Read The Harvest (Book 1) Online

Authors: Anne Ferretti

Tags: #Sci-Fi/Apocalyptic

The Harvest (Book 1) (20 page)

BOOK: The Harvest (Book 1)
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From the pocket of his parka Ed retrieved a picture of his wife and son. He placed it inside a silver picture frame found on the night stand next to the bed. He sat staring at his family. The shock wave created by the horrible sights he’d seen that day and along the way waited to send an emotional Tsunami ashore, but Ed refused to be washed away by grief. Not yet. He couldn’t allow himself to admit they were gone, for good. Not his sweet Jenni, with her laughing green eyes. And not Ryan, a true blessing to this world, with his unending questions. “Not yet.” He whispered and kissed the picture, placing it back on the night stand so it faced the bed.

A pair of slip on shoes, made just for his feet it seemed, was amongst the many pairs waiting to be worn. Grateful he didn’t have to bend over Ed slipped these on. The clock on the wall read six ten when Ed emerged from his bedroom. Zack had mentioned dinner would be around seven thirty, so he had time to explore. Never one to sit idle for long, Ed thought checking in on Luke seemed like a good idea.

A few minutes later Ed stepped out into the corridor. He looked towards his friend’s doors, but decided against asking them to join him. A little alone time was a good thing. He set off in the opposite direction of the hospital, planning to get a bit of exercise in by taking the long way around.

The long way proved to be more arduous than he anticipated, taking him almost twenty full minutes to reach the hospital door. When he walked inside Luke’s room Colin was glad to see him, and a little concerned over his condition.

“You all right man?” Colin eyed Ed with concern. He was breathing hard and perspiration dripped down the side of his face.

“Yeah.” Edward breathed out, and then took a deep breath. “Just over exerted myself. Too soon I think.”

“Here sit.” He offered Ed his chair. “You want some oxygen?”

“No. No. I’ll be fine.” He plopped down in the chair, leaned over and coughed hard. “Do you have water?” He asked from his bent over position.

Colin brought him a bottle of water. “Here ya go.” He unscrewed the cap, handed the bottle to Ed. “You sure you’re ok?”

Ed took a long drink before answering. “I’m fine really. It’s just been weeks since I’ve done anything physical. I tried too much too soon.” He shrugged.

“It’ll get easier.” Colin assured him. “After my back surgery, I thought I would never walk again.”

“Back surgery?”

“Skiing accident. I was out for months. And the physical therapy. God that sucked at first, but it got easier.”

“What happened?”

“I hit a tree.” He laughed. Wounds were a badge of honor amongst teenagers. “I was flyin’ down this super slick mountain. It was bad ass. Until I hit the tree. And then it was lights out.”

“You’re lucky you survived.”

“Am I?”

They stared at each other. Ed wasn’t so sure the answer to that question was a yes.

“Emma.” Luke mumbled from his bed.

“Who’s Emma?” Colin asked.

Ed shrugged. “I don’t know. He never mentioned her until he got sick.”

“Must be some hot chick, cuz all he ever says is her name.”  Colin replied. “Hey can you sit with him until dinner? I wanna make sure Zack’s not making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches again.”

Edward nodded. “I don’t mind peanut butter and jelly.”

“Try eating it every day. My brother thinks P.B. and J. is a healthy diet.”

Ed laughed. “As long as it’s not chili or soup, I’ll eat it.”

Before leaving, Colin explained the mechanics of the IV and how to interpret the monitor in case Luke’s vitals took a turn for the worst. There was a panic button that would sound an alarm over the intercom system. Ed promised he could handle things and sent Colin away to check on their meal. 

Secretly Ed hoped for something better than peanut butter and jelly, like a juicy T-bone steak or hot cheesy lasagna and buttered garlic bread, but he wouldn’t complain either way. The accommodations made up for any lack thereof in food choices.

“Hey Ed.” Luke whispered.

Ed jumped up. “Well, look who’s awake.”

Luke scanned the room through bleary eyes. “Where are we?”

“Zack’s bunker. Madison found it and they took us in.”


“The kid who sold pot. MJ Inc. Ring a bell.”

Luke nodded. “Is this a hospital?”

“Close to it.” He replied, glancing at the monitor. “How’re ya feelin’?”

“Rough man. What the hell happened?”

“Pneumonia happened. And seems you were sick for sometime before you passed out.” Ed scolded, using a father’s tone of voice.

“Is Austin pissed at me?”

