Read The Sheik's Baby Surprise Online

Authors: Elizabeth Lennox

The Sheik's Baby Surprise (9 page)

BOOK: The Sheik's Baby Surprise
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Jina couldn’t believe how ugly the thing looked in his hands.  “Please, Malik.  Just leave it alone.”  She’d hated that thing for years, but since no one ever saw her in her ridiculous, old-fashioned nightgowns, she’d never bothered to get new ones.  Besides, they kept her warm during the winter!  She hated being cold.  It got down into her bones and made her ache with the pain.  Flannel was warm.  Flannel kept her warm!  She even had flannel sheets for the winter along with several blankets that she buried herself under as soon as a chill hit the air. 

She tried to pull it out of his hands, but he whipped it away so that he could examine it closer.  “Please tell me this isn’t what you actually wear, my beautiful woman,” he asked as he looked down into blue eyes that were glaring up at him.  “I can’t believe a woman with your sensuality would wear this.”

Those words stunned her and she froze, her mouth hanging open for a long moment.  She shook her head.  “I never felt sensuous until…” she realized what she was about to reveal and stopped herself.  But he caught it anyway and smiled. 

“That’s good.”  Then he turned back to the drawer, pulling out another long, flannel nightgown.  “But this is not.  I will fix this as well,” he announced.  He dropped both nightgowns back into the drawer, then pulled her into his arms.  “I will imagine you draped in silks and satins, Jina.  And lace underneath all of your prim dresses.”  He bent down and kissed her neck, nibbled on her ear.  “I will also imagine peeling back those prim layers myself so that I can view the sight underneath.  I can already picture your pink nipples peeking through a black lace corset with a red bow right,” he pressed his finger between her breasts, “here,” he told her with a slow, wicked smile as he nipped her lower lip. 

Jina was having trouble breathing, picturing exactly what he was saying too vividly in her imagination.  “I won’t wear them,” she told him. 

His smile widened with her defiance.  “You will.  You will wear them for me, won’t you?”

She shook her head but he chuckled, sending yet another thrill through her body and making that place between her legs ache with an unprecedented need. 

He didn’t wait for an answer, bending lower and taking her lips in a soul-drugging kiss that left her clinging to him.  But when it was over, he lifted his head and stepped back.  “Until Friday night,” and, a moment later, he was gone.

Jina looked around, startled to find herself alone in her bedroom.  Alone in her apartment.  And all of the air particles slowly started to fizzle out and the excitement that was always around when Malik was here, settled to a low, steady throb. 

Chapter 3


A month later, Jina was a basket case.  Malik flew into New York City, sometimes for just one night and sometimes for a whole weekend.  They had dinner together every time he flew into town and on those precious moments when they had a whole weekend together, she delighted in walking through Central Park, going to the zoo, showing him all the silly, tourist sites in New York City.  Or he would take her by helicopter to a house far in the mountains and they would spend their time talking, cooking, eating and exploring both the trails and each other. 

He never took the physical aspect of their relationship all the way though.  When she asked him to stop, he immediately stopped.  She had no idea how hard it was for him, but their time together was just about killing her.  Every time, he got a little further before the sensuality of their caresses became too much. 

She stood in front of the mirror tonight, smoothing the red silk of her dress down over her hips and trying to take in deep, cleansing breaths, hoping that it would stop the trembling in her hands.  Well, in her whole body. 

Tonight, she wasn’t going to ask him to stop.  She’d had four days away from Malik and she’d done some soul searching over those four days.  Jina realized that Malik wasn’t her happily ever after, but he was the man of her dreams and she should grab hold of whatever time they had together and enjoy it.  She wasn’t going to be afraid of what he could make her feel any longer.  Tonight, she was going to find out what all the fuss was about. 

It had been difficult to decide which pretty underthings she would wear for the big event.  Beautifully wrapped boxes arrived almost daily with lingerie, satin nightgowns, silk robes, beautiful shoes not to mention chocolates, amazing coffee or small treats.  She was getting odd looks from the other residents in the building because of all of the boxes that arrived daily. 

And tonight, she was wearing one of those presents.  Well, two, actually.  The bra and panty set made her feel incredibly feminine.  Right at this moment, all she wanted to do was to open the door and tear off her clothes so that Malik could see her in this set.  It looked amazing on her, transforming her body almost from a demure, prim librarian to an exotic creature, ready for pleasure.  And that is exactly what she was tonight.  She was ready.  She was exotic.  She wanted pleasure and she wasn’t going to allow any doubts or misgivings to get in the way of making love with Malik tonight. 

When the doorbell rang, her trembling increased but she forced her feet to carry her to the door.  Opening the door, she peered around the side, her stomach clenching when she saw Malik standing just outside.

