Read The Scandalous Billionaires Collection Online

Authors: Drew Sinclair

Tags: #hot romance, #steamy romance, #billionaire romance, #billionaire boss, #billionaire series, #billionaire bad boys series, #billionaire collection, #billionaire bundle, #billionaire alpha male, #billionaire bad boy, #billionaire bad boys, #billionaire romance collection, #billionaire steamy romance, #billionaire alpha male romance, #billionaire alpha romance

The Scandalous Billionaires Collection (70 page)

"No, no, no." She moaned. This was going to
be too much, she had avoided touching them because of the threat of
pain, but all she could feel now was the thrill of sexual
excitement and his hands were working relentlessly higher.

"I want those breasts." His words were
garbled as his chin and lips pressed to her abdomen, the vibration
of his words going through her and causing even more excitement.
Her back arched as he unhooked her bra and his straining lower
abdomen pressed against her pubic mound. Her body strained against
his, her legs spreading wider as she searched for the top of his
belt with her feet to push his pants down; she could already feels
his massive erection pressing hungrily to the muscles of her pelvic
floor and to the bare sensitive beginning of her butt. She needed
him inside her

His hands came to her breasts at last, just
as her legs lengthened and to push his pants and shorts down to his
ankles. His manhood sprang up and she felt the hot, raw tip of his
cock strain against her. She needed to take it inside her fast, not
leave it outside in the cold, but with his hands mercilessly
squeezing, caressing and massaging her excruciatingly sensitive
breasts she couldn't focus. Already the shudders of pre-cursive
orgasm were rocking her and that voice she could hear screaming was
her own. His lips and tongue were now on her breasts and her mind
became a wordless scream of thrilling pleasure. At last his cock
found its way inside her and plunged deeply within, causing her
screams to stop as the breath was snatched from her lungs.

Now there was only the exquisite sound of
their bodies together, soft involuntary moans of lust and
unrestrained pleasure as the bare back of his cock slid lovingly
across her moist, soaking clit again and again and again; her hips
lifting from the soft rug as he strained to satisfy his own long
restrained lust for the body and soul of the woman gorging herself
on him from below.

Surely there could be no greater pleasure in
the world than this?




It was a while before either of them noticed
the soft knocking at the door.

"Is everything okay in there? You guys are
very quiet?" It was Suzy.

Bella looked down and saw how much they had
left the room in disarray; the rug was twisted up, the cover on her
baby book had been torn off and the book itself was creased and
bent. A chair had been knocked over and there were articles of
clothing everywhere.

"Just a minute." She croaked. "We're…

"It's okay. I'll come back later."

"Okay, great, just uh… ten minutes."

"Not a problem."

Was Suzy laughing to herself outside? Bella
smiled, embarrassed even though Harrison looked to be unconscious
and there was no-one else around. She had been screaming at the top
of her lungs. If she thought for one second that the whole house
didn't know what had just happened then she was kidding

She looked around again and a bright shaft of
sunlight came through the bay windows and lit up the whole room.
Out of nowhere tears of relief and happiness welled up in her

Is this it?
She thought.
Is it all
really over?

Harrison moved and grunted. He was still
hard, still inside her and it felt as thrilling as ever, but they
would have to repeat the pleasure some other time.

"Hey gorgeous." He murmured into her neck.
"I've been waiting for that for a long time." He pressed his lips
to her throat, ready to fire up the engines of love all over again
but as much as Bella craved it she began to push the hulking man
from her. He was so very, very big.

"Suzy is outside." She said.

"Suzy can wait." He said into her neck.

"Come on Harrison, the place is wrecked, we
need to straighten things up."

"Do we?" He stayed exactly where he was,
pulsating inside her, the sound of each others' breath hot in their

"God damn it." He finally said, pushing
himself up and then slowly drawing himself out causing her to
writhe one more time. "You're right." He looked down at her exposed
abdomen and placed his hand gently over her navel. "Sorry little

"Or girl." Bella pulled him up.

"Yeah, of course. Sorry little baby, hope
that wasn't too rough for you but mommy and daddy haven't been
together in a long time."

The words 'mommy and daddy' almost broke
Bella. It was the first time he had spoken like that. Yes, the
dream was coming true; a dream she had never even dared to think

Harrison looked for his pants and began to
dress himself. Bella looked around for her laced panties but
couldn’t see them anywhere.

"We have just a little more to go and then we
can put this whole thing behind us." He said as he pulled his shirt
back on over his rippling shoulders and perfectly cut six pack.

He sounded nonchalant but the words sent an
ominous shadow across Bella's heart.

"A little more to go?"

"That's right Bella. These people need to go
to jail for what they've done to you. We need to have them
arrested, press charges--"

"Can't we just let them go Harrison? I'm so
tired of all this. Just tell them they won’t be getting anything
more from us and to leave us alone. Then we can forget about them
and just concentrate on us and on the baby. On our family."

The word family almost choked her up

"I'd love to, but it's not that simple. They
haven't just stolen personal property from us, they have corporate
information as well. Information that was on a memory stick at my
apartment when Stacy came to visit you. It was an oversight on my
part, but we'll figure it out. If they release it then they've lost
everything. They won't get any money and they'll go to jail. But as
long as they have it I can't do anything to them. I need to get
that back and I need to know I've got every copy they've made."

Bella felt herself sinking again. It seemed
she was nothing but a curse on this strong and good man. Every time
he saved her she just dragged him down even deeper into a world she
wasn't smart enough to free herself from.

"How can you ever be sure." She

"Sure of what?"

