphne shook her head and gave a miserable shrug. “Including myself.”

*   *   *

That night, Jane sat in the Earl of Swifdon's box at the theater with Daphne Swift at her side. She could
the disapproving eyes of the
staring at her from the other boxes.

“At least a dozen sets of quizzing glasses are trained in our direction,” Jane said, wanting to slink back into the shadows.

“Ignore them,” Daphne replied. “Those awful people. If anyone has anything to say about you, they'll have to say it to me first.” She nodded firmly.

Daphne fluttered her hand in the air. “Let's talk about something ever so much more pleasant, like how lovely you look this evening.” She turned to give Jane a once-over. “Your hair is different, isn't it?”

“Thank you.” Jane self-consciously pushed a curl away from her cheek. She'd asked Eloise to arrange her hair in a chignon tonight, not unlike the one she'd worn at the masquerade ball. She'd grown a bit tired of the severe topknot.

“And your gown,” Daphne continued. “It's … not blue.”

Jane smoothed a hand down her pink dress. It was the softest shade of blush. She'd allowed Mama to purchase it, which that lady had done with great glee. Now Jane was feeling awkward. Blue felt like armor. Pink? Pink felt like … naked skin. “Thank you,” she murmured. “I thought I'd try another color for a change.”

“It suits you. You look beautiful.
probably why the quizzing glasses are trained our way. They're all positively green with envy.”

Jane had to smile, though she also had to severely doubt it.

Daphne craned her neck to see out the side of the box. “Look, it's Captain Cavendish. He's only a few boxes down.”

Jane nudged Daphne with her elbow. “Go over and say good evening.”

“I wouldn't dream of it.” Daphne sat back down and pressed her hand to her throat. “If he doesn't have the good grace to come and greet
then I intend to completely ignore him.”

“You came here specifically to speak to him,” Jane pointed out.

“No.” Daphne shook her head and her blond curls bobbed. “I came to be
by him. That's quite different from speaking to him.”

“That makes no sense at all.”

The curtain behind them ruffled and Lord Berkeley poked in his head. “Lady Daphne, Miss Lowndes, may we come in?” the viscount asked.

Jane smiled widely at him. Lord Christian Berkeley was a friend of Lucy's, well, Garrett's really. In Bath last summer, Lord Berkeley had briefly and unsuccessfully attempted to court Lucy, but they remained friends. Berkeley had even made an appearance at last autumn's house party where Cass had pretended to be Patience Bunbury. Berkeley was a good man and a tremendous sport.

“Lord Berkeley! Of course, do come in,” Jane replied.

Lord Berkeley strode in with Garrett Upton behind him.

Jane sucked in her breath and concentrated on calming her pitter-pattering heart. She should have known Garrett would be with Berkeley. Garrett hadn't looked at her. She stared down at her slippers.

“Lord Berkeley, Mr. Upton,” came Daphne's bright voice. “It's ever so good to see you. I didn't realize you were at the theater tonight.”

“Upton, here, cannot resist a performance of
Much Ado About Nothing,
” Berkeley replied with a laugh. “As soon as I saw you two lovely ladies, I told him we had to come and greet you.”

“Funny.” Jane kept her eyes trained on Lord Berkeley. “I had the impression
Much Ado About Nothing
is Upton's least favorite of Shakespeare's plays.”

“No. That would be
Romeo and Juliet,
” Upton bit back.

“A close second then, is it not?” Jane replied with a tight smile.

Lord Berkeley waded into the deafening silence. “I rarely come to town, you know, and when I do, I always enjoy the theater.”

“Then you must come more often, my lord,” Daphne replied.

“As it is I don't plan to stay the entire Season. I'm returning to Northumberland in a few weeks' time and plan to spend the autumn and winter at my hunting lodge in Scotland.”

“That sounds dreadfully remote,” Jane said.

“And cold,” Daphne added.

“It is both,” Lord Berkeley agreed. “And that's exactly why I enjoy it.”

“Lord Berkeley,” Daphne said. “I am just now about to go in search of Captain Cavendish. Have you seen him this evening?”

“I believe he's in Lord Mountbank's box.”

“Would you escort me there, please?”

Jane squeezed her reticule so tightly her fingers ached.
Daphne wanted to leave? “Daphne, I don't think—”

“You don't mind keeping Mr. Upton company, do you, Jane? Whilst we visit Captain Cavendish?
” For a moment Jane wondered if she was helping Daphne or if Daphne was tricking her into spending time with Upton. At any rate, it would be beyond rude to say that she minded. Instead, she nodded tersely, sat back down, and faced the theater.

