Read The Mammoth Book of Threesomes and Moresomes Online

Authors: Linda Alvarez

Tags: #Romance

The Mammoth Book of Threesomes and Moresomes (12 page)

“Hi, honey. To what do I owe the pleasure? You look lovely, by the way.” He glanced her over appreciatively and gave her a quick peck on the lips, then strode off to sit behind his desk and shuffle papers around.

“Danny, we need to talk about something important,” she began, proud of how dignified she sounded. That lasted all of a minute when it became obvious that he wasn’t paying attention. The realization stabbed through her. “Look at me, dammit! You don’t feel a thing for me any more, do you? No, don’t bother denying it. That’s why I’m leaving you. I’m sick of being ignored … and neglected.” She burst into tears with the last words. It still hurt to say them, even if she was in love with someone else now.

“Oh, honey!” Danny was at her side and pulling her up out of the chair faster than she could have believed. His arms held her tight and he murmured into her hair. “I didn’t know you felt that way.” He paused for a couple of breaths, filled only by her sniffles. “You’re so right, baby. I haven’t been appreciating you like I should. But I love you, Karen, you’ve got to believe that.” His hands stroked her back as she sobbed wordlessly into his shoulder, hating herself for breaking down like this. But then he felt so good and warm and safe when he held her in his arms. It was so hard not to respond to him.

Then he tilted her face up and kissed her eyelids, her cheeks, her hair, wiping the tears away. His lips met hers for a long, hard kiss and she could feel her pulse beginning to race. It almost felt like he meant it, like he really did care. He showered kisses down her neck until the breath caught in her throat. If she didn’t stop him soon, this would get completely out of hand. Despite her intentions, she could feel herself moisten when she thought about what that could mean.

But she made herself pull away and catch his face in her hands. Looking into his big brown eyes, she forced the words out. “No, wait, Danny. There’s more. I’m seeing someone else.”

“Are you now? And what’s he got that I don’t have?” His jaw tightened and she could see the hurt in his eyes. But he still held her close, one hand sliding down her skirt to cup her ass and pull her up even closer to him. A sharp heat went through her and she could feel him harden, feel herself begin to ache with need.

Oh, this is not good.
She was supposed to be long over him, long past memories of what his body felt like against hers. Not responding like this. Gasping, she managed to respond, “She. I’m leaving you for Elaine.”

His dark blond eyebrows rose in surprise but he didn’t let her go. “Really? Well, I can think of quite a few things that she’s got that I don’t. Which of them won your heart, love?”

Karen stopped crying and wondered what to say next. After eight years together, he deserved an explanation. “She pays attention to me, Danny. I can really talk to her.”
And she knows what I need better than you ever did.
A shiver went through her as she imagined Elaine’s tongue on her clit, coaxing and caressing until she couldn’t stop coming. A drop of moisture ran down the inside of her leg and she bit her lip to hold back a tiny moan. Danny. Think about Danny, not Elaine, she told herself sternly.

He was still looking at her, sad brown eyes inches from hers. She couldn’t help noticing that his grip was tightening, not loosening up, while she looked for a way to let him down a little easier. His hand stroked its way over her ass and down her thigh so gently that she almost didn’t notice it. Almost, but not quite. Her breath caught in her throat and she whispered something incoherent about still loving him.

His hand went up her skirt and between her legs in a single motion, hard fingers shoving her lace panties inside her. A sound somewhere between a groan and a yelp tore itself from her lips and she pushed feebly against his shoulders. Her body was betraying her and she could feel herself hot and wet against his fingers, soaking the lace crotch of her pants. The lace irritated her clit, making it hard to think clearly. Danny ran his tongue down her neck from her jaw to her cleavage and thrust his fingers deeper inside her. “You were saying,” he prompted.

She could feel the desk behind her now, pressing into her thighs and she imagined what it would be like to have him take her right there. He would have done that back when they were first married, back before he got a private office and an assistant. Unthinking, she moaned and buried her fingers in his hair.

Danny tugged his wet fingers out of her and forced her back into an almost painful arch, thrusting her hardened nipples up towards his mouth. He sucked on one, slowly tonguing it through the fabric of her shirt until her whole body trembled. “We were having a discussion, Karen, my love. You were telling me why you were going to leave me for Elaine.”

