Read The Providence of Fire Online

Authors: Brian Staveley

The Providence of Fire (32 page)

BOOK: The Providence of Fire
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Kiel pursed his lips. “Is it time, finally, to die?”

“It's time,” Matol cut in, shards of impatience edging his voice, “to do what you're told.”

The prisoner glanced down at his bound hands, over his shoulder at the armed guard standing behind him.

“It would seem you've given me very little choice. Perhaps you could tell me how long I've been in my cell?”

“Not long enough,” Matol replied. “But you'll have plenty more time to stare at the darkness once we've finished here.”

Kiel considered his interlocutor for a long moment, seemed about to say something more, then turned his attention unexpectedly to Kaden.

“Rampuri and Ekhard I know, but you and I have not met, though I knew your father well.…”

Matol's fist took Kiel in the gut before he could finish speaking, doubling him over.

“Keep your mouth shut and your lies to yourself, or I'll see you spend the next twenty years in a box instead of a cell.”

After a long fit of coughing, the prisoner straightened slowly, then caught Kaden's eye for the barest fraction of a heartbeat.

I knew your father well

Kaden struggled to make sense of the claim. It seemed unlikely, beyond unlikely, but then, what did Kaden really know about his father? Growing up, he had admired Sanlitun with a child's mindless admiration, worshipped him absolutely but ignorantly. Only after he was sent away, years after, did he begin to realize how slenderly he had known the man, how little he understood what drove him, what he wanted or feared.

Kaden had taken strength, through the most dire of his monastic trials, in thinking that his suffering at the hands of the Shin was the same suffering his father had experienced decades before, that the running and digging, carrying and fasting, were actually bringing him closer to Sanlitun, despite the gulf of miles between them, that one day, when Kaden returned to Annur, they would sit down together, one man with another, not just to learn the necessary apparatus of government, but to really talk for the first time.

That possibility had shattered like old crockery when Adiv's treacherous delegation arrived in Ashk'lan. There would be no reunion. No discussion. No meeting as men. Sanlitun hui'Malkeenian remained remote as the graven statue of him that looked down sternly on the Godsway. Kaden had no idea if his father had preferred water or wine, let alone whether or not he would have conferred with the Csestriim. He considered the prisoner once more, the begrimed face, the unwavering eyes. Would Sanlitun hui'Malkeenian have broken bread with such a creature? There was just no way to know.

“May I ask,” Kiel said quietly, when he'd straightened up, “why I am here?” He gestured to the doors leading into the torture cells. “Are you certain it's not for more pain?”

“There is another prisoner,” Tan replied. “One we want you to see.”

A look that might have been curiosity crossed Kiel's haggard face. “One of my kind? Who?”

“That,” Tan said, “is what you are here to tell us.”

*   *   *

It was almost possible, in the dim light of the low-ceilinged cell, to believe that Triste was just resting, that the heavy wooden chair to which she'd been chained was just another chair, that the lanterns had been turned low to accommodate an easier sleep. As Kaden's eyes adjusted, however, he could make out the steel manacles binding her wrists and ankles, the streaks of tears on her grimy face, thin lacerations running the length of her arms. Clearly she had been flogged or whipped.

“Couldn't you give her a cloak?” he asked.

Matol snorted. “Are all you Shin so tenderhearted?” Then, as though to a small child, “This is how torture works. You start on the mind well before you begin with the body.”

Kaden couldn't pull his eyes from that body, from the angry strips of red where the flesh had broken. Horror welled up inside him. The Shin had taught him to deal with emotion, but never in the face of such savagery. When he finally managed to look away from the wounds, he found that Triste had opened her own eyes, that she was staring at him silently in the flickering light.

“Kaden,” she said quietly. His name in her mouth sounded like a plea and an accusation both, and he realized that she had been watching him stare.

He opened his mouth to respond, but no response came. He had no comfort to offer, no promise of reprieve. He still wasn't entirely sure why he had been summoned. “I'm here,” he said finally, the words weak on his tongue. “I'm here.”

