Read The Stallion Online

Authors: Georgina Brown

The Stallion (27 page)

Lips and tongue just as hot as before now travelled down her spine until they met the rise of her buttocks. His teeth nipped each round orb, making the flesh quiver and leaving pink circles on the creamy skin. She groaned, pleading with him to do more. There was an exquisite delight in such pain, a delight she welcomed. Then his tongue took over from his teeth and began to lick between her buttocks, his hands pulling each cheek apart as his tongue travelled along her glossy divide.

Mewing in a rather surprised fashion, she closed her eyes as the inquisitive tongue poked tentatively at the puckered ring of her anus, its opening like a tight mauve button that pulsated among the creaminess of her pearlike behind.

His finger took the place of his tongue, pressing inwards, overcoming the initial barrier before retreating and returning the darting wetness of his tongue to explore the tightest of her bodily orifices.

Gasping into the clean straw beneath her head, she dropped to her elbows so that her arse was tilted upwards. He held the cheeks apart as his tongue darted in and out, then sucked and licked at the puckered flesh.

She wanted him to eat her, to draw her in, chew at her most secret places as though she were some delicacy at a rich man’s feast. Moaning and lost in her own hot pleasure, she raised herself from elbows to hands, unable any longer to restrain the swelling of her breast, her breath quickening as his tongue continued to explore neglected territory.

Almost with regret, he left her tightest hole and turned his attention to the fleshy lips that sucked somewhere towards his chin, their rich colour like a slash of pink silk among the black satin of her pubic curls.

His tongue curled up between the glistening flesh, diving again into her vulva, flicking in such a tantalising way over the folds of the inner lips that eddies of moaning pleasure spiralled from her throat on higher and higher octaves. She trembled at his intrusion, tingled breathlessly with the tickling pleasure of the light touch, the quickness of the action.

With one long, last flourish he took his tongue back where it had been, finally disappearing in the initial tightness of the cleft between her behind before he moved to cover her. A sigh of relief racked her body as though she had been rescued from some dire situation. She heaved a sigh, her senses dizzy from the excitement his tongue had aroused, then cooed with gratitude as he thrust into her moist cavern.

Warm and softly downed, his balls slapped in rhythm, hard yet cushioned against her smooth flesh. Penny closed her eyes and moaned her appreciation behind the tumbling mane of hair that now covered her face. Her breasts swayed back and forth as he lunged, each action knocking the breath out of her. She purred with pleasure as his hands played with her breasts, cupping them, rolling them beneath his palms, his fingers tweaking and squeezing at her yielding nipples.

Partly as a signal to him to attend to her desires, and partly because she ached for her climax, she slid her hand down over her stomach and between her legs. Her fingers probed and caressed a sex that was moist, open and yearning for expression.

His hand joined hers, cupped one upon the other. As he continued to lunge into her, their fingers entwined and rode the slippery wetness of her sex, stirring its fluid heat, searing its open lips with flames of rising climax. Her pussy was full of fingers, full of action. There was no way she could escape its intensity or its final rush of sensation. She cried out as a
crescendo of orgasm overcame her, soaking their hands and tightening the muscles in her throat as she gasped her climatic breath.

Tightly his golden pubes crushed against her as he throbbed his essence in final surrender. She felt him jerk, felt the seepage of her own fluid cling to her pubic curls and trickle in silent streams over her inner thighs.

Collapsed in the last throes of rapid breath and shivering orgasm, only their breathing and the movement of the horses below disturbed the silence.

With her back towards him, she curled up in the welcoming curve of his body, her back against his chest, her bottom cushioned by his now soft member and its surrounding hair. His arms clasped her to him. They were both sublimely spent. But they talked. Disjointed comments were uttered softly in hushed snatches as they gradually caught their breath and dozed in the warm security of each other’s body.

He told her of the night before, of Clarissa pretending to Nadine that she was rampant to have him in her bed, then closing the door on him and telling him that she wouldn’t tell Nadine if he didn’t. He hadn’t. He’d only told Penny.

Thoughtfully, Penny ran her hands down his back and traced the welts Clarissa’s hefty beating had left on his behind. He winced.

