Read The Orphans Series Vol. 1: The Orphans Online

Authors: M. Evans

Tags: #Zombie Apocalypse

The Orphans Series Vol. 1: The Orphans (4 page)

The phone rang again, and again, and eventually was picked up. Karen Randall answered. "Accounting department. This is Karen. How may I help you?"

Mr. Peterson let out a premature sigh of relief assuming this would be a cakewalk, and that this parent would be more rationally sound than Dr. Fox had been. "Yes, I am actually calling in regards to your daughter, Ellie. She was in a minor altercation at school today."

"She had a what? Who did you say this was?" Karen was still trying to get a row of numbers to sum up to what she needed, and was only half listening to the man.

He cleared his throat and spoke in a calm manner. "This is the Principal at Ellie's school Ms. Randall. She kicked a young man in his ... umm ... well, she kicked him in his privates."

Karen stood up at her desk, shaking her head, and pacing back and forth in the small cubicle. "Wait  ... she kicked a boy in his privates? Is there a reason why she might have done something like this, Principal Peterson?"

"Well, we are still looking into that Ms. Randall."

"Oh, well, can you at least say if Ellie was injured in this altercation? Do I need to take her to a doctor?"

Mr. Peterson jumped in immediately. "No, no, no! She doesn't need any medical attention. She had an issue somehow with three boys and she and a friend decided to take it upon themselves to settle the matter on their own."

Karen's skepticism was growing with every word that came out of his mouth. "So why exactly was there an altercation? I don't understand what is going on, and I also don't understand why there's such a lack of detail except she and a friend of hers got in trouble. I'd like to know who this friend with her was! Are you trying to tell me that there were two girls beating up three boys!?"

Mr. Peterson was thinking maybe he should have waited for that smoke until after this phone call. If he'd have known what this day would turn out to be then he would have kept his happy ass home. "Well, to tell you the truth, she claims that the boys were harassing her. Shaun Fox stepped in to try and get her out of it and that's when an older boy stepped in and threw Shaun up against a set of lockers. From there the fight was really over before it could begin."

"So you're saying that she's claiming to be harassed!? Because I am sure you studied her school record to see she's always telling people she's being harassed and assaulting fellow students, right!? You also say that a boy stepped in--who is this boy we're speaking of? I mean, how does he fit into all of this?"

"I am in no way meaning for this to get out of blown out of proportion! I just wanted to let you know that you need to come to the school to collect Ellie before we can release her ... due to school policies."

"You can believe I'm coming! It's beyond me how two kids defending themselves are being detained at all! I am absolutely dumfounded at what logic you used to come up with your rhyme and reasoning! You can bet your sweet ass that I am on my way down to that school where you and I will be having one enlightening conversation on why I have to collect my daughter! You'd better pray she was not the only one punished for this, and I'm not talking about the boy who came to her rescue, because God forbid a young man has some moral fiber nowadays!" She slammed the phone down swearing words no one should hear. She had grown furious by the time she got to her car. There would be more than one very pissed off parent approaching the school today.

Mr. Peterson lowered the phone handset slowly, placing it back in its cradle. He looked at the clock thinking E&T was less than a half hour away, and Dr. Fox had a head start on Ms. Randall. If he hurried he knew he could run outside and grab one last smoke before the storm of consequence of the horrible decisions he had made that day began. He had no idea any of this could have happened when thinking how confident he'd been in his choices earlier. Perhaps he made an error in decision. He ran out to his car. As he chain smoked he watched the clock thinking that maybe rush hour would hit before he left.


              The Principal ran outside to where Shaun and Ellie had been sat for the better part of a half hour. The sudden change in his demeanor blew their minds as he explained they would not be required to go to Saturday school and that he had been in error earlier. He apologized profusely and let them know further that Lucas Bunning and his two friends would be spending tomorrow in detention, they would be apologizing to Ellie in person, and would be attendants to the Saturday school program for the next two weeks. Both teenagers could not have been happier or more surprised.

Shaun asked. "What exactly did we do to have all charges--I mean accusations--dropped against us, sir? We haven't had anything to say in our defense."

Mr. Peterson cleared his throat and straightened his tie. "Well it was all because of you, Shaun. I just couldn't see how we could possibly punish you for stepping in and helping a friend. I think I might have overreacted and thought it best to set things straight before your parents arrived."

Shaun actually laughed out loud thinking what a great article this would make even though it'd never make it to the newspaper stands at school. He knew instantly that his dad had already spoken to him. "So, sir ... just curious ... did you have a chance to talk to Francis?"             

Mr. Peterson did a double take. "You speak to your father by his first name? That's a bit peculiar...."

Shaun looked up at the Principal. "So he's on his way here, then? I bet he is. Strange he must not have physically threatened you. Good for you, Principal Peterson, that he must be in a good mood."

Mr. Peterson looked down at him. "Shaun, does your father have anger management issues? Do you need to confide in someone?"             

"He doesn't threaten me, sir, but if you tick him off, then watch out! Did you know he was a paratrooper in the Army? He left to go to med school.... I can't believe you got him to leave work early! Oh, man!" Shaun shook his head way more animatedly than he needed to.

Ellie was smiling ear to ear. "Did you say my mom was on her way too? I can't believe that! She works more hours than anyone there, except maybe Shaun's dad. So you're letting us out of Saturday school because your judgment was wrong, and it has nothing to do with our parents coming here now?"             