“How touching,” Matol observed. “He's here, which means we can get started again. But first…” He motioned curtly, and the two guards holding Kiel shoved him forward as Matol himself reached out, seized Triste by the hair, and twisted her head viciously around.

“Look,” he demanded, shaking her roughly by the hair.

Silent convulsions racked her body. Kaden still wasn't sure what the older men hoped to achieve. It seemed to him that even if Triste and Kiel
both Csestriim, even if they did know each other, they would have the good sense to conceal the fact. On the other hand, the shock of recognition after what might be thousands of years was something you would notice, at least in a human. Did the Csestriim feel surprise? It was too late to ask Tan now. He considered Kiel's face, carving the moving image for later scrutiny.

The Csestriim, for his part, showed nothing more than a bland curiosity, raising an eyebrow.

“A beautiful young woman,” he observed quietly.

“Are you with them?” Triste asked, hope and fear tangled in her voice. “What do you want?”

“No,” Kiel replied, “I am not with them. And I imagine you and I want similar things: freedom, light.”

“Help me,” Triste begged.

“I wish I could,” he said, raising his tied hands, “but as you see, I am powerless to help myself.”

“Why?” she asked.

“This is what they do,” he replied. “But you can take solace in this: Ananshael is stronger than Meshkent; in the end, death will release you from the pain.”

Triste's voice, so lost and baffled just a heartbeat before, went suddenly hard as steel. “Do not presume to lecture me on the ministrations of Meshkent.” She set the words before her like knives, sharp and precise.

Kiel's eyes widened. He tilted his head to one side, evidently interested for the first time in his fellow prisoner. Triste stared defiantly back at him, turned her gaze to Matol, then back to Kiel. She had barely moved, but everything had changed. The terrified girl of moments before had molted away like a dead skin.

“Tell me,” Kiel said quietly. “Tell me about your pain.”

Triste repeated the word slowly. “Pain.” She might have been savoring a bloody cut of meat.

“Yes,” Kiel said again. “When did you first encounter pain?”

Triste laughed, a full-throated, opulent, predatory laugh that made something deep inside Kaden quail. The sound went on and on, filling the tiny room, pressing back against the walls, battering at the stone itself until, abruptly, it was not laughing, but sobbing once again.

“Please let me go,” she whispered, voice ragged. “Please just let me go.”

Matol glanced at Tan. “Anything?”

Tan paused, then shook his head. “Only more of what we have already seen.”

“What about you?” the Ishien commander asked, turning to Kaden. “What do you make of that luscious burst of defiance?”

Kaden took a deep breath, looked inward at the
of the preceding moments
trying to make sense of what he had just witnessed. That shift in Triste's tone, the sudden strangeness in her eyes, the careening between poise and panic … He'd seen something like it back in Ashk'lan, in goats with brain rot. A creature in the advanced stages would stand placidly for hours, empty, angular pupils fixed on the horizon, unresponsive to gentle stroke or vicious strike, to food or speech. Then, with no provocation at all, with no warning, that strange, animal gaze would focus abruptly and the goat would attack anything that moved, charging, thrashing with its hooves, hooking the horns over and over. The diseased creatures had always discomfited Kaden, something about their lack of consistency, of continuity. He had felt the same queasiness in his stomach during Triste's transformation, but he couldn't say that to Matol, not if he ever hoped to convince the man to set Triste free.

“I think she's exhausted,” he said finally, keeping his voice level, matter-of-fact. “I think she's terrified. You want to see a Csestriim, and so that's what you find. All I see is a frightened young woman who has done nothing to deserve this. I see you breaking a friend of mine.”

It was several leagues wide of the truth, but the Ishien commander didn't seem to notice. He just spat onto the stone floor.

“What in 'Shael's name have the Shin been teaching you?”

“To observe,” Kaden replied.

“Obviously not.”

He turned abruptly from Kaden, gestured to the guards to pull Kiel back into the shadows, then focused once more on Triste.

