Read The Last Werewolf (The Weres of Europe) Online

Authors: Jennifer Denys,Susan Laine

The Last Werewolf (The Weres of Europe) (17 page)

BOOK: The Last Werewolf (The Weres of Europe)
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Looking down at her hands, stained with dried blood, she reminded him, “Um. You said something about a wash.”

Leevi gestured to the sink in the corner without a word. The water was cold, probably coming from fresh groundwater, but it was incredibly refreshing, and it felt like the best thing in the world to get rid of the stench and muck. She would relax more if only she didn’t feel Leevi stari
ng at her back.

Deciding to try conversation again, she asked, “Can you explain what you mean by ‛pack’? Are there more of you, werewolves, than those we fought? I thought I was the last one of my, our, kind.”

“We have three clan areas in
, this is
the Central clan area of which I am the clan leader, or Prime Alpha.”

Summer stopped washing to take this information in. Not only was it stupendous that there were lots more werewolves than she had initially thought, but that this man, Leevi, was even more important than she had realized. The idea that someone so high up on the wolf hierarchy would come and rescue her? It was almost like one of those romance movies where heroes are dashing and save swooning damsels in distress. “Go on.”

“Um, well, there are eight packs in our clan.”

She frowned. “But who were those men, the ones that took me? Were they one of the other packs?”

“No. It is a long story, but Jaakko, the one I fought on the cliff top, was the beta of my pack and my childhood friend in my birth pack. He also wanted to be the clan’s Prime Alpha, but I won the competition, with the Council’s unanimous approval. He has resented me ever since and has tried on many occasions to challenge my authority, usually furtively instead of out in the open, as is our proper custom. So he and his companions of like mind separated from the clan and formed a rogue pack.”

Summer shivered as she recalled the fight, and then felt Leevi come over and stroke her back. “Will there be any fallout with your Council to what happened, what we did with those men, those shifters?”

“I will talk to them.” His face looked shuttered as if he didn’t want to talk about it. “Are you cold?”

“No, not really.” She was surprised that she wasn’t. In fact, she felt like she was having a hot flash and pulled away from him. As she turned she saw the deep gashes on his chest more closely. “Christ, those look painful.” Taking hold of the cloth she tried to wash away the dirt.


Looking up, startled at Leevi’s cry, she then chuckled. “Oh, for heaven’s sake. I thought you were the head wolf around here. Stop being a baby, a pup, or whatever the Finnish version of a young wolf is.”

“Sudenpentu. In English, a wolf cub, I think.” He stood still a moment, and then took the cloth from her. “In my clan the females would lick their alpha clean.”

Summer stared at him shocked, her jaw dropped to the ground.

“Saliva is very good at cleansing wounds, don’t you know?”

Unsure what to do next, she suddenly noticed he was struggling to hold back a chuckle.

She gasped, infuriated, and slugged him on the arm, giggling. “You pig.”

“Stop bad-mouthing my species. I am not a member of the pig race, only of wolves.”

Smiling at him, she wasn’t quite sure if he was teasing her or not. She suspected he didn’t laugh often. Her laughter diminished as she frowned again at his wounds. “Are you sure you are all right?”

Dropping the cloth, Leevi reached out to cup her face in his hands, and she trembled. His scent was overwhelming her senses. It was intoxicating. Watching him, she could see he was caught in the grip of the sensation too and was struggling with the compulsion that was overcoming them.

He jerked away trying to regain control. “Tell me a little about you. Rik said that you are English, but your mother was from these parts? Do you have siblings?” He grinned sheepishly. “Are they going to come over here and get into trouble, too?”

Her laugh was husky. “No, just me. My mother was called Emma. I came to see if I had any family here. My grandmother, I believe, was called Annukka Salonen. Would you know anything about her?” she asked, not really expecting him to be able to answer her.

His smile this time was soft. “Oh yes. I know Annukka. She sits on the Clan Council.”

Summer’s hands went up to her mouth. “Oh my God. I hadn’t thought she would still be alive after all these years. Those men said she was, but I didn’t know if they were telling the truth or not.” Without a thought she flung herself into Leevi’s arms, hugging him tightly. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

As his arms wrapped around her, she suddenly became aware of his erect cock prodding her stomach. The look on his face showed uncertainty. “I’m sorry, Summer. I’m not entirely sure why this is happening, but it could possibly have something to do with the adrenaline rush we’ve just experienced. I know you have bonded with Rik, but my wolf wants to mate with you too.”

