The Plume: The First Anthology (30 page)

"Walnuts?" the Count echoed, lifting a dark brow.

"I like how their round corners rub against the labia," Athena said. She drank a bit more brandy and strode around the table to reach the condiments.

"I shall have to remember that," the Count said softly. Athena glanced up in time to catch the anticipation in his gaze. He saluted her with his brandy, then drained the glass, moving around the table with leisurely purpose. "Now, which do you think will orgasm first? Perhaps a little contest between old friends?" He smiled.

Athena smiled, her competitive spirit rising. "Good idea." She'd show the Count how much she'd learned about giving pleasure and denying release. She'd prove to him that she'd moved beyond his games and manipulation.

Athena wouldn't consider the possibility that she was trying to prove it to herself.


* * *


Tess was wrapped in rope and swinging captive in a hammock in her stall, her body humming and her soul completely content. It was Wednesday night and she'd spent a full day at the mercy of Tex and his cowboys.

She'd been right – the stables were paradise.

Tex was watching her, his hands propped on his hips and a smile playing over his lips.

"Blindfold or not?" he asked.

"I have a choice?"

Tex grinned. "Some slaves find it easier to sleep with one. It's one choice I'll give you."

"You choose for me," Tess said, smiling at him. "I think you know best."

He didn't reply but touched his ear, listening. Tess had noticed that he wore a small earpiece and the glint in his eyes told her that he was getting a message.

"Show time," he whispered to her, then lifted her out of the hammock. In a matter of seconds, she was bent over several bales of hay and her arms had been retied behind her back. Her ankles were still bound, but Tex had reknotted the rope so that her ankles were crossed. "Spread 'em wide," he instructed in a low voice and she did as she was told.

"What do you mean by show time? What's going on?" Tess whispered.

"Feel free to scream when I start," Tex muttered. "It'll bring him right to us."

Tess's heart skipped as Tex lifted a bullwhip from the wall. He was listening to something, his pose tense. Mark must be here. And Tex was going to fight for her.

Tess knew who she wanted to win.

Tex held up his free hand, three fingers held high.

Two fingers.

Then one.

The whip cracked, the tip of it snapping across Tess's bare butt. She screamed, because it did sting. She heard running footsteps, then the whip cracked again. This time, she felt the breeze of the leather tip missing her skin, but she screamed anyway.

The door was thrown open and Mark was there, dressed like a ninja. Even though he was all in black, she could see his erection and dared to hope. His hood covered only the lower half of his face. She saw his eyes widen at the sight of her. He swore, and when she looked lower, his dick had gone limp.

"Tess!" Mark lunged toward her, apparently too distressed to think clearly.

That was his mistake.

Tex jumped Mark from behind. They fought hard, but Tex had surprise on his side. He took Mark down, then straddled him, holding him face down. He bound his hands together with rope, then ripped off his clothes. Mark swore and struggled, but Tex shoved Mark's own leather glove into his mouth. Mark sputtered, but Tex forced his captive to his feet. Once again, he tossed the rope over the rafters, tying Mark so that he was standing tall with his hands bound over his head.

Mark's erection was raging again. He tried to kick at Tex, but Tex slapped his erection hard.

"I'm in charge here," he growled.

To Tess's astonishment, Mark got even harder. He was fuming then, his eyes snapping and his face getting red. He fought Tex until the slaps on his penis compelled him to hold his ground and fume. His muscles were taut and he looked fabulous.

Tex strolled around his captive, then caught him from behind. He kicked Mark's feet apart, grabbed his pelvis, then drove his cock into Mark's anus.

Tess could almost taste Mark's shock.

She saw him struggle with new vigor and his dick get even harder.

"This is how it's going to be," Tex whispered in Mark's ear, even as he pumped slowly inside him. "You can come to save your slave, but I'll always be here, waiting." He paused for a moment, letting Mark shudder. "Sometimes you'll catch me and sometimes I'll catch you, but I'm not going to let her get away easily."