“No. Course not.” He assured him. “I think you scared him though and I get the feeling he doesn’t like being scared.”

“No way man.” Luke rasped. “Nothin’ scares the Captain.”

“Maybe not, but he was definitely worried. And then he had to send Maddie off to find the bunker.

Luke gripped the edge of the bed, his eyes grew wider. “By herself? He sent her alone?”

“He had no choice. She was the only one who knew how to find it.”

Luke released the bed. “I wouldn’t have let her go.”

“Maddie knows how to handle herself. Besides I don’t think it would have mattered what Austin said, she’d made up her mind to go. You can’t change a woman’s mind once it’s made up. Believe me I’ve tried many times with my wife.” Edward abruptly stopped talking. He hadn’t meant to go there, but it was difficult not to bring her up, to not include her or Ryan in conversation. Putting on a forced smile, he changed the subject. “You should see this place kid. It’s spectacular.” Ed went to telling Luke about the awesome attributes of the bunker, putting Jenni to the farthest reaches of his mind.

A half an hour later, when Colin returned to fetch Ed for dinner, he was surprised to see Luke awake and alert. “Hey you’re awake.” He walked over to the bed to shake Luke’s hand.

“Colin Londergan.”

“Luke Taylor.”

“Yeah I know. LSU quarterback. Everyone knows who you are.” He smiled in admiration. “You guys would have slammed dunked the championship.”

“You play ball?”

“Nah. I used to ski.” He sighed. “Hey dinner’s ready Ed. And it ain’t sandwiches.”

“What about Luke?”

“Zack said he should to stick to liquids for a couple of days. At least until he gets his strength back.”

“I’m not really hungry.” Luke added.

“Ok. But I hate to leave you alone.” Ed replied.

“He won’t be alone.” Colin said. “Unless you don’t like dogs.”

“You have a dog?” Luke pushed himself up on his elbows. “I didn’t think there were any left.”

“There’s at least one.” Colin opened the door allowing German to come barreling in the room.

“German, meet Luke Taylor the famous QB, and Ed, the…what do you do Ed?”

“I’m a tax attorney. Was anyway.” He answered with a wry smile. “Hardly compares to a famous QB.”

“And Ed the last tax attorney standing.” Colin announced.

German proceeded to make friends by licking and smelling them. Luke felt an instant love for the dog, but it had been that way for all of them. Colin instructed German to watch over Luke while they were gone. The dog obeyed by taking post near the door, where he laid down facing Luke.

 “He’s trained to respond to certain sounds, like if your monitor goes haywire he knows how to press the panic button.” Colin told them. “I’ll come back with some broth or jello later. Ok.”

“Sure. Sounds good.” He turned to Ed. “Hey will you ask Maddie to come see me after dinner?”

“Sure thing.” Ed replied.


If the group thought they were going to be eating in the fifty’s diner, they were wrong. Zack had purposely skipped showing them the second dining room during the tour, wanting it to be a surprise and it was a pleasant one for everyone.

They sat at one end of a Viking sized table capable of seating forty people easy. A massive chandelier made of antlers hung above the center of the table. Along the walls additional lighting was provided by impressive wall sconces made of rustic iron and thick glass. Lush velvet curtains hanging over painted floor to ceiling windows, pewter beer steins a foot tall and crystal water goblets gave the room a Knights of the Round Table flare.

As they took in the extravagant décor, the most mouth watering aromas floated out from the gourmet kitchen located just beyond the dining room. They conversed quietly, waiting on dinner to be served. Not before long Zack and Colin emerged from the kitchen, rolling out carts loaded with food.

Zack stopped in front of the table announcing dinner was served and began delivering the various platters to the table. T-bone steaks, sliced roast beef, veggie lasagna, fresh tossed salad, mashed potatoes and a platter of fresh fruit and various cheeses were laid out before them. Colin added a tray containing condiments from basic table salt to fancy bottles of balsamic vinegar and virgin olive oil. Once everything was unloaded Zack and Colin sat down.

Zack pulled the cork out of a bottle of wine and passed it to Madison, who sat to his right. “This is the first time we’ve used this dining room. So welcome and enjoy.” Zack informed them, which started the conversation and the food flowing. When everyone had a full glass of wine, Zack stood and tapped fork to glass for a toast.

“First, I would like to give thanks for having you all here as guests and hopefully as friends as well.” He held up his glass.

“Here, here” Everyone agreed in unison.

