Read The Scandalous Billionaires Collection Online

Authors: Drew Sinclair

Tags: #hot romance, #steamy romance, #billionaire romance, #billionaire boss, #billionaire series, #billionaire bad boys series, #billionaire collection, #billionaire bundle, #billionaire alpha male, #billionaire bad boy, #billionaire bad boys, #billionaire romance collection, #billionaire steamy romance, #billionaire alpha male romance, #billionaire alpha romance

The Scandalous Billionaires Collection (49 page)

BOOK: The Scandalous Billionaires Collection
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"The laptop is over there." She said. "You'll
find what you want on the memory stick. It's the only existing
copy--it's not even saved on the hard drive. You can check it for
yourself and then take the stick with you. There's nothing else on

"Nothing on there except pictures of me?"

She felt her face begin to redden and burn.
Only Zach had this power over her.

"I never looked at them. Not once. I

He left her struggling to finish the sentence
for a moment and then walked to the small living room table and the
laptop. He pulled up a chair and sat down.

"Show me." He said.

"It's all ready to go. Just click it and
you'll see what you need to see."

"I want you to show me. I want to see part
where you can see my scar. The moment you figured out that we
shared something more than just lust."

He said the words without any inflection,
without any emphasis, as though their lust for each other was open,
accepted and entirely unavoidable.

"I'll be happy to." She said, wanting nothing
more than to slap his arrogant, controlling face. She had punched
him in the balls once and watched him double over in pain. He
wasn't so tough that she couldn't get to him if she wanted to.
Anyway, why should she be embarrassed? He was the one naked and
aroused in the footage, not her. And he was the one who wanted to
see it in her presence, not her. So why was she feeling so damned
embarrassed and ashamed?

She sat down next to him, clicked play and
then looked down at the desk.

"Stop there." He said.

"It hasn't even started yet."

"Don’t look down at the table. You need to
watch this with me and tell me when exactly you can see the

"You're a control freak Zachary. You might
want to tell me what to do, but in fact you have no right to do so
at all."

"You've been hiding footage of me walking
around naked for six months. I don't think I'm the one doing the
controlling Suzy. I wouldn't be here, in your home if not for this.
The least you can do is face up to what you've done here. You can
be a coward and walk away or you can put this to rest by taking me
through right now and simply reassure me that this is how you found
out about what happened between us."

"Can't you even bring yourself to say you
donated a kidney to me? Or is it too hard to admit that you did
something so completely selfless for another human being?"

"Reassure me that this is the way that you
found out about my donating a kidney to you." He said without
missing a beat.

Of course. Zachary Demovic. Master of
concealing his feelings.

She hit play again and heard the sound of her
own stupid voice, like some annoying teenager playing a prank.

'This is you walking buck naked into
bedroom at 3am.'

Zachary didn't say a word as Suzy watched him
walk fully naked towards the camera. She wanted to look away but
she couldn’t. She knew he would object and she also knew the video
would be deleted forever after tonight; this would be her last
chance to ever see it again.

'Just look at yourself.' She heard herself
say. She never dreamed he would be sitting next to her listening to
her as she spoke those words.

"I'm so sorry Zachary."

"Just listen." He said. She went silent again
as the grainy sound of his voice on the computer screen began to
repeat the words she knew by heart already.

'I've got to admit it,' his sleepy voice
rumbled, 'you really have got to me Suzy. I underestimated you from
the start, thinking I could just fuck you and get away with it. But
you've outsmarted me at every turn and now I want you so bad I
can't even admit it to myself.'

'I'm… I'm sorry about this Zach, but you need
to see what goes on when your asleep, that's all.'

Thank God she had said something nice,
something to mitigate just how terrible all this looked.

'I can't help myself when you're around." He
continued. 'It's something I can see in your eyes, something in
your smile and then when you take me on, tussle with me, fight me
back and turn the tables, god I fucking want you--in my life and in
my bed.'

Suzy was trembling, just as she had been when
she had made the recording.

"I'm so, so sorry Zach." She whispered
echoing her words from the computer screen.

'If I can't have you then you better just go
away. Far away.' This was the point at which he reached out and
touched her and the breathless moan she gave in response made it
evident from the recording.

'I've never wanted a woman the way I want

"It's here." She said, interrupting the
video. She didn’t want to watch any further. There wasn't much to
see after this point anyway but she was sure that with the volume
up that they would be able to hear pretty clearly what was going on
and that most of it would her amorous responses to his touch.

The slightly blurred picture of Zachary's
muscular ass was emblazoned on the screen for both of them to see
with just a hint of her thighs coming out to surround him. The scar
on his side was plainly obvious. She glanced at him and was shocked
to see that the most tightly self-controlled man she had ever known
looked as though he was coming undone at the seams. He was watching
her intently and not even paying attention to the computer

"Keep going." He said tightly.

"Zachary, really, there's nothing else."

"Then there's no problem. Hit play."

She took a deep breath and clicked to
continue, not quite sure exactly what to expect.

The images became confused at this point as
the phone hit the bed but the sound remained clear, and it was her
voice, moaning softly as her breath mixed
together with his rhythmic pulsing desire. The sounds of her
desperate, aching response to his instinctive foreplay then became
louder and as her moans filled the silence in the room she felt the
same heat begin to fill her. She was more acutely conscious of the
male presence next to her than she had ever been of any other human
being in her entire life.

Her mind filled with questions, her pussy
with moisture.

Was he becoming aroused as well? Or was he
simply shocked and disgusted into silence? Was he hating her or
desiring her? There was no way to know. She knew the clip was short
but God how the seconds ticked endlessly by and her damn moaning
never seemed to stop. This was the sound of a woman who wanted her
lover desperately, inviting him to come to her, leading him on with
her desire.

