Read The Risqué Contracts Series Online

Authors: Fiona Davenport

Tags: #dirty talking hero, #billionaire romance, #alpha male romance

The Risqué Contracts Series (26 page)

BOOK: The Risqué Contracts Series
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“I love you so fucking much, sweetheart.”

“And I love you more than anything.”


oday was the culmination of the dream I’d had for so many years, and we’d barely made it here in time for me to take the stage before the ceremony began. I wasn’t just graduating with my PhD, I was the valedictorian of my class. Stepping up to the podium, I placed the notecards with my speech in front of me and took a deep breath.

“When I started as a student here, as a freshman working on her undergraduate degree, I’d hoped to honor my parent’s memory.”

As I stared out at the audience, my gaze landed on my sister and my heart swelled with happiness. For too long, it had been her and I alone, united against the world after the deaths of our parents. Now she had Brysen, right by her side today just as he always was. They were surrounded by my three nephews—Gregory sat next to Elisa, who had baby Gavin on her lap, while three-year-old Garreth sat next to his daddy. Gabe and I liked to tease them about their name choices, accusing them of taking all the best boy names starting with the letter G.

My sister’s reply had always been that I wouldn’t need them. When I’d found out I was pregnant with twin girls? Yeah, I told her she made it happen from all her trash talking. Luckily she hadn’t done the same to Brysen’s best friend Maddie, who sat on the other side of Garreth. She was joined by her husband Caleb and their two children. Nathan was perched on his mom’s knee and Rachel on her dad’s.

“I studied hard, taking more than a full course load in the hope that I would graduate early. I was in large part motivated by the need to recognize the sacrifices my sister had made on my behalf. I lived for my studies, wholly focused on my goal.”

I paused and my eyes locked on Gabe’s. He’d taken the end seat in the front row, daring anyone to tell him he had to move. He was determined that he would have the best seat in the house. One with enough space for the double-stroller which held our nine-month-old daughters, Lily and Lacey.

“My eyes were opened to the other possibilities life holds for us the day I walked into my American Lit class during my senior year and met my fate. We married the summer between undergrad and grad school and I had a new purpose. I planned to make him proud, honoring my new last name which I shared with him. Then life threw us a curve ball in the form of the beautiful daughters we had last summer. And today I stand before you knowing you really can have it all. The secret is to simply believe that you already do.”

Bonus Scene: The Wedding

understood the nuances of romance, the depth of love and how it is translated into the written word. I was an English professor, after all. However, no amount of reading or studying would ever have prepared me for the sight of Charlotte walking down the petal strewn aisle of a church dressed in white. Her long blonde hair was weaved with flowers and flowing down her back, her dress clung to her curves until mid-thigh where it widened, and the smile on her face took my breath away. My nose stung as I valiantly fought to keep tears from escaping. She was mine, that perfect woman, and she was about to become my wife.

Charlotte reached the steps to the platform and I met her at the bottom, clasping our hands together and leading her to her spot. She turned to hand her bouquet of yellow and pink flowers to Elisa, who stood behind her as the Matron of Honor.  She faced me again and it took all of my energy not to throw tradition out the window and kiss her. I took both of her hands in mine as the minister began to speak, but I barely heard him. I was awed and completely humbled to be able to call this woman mine in every way imaginable.


y palm slipped down, over the satiny fabric, to land on Charlotte’s delicious ass, but I pulled it away fast when I felt the sting from her slapping my hand away.

“Behave!” she whispered, glancing around the dance floor.

I reluctantly returned it to her waist, grumbling about not being able to touch my damn wife. Charlotte giggled and pulled me closer. “Patience, Gabe.”

I pulled back and glared at her. “Your sister swept you away on Thursday and I’ve barely seen you. I haven’t had you in four fucking days, Charlotte Aldric. Actually, I’ve never had Charlotte Aldric at all. Patience isn’t something I have in abundance right now.” I leaned in close and sucked on the lobe of her ear before practically purring, “As much as I adore dancing with you, holding you in my arms to the music, I need to make love to my wife, sweetheart. And, if we don’t head to our room soon, she’s going to find herself in the nearest room with a door, in a torn dress, being fucked up against a wall.”