Mark struggled and moaned. He flailed but couldn't escape.

And he was so hard that Tess knew he loved it.

She also liked Tex's solution. She flung herself off the hay bales, then wriggled across the floor toward them.

"What a view," Tex murmured appreciatively.

"You were hoping," Tess charged and his smile flashed. She knelt before Mark and his magnificent erection.

Mark was visibly freaked, but Tess didn't care.

His cock couldn't lie.

When she took him in her mouth, she felt his shudder of surrender. She felt Tex move and synchronized her motions to his, liking how they made a steady slow rhythm together.

Exactly what would drive Mark wild. He moaned and fought, but he was theirs and he knew it. Even better – he wanted it this way.

Tess was sure that Tex's solution was going to work out just fine.


* * *


By Friday night, Joanna was head over heels in love. Mike had claimed her every day during the week, each time in some new, unexpected and fabulous way. She'd never look at the stairwell in the office or the copy room the same way again.

Their relationship was infinitely better than what she'd had with the Master: she liked that she knew Mike in other ways, and also that she was learning what pleased him. The intimacy of their partnership increased every time that they were together. She was disappointed that he had a night out with the boys on Friday, but on the other hand, it gave her time to appreciate him more.

As well as think of a way to reciprocate on the weekend. Mike had been a member of the Plume for a long time and this fact was beginning to worry Joanna more and more. He was used to a lot of variety, plus he was the kind of person who liked to take chances. As much as she'd enjoyed this intense week, she was afraid that Mike would get bored with her.

Joanna had to ensure that she was Mike's dream lover, not just for now but forever. He was everything she wanted in a guy. He was handsome and in great shape. He was thoughtful and protective of her. He made her laugh and had a wicked sense of humor. He appreciated her, but he also pushed her to try new things – as a person who wasn't naturally adventurous, Joanna understood that Mike was good for her.

Never mind that having this much great sex was phenomenal. She felt more confident and more sexy, more bold. She knew she was happier, too, and more easygoing even under deadline pressure at work.

So, Joanna had to find a way to keep Mike from yearning to return to the Plume.

Louise had gone out on a date for the evening, and Joanna was glad to be on her own. It was an awful night, with December rain slanting against the living room window. The street outside the apartment window was dark and slick, and the rain sounded cold against the pane.

She shut the drapes and lit some candles, then treated herself to a long and luxurious bath. She smiled, realizing that she'd never pampered her body so much or indulged in pleasure so much since going to the Plume. On impulse, Joanna used the body wash from the Plume, because it made her skin tingle.

She lounged in the tub, thinking about the way that the Master had awakened her to her own desires. Rex. His name was Rex, Mike had told her and it sounded like the two of them knew each other well. She didn't really want to know how well, although she could guess. She'd made a mistake, calling the Master by Mike's name that time, but in the end, Rex had fulfilled her desire.

He'd ensured that her fantasy came true.

Mike said that guessing what people really wanted and giving it to them was Rex's talent, which got Joanna to wondering how she could return the favor. If she hadn't met Rex, she wouldn't have indulged her own secret urges. If Rex hadn't put her and Mike together, she would still be dutifully working beside Mike, longing for more and not knowing how to get it.

Probably never changing a thing.

Joanna got out of the bath and dried herself off. She knew she didn't want to return to the Plume. Having many anonymous partners didn't really appeal to her. She liked what was developing with Mike. Would Mike want to return to the Plume together one day? Would he want her to go with him? Should she ask him?

Keys turned in the lock of the door to the apartment. Louise. Already. Joanna winced, hating that her friend had obviously had another bad date. She wished Louise didn't go out on so many blind dates, but her roommate was both a romantic and an idealist.

She also wished that she didn't feel obligated to sit and listen to a recounting of the entire evening. She wanted to be a good friend, but tonight, she was thinking about Mike.

That she couldn't talk to Louise about her own worries just made her more reluctant to join her roommate in the kitchen.

"I'll be out in a second," Joanna said, resigned to it and trying to sound cheerful. "Make some tea and you can tell me all about it."

