The Mythos Unveiled (Demona series) (11 page)

suspect that you are here, because you have news for me?” Darius asked. His
cold eyes looked back and forth between the two waiting for a response.

sir. While training the past few days we have discovered that Demona possess
,” Kerrick said.

Darius asked. His mouth drew up into a grin.

That has to be
the scariest smile I have ever seen.

found that the different
connected to different emotions,” Kerrick said.

instance?” Darius asked.

instance, anger and fear create wind. She can also affect water with, for lack
of a better word, flirtation,” Kerrick replied.

turned to glare at Kerrick.

sly smile crossed Darius’ face. “Hmmm…interesting. Tell me more about this
element manipulation.”

training, she created wind gusts, whirlwinds, mini water spouts, and water
levitation,” Kerrick said.

do know that I am sitting next to you, right?” Demona asked.

turned towards Demona. His eyes bore into her with such intensity. “Good work
Demona. It sounds like Kerrick has trained you well in such a short amount of

I wonder if he
can read minds.

have never seen anyone learn the basics of swordsmanship or how to use their
in such a short time,” Kerrick

gaze returned to Kerrick and then to Demona. “My dear, I don’t think there is
any denying that you are the subject that the oracle spoke about in her

I think I agree,” Demona said.

sat back in his chair. “I appreciate the report. I am glad that you finally
decided to give her some training. All that is left is experience. I believe
Demona has demonstrated enough skill for you both to return to field work
tomorrow. I have just the assignment for you.”

placed a file on the desk. “It seems we have been getting a high volume of
demon activity lately. I am not certain of why the increase, but we will need
all hands on deck until further notice. You may go.” He returned to his book
and shooed them away with his hand.


Chapter 12

The Assignment


sat next to Kerrick, as was the usual work day ritual. She began to flip
through the case file and did everything she could to avoided eye contact with


High volume of possession attempts by
various demons. Luckily each has been stopped before it could be completed.
Most of the demons have been destroyed for their unsanctioned activities. Be
advised, if any possessions are in progress they become top priority. If demons
are sighted take precautions, but do your best to bring them in.

: Kearne Scary

: 312

: Gancanagh Fairy

: Kearne is blonde haired and blue eyed.
He stands about 5’ 8” with slender delicate features.

Other Notes
: Gancanagh are known to lure women with
their charming ways and smooth talking. Do not allow a woman to touch the skin
of a Gancanagh, it is poisonous. The skin secretes a poison that causes the victim
to become obsessed with him. If not cured in time the woman may lose sight of
sanity and search endlessly for the fairy ignoring all basic needs such as
food, water, and shelter. It usually results in the victim’s death by
starvation, dehydration, or exposure. Ganacanagh are known to live in wooded


pulled the car into a parking lot surrounded by trees. At the trunk of his car
he brought out several charms and iron stakes, as usual.

are allergic to iron; prolonged exposure can eventually lead to death,” Kerrick
said. Then, he threw Demona a charm. “Put it on.”

do I need it?” Demona asked.

is the only charm you will have to help you from falling for Kearne. There have
been several reports of women found dead in the area from exposure. We don’t
need you turning out like them.”

happened to them?”

you fall for his glamour you’ll fall in love with him. That would make my job a
lot more difficult. The charm will help you resist him. It’s the same charm
that helped me to resist Lilith.”

That worked out
oh so well.

made their way to the entrance where Demona read a sign identifying it as a
national park. They followed a trail some ways, until they came upon a lake.
They continued to walk along the path as it followed the lake’s shore line. The
calm water sparkled as the sunlight shimmered across its surface.

frogs croaked all around them. They walked along and a few startled frogs leapt
into the water sending delicate ripples across the surface. The birds and
crickets chirped all around them as if they were singing in harmony.

is up ahead. We should be cautious the closer we get. Try not to make any loud
noises,” Kerrick said.

continued farther along the shoreline.

abruptly halted. “We have a problem.”


is up ahead, but I’m getting the feeling that something else is happening
farther down the path.” Kerrick stood there a moment debating on what to do.
“Well, here is what is going to happen. I’m going to take care of what is
farther ahead of us. I’m going to leave you to deal with Kearne.”

What? You can’t just leave me,” Demona said.

can handle him. You would have an easier time dealing with him than I would.
Kearne is going to want to get close to you in order to touch you. Play into
his game, get close to him and slip this charm around his neck,” Kerrick said.
He handed Demona a manipulation charm. “It is similar to the one we used on
Lobo and the female wolf.”

you are done take him to the car and tell him to stay. I’ll meet you there when
I deal with whatever is up ahead,” Kerrick said.

don’t know,” Demona said.

do. You will be fine... One more thing, chances are that he is going to touch
you. Drink this immediately after you get the charm around his neck. It will
cure the poison that he secretes.” Kerrick handed her a vial with rosy colored
liquid inside and then took off down another path.

waited until he disappear into the trees.
guess it’s now or never.
Demona placed the manipulation charm in her pocket
and headed in the direction Kerrick had led them. She continued a little
farther when she thought she heard a man singing.

What an amazing
started walking in the direction of the voice. Suddenly, she felt lightheaded
and tingly. The voice she had been listening to moments before now sounded
normal; there was no compulsion to follow the voice.
That must have been the charm working.
She placed her hand on the
charm around her neck and felt the hard, smooth surface in her hand. She tucked
it under her shirt so that the fairy would not notice it.

walked a little farther ahead to find a young man seated on a rock in the
forest. He was singing without a care in the world. Demona approached
cautiously. As she grew nearer, she noticed that his skin was flawless and
smooth. His blonde hair was lush and thick. His blue eyes pierced her soul.
Luckily for Demona, she was able to control herself with the help of the
resistance charm.

