Read The Lady Who Lived Again Online

Authors: Thomasine Rappold

The Lady Who Lived Again (19 page)

BOOK: The Lady Who Lived Again
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He watched enthralled while she ate from her plate of fruit. Placing a plump strawberry between her lips, she bit, sucking slowly before finally slipping the juicy morsel into her mouth. He couldn’t take his eyes off her.

She glanced at him, then swept her tongue across her lips, smiling as she chewed. By the time tea was served, Jace was beyond want. This was madness. He had to have her. He waited until she finished her tea, then said, “Since I have to check on Daniel later, we’d better head back now.”

“May we stop at your office before you drive me home? I believe I left my shawl there the other day.” Glancing up from her plate, she said, “Grandfather won’t be expecting me until well after dark.” She smiled, a wicked smile that sparked through his blood like a wildfire. “It won’t matter much if we must dawdle a bit in town…”

Jace smiled like a fool. He stood, extending his hand to her. She took it, and he pulled her to her feet, practically dragging her along. She laughed behind him as they hurried toward their hosts. They made their excruciatingly long good-byes to Amelia and Lester, waving farewells to Caroline, David, and a forlorn-looking Philip, before finally boarding the buggy and heading down the road toward Misty Lake.

The ride for Jace seemed endless as he sat next to Maddie. The buggy rolled along at an even pace, but it would take another thirty minutes at least before they arrived at his office. The setting sun glowed on the horizon, draping the mountains in a blanket of pink. With each descending inch of the sun, Jace’s sensibilities rose higher.

“It would be better if I drove you home,” he said, solely because he felt he should.

She regarded him skeptically. “Better for whom?”

He frowned at her veiled challenge. “Maddie, think about it—”

“I have thought about it,” she said, shifting in her seat. “And I’m tired of merely thinking about it.” She placed a hand on his knee. “Aren’t you?”

He stared down at her fingers caressing his thigh and conceded defeat. “And I have nothing to add to this discussion?”

Her brown eyes gleamed with determination. Desire. “Nothing I care to hear.”

He smiled in spite of himself. She was beguiling in her honesty. And her touch on his thigh was intoxicating. The hell with chivalry, ethics, and everything else. She’d rendered him powerless.

When they reached the office, Jace parked the buggy in the drive instead of leaving it on the street where the neighbors would spot it. “Go on in through the back door while I see to the horse,” he said.

With a nod, she disappeared inside.

Jace stabled and fed the horse quickly, then hurried into the house. The floorboards creaked as he walked down the hall through the moonlight and shadows. Maddie sat in the parlor wrapped in a blanket. Her dress lay sprawled on the sofa beside her. Her ploy to ensure he’d not change his mind was more than effective.

The thrill of anticipation paralyzed him. He swallowed hard as she stood. “Are you sure?” he whispered through the thick air of longing between them.

Without a word, she released the blanket, and it slipped slowly to the floor. She stood in the moonlight, dressed only in her chemise and stockings. He drew in a sharp breath. Her simmering gaze held his as she stepped from the pool of wool at her feet, and he had his answer.

* * * *

In one swift move, Jace scooped her into his arms and carried her through the house. She floated in his strong arms as they moved toward the bed. Her heart pounded. Thoughts breezed through her head, her life as it was, as it had been since the accident, as it would be forever. No guilt, no doubts marred the moment, for she’d allow nothing to hinder her bliss. Instead, she would take what she could. She would cling to this night and this man—this man who’d made her forget how hopeless and lonely she’d been.

Jace placed her gently on the pillows, staring down at her. Her chest heaved with excitement. He peeled off his coat, then tossed it aside.

The mattress slumped with his weight as he joined her on the bed. She reached for him with such need it frightened her. It felt as if she’d waited a lifetime for this—for him. She couldn’t stop herself now if she wanted to; but, oh, she didn’t want to. She might never again have this chance.

His mouth found hers in the dimness of the room, setting her ablaze. He pulled her over his body. His hardness against her thigh set her flesh tingling. With an arch of her hips, she centered herself on that pulsing hardness.

Groaning, he deepened the kiss. His tongue slid against hers, rousing pleasure in every direction. The sound of his raspy desire filled her ears as he rolled her to her side, then covered her body with his.