She made a last ditch attempt at humor, “Only your wolf, eh? Glad to know you’re not interested in me. But, of course, you’re gay.”

Her senses were enhanced, and she noticed the second he changed, his body suddenly straighter, his demeanor dominant. Summer moved away in response to the possible threat.

“Summer.” Leevi said that quite forcefully, almost in warning, telling her to stay still. “Like Rik I am bisexual. Some shifters are because a wolf can have more than one mate, though that happens mostly with primes and pack masters alone. Mates can be either gender, so…”

Swallowing nervously, she found she couldn’t retreat anymore as she was backed into the corner. “Oh.” She couldn’t think of anything else to say but lifted her chin to expose her neck to him in time-honored fashion. It was instinctive, and she felt him nip her as his hands settled on her ass to draw her to him. She couldn’t fight the pull anymore, the desire to have sex with this new mate. It was too strong. She could feel his erect cock against her stomach and rubbed her head against his, licking his shoulder, tasting the salty sweat as it dried, and her hands came around to clasp him to her. She could feel her fingertips turning into tiny claws as her body demanded she turn into wolf.

As she tried to pull back, worried by her body’s demands, Leevi held her tightly. “Don’t fight it. If your body wants to shift, then let it. You will probably find it will want to change more strongly if you struggle against it.”

Looking at him, she could see his blond fur was sprouting, but not as thick as it had been when they had been fighting. It was like a part-meld. His face was mostly human still, but she could see his fangs. Her heart racing, she ran her hand through the fur on his arms, it was softer than she expected, and she let her own body shift a fraction, feeling a sense of relief as she did. Whenever she had made love to anyone in the past she’d fought hard to stop turning and her attention had mainly been on maintaining her human form, and not on the lovemaking.

“You look so beautiful. I adore your tattoo. It’s very apt.”

Startled, she looked up at him and could see the desire for her in his eyes, which were now in their almond wolf shape, but it was Leevi’s piercing blue eyes that stared at her. She moved out of his arms then, spun around, and went down on all fours. Though she did not shift all the way, as only her vision changed, and her claws, fangs and tail popped up. She curled her tail out of the way to expose her vagina to him. She heard a growl from behind her, but wasn’t worried. In fact, she grinned to herself, knowing she had succeeded, her previous indecisions all rescinded. It was the growl of one mate to another when the male knows the female is in heat.

As Leevi dropped behind her, nudging her legs further apart to settle between them, she felt his claws gripping her hips as he nudged his penis in her moist entrance, holding there, almost requesting permission.

“Yessss. I need you.” Her body was throbbing with the need to couple with this wolf, this alpha. That in itself gave her a thrill, that an alpha would want to mate with her, a foreign little she-wolf who knew nothing about the wolf culture and way of life. When he suddenly plunged into her she howled in ecstasy and pushed her rump back against him. God, this was bliss.

It took a moment for her to realize that Leevi had stopped moving and was growling very slightly. As the light from the doorway to the storeroom was blocked, she tensed and dropped out of wolf form, back into human. It was Rik.

He stood still, now clothed again, looking rather stunned. “What?”

Summer felt a mixture of emotions, guilt at Rik finding her with Leevi like this being the foremost. She tried to pull away from Leevi, but apart from withdrawing from her, he refused to let her rise.

“I had to. We had to. It was necessary. A mating bond had begun, and you know how powerful it is,” explained Leevi, wrapping an arm around her waist to pull her upright as she struggled. Summer could hear the sorrow in his voice. It seemed at odds with his tight hold of her.

Rik was silent for a second, blinking hard, and then he ran a nervous hand through his hair. “Hell, I certainly understand the call of a mating bond. I—er—I’ll go.”

He started to turn away, dropping their clothes on the floor when Leevi called out, his voice gruff, “Don’t go. Please. We—I need you to join us. I’m bonded to you too, remember. Don’t leave me again, Rik.” His voice cracked at the end, and she felt a twinge of empathy.