She tried to imagine pushing him away, walking out before this went any further. It was getting harder to picture by the second. That was when he reached up with both hands and ripped her shirt open, buttons flying in all directions. She yelped and grabbed at the tatters of the silky shirt.
What did he think he was doing? I love this shirt.
She tried to look indignant, shocked at this casual brutality.

Danny continued playing with her nipples through the thin lace of her bra. “And I see you came dressed to leave me today, darling. I like the bra almost as much as the panties. Does it unfasten in the front? Ah yes, I see it does.”

His teeth closed on her nipple with a hard nip and she yelped, “She … she spanks me.” Ooops. She hadn’t meant to tell him that, hadn’t meant to let anything slip about their sex life at all. But then she hadn’t expected his hand up her skirt or his mouth on her breast. He knew her body so well it was clear he meant to exploit every nerve ending, every weakness. And she was prepared to let him do it.
It’s goodbye, after all. Elaine would understand that. Wouldn’t she?

“Really? I didn’t realize you were kinky, darling. But all you had to do was ask, sweetheart. Remember that time you wore your old cheerleading uniform during the Superbowl? You seemed perfectly happy with my performance then.” He tugged her panties up sharply so that they pressed in a tight line from her clit to her asshole. “But perhaps you were just faking it.” His other hand trailed unexpectedly gentle fingers over her breast and down to the top of her skirt.

“No. I mean yes. It was so hot but, Danny, that was a long time ago.” The words tumbled out of her while her hands seemed to have a will of their own. She found she had loosened his tie and was unbuttoning his shirt without even thinking about it. He picked her up and sat her on the edge of the desk while she frantically tugged his shirt out of his pants, her fingers flying past button after button.

She had started to unfasten his belt buckle before he spoke again. “You’re right, love, it has been entirely too long.” He pulled her thighs up to his hips as he spoke, letting her feel his hard length against her wet pussy. “But I think you’ve got some responsibility here too. You might have told me what you wanted, been a bit more assertive about seducing me.” He reached under her skirt and pulled down her panties, tugging them off over her heels with practised ease. “Ooooh. Did she shave you, too?”

Karen nodded and Danny stepped back. For the first time since she had come in, he looked angry. Also very, very hard and very hot. Karen barely held back the impulse to drop to her knees in front of him and take him into her mouth. Instead she tried to tug her torn blouse closed as he walked around behind her to sit in his chair.

“Come here, Karen.” It was not a tone that she could disobey and she stood up on shaky legs to walk to his side. “You know how much I wanted you to do that for me and you always said no, didn’t you?” She looked down at the industrial carpet and curved one high-heel inwards before she nodded. “Now pull up your skirt and let me see whether I like it or not.”

She vaguely remembered that she had come here to do something else and this wasn’t it. But her hands found the edge of her skirt and pulled it upwards anyway. Danny ran his hand lightly over her bare skin, then leaned over to plant a kiss just above her throbbing clit. Karen didn’t think she could stand much more. Elaine would have to buy a cat-o’-nine-tails to punish her enough for today. Danny’s voice broke into her thoughts. “You’ve been a very bad girl, haven’t you, Karen?”

Her head shot up and she gave him a deer in the headlights stare. This was how Elaine always started out. A single drop ran from her aching pussy down the bare skin of her leg, followed by another. She nodded at Danny as if her head was attached to strings. How had he known? He reached out and caught a drop of her moist desire on his fingertips. Then his fingers were at her lips, insistent with the scent of her longing. She licked her juices from his skin and trembled.

“Assume the position.” Danny’s voice barked like it belonged to someone else. Unthinking, she stepped forwards and bent over his legs, bracing her hands on the rough carpet to keep her balance. He had never been like this before, never shown her any sign that he would be interested in the kind of things she and Elaine did together. Where, she wondered, was he learning all this?

The sharp sting of his hand on her bare buttocks brought her back. “Are you sorry that you never shaved your pussy for me?” She hesitated and his hand cracked down even harder.