She squirmed beneath the weight and the heat of him, heart pounding. She felt his hand on her trembling knee, his fingers sliding under her chemise. Cool air kissed her skin before the scorch of his hand. She closed her eyes, writhing at his touch, the heat, the pressure. His hand trailed higher, taking the fabric with it. He sat back, drawing her upright. He lifted the garment over her hips, and she raised her arms with a shiver as he slipped it over her head, then tossed it aside.

His eyes settled on hers, stilling her heart. She could barely breathe in the warmth and intensity searing her soul. Something passed between them, something she’d never felt nor could describe—something fateful, and more intimate than sitting naked in his bed. She closed her eyes to blink the feeling away, to blink back her tears.

She felt his hands on her breasts, and she tossed back her head, lost in pleasure once again. “Jace,” she whispered into the darkness. His hot mouth covered her breast, and she all but screamed. Biting her lip, she raked her hand through his hair, arching her back as his tongue circled and teased.

Drawing away, Jace sat back on his haunches to remove his shirt. She rose up to help, working the buttons in a frantic pace. She tugged the shirt from his trousers, and he tossed it aside. She stared, excited beyond reason at his glorious chest. She reached to touch him, and he drew in a breath. Each movement of her hands on his warm flesh, the soft patch of curls between his nipples, incited her ardor. Her touch incited his, too. She felt the rising need in his rigid pose, saw it on his handsome face.

Lowering her focus, she unfastened his trousers. Within moments he was naked and on top of her. Her flesh burned against his, the contact blazing through her body. He rained hot kisses down her neck and throat. Tension wound from the pit of her stomach, stretching through her limbs. She tossed her head from side to side as pleasure pulled her toward something unknown, something waiting. The tingle between her thighs grew stronger, and she parted her legs in response.

Jace shifted between her damp thighs, spreading her legs. His hardness pressed against her, stirring sensations that were too good to bear. Her bottom rose toward him, her hips writhing for more. He eased inside her, and she flinched, startled by the pain. Grumbling a curse, he drew back. He inhaled a long breath, as if struggling for control. The warmth of his breath fanned her cheek as he pressed a soft kiss to her temple. The sweet gesture, his tender regard for her comfort, relaxed her tense limbs, and the pain began to subside. She ran her hands down his back, over his firm buttocks, urging him on.

Biting her lip, she waited, anticipating more pain. He pushed forward again. Slowly. So slowly that discomfort was minor. Moving gently, he inched deeper and deeper until the pain disappeared and the pleasure returned.

She wrapped her legs tightly around him. He stilled, staring into her eyes. His strained expression softened to a look of relief. He kissed her, a long, lingering kiss that freed his reluctance and sent her reeling.

His hips moved faster. She moaned, arching to meet each thrust, eager to ease the unbearable tension. Her body spun in the wonderful chaos. His soft lips on her neck, his hot breath in her ear. His hard shaft sliding in and out of her. He lifted her bottom, driving deeper. A gust of pleasure overtook her, sent her hurtling over the edge. Clutching his shoulders, she shuddered, panting wildly as the sensations pulsed through her.

With a groan, Jace withdrew from her body, his own trembling with pleasure. His labored breath filled her ear as he pressed ragged kisses to her temple. The warmth of his release on her thigh reminded her of the risk they had taken. Maddie knew enough about such matters to know that precision was imperative in avoiding pregnancy. Her fleeting qualms faded. Jace was nothing, if not precise.

Several long moments passed as they lay there, naked bodies entwined. Pressing her cheek to his neck, she closed her misty eyes, inhaling the scent of him. This moment. And then she heard it. Rising through the haze of her bliss, ringing beneath the pounding pulse in her ears, one lone thought resounded in her head.

She loved him.

* * * *

Jace nestled Maddie against his chest. Stroking her silky hair, he stared at the ceiling, his heart thundering, his thoughts a bouncing jumble in his head. Despite his euphoria, he couldn’t help feeling he’d taken advantage of the situation. Of her.

“Don’t have regrets, Jace,” she said, as if reading his mind. Shifting to her side, she rose on her elbow. Her fingers roamed the hair on his chest, and his breath hitched in response. “I couldn’t bear that.”

Her honesty never ceased to amaze him.
never ceased to amaze him. He brushed a curl from her beautiful face.