Summer watched as Rik stood undecided, his eyes bright, showing his misery at seemingly being rejected by the two of them, and unsure of what Leevi was now saying.

She decided it was time for her to add her plea. “Hey, Wolverine. Get your butt over here. I need all the tutoring I can get if I am going to be a proper werewolf and not have to hide it from now on.”

Rik stared at her, astonished, and hope was beginning to shine on his face once more. “You’re staying?”

“Hell yes. Unless you tell me there are more of them out there?” That worried her, but Leevi just shushed her as he stroked her thigh.

That got Rik moving, and he knelt down on one knee, cupping her face in his hand. “It’s all right. Their leader is dead.” Turning to look up at Leevi he went on to report, “There’s only two of them alive. The one in the lookout room has a broken leg, so he isn’t going anywhere, and the one in the room below, the one you gashed, was rolling around in agony. I’ve tied him up just in case.”

Leevi leaned forward, and, gripping Rik around the neck, he gave him a quick, but deep, kiss. “Thank you. Well done.”

Summer added her own thanks by caressing Rik’s hand as he held her, and felt the tingle of the bond again. Rik clearly felt it too as he jerked against her touch.

“It looks like as mates we are a threesome. In that case we need to continue to solidify the bond,” Leevi stated firmly, without asking them to agree. He grinned a little ruefully at them, and, pushing Summer forward, he eased into her pussy once again. He wasn’t as full as he had been before, but as he thrust in a few times, Summer could feel him thickening again, and she groaned in response.

“Um, guys. What shall I do?” Rik sat back on his heels, a little dazed and a lot aroused judging by the tent in his trousers.

Actually, Summer felt bewildered too. She’d never been in a ménage before. In fact, she suspected none of them had. “Well, you can’t do much with them on,” she stated jokingly, nodding at his jeans.

“I hate to contradict you, my little English wolf, but all a man needs to do is to free his cock. The rest of his clothes can stay on,” Leevi dryly retorted. Summer laughed at this, but was rather startled at his next suggestion. “You can take him in your mouth, can’t you, Summer?”

“Er, yes. Hell, why not?” She had no problems giving a blow job. Neither did Rik have problems receiving one, judging by the alacrity with which he freed his cock, which was already quite stiff she noted with amusement, and shuffling in on his knees, he maneuvered himself until she could take him in her mouth. As Summer was on her hands and knees, Rik had to hold her face to keep her steady. Her nose close to his pubic hair, she breathed in his scent, heavy and pungent, quite musky. Her senses rioted as the briny taste of his cock hit her.

The two men soon got a rhythm going, Leevi in, Rik in, Leevi in. Summer had never felt such intense sensations as her body thrummed with arousal. She felt her orgasm rising fast. Sucking hard on Rik every time he retreated, she was determined to bring him up to the same level as Leevi and herself.

“Oh God. I’m coming,” Rik soon cried.

“Christ, Rik, you are such a light-weight shifter,” mocked Leevi, much to Summer’s astonishment. He clearly had quite a dry sense of humor.

“Fuck off. You won’t be far behind. I promise you that,” taunted Rik as he leaned forward, reaching over her. Summer guessed he was fondling Leevi’s balls. She found this so erotic that her climax suddenly jolted through her body, and her scream over Rik’s cock forced his orgasm to culminate. As she tried to gulp Rik’s come down, she felt Leevi pour his own spunk into her womb.

The three of them collapsed in a heap on the floor, Leevi at Summer’s back, Rik in front of her. She could see Leevi reaching out a hand to tenderly stroke Rik’s face and Rik nuzzling into the brief touch. Then Rik in turn winked at her as he caressed her tender breasts. She felt protected between the two of them.

Leevi heard something first and started to sit up as several men burst into the room. Summer screamed, afraid that more of Jaakko’s men were back. The leading duo moved aside to allow three older men to enter, all gray or white haired, the middle one with a pure white beard. Summer gripped Rik’s hand. She was less worried about the older men as they looked quite normal and dignified, but the younger ones were strong and muscular, and looked at her as fiercely as Jaakko’s men had. In fact, it was more than ferocity, it was disgust, and she suddenly felt dirty. Were these more werewolves? What was it that she had done that deserved all this animosity?

BOOK: The Last Werewolf (The Weres of Europe)
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