“Yes!” she wailed, not meaning a bit of it. It was different with Elaine. She remembered those deft fingers shaving her down to the skin as her lover slipped her tongue inside her between each pass with the razor. She never would have trusted Danny to do that.

His hand fell again. “I don’t believe you. Why don’t you tell me you don’t love me any more instead?”

That she could do. “I …” Smack! She was going to come soon, she could feel it. Just a little pressure on her clit would send her over the edge. Smack! “Don’t love …” Smack! The skin on her buttocks burned and she was gasping for air. She squirmed desperately against him, wanting him inside her now, filling that awful emptiness. Smack! Smack! Smack! He had fallen into a rhythm now and she had forgotten what she was saying.

He twined his fingers into her and yanked her head back up, twisting it awkwardly so she was looking at him. The angle hurt her neck while his hand kept meeting her flesh, punishingly hard. But it was nothing more than she deserved. She had been very bad, sneaking around with Elaine behind his back and lying to him. Once she even squeezed into the cheerleading uniform for Elaine and let her fuck her ass like she never let Danny do. It took a minute before she realized that she had spoken that thought out loud.

There was a pause and she could see his jaw set in a hard line. He stuck his fingers inside her while she moaned and thrust back against them. Then he began working one finger up her asshole, all the while holding her face twisted upwards with his free hand. “Since it may well be my last chance, I’d better take advantage of this opportunity. Don’t you agree, dear?”

She closed her eyes, her hips rolling against his thighs as if he was all she wanted in the whole world. His breath was ragged now and she smiled to hear it. But it wasn’t supposed to be like this. She was supposed to be mature and calm and on her way out the door by now. How had she ended up here?

Smack! His hand met her quivering flesh hard again and again. Oh yes, she remembered now. He stopped to drive a finger up her ass, then two. She lost count after that, lost count of the number of times she apologized and begged him to fuck her. She even came once, shaking wildly over his thighs, his fingers in her ass and her flesh burning with the prints of his palm.

That must have been when the door opened and someone came in. Someone who sat down in the chair on the other side of the desk and watched them. Karen tried to look up but the desk blocked her view. “Tell me again that you’re not leaving me.” Danny’s voice was full of menace and the delicious promise of unknown punishments to come.

She melted against him, frantic to feel him inside her. For the next few moments, she begged, she pleaded, she said anything he wanted to hear. She was still babbling when he pushed her off his legs so she dropped to the floor on her hands and knees. He rolled the chair away from her, an odd smile on his face. She followed him, not bothering to stand up, not sure her legs would hold her if she did until he stopped moving and she found herself looking up at Elaine.

Oh shit
. “I’m sorry, I …” That was when she noticed Elaine’s hands were inside her panties, rubbing frantically while she watched them from under half-closed lids.

“Get over there and get busy, Karen. I want to see your tongue on her clit while I fuck your ass. If this is to be our last evening together, you’re going to fulfil every fantasy I have and I’m going to enjoy it to the maximum. You want to make that happen for me, don’t you, love? Your little farewell gift?” Danny leaned over so his face was inches from hers, his fingers rolling one of her nipples.

Karen jerked away and sat up. Something didn’t feel right. “You two set me up, didn’t you? None of this was real.” She glared first at Danny then at Elaine.

Elaine sat up, a peculiar smile curving her full lips. “My promotion came through today and Danny and I had a little talk. We came to an … arrangement. Do you really want to choose between us, love? Danny was betting that you didn’t and it looks like he was right. You certainly looked like you were having fun.”

Karen scowled. “That’s not really the point …”

“Isn’t it?” Danny was on the floor next to her now, trailing his fingers over the bare skin of her exposed thigh. “I was thinking that you should leave me more often, at least once we’re done here. I really need to be done right now. Don’t you, darling?” He leaned in close, his lips at her ear making the breath catch in her throat. When she didn’t push him away, he trailed his tongue down her neck.

Karen looked up at Elaine, panting slightly through open lips. Could she really have both of them? Elaine dropped to all fours from the chair, like a cat, and moved gracefully across the carpet to Karen’s side. Without saying a word, she devoured Karen’s lips in a savage kiss that burned away all resistance. “Yes,” Karen murmured when they came up for air.

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