Malik took in the red dress which looked fabulous on Jina, but what truly caught his glance was the look in her eyes.  Peering down into those blue eyes, he knew that tonight, he would be holding this woman in his arms.  There was just something different and he wanted to lift her into his arms and make love to her right here, but he also wanted to savor the anticipation. 

It had been over a month in this woman’s company.  Never had he waited this long to have a woman but he didn’t care.  He instinctively knew that she would be worth every second of the wait. 

“You’re mine tonight, aren’t you?”

Jina’s mouth fell open in shock.  “How did you…I mean…what…?”

Malik laughed softly and stepped into the apartment, closing the door softly behind him.  When they were alone, he looked down into her worried blue eyes and knew that she had given in.  Pressing her backwards, he didn’t relent until she was pressed against the wall.  Taking her hands, he lifted them above her head even while his mouth captured hers and his knee pressed between her legs. 

Jina was shocked when he pressed against her like this.  She’d never experienced anything so erotic as this moment, this man pressing against her in this way. She felt both defenseless and powerful at the same time.  Instinctively, she pressed her curves against his chest, thrilling at the way he groaned, deepening the kiss. 

When he lifted his head, she stared up at him.  “How did you…?”

“It was in your eyes, love,” he told her.  Stepping back, he continued to hold her hands with his long fingers.  “Come.  We’ll have dinner.”

She wasn’t sure she wanted dinner and held back slightly.  She really wasn’t in the mood to eat. 

When he looked back down at her, one hand on the door and one hand holding onto hers, he felt her hesitation.  When he noticed the heat in her eyes, he smiled to reassure her.  “Oh yes, we’re going to consummate this relationship tonight.  Never fear,” he told her and nibbled against her lips.  “But we will do so on my terms.  We will dine and you will tell me about your week.”

She rolled her eyes at his commands but he didn’t relent.  He did take her out to a restaurant, but she was too caught up in their plans for the evening to really eat anything.  And the small bites that she did consume, she didn’t taste because Malik was sitting across from her and she knew what was going to happen. 

When he settled her back into the limousine, he called out a command to his driver and they were off. 

“Where are we going now?” she asked, praying silently that he didn’t have tickets to some concert or ballet or theatre.  All she wanted was to be alone with him.

“I agree, love,” he said and pulled her into his arms.  He kissed her until she was whimpering with need, not sure what to do or how to move to assuage this need. 

The limousine pulled up outside of the St. Regis Hotel and Malik exited before extending his hand to Jina.  The guards were already surrounding them but she had eyes only for this man. 

When they were in the private elevator, he looked down into her eyes.  “Are you sure?” he asked, his hands lightly resting on her waist but she could feel the tension, knew that he could feel it as well. 

“I’m sure,” she whispered back, looking up at him so that he knew that she was clear about what would happen tonight.  “Thank you for waiting so long.  But tonight, I’m very sure that I want to experience bliss in your arms.”  And with that, she lifted herself higher, pressing her breasts against his chest while she kissed his jaw. 

That wasn’t enough for him but he held still.  Only until the elevator doors opened once again and he took her hand, leading her down a long hallway. 

When he stopped in front of a double set of doors, he turned back to her, looking into her blue eyes.  “I can’t tell you how painful this wait has been for me, my beauty,” he said and tugged her gently into the suite, closing the doors behind him.

All night, Jina had been waiting for this to happen.  But now that she was here, in his bedroom with him towering over her like this, she was nervous.  She looked around, trying to take in the extravagance of the suite but she was too focused on Malik and the way he was prowling the room. 

“How about a glass of wine?” he suggested.

Jina looked up at him, startled.  “Wine?”  Weren’t they going to make love?  Wasn’t he going to…take her into his arms and…well, carry her off to the bed or something?

Malik laughed softly at the confused expression in her eyes.  “Yes.  We will get there,” he promised her.  “But first, we will have dinner.  And wine.  And you will relax.”

Jina’s fingers tightened around her purse.  “I’m relaxed,” she announced, nodding her head to reinforce her words.  She wasn’t relaxed in any way!

His smile told her that he didn’t believe her.  Not even a little bit.  Moved behind a bar, he pulled out two glasses, pouring some wine into both then walking over to hand her one.  “To the night,” he told her and clinked glasses with her. 

Jina took a sip of the wine but she couldn’t taste anything.  She was too nervous.  She wanted to get this over with, to be in his arms. She’d waited so long and pulled back so many times and this was the night.  She didn’t want to wait.  She didn’t want to relax! 

“Malik…” she started to say but he shook his head.  “Dinner.”

Jina sighed and took a long swallow of her wine.  “Dinner,” she repeated with resignation. 