Demona approached Kearne she noticed that he had become aware of her presence.
Kearne continued sitting there singing his song. Demona stopped a few feet from
him and watched. When Kearne finished his song he flashed Demona his gorgeous

Kearne said.

Demona said.

excuse my singing. I like to come out here sometimes where I can be away from
it all,” Kearne said. He stood and slowly circled around Demona. He watched her

is a really beautiful place.”

are very beautiful,” Kearne said. “What are you doing out here all alone?”

came for a walk. I heard you singing and thought I would see where that amazing
voice was coming from.”

you for the compliment,” Kearne said. “I bet you have a beautiful voice

don’t sing,” Demona said.
He reminds me
of Felix.

I am sure I can teach such a lovely lady, as you, to sing in just mere

sounds good!”

drew closer to her. He smelled of honeysuckles on a warm summer day. Kearne
stood in front of her. Demona knew that if it was not for the charm around her
neck she would have done anything to be close to him. She stared him in the
eyes and felt the charm convulse against her skin.

placed his hand over her lower ribs. “Here.” His handed lingered on her
stomach. “Breathe in and sing from here.”

looked him straight in the eyes.
you are suave. I bet you have done this trick hundreds of times.

reached up to brush her cheek with his long elegant fingers. With the touch
Demona felt the charm convulse again. Even with the protection charm, she felt
the desire to be near him, smell his scent, listen to him, and touch him.

must have noticed with that touch that Demona was not a living being. He
hesitated for a moment and smiled at her. She wondered if he could seduce any
woman… alive or the living dead.

slipped the charm out of her pocked and around one of her wrists. Demona leaned
in ready to kiss him and reached up with both hands as if to pull his face
closer to hers. She managed to quickly put her other hand around the charm’s
chain and slip it over his head.

impulse to actually kiss him was starting to take over. Demona managed to
retrieve the vial from her other pocket, uncorked it, and quickly drank the
lukewarm liquid inside. Slowly she felt the potion spread throughout her body
and what little control she had lost she had regained once more.

stood there humbly looking at her. The charm lay gently against his chest, a
look of contentment was visible across his face.

Kearne, we’re going back to the parking lot. You first,” Demona said.

continued to walk along the trail through the park.

love singing,” Kearne said.

great,” Demona replied.

makes me feel so joyful. I started singing when I was very young.”

going.” Demona nudged him forward.

am going to teach you to sing. You will sound like the beautiful humming of the
bees wings as they labor hard at work.

almost to the car now.”
Does he ever shut

skipped. “Wonderful! Does the radio work?”


a shame. I’m sure I knew the lyrics to every song playing. Maybe I can fix the

in the car Kearne.”

went to the passenger side door and began to open it. “Okay!”

the back seat. Ugh!”

climbed in the back seat and began to whistle. His whistling was responded by
several bird calls. Some fluttered into the trees nearby and chirped along with

stood against the side of the car and waited for Kerrick to return.

a lovely summer day,” Kearne said. He stuck his head through the open car

continued to try to ignore him as she had for the entire walk back to the car.
He sat and chatted idly, and sang nonstop while they waited for Kerrick.

eyes are worthy of poems,” Kearne said.

was becoming worried about Kerrick.
is taking him so long?
“Kearne. Do not move a muscle from that spot,”
Demona said. She walked down the path in pursuit of Kerrick.

soon found herself at the location where she and Kerrick had separated and turned
in the direction that Kerrick had gone. She walked farther and farther into the
dimly lit forest. The tree canopy covered the sky above her. Crickets and birds
chirped all around. Demona walked farther along the path.
Where is he?

she walked along the path, her pants got snagged on a pricker bush. She bent
down to free herself. That was when she noticed tiny fish bones scattered about
the forest floor. Demona began to get an eerie feeling with the sight of them.
She knew she needed to continue on her way more cautiously than she had before.

few more yards down the path and she spotted more white bones scattered about.
Some of them were not just fish bones, but larger animals.
Kerrick you better be alive!

crept down the trail for fear that making a noise might alert the wrong
creature to her presence. She soon began to hear crashing sounds as if
something tore through the trees ahead. As she continued a foul smell filled
her nostrils. She noticed bits of rotting flesh still clung to several of the
skeletal structures.

sprinted quietly to the nearest wide tree trunk and peaked around. She saw
Kerrick down on the ground. He coughed and blood splattered from his mouth.
Demona heard, whatever creature had done this, was coming in their direction.
It made such a ruckus that Demona dared to yell out to Kerrick.

Demona said. His head snapped up in response to his name. “Kerrick!”

time Kerrick was able to locate her voice. He looked at her.
Demona groaned as she saw his face.
Kerrick looked as if he had been someone’s punching bag. A dark blue bruise
covered the left side of his face. His clothes were torn in various locations.
Kerrick managed to get to his knees.

a scroll somewhere over there,” Kerrick said. He pointed to a patch of brush
growing on the other side of the path. “And a vial. Uncork it and recite the
incantation, before this thing whips me to death.”

reflected the small
beams of sunlight that shone through the trees.

Whatever had done
this to him must have been very strong

crashing noises continued and Demona jogged in the direction Kerrick had
pointed towards before. After a few moments of frantically searching, she found
the scroll and the vial. Kerrick must have dropped them, because the vial had a
tiny crack running up the side and dirt smeared the scroll. She unbound the
string that held the scroll closed and gently pulled the cork from the bottle
so as not to cause the crack to spread. Demona looked at the words as the crashing
noises grew threateningly close.


Demon of
darkness, listen to me.

Hear my command
and leave us be.

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