Charlotte gasped, but the shiver that ran down her body proved her air intake was from aroused shock rather than outrage. I nuzzled her neck and felt her heartbeat pick up with every kiss and lick on her skin. “We cut the cake, had our first dance, did all of the other traditional stuff, when can we leave?” I could hear the pout in my voice, but I was too far gone in my need for her to care.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked up to see Brysen. “Can I cut in?” he asked, a note of smugness in his voice. What the fuck?

“No,” I growled, hugging Charlotte closer. She whacked me lightly on the shoulder and glanced at me reprovingly before smiling at her brother-in-law and attempting to step towards him. I refused to let her go, returning her glare with a stubborn lift of my chin. Brysen smiled at me, almost evilly, and I recognized his game. Trying to cock-block me on my wedding night? I don’t fucking think so. I grasped Charlotte around the waist and bent slightly to lift her, tossing her over my shoulder. She squeaked in protest but as I strode purposefully from the room, her laughter followed behind us.


es! Oh, Gabe! Yes!” Charlotte’s screams of pleasure spurred me on and I pumped into her with fervor, the headboard banging against the wall with every thrust.


“Squeeze that pussy, sweetheart. Nice and tight around my cock.”


“Come, Charlotte! Now!”


“Oh, fuck!”

Bang! Bang! Bang!

I shouted Charlotte’s name as I exploded into a million pieces. I shuddered violently with the strongest orgasm I’ve ever experienced. My cock pulsed as I spurted come inside her over and over, until at last, I felt emptied and collapsed on top of her.

I knew I should move, my weight had to be crushing my little wife. Wife. I’d waited so fucking long to call her that. I gathered my strength and started to lift off of her, but she squeezed her legs around my waist and tightened her arms. “Stay.”

“I’ll crush you, sweetheart.” I chuckled and compromised by rolling to my back and taking her with me so she was lying on me, my still hard cock deep inside her. I ran my hands over her soft skin, everywhere I could reach, loving the sound of her happy, little sighs.

“I love you, Mr. Aldric,” she murmured sleepily.

“Not nearly as much as I love you, Mrs. Aldric,” I said, kissing the top of her head. We lay there for some time, quiet and contented. I thought about our future, the life we were building together and I wanted to ask her...but I didn’t want to ruin the moment. We’d been avoiding the subject, but I knew we’d have to have the discussion sooner than later.

“I can hear your brain working, Gabe.” She lifted and folded her hands across my chest, then set her chin on them. “What’s got you thinking so hard?”

I hesitated, but she lifted a single eyebrow and her eyes gleamed with determination.

“We haven’t revisited the topic of kids,” I started slowly, gauging her reaction. “I told you, I’m ready to start our family, begin our life together. I don’t want to wait.”

Charlotte studied me in silence for a minute, then sighed, but a gentle smile graced her lips. “I know you’re ready, babe. But, you’ve got to remember, you’re at a different stage in life.”

I frowned. “We’re married, Charlotte. Our lives don’t get any more in synch.”

Charlotte laughed softly. “No. I mean, you’re done with school, have your books published, doing a job you love, simply because you can. I want to be a wife and a mother more than anything else, but it doesn’t mean I don’t have other goals.” She looked at me warily as though waiting for me to interject, so I nodded for her to continue. “How about a compromise?”

At her hopeful expression, a rush of love swept through me and I knew I’d give her anything she wanted. Taking hold of her biceps, I pulled her up so I could kiss her passionately. “No compromise necessary, sweetheart. You tell me when you’re ready, ok?”

Charlotte beamed and kissed me again. I was still buried in her sweet pussy and though my cock hadn’t really gone down, it hardened to fucking steel. She pulled back and squirmed a little, eliciting a half moan, half growl from me.

“I’m not done negotiating. I want my compromise,” she said firmly, with another wiggle.

“You keep doing that and you won’t be negotiating anything, you’ll be too busy screaming.”

Her laughter tinkled throughout the room, sending sparks of warmth into my chest. It was one of my favorite sounds and I couldn’t help but smile.

“How about we wait until I graduate.”

I nodded and moved to take her mouth again but she pushed me away, and damn, she must’ve really wanted a spanking. I didn’t like to be denied her body. “Charlotte,” I warned.

