Read The Trouble With Love Online

Authors: Becky McGraw

The Trouble With Love (32 page)


was so full of him, emotionally and physically, that she stopped a moment to just enjoy the amazing sensation.  This is what love fe
like, she thought.
  "Love me, Cole," she whispered and started
loving him,
showing him exactly how


The next morning, Sabrina was exhausted, but so damned happy she couldn't contain it.  Cole had loved her all right...
all night
and once again this morning
.  A few minutes ago, he'd left her with a kiss and an order
not to move.  She looked up at the door when he walked back in with a huge tray loaded with breakfast and coffee. 


She grinned widely and sat up in the bed against the headboard and watched her sexy naked cowboy with the apron tied around his waist move across the room toward her.  God, how could she want him again so soon?  It would take a lifetime for Sabrin
a to get her fill of this man.
  All he had to do was smile at her or talk in that sexy drawl of his and her panties got wet.


"Wow, darlin' that apron is some kinda sexy..." she drawled the words he'd said to her once before

"The cowboy wearing it is pretty sexy too
letting her eyes feast on his male beauty.


He grinned, evidently remembering
, then told her,
"Breakfast is served,
before he
placed the heavy tray on the bed between them.


Better wa
ch out, y
ou're gonna spoil me,


"I intend to spoil you, darlin', for a long, long time," he
then leaned toward her and put a gentle kiss on her lips.
Eat up, y
ou're gonna need your strength for what I have in store for you," he said his eyes sparkling.


She picked up a piece of crisp bacon and bit the end. "Mmmm...I like the sound of that."


Sabrina jumped when s
he heard the front door slam back on its hinges, and Cole fl
off the bed and
across the room
slung the
bedroom door
open and ran
down the hall.
  She slid out of the bed too
, grabbed a shirt she saw laying on the dresser,
ran down the hall shrugging into it
fastening a couple of buttons. 
There was no way she was letting him get killed by an intruder, when she'd just gotten him back.


"Cole!" she shouted then ran into the living room, tense and ready for action.


Her eyes were
drawn to
muscular ass
out of the back of the apron and her mouth dried up

managed to drag her eyes up
, she s
Cassie and Luke standing in the room with amazement in their eyes and huge
their faces.


She could tell Luke was doing his
not to lose control of the laughter sparkling in his eyes. "What's cooking?" he asked Cole
in a squeaky high-pitched voice


Cassie looked over at her and she saw laughter in her eyes as well, and she said, "Cole hiring you as a deputy?" she
asked then
looked at
Luke and
of them
erupted in gales of laughter.


Sabrina looked down at the half-buttoned shirt she'd put on and realized it
was Cole's uniform shirt.  Blood surged up
her chest and heat
her face.  She took a couple of steps to stand beside Cole
slid her arm through his
.  L
at him, she saw his
jaw was clenched and his face w
as just as red as hers must be.


"What the hell are you two doing here," Cole asked with irritation.


"You said you'd bring Sabrina back to the Double didn't, so we got worried.  We couldn't call, you're not answering your cell."


"Threw it out the window," he told them shortly.


"I'd like to do that with mine sometimes too," Cassie said then laughed again.


"Well, as you can
see, we're fine
, n
..and give me that damned key, Luke,
he told him holding out his hand.


Luke shook his head and chuckled, "No way, man...Cassie and I are gonna come back out here and test out the love shack.
..I mean lake house.


Cole shoved a hand through his hair,
then swept it toward the open door.
t's occupied right now, Slick...take off, vamoose, skedaddle...leave us the fuck alone."


Cassie looked them over again
grabbed Luke's arm dragging him to the door, "Let's go, Luke..."

went with her, but
looked back over his shoulder at Cole once more, shook his head then their laughter followed them down the steps into the yard.
Stalking across the room, Cole slammed the
door and shot home the deadbolt, then turned around to face her a grin on his face.  "
Those two are becoming pests..


"Those two are the best friends anyone could ask for," she said seriously.  "You need to talk to Luke and apologize for slugging him."