“You’ve done nothing unethical here. We are not doctor and patient,” she said.

While this was true, he was having trouble determining just what exactly they were to each other. He’d taken her virginity, for Christ’s sake. Something no other man could claim. Why was a part of him gratified by this? Despite his confusion, he was sure of one thing. “I regret nothing,” he said quietly. “Not for myself, at least.”

“You took nothing I was unwilling to give. I will never marry anyway.”

“You don’t know that. One day you may—”

“No.” She shook her head firmly. “To echo your sentiment of this morning, marriage wouldn’t suit me.” She touched his face, tracing a path to his jaw. “Rest easy, Jace, please. I expect nothing from you except what you’ve promised. To help make these people accept me again.” She smiled. “Thank you for today, by the way,” she said, nudging him playfully.

He smiled too. “Thank you for tonight.”

She laughed as he pressed a kiss to her temple.

“You’re a good friend,” she said. “And I want you to know that no matter what happens at Amelia’s wedding, no matter the outcome of our charade, success or failure, I will remember your kindness—and this night—for as long as I live.”

The words touched a place deep in his core, stirring a response he was too cowardly to voice.
So will I.



Chapter 17


Jace took Maddie home, then drove back toward town. Moonlight provided excellent visibility as the buggy rolled along, but he was too distracted by other thoughts to appreciate the favorable traveling conditions.

It was well past ten, and Jace hoped Maddie was correct about her grandfather’s intention to retire early. The idea of Maddie having to face the gallant old man now—tonight—gripped Jace in guilt.

But even the possibility of an awkward encounter between Mr. Sutter and his granddaughter wasn’t enough to tear Jace away from reliving the evening’s passion in his imagination. The more Jace tried to concentrate on the road, the more his mind’s eye flashed to images of Maddie’s silken skin, the feel of her thighs wrapped around his waist, the warmth deep inside her…

He’d never spent such a night with a woman—never shared such a connection with anyone. Physically, he desired her, but Maddie’s intelligence and perceptive sympathy were equally seductive to him. It was this latter discovery that surprised him most.

Each moment in her presence was another tug at his tightly knit resolve, another yank that threatened the integrity of who he was. As much as he feared unraveling as his father had, he felt himself longing for something outside the realm of his work.

Jace had confided in her today, told her things he’d never spoken aloud to anyone. Things he barely admitted to himself. She’d mined emotions from him that he’d buried deeply in his past and his work and whatever else might smother them. Emotions he hadn’t allowed himself to feel, let alone express. And strangely, in dredging the unpleasantness to the surface, he’d found real relief. Freedom.

Shoving away this troubling realization, Jace turned his attention to the task at hand. The house call to check on Daniel. He was still incensed by the memory of Daniel’s ungrateful outburst at the picnic, but Jace stowed his anger inside his duty as a physician. He pulled the buggy up to the Hogle house. The porch lamps glowed and the house was well lit. For a moment, Jace feared Daniel had taken a turn for the worse.

Jace rapped on the door. Without a word, Gertrude led him through the quiet hall to the parlor, where Daniel sat on the sofa beside his uncle, the pastor. Dolly sat opposite them. Their grim expressions gave Jace the distinct feeling he’d interrupted a serious family discussion.

Matthew Webster appeared from the next room, halting at the sight of Jace. Resuming his pace, he strode to Dolly, then dropped the afghan he carried into her lap.

“It’s late, so I’ll check Daniel’s condition, then be on my way,” Jace said.

Daniel remained silent during the brief examination, only nodding and shaking his head to answer Jace’s questions. Beneath the watchful eyes of his audience, Jace completed the exam, satisfied to discover Daniel suffered no lingering symptoms, not even a headache.

“You’ve recovered nicely,” Jace said. “I’ll check on you once more tomorrow. Notify me if there’s any change in the meanwhile.” Jace gave a nod to the others. “Good night.” He closed his medical bag, then turned for the door.

“One moment, please, Doctor,” Pastor Hogle called.

Jace stopped short, his spine tingling with dread.

The pudgy man stood, hands on his lapels. “Just before you arrived, we were discussing my nephew’s accident.”

“He was lucky. The concussion could have been worse.”

BOOK: The Lady Who Lived Again
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