Read The Junkyard Boys Online

Authors: SH Richardson

Tags: #General Fiction

The Junkyard Boys (13 page)

BOOK: The Junkyard Boys
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“Damn, baby, what was that for? Not that I’m complaining or anything, but I gotta tell ya, my cock is hard as Chinese arithmetic right now.”

“I don’t know. I just…I need to feel you close to me. I feel like I can’t get close enough and it’s driving me crazy.”

Range took a calming breath as he continued to stroke my hair and hold me with his palm splayed just above my ass. I couldn’t tell what was going through his mind. He probably thought I was bat-shit crazy, standing out in the open and molesting him where anyone could see, but if he was offended, he certainly didn’t show it. Instead, he surprised me by reaching down with both hands and hoisting me up into the truck with ease, then slamming the door and running around to the driver’s side to get in. Once the motor was running, he turned to me with heat and promise in his eyes.

“Buckle up, baby. Once we get home, my dick is gonna get real close to your tight pussy until they fuse together like hot metal. I’m hoping that will make us close enough.”


The ride to Range’s house took half the time it normally took to get there. I thought for sure we would get pulled over at some point. The truck sped down the highway like a racecar, and Range was gripping the steering wheel so tightly I thought he would break a finger off when he made the turn into the private road leading to the house. I barely had time to unbuckle my seatbelt before Range was yanking open the door and dragging me down the walkway through the front door. All the lights were off, so clearly no one was home. For a brief second I wondered if he was still fighting with Maxwell over that stupid shit that happened a few days ago. These guys had been friends for years, and I certainly hoped a little misunderstanding hadn’t jeopardized that. Before I could get too wrapped up in the Maxwell fiasco, I was being lifted fireman-style over Range’s back and carried to his bedroom with speed reserved for a football running back.

Range kicked the door closed with his booted foot and tossed me across the bed like I weighed nothing. My skin was ablaze with desire. I’d never felt anything so powerful in my entire life, and his beautiful body only amplified my wantonness.

“Take your clothes off, tootsie baby. I can’t wait another minute to have you beneath me.”

“Range, I….”

The look on his face told me I was in serious trouble. He was breathing heavy through his nose and his eyes were closed like he was fighting to maintain control. I wasted little time removing my shirt then my pants while watching Range massage his erection through his jeans. It was a sight to behold. This strong, strapping man was seconds away from pouncing on me like I was a tall drink of water after a long walk in the desert. Something about the way he was staring at me left me feeling powerful and sexy, knowing that I, the shy girl who watched too much classic TV, could render this man speechless and out of control. I reached around my back and undid my bra, slowly bringing it down my arms until my breasts were completely exposed. Range made a growling sound in the back of his throat and lunged for me, then held me close with one arm and stroke my hair with the other.

“You are so fucking beautiful, baby. I missed holding you like this. Promise me you’ll never leave me again, promise me now.”

“I promise I’ll never leave you again.”

Range was taking deep breaths as he trailed his nose down my neck and chest. I realized he was sniffing me, like I was a fresh rose blossom picked from the garden. The more he sniffed, the hotter my skin became, until I was burning up all over. I needed him naked and close to me to quench my thirst. I pulled away and reached for his shirt, then lifted it over his head until his glorious chest was right before me for the taking. I used my fingertips to lightly brush over his nipples, causing him to groan like a beast. I loved having him at my mercy like this, mine to play with, to push his limits to the breaking point. I looked at him with hooded eyes, needing his cock inside me.

“I need you to fuck me now, Range…please.”

He reached his hand out, grabbed the elastic of my underwear, then with one hard pull he ripped them to shreds before he tossed them over his shoulder. His show of need caused my already wet pussy to flow with more wetness than ever before. I spread my legs wide enough for him to see my desire and hopefully coax him to quicken his pace. It must have worked, ‘cause he didn’t even bother removing his pants all the way. He had them down just enough to remove his cock and enter me with one swift thrust.

“This is going to be fast and hard, baby, but I promise to make it up to you later. Hold on to me as tight as you can.”

“Range, I…”

“Hold on, baby.”