Her breath was shaking and everything felt
confined in her living room, the atmosphere was charged,

'Zachary no.' He voice was gentle and weak--a
pathetic 'no' that in reality was a cry for more.

'Zachary, please.' Now she sounded more

'Zach, you have to stop.' There was the clear
sound of a slap and then Zachary's startled confused voice was
heard again.

'What the...? What are you doing here?'

'I'm in bed, trying to sleep. What are
doing here?' Her own words sounded empty and false.

'Jesus Christ, you let me in here?'

'You came in here, how could I stop you?'

'Don’t believe me? Again? This time I can
show you.' There was a fire in her voice but that fire was
thoroughly extinguished now that she had made good on that promise.
Here he was beside her, watching himself be humiliated by a nobody
with no financial, political or economic power--just a lone female
living on the brink in Queens, New York. It was a hollow victory in
every way.

'What are you talking about?' The footage

'This time I have it all on camera.'

'What are looking for?'

'My phone. You'll see. I have it all here,
Zachary Demovic, room invader and stark, buck naked.'

There was more confused images, mostly
darkness, the ceiling, a flash of nudity and a lot of grunting,
both male and female.

'Oh crap. It's still recording.'

'Give me that thing.'

Suzy remembered the wrestling they that had
ensued as they battled for the phone and felt herself get even more
turned. The fact that her wrestling partner was here right beside
her now, experiencing it all again with her, only made it all the
more intense.

'It's no use Suzy, you can't get away. Just
give me the phone now and we can forget this.'

'No way, it's my phone, my bedroom, so all
you need to do is get out of here.'

There was a moment of silence, darkness and

'You filthy dog.' She screamed and then the
screen went black as the phone went under the bed and the camera
shut off.

The pair sat in silence. Suzy had never felt
so helpless before him as she did at that moment. If he would just
take her in his arms again…

"Show me the last picture." He said, making
her jump despite how low his voice was.

"I can't." She whispered.

"You owe it to me."

She nodded her head and pointed to the little
icon on the computer screen.

"There it is." She said and then jumped up
from her chair. This was too much. The final humiliation. It was
too embarrassing; not for him but for her. The bastard was shaming
her for his own pleasure and as much as she probably deserved it
she still couldn't bear his desire to always be in control, always
be the winner.

Unless it was with his arms wrapped around
her and his cock buried in her vagina.

She ran to her bedroom and left him in front
of the computer. She sat there in silence for about fifteen
minutes, waiting for his reaction, but he never came to her and
never said a word.

When she finally she ventured out into the
living room again it was empty.

He was gone.

She looked at the laptop. The memory stick
was still plugged in, the files were still there. Zachary hadn't
deleted a thing.

But he had left a note pinned to the


Chapter Nineteen

The venue was exquisite and Suzy would have expected
nothing less; Manhattan rooftop Michelin star dining with the all
the midtown skyscrapers serving as back drop for the lucky diners'
meal. Under any other circumstances she might have been impressed
but today she felt numb. She had often heard Melissa tell her about
clients who dealt with their real feelings by blocking them out and
the result was a kind of emptiness. She guessed that this was what
she was experiencing now.

She sat down to wait. It was 9pm but despite
the late hour she had dressed for business rather than pleasure.
There was no sign of Zachary so she took out the note he had left
for her to read it through one more time.

'Say nothing to anyone. My car will pick you
up at 8.15pm tomorrow. Be ready.'

It wasn't much to go on.

She ordered a dirty martini. She didn't
usually drink but she needed this one to steady her nerves. It had
been a tense day. Zachary hadn't shown up in the center and her
boss had been shocked by her refusal to accept the position she had
been offered. She had been even more baffled and disappointed when
Suzy refused to explain why.

Suzy felt an electricity crackle around her
and instantly knew that Zachary was approaching. He was wearing his
inscrutable billionaire mask, the one that drove her wild with
speculation, frustration and desire.

"Thanks for coming." He said.

"You didn't exactly give me a choice."

He raised an eyebrow, as though he had no
idea what she was talking about.

"You're here of your own free will Suzy, as
always. I've never forced you to do anything."

"Then why doesn't it ever feel like

He passed over her question with an enigmatic

"I do have something to ask of you now
though." He said.

"Ask? Or demand? Or blackmail? Or all

He took a deep breath. Was he still smiling?
The dim, romantic lighting left everything to the imagination.

"You may have noticed that I didn't delete
any of your files last night."

"So what's the catch?"

"There's no catch Suzy. None at all."

"Sure there isn’t. After all, it's only the
Demovic Corporation that's at stake here, not like it's anything

He was up to something, but what it could be
she had no idea. No matter what it was she was still determined not
to go down without a fight. Even if he didn't care about the
footage and eve if she had no will to use it against him, still she
had one card left to play. She could still win and do it honorably.
still win. She knew all about his pet project and
how to make it work for him. It was within her power to have all
the lawsuits taken against him by the protest group dropped
overnight and for work to begin on his university campus tomorrow.
It may not be much but it was all she had and she would leverage it
to the best of her ability if she needed to.

"I trust your discretion with those images
Suzy. They are your property so you must do with them whatever you
see fit. However, there is a choice you have to make."

"Sure. A choice like a gun to the head."

He showed no reaction to her remark.

"I'm not going to pretend that I don't want
you Suzy. That would be absurd."

Her heart began racing again. They couldn't
be together even for a few seconds. She knew now it had been the
right decision to turn down the promotion; anything else was

"And I don't like pretense in other people."
He continued. "Especially not in people that I intend to have in my
life for a long time."

"I hope you're not including me in that." She
said breathlessly.

"I want you to stop fighting and to stop
pretending that you don't feel the same way about me." He said.

BOOK: The Scandalous Billionaires Collection
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