Cole snorted, "It's not the first time, sugar. He okay...and so am I."


walked over to him and put her arms around his waist and hugged him. "I'm so damned glad," she told him in a wobbly voice.


He leaned down and kissed the top of her head and said, "Me too, let's go eat our cold breakfast, or we could have a
one instead," he waggled his eyebrows at her
slid his arm around her shoulders to walk her down the hall.  "You look pretty damned hot in my shirt, I have to say...much better than I do."


"Well seeing you in that apron is about the sexiest thing I've ever seen.  Make sure you bring it home with you," she said and winked at him.
  "But I don't think Luke's gonna let you live that down, so be prepared." 
growled and walked her back to bed.




Sabrina was out in the barn at the Double D brushing out Honey
so she could saddle and ride her.  It had a been a few days since she'd ridden her favorite mare, so she thought she'd treat both of them today.  Honey was happily munching on a treat, while Sabrina groomed her in the crossties, flicking her tail every now and again at a pesky fly. 


She'd just bent over to brush
underside, when firm masculine hands gripped her hips and pulled her back against a steely erection.  "Mmm...why does you grooming a horse do this to me, sugar?" a dark honeyed voice asked behind her.  Sabrina wiggled her butt against him and he moaned.  She stood up
dropping the brush to throw her arms around his neck. 


head descended
and knocked her hat off,
before he captured her lips in a stirring kiss that sent all the moisture in her body south. 
pulled her closer to him
and deepen
d the kiss,
his tongue finding hers and enticing it into an erotic dance
as their hips moved together


A shiver passed through her and Sabrina pulled
suggested breathlessly against his lips,


He groaned then
, his eyes hot and needy,
and told her
"Lord, baby, you'd tempt a saint
..." He ran a hand through his hair then said, "I have to go back to the station, but
I came
to ask you out on a date tonight."


Her eyes widened and she pursed her mouth,
then asked,
"Can't we have
dessert now and dinner later?"


He laughed then said
in a low sensual voice
, "I
, sugar
...but you sure make me
want to,
then he
pulled her back in his arms for another kiss.  "I want to take you to the lake tonight."


"You can take me
the lake tonight
" she suggested then leaned up to
his neck
, then mumbled near his ear,
"Mmm, you taste so damned good...what is that cologne you wear?
It makes me want to lick you all over."


Cole growled then closed his mouth over hers and kissed her until her brain was so drugged with him, she didn't even hear someone clear their throat behind them, but he did and pulled back from her, breathing heavily.


"Damn you, Luke...can't a guy have a minute alone with his girl?"


"I'm just paying you back, interrupted
me and
Cassie enough," he laughed, his eyes full of mischief.


With a groan, Cole pushed away from her then ran a hand over his face, "You need something, or you just here to aggravate me?"


"Thought since you're here, we might take a ride out to the herd and look around. 
is this weekend, and the calves are looking might
e ought to do well.
  I've got the catalog almost finished, I'
it to the printer this evening
," Luke said then added with a smile, "
Cassie set up a website for us...she's so damned amazing...she can do anything.  She's going to post it on there too.


Cole huffed out a breath and told him, "That's great, Luke...really great.  I was worried with all that's been going on,
and how little I've been able to help,
we'd lose money."


"Nah, Rock
and Bud have d
one a good job keeping up with things...fantastic actually.  Even Carl said they look good."


Cole stepped over and put his arm around Sabrina then said, "Sabrina's been doing really well with the horses too..." he said and winked at her.


"Yes, she has...don't know what Cassie would do without her.  It's getting too hot for her to be out
here much," he said then frowned.


"Says you..." Sabrina chuckled, "According to Cassie, she's just fine...and it sure looks that way when she's giving her classes.  Those kids love her.
  I can tell it's killing her
not to be able to ride
, especially Titan.


"Yeah, he's  her baby. Makes me damned jealous sometimes," Luke snorted, then said, "I was going to ride him when we go out."  He looked over at Cole and asked, "You up for a ride, buddy?"

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