She huffed, then I felt the walls of her pussy clamp down on my dick, and I moaned. “I was going to say, before I was so rudely interrupted, until then, we should practice as much as possible, don’t you think?”

“It’s a fair compromise,” I panted as her pussy squeezed again and she sat up, beginning to rock against me. “Fuck, sweetheart. You look amazing when you ride me.” Her tits were bouncing and I grasped them, her tight little nipples poking my palms. Sitting up slightly, I gave each fair attention, sucking and licking. Charlotte’s movements were becoming frantic, so I lay back down to enjoy the show. I gripped her ass and helped pull her down onto my cock as I thrust up, our flesh smacking together.

“Oh, Gabe, oh yes, yes, Ga-oh yes!” she chanted, her volume escalating until she was shouting.

“That’s right, sweetheart,” I ground out. “Take it. Yeah, oh fuck!”

It didn’t take long for us to reach the peak and we flew off of it together.

There wasn’t a more perfect description of our future. No matter what happened. We’d do it together.

Bonus Scene: Twins!

f you don’t have any additional questions, I’ll see you back again in four weeks.”

I shifted on the exam table, ready to hop down when Gabe’s hand landed on my upper thigh. This was our second appointment with my obstetrician and I’d hoped to get out of here before he asked anything as embarrassing as last time, when he’d quizzed her on how safe sexual activities were while I was pregnant. A simple yes to us being able to have sex hadn’t been enough for him. He’d wanted details about how often, how hard, and what positions were the safest.

“I’ve been reading about ultrasounds to confirm the fetal age and was hoping we could have one done today.”

I groaned and flopped back down, knowing I wasn’t going to get out of here anytime soon. I never thought I’d regret his love for reading, but ever since he’d discovered pregnancy books I’d become leery of what he’d become obsessed with next.

“Since Charlotte’s cycle has always been regular, we’ve already been able to pinpoint her due date within a close margin. I don’t think insurance would consider an ultrasound medically necessary.”

“Then I’ll pay out of pocket for one,” he replied.

The doctor’s brow furrowed as she stared at Gabe. “She doesn’t really need one at this point in the pregnancy and they aren’t exactly cheap.”

I waved my hand at her and rolled my eyes. “You might as well save your breath. If my husband wants me to have an ultrasound, we aren’t leaving here without getting one.”

“You ended up with a stubborn one, huh?” she laughed.

“You have no idea.”

Gabe chuckled at my response, happy now that he knew he was going to get his way. About five minutes passed before a technician came into the exam room, pushing a portable ultrasound machine. Once she got the machine plugged in and set up, she turned towards me and introduced herself.

“I’m going to need to put some of this on your abdomen,” she continued, showing me a bottle of gel and handing me an extra exam gown. “Let’s put this on your lap since your gown is going to be hiked up soon.”

Gabe opened the folded garment and placed it over my legs, pulling it up until it rested just under my belly.

“Thanks,” I murmured, reaching for his hand. I had butterflies in my stomach at the thought of the test. It was probably why Gabe hadn’t told me he planned to ask for one today. He didn’t want to give me time to be nervous.

The ultrasound tech noticed how tightly I gripped his hand and offered me a kind smile. “There’s nothing to worry about. I’m just going to use the wand to get a look at your baby, listen to the heartbeat, and take some measurements.”

“Okay,” I whispered, glancing up to find Gabe peering closely at the monitor.

The tech arranged my gown so my belly was exposed, squirted some gel on it and then moved the wand around before finding what must have been the right spot because a whooshing sound filled the room. “Easy peasy. Your baby is very cooperative today. That’s the baby’s heartbeat.”

She clicked the mouse a couple times, moving the wand around on my belly, and I felt the loss of the connection of hearing my baby’s heartbeat. “Oh, wow. You guys are in for a New Year’s surprise.”

“We are?” I asked worriedly.

“You are,” she confirmed. “Because here’s the other heartbeat.”

heartbeat?” I whispered, my jaw dropping as I peered at the screen.

“I need to sit down,” Gabe muttered, pulling a chair over to collapse onto it.

“Twins,” I breathed out.

“I guess it’s a good thing I insisted on the ultrasound,” Gabe answered, flashing me a smug grin as the doctor walked back into the room. “Did you hear the news already, Doc? It’s twins!”

BOOK: The Risqué Contracts Series
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