Mr. Peterson realized the questions would have no end and he didn't want to answer anymore, especially for two kids that he held partially responsible for taking his day right down the crapper. "I just want you two to please wait here outside my office so I can discuss things with your parents. I just wanted to let you know that this day wasn't intentional and we're not going to have any more issues in the future I hope."

Shaun felt the balance of power leaning towards him. "Well, we can hope in the future we won't have a reason to take matters into our own hands, knowing that you're here to protect us, sir." Mr. Peterson shook his head disappearing into his office and shutting the door. Cheap halogen lights silhouetted his frame through the smoked glass.             

They continued waiting quietly looking at each other. Sharing a moment of triumph, Ellie punched Shaun on the shoulder. "You do know that the best thing for Mr. Peterson right now would be a pair of adult diapers--he is going to need them once our parents talk to him."

Shaun started laughing and it spread to Ellie. They couldn't help themselves. From around the corner, Frank came marching towards them--the look on his face stern and fixed on his destination. Shaun choked on a laugh and stared straight at his dad. Frank came up in front of them and looked Shaun over. He saw the small cut on his forehead then crouched in front of him. "Shaun, are you okay? What the hell happened today? Seem like a good day for fight? I don't care what you were doing! You've got goals! You know what happens if you make trouble!"

Shaun could feel nothing but contempt for his dad. "Sorry, Francis," he taunted, "I just couldn't sit back and let my friend get harassed by a group of pricks. You'd rather me let her get picked on when she was just trying to get to her next class?"

Ellie smiled at his dad. "Hi! Isn't this awkward? I'm Shaun's partner-in-crime, Ellie. I just want to say he didn't start it. He tried getting me out of there without any incident but they threw him into a locker ... hence the battle scar."

Frank nodded. "Nice to finally meet you, Ellie. Thank you for explaining." He looked back at Shaun. "I'll talk to the Principal and then I'll drop you off at home."

Shaun shrugged. "I know how to get home. Don't you need to get back to work?"

His dad leaned in close to whisper in his ear. "She's cute--I get it. Watch your mouth, young man, unless you want your ass handed to you. I had to leave work to be here to bail you out of this mess."

His dad stood up, knocked on the door once loudly, and twisted the knob, barely giving it time to echo. Both teens instantly leaned an ear up against the smoked glass. The silhouette of his dad joined Mr. Peterson's in the office, and Shaun had a feeling there wouldn't be a lot of principal-parent interaction going forward. Their eavesdropping wasn't rewarded with much understandable conversation, but it was easy to see flailing arms and every so often they were confident they could hear some words that might have been classified in the school handbook as words you can't say ever.

A very attractive woman was power-walking with a purpose down the hallway towards them, her brown slimming business skirt suit and her long hair swaying from side to side with every step.  She shared the same dark blonde hair that Ellie had obviously inherited, and similar but more mature facial features.

Ellie knew that her mom was above heated. "Oh, crap! That's my mom, and she's on a war path! Mr. Peterson's day is not going to improve any!"

Shaun nodded and realized he didn't really feel that bad about it. All of this could have been avoided if the Principal had been slower to judge and been more concerned about the entire student body. The man should worry less about ticking off some alumni by having a few varsity players ineligible to play one or two games because they were forced to learn lessons from bad decisions.


              Frank was shaking his head walking back and forth in front of the Principal's cheap oak-effect desk. "...Altercation!? Really!? Let's just call it what it is, okay!? The kids got in a fight that Shaun didn't start, but he and Ellie finished it. Does that about sum it up, Peterson!?"

"Well, let me just start off by saying--"

A knock stopped both of them from speaking further and, as the door swung open, Frank took in a beautiful woman entering the office uninvited just as he had.

Mr. Peterson went to stand up but, when he saw Karen's fiery eyes, decided to sit back. He produced a sickly looking smile. "Er ... hello, Ms. Randall?"

Karen glared at him, but briefly lost her train of thought when she looked at Frank, pausing a moment to take his looks in. "I'm sorry," she managed, "but I'm going to have to interrupt." Frank nodded motioning with both hands that Peterson was all hers. Barely losing a beat, she continued, "Please enlighten me why it was wrong for my daughter to defend herself! How in God's name does that call for detention!?"

Frank took her in for a second, looking over the whole package again, and noticed her E&T work badge. He looked at the Principal wiggling anxiously in his seat. "Well, I guess we're both here to talk to you about that, Peterson."             

It did not take any thought process at all for the Principal. He immediately recoiled, now fully regretting that he hadn't put more thought into his actions earlier in the day. He apologized for Frank and Karen having to come to school.

              Frank continued, "I don't understand why it took you an entire day to see the error of your ways! You should have known immediately what to do in this case! You're the God damned Principal! I'm sure this type of behaviors happened previously during your years of experience!"

Karen just shook her head, listening to this man with such passion. She wondered if there was a Greek god in Adel, Iowa, that maybe he was standing in front of her own eyes. Turning her attention back to the matter at
hand, she interjected, "So, what are you going to do here? I need an answer! I'm sure there's a lawsuit just around the corner for harassment!"

Frank hadn't even gotten that far and did a double take. Impressed, he joined in, "Well, Peterson? What are we going to do about this, then?"

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