“Second, I would like to toast to hopefully one day filling this table with people just like…” he turned to Madison, “Maddie.”

Everyone laughed, Madison turned red and they all drank to this.

Edward stood. “If I may?” Zack nodded and sat down. “I would like to raise a toast to Zack, for having the foresight to build this fabulous structure, which is not only functional, but as close to comfort as you could hope for.” They all yelled here, here and drank some more. “I would also like to say thanks to my friends Austin, Maddie and Luke for saving my life.” He nodded towards the two present. Maddie raised her wine glass and Austin, having abstained from the wine, raised his water glass.

The next thirty minutes were filled with the sounds of clinking glasses, silverware scraping across plates, and please pass the such and such. The mood was light and Austin was as close to relaxed as Ed or Madison had ever seen him. It hadn’t gone unnoticed by Madison the way his t-shirt cut into his biceps. It was the first time he wasn’t covered in layers of clothing, so she had no previous idea on his physical attributes. More than once she caught herself staring at the tiny boulders perched on his arms. She imagined his legs were equally cut and quickly turned her attention to stabbing pieces of lettuce.

Across the table Austin pretended not to notice Madison staring at him. He understood the effect his physique had on people, especially women, but it wasn’t important to him. His body was a machine, and keeping the machine running properly was essential to survival. He wished his brain was like a machine and impervious to women, in particular the one sitting across from him. But tonight the sweater she wore brought out the brown in her eyes, making them appear to sparkle or twinkle or dance. He wasn’t sure which word was the right one to use and he didn’t want it to matter.

Madison wasn’t the only one fixating on Austin’s biceps.  Colin was amazed for totally different reasons. “Dude, are you on roids or something?” He blurted out.

Ed and Madison froze in place, only their eyes moving between Austin and Colin.

Austin chuckled and everyone relaxed. “Never touched steroids. This is all natural.” He flexed both biceps, which caused Madison to choke on her food.

“Did Zack show you the weight room? It’s got the best equipment. Just like what the pros use.” Colin bragged.

“I saw that. Pretty impressive.” He nodded to Zack.

“I can’t take credit. I paid that Russian body builder, Zanka, and his trainer to pick out the stuff. If you ask me, it all looks like sadistic torture devices.”

One corner of Austin’s lip went up in that smart ass half smile Madison was all too familiar with. “Colin, do you work out.” Madison interjected before Austin could fire off one of his biting remarks.

“Not really. I mean I don’t know what I’m doing. And lazy ass can’t teach me nothin’.” He threw a look at Zack.

“I’ll show you.” Austin surprised everyone by offering. “If you’re serious.”

“Hell yeah I’m serious. When can we start?” Colin replied, almost jumping out of his seat.

“I’ll be there at five o’clock tomorrow morning. If you think you’re up for it.”

“Oh hell yeah. What’s that sound you Marine guys are always making? Boo yah? Ooh ya?”

“Ooh rah.”

“Yeah that’s it. Ooh rah.” Colin exclaimed before swallowing what was left in his wine glass.

“I might get up to see this.” Zack commented, knowing Colin wasn’t going to be in any shape to work out in the morning.  They’d finished off a bottle of wine before bringing the food out, and the third was presently being opened by Maddie. All this wine drinking meant Colin was going to have a massive headache in the morning. Zack laughed to himself. He knew he shouldn’t let Colin drink, but what did it fucking matter anymore.

The group finished the meal, barely leaving any scraps. Zack disappeared into the kitchen, returning a few minutes later with coffee, milk and a turtle cheesecake. Everyone groaned about being full, but all, except Austin, accepted a slice of cheesecake. Austin took black coffee only. Zack also skipped the cheesecake, but not because he was full. He hardly touched his dinner. The fact that he didn’t eat much hadn’t gone unnoticed by Austin, who had spent most of the meal observing their host.

“Luke is gonna be upset he missed out.” Ed commented, while shoving a large piece of cheesecake into his mouth. “He wanted you to come by.” Ed pointed his fork at Madison.

“I should take him something to eat.” Madison pushed back from the table. “Do you have a tray or something I can use?” She asked Zack.

“Colin’ll show you where everything is.” Zack said.

Colin was more than happy to follow his brother’s orders. He and Maddie headed for the kitchen. Ed excused himself, saying he felt a food coma coming on and needed to walk it off. Zack and Austin remained behind. Both took a refill on coffee. Zack spiked his with Bailey’s liquor, which Austin declined.

BOOK: The Harvest (Book 1)
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