“Thank you for staying with Jane, Mr. Upton,” Daphne said with her usual friendly smile. “And for escorting me, Lord Berkeley.” The viscount held out his arm and Daphne wrapped her small one around it.

A moment later, the two had gone, and Jane was forced to concentrate on keeping her disobedient leg from shaking. She stared into the crowded theater completely unseeing.

“Do you mind if I sit?” came Upton's even voice.

She turned her head slightly to the side but her gaze did not follow. “Not at all.”

“Thank you.”

Out of the corner of her eye, she watched as Garrett pushed up his black coattails and took the seat next to hers. She couldn't turn to face him. What could they possibly say to each other? Discussing the weather seemed asinine, and discussing the play was covered territory. What else was there? Perhaps silence was the best policy. Apparently Upton didn't agree.

“How is your ankle?”

“Recovered, thank you.”

“And your cat?”

cat is quite well. Her kittens too.”

“Glad to hear it.” She heard him take a deep breath. “I assume you were also told that we were duped?”

Jane didn't take her gaze off the far wall. “Duped?”

“Yes, Claringdon informed me that while we were at the house party Cass told me that you fancied me while Lucy told you the same.”

Jane nodded once. “Yes, Lucy told me.”

Upton's voice was unironic. “Seems I've finally fallen victim to my cousin's penchant for trouble.”

“That's a pretty way to say ‘lies.'”

“They were indeed lies.” He paused. “Are you angry with Lucy?”

“Lucy cannot help herself. Any more than you can.”

His head snapped to the side to face her. “What is
supposed to mean?”

Jane pushed a lock of hair behind her ear. Perhaps she shouldn't have said that. She desperately needed to change the subject. She blurted out the first thing that came to mind. “Lucy tells me you intend to marry Isabella Langford.”

“Jane, I—”

“I think it's for the best. I wish you both well.”

She took a shaky breath. She didn't love him. He didn't love her. So why did the thought of Garrett with Isabella make Jane sick to her stomach?

Thankfully, Daphne and Berkeley returned then. “Captain Cavendish sends his greetings, Jane,” Daphne said.

“I should have come with you,” Jane replied.
Then I wouldn't have had to sit here and have this excruciating conversation with Garrett.

“Ladies, what do you have planned for the remainder of the week?” Lord Berkeley asked.

“I intend to go shopping on Bond Street tomorrow,” Daphne announced. “But I cannot seem to convince Miss Lowndes to come with me.”

Jane laughed. “You cannot convince me because I'd rather have my eyes gouged out with hot pokers than go shopping. Unless a bookstore is involved, of course.”

“Is that so?” Lord Berkeley whistled. “A lady who doesn't enjoy shopping. You are a rare find indeed, Miss Lowndes.”

Jane tilted her head and grinned at him. “My lord? You've never met a bluestocking spinster before?”

Berkeley laughed aloud at that. Then he asked, “What do you intend to do with yourself tomorrow then, Miss Lowndes?”

“I've been looking for an old book. I'm going to the library to search for it. I don't have much hope of finding it, of course, but I do intend to try.”

“What book is it, Miss Lowndes?” Lord Berkeley asked.

“It's called
The Art of Penmanship,
” Jane replied. Surely Lord Berkeley was only being polite by asking.

“I have it.” Upton's reply sounded curt.

A silence ensued.

“Pardon?” Jane finally offered.

“I have that book at my town house,” Upton said.

Jane turned to face him. “You have
The Art of Penmanship


“Mr. Upton, I could not be more astonished,” Jane said.

He met her eyes. “If you come to my house tomorrow, you're welcome to borrow it.”



Jane stood outside the imposing door to Upton's town house for five entire minutes. Eloise was waiting in the coach. Jane was unable to either step forward and rap upon the door or flee back to the vehicle. Instead, she stood, hands folded, reticule dangling from her wrist, as she contemplated the possibilities. She could knock on the door and be ushered into the town house where she would simply tell Upton she'd come to borrow his book. Or, she could turn away, go back home, and pretend she'd never made this journey. Then Upton wouldn't think she gave a fig about him or his book collection. That would show him.

BOOK: The Unlikely Lady
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