So I held on as Range worked my body. It felt so good having his weight pressed against my stomach as he pumped his hips over and over. It didn’t take long for me to reach my peak, and from his heavy breathing I could tell he was right there with me.

“Range. Oh, Range, I’m going to …Ugh…” As soon as I started to shatter, I felt him pulse inside me with his own release and heard him groan my name. I felt so warm and sated in his arms. Until reality hit me like a sledgehammer. We didn’t use a condom.





Jesus Christ, I thought I was gonna pass out I came so hard. As soon as she let go and I felt her warm pussy gripping my cock, I knew it was over for me. I wanted to pack a bag, move into her cunt, and never leave it. It wouldn’t be long before I was ready for round two, maybe even three or four before this night was over.

I pulled my dick from her heat and rolled over to lie on my back, taking Clover with me in the process. She felt so warm and soft, like I imagined a cloud would feel if I were to lie on top of it. I felt her stiffen in my arms and a flash of panic rushed through me. Shit, I’d been too rough and probably hurt her. What the fuck was wrong with me?

“Did I hurt you, baby?”

“No, it’s not that. It’s just…we didn’t use a condom.”

Fuck, I’d been in such a hurry to stick my dick inside her I forgot to grab a condom from my nightstand. Of course she would be upset over that. We hadn’t discussed birth control, and with the way she felt about my past, I could only imagine the thoughts running through her head about AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.

“Just so you know, baby, I’m clean. I was just tested. I can show you the paperwork.”

She looked at me with a small smile on her face and ran her hand over my chest.

“You don’t have to show me the paperwork. I trust you. I’m also on the pill, but I was a little worried because we never talked about going bare before and I didn’t know how you felt about that.”

Well shit, when she put it that way, I could see why she was a little upset over it. Of course she was worried about my feelings instead of her own. That was just the type of person she was, but it was definitely something we needed to get out of the way so it didn’t fuck with the rest of our evening. I stroked her back with my free hand, hoping my small gesture of comfort would ease her mind. I didn’t want her to worry about my feelings when her feelings were just as important. As far as I was concerned, she was mine and always would be.

“I’m fine with going bare with you, baby. You’re mine. And the way your pussy felt with no barrier between us, I don’t think I could ever go back to wrapping my dick when I fuck you.”

She thought about my statement for a minute, while I slowly stroked her warm skin. Touching her like this was getting me hard again, but she had to agree before we could start round two. She finally smiled at me and moved in for a kiss, and I knew her decision was made.

“I’m ok with it too.”

She laid her head on my chest and took a deep breath as if a giant weight was lifted from her shoulders. Now was definitely not the time to start round two with the heaviness of our discussion still lingering in the air, so I eased myself from under her with the promise to return with a damp cloth to clean her up so she could rest a while. I righted my jeans and stuffed my hardened dick back inside with a silent promise we would slide back into that slick heat shortly.

After I cleaned our combined cum from her sweet pussy, Clover had just enough energy to turn over onto her side before she drifted off to sleep. I discarded the cloth in the dirty clothes hamper while stripping off my jeans and joined her for a quick nap. I unstrapped my gun from my ankle and quietly placed it under the mattress on my side of the bed in case I needed to get to it fast. No way would I allow someone to come in here and hurt my woman while she slept. That motherfucker would be dead before he hit the door. I needed to find out what the fuck this asshole wanted from Buck before I called him. Buck would be pissed if this was some bullshit I could have handled on my own before dragging his ass all the way down here from the mountains. I just had no idea why after all this time his old club member would want to speak with him. Buck had been out of the game so long, I didn’t think any of his old brothers were still alive, let alone come here to find him. I had to find a way to keep my woman safe from this shit and keep Buck on the outside for as long as possible at the same time.


After a few hours rest, I woke my baby up the best way I knew how, and that was with my face between her legs. It was just a little after one in the morning, but the short nap had refreshed my energies and I couldn’t wait to connect with my woman again. I slowly woke her with my tongue massaging her clit and my fingers tweaking her nipples until she was writhing beneath me, trying to catch her breath. She still smelled like tootsie rolls, and I ate at her pussy like a starving man who’d just been offered a T-bone steak. I knew the moment she was coming, ‘cause she locked her knees around my head, squeezing it for dear life, and screamed my name at the top of her lungs.