Joanna turned to hang up her towel and heard the bathroom door open behind her. She gasped when she was caught up from behind. A man's arm locked around her waist, trapping her arms against her side, and his other hand clapped over her mouth. Joanna squirmed instinctively, but he trapped her legs between his and leaned against the vanity. He held her against his muscled strength. As she struggled, she felt his erection against her butt.

She looked in the mirror and her heart nearly stopped. A man in a black leather hood held her captive and watched her, his grip sure upon her. His eyes shone through the holes in the mask, and she could see his victorious smile where the hood was open around his mouth. He was wearing a black leather jacket and gloves. The leather was cold and beaded with rain water. He wore dark jeans and boots.

Keys jingled and she glanced down at the arm wrapped around her waist. A key ring dangled from his index finger.

It was the key ring she'd given to Mike with the keys to her apartment.


Joanna closed her eyes as relief weakened her knees.

She met his gaze and wasn't sure whether he winked or not. He tightened his grip around her, though, and bent to kiss her neck. He had a day's growth of beard and the stubble tickled against her skin, as well as making him look more disreputable.

"What a bonus on a busy night of breaking and entering," he growled into her throat. It
Mike. "Behave yourself, beautiful, and we'll have a good time."

But acquiescence wasn't part of her fantasy. Joanna began to fight him. She tried to bite his hand through his glove, without success, and writhed in his grip. As she wriggled her hips against his, she felt his erection get bigger.

He liked to wrestle, too. Joanna knew her eyes were sparkling with the promise of this game.

"So, it's going to be rough," he whispered.

She met his gaze in the mirror and nodded once. She saw the flash of his smile, then began to struggle against his grip with all her might. She knew she wouldn't win, but she wanted to be claimed.

Knowing Mike would never hurt her not only made the game possible, but guaranteed that it was everything she'd wanted it to be. Her captor had a face and a name, and was a man she loved.

This was like the Plume, but a thousand times better.


* * *


Mike couldn't believe how strong Joanna was, much less how hard she fought him. He was astounded that she really wanted this to be rough – and was amazed by how her struggle aroused him. She smelled fabulous, and her skin was both soft and warm. He liked the contrast between her fair skin and the black leather he wore, as well as the look of his gloved hands on her.

He dragged her from the bathroom and threw her on the couch. She gasped but he straddled her, his hand locking over her mouth so quickly that she didn't manage to scream. He held his palm against her lips, pushing her head down into the padded couch. Her eyes were shining with a delight that made him want to wrestle all night long.

She twisted and bit, kicking her legs, but she couldn't make a sound or dislodge him. With his free hand, Mike grabbed the roll of black electrical tape that he'd left on the end table, in preparation for this moment. He removed the hand that kept her silent and quickly put a length of tape over her mouth.

The move shocked her, which made Mike grin. He loved the expression of surprise on Joanna's face, because she always also looked so turned on.

He had to make sure he kept it that way.

Mike had her wrists taped together before her in a flash, since surprise was on his side. He sat back, bracing his weight over her thighs, and she sat up to try to escape. He wrapped the tape around her waist and secured her wrists in front with efficient moves. The tape made a great sound as it was peeled from the roll. Joanna struggled more wildly, her hair flying loose around her shoulders, her breasts bouncing.

He caught her shoulders in his hands, then bent and kissed one nipple. It was already a tight bead. He could smell her sex, too, and knew this was working for her. He cupped her breast in one gloved hand and flicked his tongue across the nipple, teasing it until she moaned.

He stood up then, pivoting quickly to grab her ankles. She struggled and got free of his grip, running across the room. Mike chased her, catching her in two long steps and swinging her over his shoulder. She twisted and kicked, but he grabbed one ankle and put tape all the way around it. When he caught the second one, he sealed them together.

Then he let her slide down the length of him, holding her waist when she was right in front of him. She kept wriggling in her bonds and he smiled, knowing she was helpless to escape.

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