‘She lay on a few extra strokes once you were gone.’

‘And you let her?’

He smiled. ‘It had a most engrossing effect; one you would have approved of. A most impressive erection.’ Then he sighed. ‘The trouble was, it didn’t impress Clarissa. I thought she was going to leave me with it. I was right. She was. Then she swore me to secrecy. Would only suck me off once I’d promised to go along with her plan.’ He smiled engagingly and Penny for one knew she could never have refused him.

?’ she asked, though she already knew the answer. She just wanted to hear him say it.

He grinned. ‘It was a good come.’ He laughed, then kissed her.

‘Then I think I’d better tell you where I spent the night and who spent it with Clarissa.’

He arched his eyebrows and looked puzzled. Somehow that pleased her. It was good to unload secrets, secrets that she didn’t really want to keep. So she told him everything that had happened.

‘Who was it?’ he asked.

Just as she was about to tell him, straw rustled and voices mumbled in the barn below.

‘What was that?’ She whispered it.


She shushed him.

‘Have you really made your mind up?’ asked a recognisable male voice down below them.

‘Yes. Most definitely. I rather think Daddy’s not going to be too pleased about it, but it is my body after all, and so it is my decision.’

The female voice was firm and obviously Clarissa’s.

Gregory and Penny got to their knees and slowly crawled to the edge of the hay loft. There was a gap in the wooden casing to allow hay to be thrown down below. From here they could see what was happening without being seen.

It was definitely Clarissa. Auberon was with her, just as Penny had guessed he would be.

‘Your father won’t be pleased.’

Clarissa’s laugh was short and blunt. ‘Who cares? I know what I want. And so do you.’

‘He doesn’t know you very well, does he?’

‘No,’ she replied. ‘But you do, my darling. Now, just to prove you really care, get to your knees and kiss me.’

In abject submission, Auberon did that, lifted her skirt and kissed where her pubic hair peeped out from the split in her leather panties.

‘Now. Let me put this on you.’

Neither Penny or Gregory had seen the cock harness before. Silently, they watched as, once Auberon had taken off his trousers, Clarissa strapped the device around his balls and penis, pushing it forwards into one big bunch just as Penny herself had done on her first night at Beaumont Place.

Once it was in place, Clarissa took great delight in leading him around by it, his knees scraping on the straw, moans erupting from his throat, and the swish of whip rending the air when he didn’t react quickly enough when ordered to pull his jersey off over his head.

Penny shoved her fingers into her mouth. Her own breath was quickening at the sight of Auberon’s trapped cock, which was glistening with sweat and the first pearl drops of a white, milky essence. She was aware that, beside her, Gregory too was responding to the scene.

By the time that Clarissa had Auberon still on his knees but spreadeagled to the wall, Gregory’s fingers were already re-exploring Penny’s body.

Auberon’s head was held fast against the wall, almost smothered by Clarissa’s pelvis which firmly held him there. From where they were, they could hear the slurpings of Auberon’s searching tongue as he pleasured Clarissa. In return, Clarissa was jerking like mad on the piece of leather that was attached to the cock bridle.

Knowing Auberon, it was not difficult to imagine what ecstasy he was feeling.

In turn, Gregory and Penny were experiencing their own.

Penny positioned herself on all fours over her beautiful angel, her lips sucking hungrily at his erect piston whilst her pussy hung in delicious moistness above him. As she slid her mouth up and down his cock, his fingers, thumb and mouth teased, pressed and pulled at her clit, opened her velvet folds, and dived into her welcoming vulva.

In time with the ample hips that pressed so forcibly against Auberon’s mouth, Penny’s tongue whisked from tip to sturdy stem, licking a tracery of lines around the swollen circumference of Gregory’s prick as her head moved up and down with total abandon.

Just like before, his tongue was in her, his lips covering the velvet frills that enclosed the heart of her sex. Gregory’s fingers spread her outer lips, then tangled in the mass of black curls that crowned the seat of passion.