"Sure that you have every copy they ever

"Don’t worry about that. They're under 24
hour surveillance both physical and electronic. Anything that goes
in or out of that apartment on the net or on the cell phone network
gets caught. If they have copies they're still inside those four
dingy walls and sooner or later we'll get them. Trust me, the FBI
couldn’t do a better job. Marsha is in charge and she has an NSA,
CIA and special ops background. Steve and Stacy don’t have a

He sounded so confident and yet they had
outwitted him before by exploiting his seemingly single greatest
weakness; his obsession and love for her. Maybe that avenue was no
longer available to them but nevertheless, they had gotten access
to his information, extorted his money, stolen his personal
property and sold his personal information to the gossip press.
Marsha sounded good on paper but was she really doing her job so

"What are they asking for?" It pained her to

"They want one million. In cash."

The color drained from her face. Harrison
said it so casually, as though it were a few hundred dollars, and
maybe to him it was, but to Bella, she couldn't fathom that amount
of money going to such evil undeserving people.

Worst of all, it was entirely her fault.

"Is the information worth that much?"

"Ten times that amount, but they don't know

"Is it really worth it to pay it to

"It's not the money I'm worried about.
They'll go to jail alright, no doubt about that. Back where they
belong. A second chance isn't enough for some people."

He came over, picked her up from the floor
and straightened her hair. The feeling of being loved, cherished
and protected was almost unbearable; no-one since her mother had
treated her like that, but her mother wasn't a six foot four hunk
of raw sexuality that had just made love to her like a God on
Viagra. She still had no panties on and could see no sign of them
anywhere. Maybe Suzy could wait another ten or twenty minutes after

Harrison kissed her and she was ready for him
again, but he pushed her gently away and his expression was very

"It's the conditions Bella. That's what
worries me. They want
to hand over the cash."

Bella's focus returned. She had no desire to
see either of those people ever again but if it would help the man
she adored to free himself from their web of control once and for
all then she would do it.

"It's not a problem." She said. "Tell me what
I need to do."

"Not a chance." He said instantly, his voice
cracking with uncharacteristic emotion. He hugged her tight and
spoke the words softly into her ear. "I just got you back again.
Both of you. I don’t plan on losing either of you ever again."

"You won't." She replied, hugging him even
tighter and biting her lip with emotion as she spoke the words.
"But they don't want me. All they want is that money. This is the
easiest way out of this mess."

"I've already told them to go to hell.
There's no way they're getting anywhere near you. So forget about
it; it's not happening."

She released her hold on him, painfully.
Holding him was the best feeling she could have in the world right
now and she needed it for herself and for the tiny life inside her,
but he also needed to understand.

"I want to do it. I have to."

"That's nonsense. Nobody has to do anything
here. They aren't calling the shots, we are."

"That's not how it looks to me Harrison. They
have your data, whatever it is, and they can release it or sell it
do whatever they want with it. You're in a vulnerable position and
it's all because of me."

"None of this is your fault. You can't be
held responsible for their greed and stupidity."

"But I brought them to you and now I'm going
to help you to get rid of them. I'll do anything it takes."

"You're two months pregnant Bella, this isn't
good for you or for the baby."

"All I have to do is hand over a bag and
collect a memory stick. It's easy. I know Stacy well. She won't
hurt me. She may resent me for not being her friend outside of jail
but she would never physically hurt me. And as for Steve? All he
wants is money. One million dollars? Maybe you don't realize how
much that is to the rest of us, but if he's smart he can live on
that forever. Why would he try to hurt me?"

"He'll take that money whatever way he can
get it, believe me. You don’t need to be there."

"I'm going Harrison. Either you let me do
this or you can forget about us being together."

"That's not happening either."

"You think you can control the whole world
Harrison Demovic, don't you?"

"Only my world, most of the time and only
because it's true. I just want to help the people I love and you
are the most important thing in the world to me right now."

She watched his eyes, reading his pain; pain
caused by her. Just a few weeks ago this man was truly in control
of his world but slowly, from the day he met her, things had become
unraveled and now he was caught up in a web of deceit unlike any
other he had ever experienced.

She couldn't let this happen.

She would leave him forever and disappear,
just like her mother had, without a trace, before she would allow
his whole life to be ruined.

"This is out of your control." She said, with
a steely tone to her voice that made him pay attention. "You have
your choice. Do it your way and risk having your data splashed all
over the papers or sold to your rivals a bit at a time, or allow me
to end this now. I brought this… this evil into your world, so let
me take it out again. Please. I need to do this."

Harrison glared, his breathing was heavy and
hard as he weighed up the options in his mind. He understood the
will to make good, to make restitution for that things you felt
responsible for. If that's what Bella truly wanted then he couldn’t
deny it.

"You'll be surrounded at all times." He said.
"By people who you won't even know are there. You'll have a wire
and a panic button."

"None of that is necessary."

you will do exactly as you are
told, for once in your Goddamn life."

The look of flustered exasperation on
Harrison's normally unflappable face was priceless, adorable. Bella
put her hands to his broad shoulders and pressed her lips to

"Maybe just this time." she said.

There was a soft knock at the door.

"Are you guys ready for me yet?" Suzy was
outside again.

"Sure, come on in." Harrison said before
Bella could stop him. The chair was still on its side, her book
still crushed and she hadn't found her panties.

Suzy poked her head around the door and

"Well, well, well." She said slowly as she
crossed the room towards them. "I guess I can take it that you guys
are an item again."

Harrison looked around and then pushed his
hand through his badly tousled, post sex hair.

"What are you talking about Suzy? Because
there's a chair on the ground you think we're suddenly got back
together? I think you're reading a little too much into the
situation here."

"Oh I don't know." She said folding her arms
and letting one curvy hip stick out provocatively to one side. "My
intuition is pretty good for these things."

"Well maybe you shouldn't jump to conclusions
so fast based only on intuition." Bella said looking nervously
around her.

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