I crawled up her body until I was leaning over her with my weight on my arms. She opened her beautiful eyes and looked right at me with a sated smile on her face. I leaned over and kissed her fiercely. I knew she could taste her sweetness on my lips, causing her hunger to spike in return. She was ready for more, so she grabbed my ass and spread her legs as wide as they would go. I fit there perfectly, nestled deep in between her warm heat. I continued to kiss her with everything I had until she reached down, grabbed my cock, and placed it at her entrance, silently begging me to take her. I wasted no time at all sliding into her warm pussy. Her walls were slick with her juices and I found heaven between her thighs. Clover held on to my ass checks with one hand while softly running her other along my back as I pumped into her at a steady pace. I didn’t want this to end, but she felt so good in my arms I knew it wouldn’t be long before I exploded my seed deep into her.

“You feel so good, baby. I could die a happy man in this sweet pussy. You ready to come for me again?”

“Range, you feel so good. Don’t stop.”

She was making so much noise that if I had neighbors, I would have been concerned someone would call the cops on us. Knowing that made me fuck her harder until I felt her walls squeezing my cock in a vice grip and I knew she was coming again, pulling me over the edge with her, and we both came with a shout. We were breathing so heavy I thought one of us was going to have a heart attack. Aftershocks tingled along my spine and made my breath hitch as I held her close to me, while we both battled for control of our senses.

I knew I had to be crushing her small body with all my weight on top of her, so I rolled over onto my back and gathered her in my arms for safekeeping. This woman was amazing in every way possible. She was kind, considerate, funny, and a complete match for all of my sexual needs. I never knew a woman could make me this happy simply by wanting to be with me. She never asked for anything. My looks turned her on, but it wasn’t why she wanted me. Every other woman I’d ever slept with had had a motive to being with me, weather it was because I was the hot guy at school or because they thought I had money since I owned a business. Clover only wanted me for me, and that alone made her stand out as someone special.

“You ok, baby? I didn’t break you, did I?”

I felt her cheeks rise in a smile on my chest as she snorted out a laugh before she answered my question.

“No, I’m not broken. I just feel really, really good right now, all thanks to you.”

“Give me a few minutes and I can make you feel even better.”

“No way, I’m closing up shop. You’ll have to wait until tomorrow when I have more energy. Right now, I feel like I got run over by a semi. I couldn’t move even if the house were on fire.”

“Alright baby, you close your eyes and get some rest. My cock will be waiting for you when you wake up.”

She lightly slapped me on the chest with a soft chuckle, and I couldn’t help the blooming smile that crossed my lips. After a few minutes, my eyes began to get heavy and I drifted off to sleep to the sounds of Clover’s heart beating against my chest as she slept soundly in my arms.





I thought I was dreaming the other morning when Range mentioned he wanted to have a small gathering so I could meet his friends and he could spend some time with my sisters,. Of course, he had just given me two orgasms and I probably would have agreed to just about anything short of killing someone. But as my sisters and I made our way to the private road that led to the house, I couldn’t help but think this was a very bad idea. I loved my sisters more than anything, but it hadn’t been that long since we got back on speaking terms, and old habits died hard. I didn’t want to share Range with anyone, including my family. He was all mine and for once I wanted to be selfish.

Range told me it would only be the five of us, including his friend Sebastian, whom he had been neglecting recently since he was spending so much time with me. He said he felt bad about it, ‘cause “Drama”— as he called him—could be pretty sensitive. He desperately tried to contact Maxwell, who seemed to be avoiding him at all costs, which I knew saddened Range greatly. These two guys played a major role in his life and he wasn’t happy about the sudden rift between them. I didn’t really know Maxwell, but the thought of him deliberately causing Range pain made me want to kick him in the balls. How could he call himself a friend and act like an asshole over some skank bitch he probably didn’t even like? For Range’s sake I hoped they could end this stupid feud and get back to being best friends like they were before I came along.

BOOK: The Junkyard Boys
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