“Too bad for you,” he said, addressing the woman. “I thought we'd try something new, but it looks like we're back to doing things the old-fashioned way.”

He waved a hand, and another guard, one who had been standing in the shadows, stepped forward. Smirking, he handed over a wooden box. It clanked ominously when Matol set it on the rough table next to the slab. He flipped the lid, and paused for a moment, looking from Triste to the tools and back again.

“Do you have any requests?” he asked, arching an eyebrow. “I'll tell you what—you can pick the body part, and I'll pick the tool.”

Triste shook her head weakly in protest. “No,” she pleaded. “Please, no.”

“No?” He pursed his lips. “You want to pick the tool and I pick the body part? We can do it that way if you want, but I don't recommend it. Better for you to pick the body part.”

“Kaden,” Triste panted, twisting in the chair, pulling against her restraints until blood trickled, black and thick, down the flesh of her wrists.

“Yes,” Matol agreed amiably. “That's Kaden. Although it'll be harder to recognize him after we go to work on your eyes.”

Kaden turned to Tan. “You have to stop this.”

The monk shook his head. “What Matol does is necessary. The girl is not what you think.”

“It doesn't matter what I think—” Kaden began, but Matol's scream cut him off.

“One more
fucking WORD
about stopping and I will chain you to the wall behind her and burn off your sad little cock just for the fucking
of it.

“No,” Kaden said, forcing himself to stand straight, to meet the man's eye. “I do not understand. I don't understand either your obsession, which looks like blindness, or your methods, which don't work.”

“Kaden,” Tan cut in, voice sharp with warning. “You are not here to judge.”

Kaden shook his head. “What
I here for?”

“You were here,” Matol said, voice rising, neck bulging, “to tell us something fucking useful.

“I told you what I saw, but you are unable to listen.”

Matol looked ready to seize him by the throat, to hurl him to the ground and choke the life out of him. And then, with horrifying suddenness, the snarl vanished. The tendons in his neck and hands loosened. He was smiling, a wide, toothy smile. The emotional swings were almost more frightening than the rage itself. It seemed as though something had come loose inside the man, unlatched, like a stable door blasted open by a storm, hung on a single, rusted hinge, slamming open and shut, open and shut, over and over and over.

“You could help,” Matol suggested finally, waving a long serrated blade in Kaden's direction. He frowned at the blade, then seemed to think better of it. “Now that I think about it, never mind. You'd probably just fuck it up. Take off a whole leg or a tit or something and have her bleed out.”

“Observe,” Tan murmured to Kaden. “Enter the
if you must.”

Kaden tried to still his pulse enough to find the trance, but the sick twist in his gut nagged at him until he thought he would be ill. Matol hemmed and hawed for a while, fiddled with a vicious variety of blades, hooks, and small vises, before tossing everything back in the box and selecting a lamp from its hook on the wall instead.

“Fire,” he grinned. “Sometimes I get so carried away with the tools that I forget about fire.”

With a practiced motion he unscrewed the base from the glass shield until the naked flame, hissing and reeking of low-grade oil, licked at the air. Triste's eyes widened. She started to moan.

“Please,” she begged. “I've
you everything.”

“You have not,” Matol replied, testing the flame with his finger, then wincing at the heat.

“What do you

“I want to know where you learned to read Csestriim script.”

Triste's eyes took on a desperate, hunted look. “In the temple,” she managed. “They taught me everything, everything but the high mysteries. Every
learns languages, sometimes more than a dozen.” She was babbling, terrified. “Men come from all over Eridroa and Vash, all over the world.…”

Matol shook his head. “You told me earlier that you didn't know where you learned it.”

“I forgot! There was so much I learned—music, dancing, language. They taught me a little. I remember now, a few words when I was very young!”

She twisted against her bonds as she spoke.
Kaden told himself.
Just observe.
He threw himself into the Carved Mind, etching the strokes of the
as the scene unfolded, using the discipline as a shield against what was taking place.

BOOK: The Providence of Fire
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