Always the fingers moved, willing her to greater sensations as they caressed the fine skin of her inner thighs and the satin smoothness of her behind. She lunged with greater enthusiasm on to him as his finger traced again between her cleft, and ran with the juice from her seeping pussy to the tightness of the smallest orifice.

As his finger worked into her bottom-hole, Gregory’s tongue continued to delight. His other hand rammed at her wet sex, juice flowing down over his knuckles.

Visions of what she had just seen fired her imagination. Her sweet ache of passion rose and flowed like lava as his thumb brought her to a shuddering climax.

Penny opened her throat, took Gregory in further, then gulped at the hot fluid that spurted in rapid succession.

Spent yet again, they listened now to the conversation below.

‘Are you ready to leave now?’ they heard Auberon ask.

‘Yes, my darling,’ Clarissa answered.

‘Then we’d better be off.’

They lay undisturbed and savoured the last thrills of sensation; eyes closed, energy spent.

Penny rolled over on to her stomach, the straw crisp, yet warm against her soft belly and breasts. She rested her head upon her folded arms.

‘I don’t think this will go down too well.’

Thoughtfully, Gregory’s hand ran casually down her back.

‘Not at all. Sir Reggie won’t take to her going off like that, and Nadine will be furious.’

Penny sucked on a piece of fresh straw and wriggled her hips beneath the warmth of his hand. Nadine had denied her sex the night before. Nadine had thought she had devised a sublime torture for her last night. She’d be none too pleased to know that her scheme had been ineffectual, sabotaged by Sir Reggie’s daughter and Auberon. Still, nothing to be done about it now. She laughed offhandedly. ‘So. Nadine will think I’ve been a naughty girl. And you a naughty boy.’

‘Then you know what happens to naughty girls!’ he said with a look of sheer mischief, a look she treated casually until he grabbed hold of her, rolled her over until she was bent over a bale of straw, then landed a few well-aimed slaps on her thrusting bottom. She squealed, wriggled, but could not get free. Her behind felt as though it were on fire, the tiny hole in between already smarting from the penetrating experience it had undergone both today and yesterday.

All the same, buoyed up that such treatment proved his affection for her, she wriggled with pleasure against her casual confinement. Her breasts slapped and rubbed against the roughness of the straw with each stroke across her behind. First he struck one cheek, then the other.

The tingling of demand tantalised her erogenous zones.
amongst the pain he was dealing, there was pleasure – pleasure she would have more of.

‘Enough! I’ve had enough!’ she cried, although her mind was yelling the opposite.

‘Who says so?’ Gregory held his hand above her, waiting for her answer.

‘I do!’ she gasped with a wriggle of her bottom.

! Three more. All right? Do you agree?’

‘Yes,’ she sighed with a false whimper. Three more times the hand descended, stinging her flesh, reddening her creamy skin. Never had she been chastised in such a way as to make her enjoy her shame, enjoy being the opposite to the strong, dominant female modern society expected her to be – the one who always had to win and always had to be on top. When and where this change in her had occurred, she wasn’t too sure of. She was just sure that nothing would ever be the same again, and nowhere could ever compare to Beaumont Place.

For the first time in a few days, Penny thought about the wager, the stallion and Alistair. The importance of the proposed seduction had lessened, yet somehow she knew that both that and the place she found herself in would ultimately be part of her life.

Now it wasn’t just a case of actually winning the wager, but more one of getting to the bottom of his obvious desire for her, yet also his reluctance to take her. It had something, she knew, to do with Nadine. That was
she knew, however.

Nadine took a great pride in being in control. But she also gave greater insight into an individual’s personal sexuality, endowing them with a more intense response to their sexual needs. As instruments of desire, Nadine knew which notes to pluck and how to pluck them.


Alistair were very happy about Clarissa and Auberon taking off, but seemed to accept it. That was until Penny blurted out the fact to Nadine that she’d known from the day of her imprisonment beneath the bed the couple had shared. Nadine had become frozen-faced when she’d told her. Alistair was away on business, so he would not be told until later.

‘He will not be amused!’ snapped Nadine, venting her annoyance by lacing a whip across Penny’s bottom, seeing as Auberon’s was no longer available.

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