Looking over at Malik, she watched with fascination as he lifted the phone and told someone to bring dinner to the suite.  Her eyes were captured by his lips, by the way he looked over at her and those dark eyes made her stomach tighten.  Anticipation was throbbing inside of her and she smiled slightly. 

Dinner?  He wanted to wait for dinner? 

She mentally shook her head.  She wasn’t hungry for food.  And she was relatively sure that she wouldn’t be able to eat anything, much less taste it.  So ordering an expensive meal for them was pointless.

Besides, he was just teasing her.  She could see it in his eyes and knew that he was trying to take control.

He could have control, she thought as she squared her shoulders.  But she wasn’t going to eat and she wasn’t going to wait. 

Setting her glass down on the table, she turned to face Malik who was still discussing dinner options.  When her fingers moved to the tie on her waist, she knew that his eyes were following her movements.  He’d stopped speaking, was just staring at her. 

“Tell them we’ll order later,” she commanded, not sure where this newly assertive and definitely not shy woman had come from.  Never before had she told a man what to do when it came to sex.  Good grief, she’d never done anything even slightly sexual before.  Kissing in high school and college, but that was as far as things went. 

Until tonight. 

Maybe there was just something about Malik.  Or perhaps it was the night, her decision, the underwear she was wearing…

Whatever the reason, she wasn’t waiting any longer to experience this man’s lovemaking.  Too many nights she’d lain awake wondering, her body throbbing with curiosity and need. 

Tonight, she was going to find out everything.

She heard Malik’s deep voice repeat her command and a moment later, he put the phone back down. 


Leaning back against the sofa, he watched Jina as she fumbled with the tie of her wrap dress.  She was nervous, but she was beautiful.  She’d told him they would eat later, so they were going to eat later.  And he was going to feast on this woman for a long, long time. 

“I hope you had a snack before I picked you up,” he told her as he pushed away from the sofa, walking towards her.  “You’re not going to be eating for a while.”

Jina smiled slightly at that warning.  She didn’t really believe him, but nor did she care.  He was finally coming towards her and her fingers trembled, both with anticipation and nerves. 

“Keep going,” he commanded, watching her carefully.  She was adorable, he thought.  Well, adorable in a sexy, beautiful, must-have-her kind of way.


Jina hesitated, her eyes unable to look away from him.  Her fingers actually tangled in the knot, making it worse as she tried to get it undone.  “I think I’ve made a mess of it,” she finally told him, biting her lip with frustration.  “I wanted to be all sexy and confident and simply drop my dress to entice you.” 

He smiled slightly, enchanted by her honesty.  “Oh, you are enticing me, my dear,” he told her and stepped closer, easily releasing the knot then stepping back again.  “Proceed,” he coaxed. 

Jina held the material together, trying to regain that confidence that seemed to have suddenly evaporated.  She took a deep breath and tried, she really did!  But her hands just wouldn’t pull the fabric away.  She wished she was that confident, but…stripping down in front of this man was a bit more daring that she could handle.

Malik took pity on her and stepped closer once again.  “You’re a beautiful woman, Jina,” he told her and took both of her hands, causing her to lose her grip on the dress.  The sides fell open, revealing the lace underneath.

Jina looked up into his eyes as she felt the cold air hit her skin.  When she heard his sharp intake of breath, she felt a resurgence of that illusory confidence.  With shaking fingers, she pushed the material off of her shoulders, letting it drop to the floor. 

Then she waited. 


Malik didn’t move.  He couldn’t.  This woman was more beautiful than he’d thought possible.  He’d felt all of her curves over the past several weeks, but the woman standing in front of him was more.  So much more!  Her breasts were full, straining against the material and her stomach curved softly before flaring out to full hips and long, long legs.  How a woman who barely topped five feet, six inches could have legs that long, he had no clue.  But at this point, he didn’t care. 

His eyes moved back up to her face, stopping at all the lovely female parts of her once again.  “I agree.  Dinner can wait.”

A moment later, he lifted her into his arms and kissed her, making her toes curl with the erotic sensations.  When her feet were once again touching the carpeting, his hands were free to move, sliding up her almost naked body and leaving a trail of fire in their wake. 

While his mouth made love to hers, one of his fingers slid up her arm, hooking the strap of her lace bra and pulling it downward, revealing her breast to his hungry gaze. 

She gasped when she felt his thumb flick her already hard nipple and pulled away, her fingers clutching at his shirt for support. 

“Pink,” he commented. 

“What’s pink?” she asked, breathing hard and trying to understand what was happening to her.  She’d always been reserved but right at this moment, all she wanted to do was pull his clothes off and feel his bare chest against her body, to feel him move against her in the way that only he could do to her. 

BOOK: The Sheik's Baby Surprise
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