The Grimm Diaries Prequels Volume 11- 14: Children of Hamlin, Jar of Hearts, Tooth & Nail & Fairy Tale, Ember in the Wind, Welcome to Sorrow, and Happy Valentine's Slay. (21 page)

She looked at me one more time and smirked, “Don’t even try to hurt me now,” she said, holding her tarot cards in the air. “Once I throw the cards in the air, you will disbelieve everything I told you.”
Then she did, that little mischievous brat. Happily, she waved her hands in the air and the cards scattered in every direction. I couldn’t help myself anymore and I gave up on my dignity, standing up and stepping down from my throne, trying to catch the cards before they fell.
I ended up on the floor, showered with the tarot cards that started the curse. Everything she had told me, I disbelieved and doubted already. Each of the Lost Seven she hinted at had been protected by my disbelief, and I was destined to not know about them forever.
Cassandra and Jacob Grimm fooled me.
“Pathetic,” Cassandra, the peasant, looked down at me and shook her head, then left the chamber.
At this moment, you should be proud of your brother, Jacob, having solved everything with just a little trick. There wasn’t going to be a Queen hunting down the Lost Seven anymore, and my monster daughter would live and kill as she pleased.
But I know you’re smart, Wilhelm. You should ask yourself, how I was able to write this diary if I still disbelieved what she had said to me.
Can’t you figure it out?
I could give you some time to think about how I knew that everything she told me about the Lost Seven was true, and how her curse of disbelieving didn’t affect me.
How could I possibly know when there wasn’t anyone else with us in the room to eavesdrop and tell me about the conversation? It was impossible. I told you how Cassandra knew about the huntsmen I had hidden behind the curtains. There was no way I could fool her.
Then how did I possibly do it?
How is it that the trick didn’t work and that I will still hunt them down and kill them one by one after I get what I want?
It’s actually very simple. There was someone in the room whom Cassandra could never see, and could never imagine, because in a melancholic sense that someone was there but also wasn’t.
If your brother and Cassandra liked to play games, it was alright with me. Only they knocked on my door to play, the wrong door, my dear Wilhelm. My door always leads to a stairway to heaven, only you’ll fall down in the deepest pit of hell before you reach the top.
That someone in the room, who was there and wasn’t there, was in the mirror Cassandra was checking herself in. It was my beloved Bloody Mary, a damned soul, hidden in a mirror, undetected by even someone like Cassandra.
Normally, a mirror can’t eavesdrop, but my mirror was special.
My lovely mirror, mirror on the wall, inhabited by Bloody Mary.
Mary, hiding behind the shining glass of the mirror, heard everything. While Cassandra was checking out her hair in Mary’s mirror, thinking that she and Jacob had put an end to my powers, Mary was laughing loud, but no one could hear her behind the mirror.
Mary told me about the conversation later, and you know how much I trust Mary. It’s true that she’s demonically obnoxious, but she’s always on my side.
I believed every word Mary told me, and that’s why I win.
Listen to me, Wilhelm; I am the Queen of Sorrow, and I always win. Always.
Before I sign this diary with my victorious name, I’d like to remind you why I am chasing the Lost Seven. That day when Snow White escaped the huntsman I sent to kill her, she played one of the greatest tricks in history on me. She knew that all I wanted was to consume her heart—and I am not going to get into why. You damn well know why. It’s the only way to stop her from killing all of us.
My pale, little daughter had someone help her cast a forbidden spell while she was in the cottage. It was a spell that split her dark heart into seven parts, which she had given each of the Lost Seven a part of, so I could never consume her heart.
In order to have Snow White’s heart, I will have to find the Lost Seven, unlock their secrets to weaken them and catch them, then rip out the piece of heart in them that belongs to my daughter; thus, it belongs to
eventually. This or Snow White will wake up from the curse you bestowed on us and kill everyone in Sorrow.


End of Prequel no# 14


Author’s Notes:
The first question that comes to mind after reading this, is, ‘Is it wise of the Queen of Sorrow to fully trust Bloody Mary? Isn’t it possible that Bloody Mary had lied to the Queen about one or two of the Lost Seven? I won’t answer that. It’s just a thought.
Cassandra is based on the Greek myth of
. She’s really interesting, and will appear again. You might want to read about her curse in mythology books.
Pinocchio would have fit the job, but like I said, I didn’t want to confuse the plots by showing new characters now. He will appear soon.
You should know five of the Lost Seven by now.
The idea of being curse with not believing what you’re told, could have been described as
I used the word disbelief, although it’s a bit heavy and confusing, because I wanted to make sure the curse is straight forward.
If Cassandra tells you the future, you will not believe her no matter what when she leaves.


The Grimm Diaries Prequel #15
(Bonus Prequel)

Welcome to Sorrow
as told by the Igor the Magnificent


By Cameron Jace


Edited by Debilee Anderson


The Grimm Diaries Prequel #15
(Bonus Prequel)


Welcome to Sorrow

as told by the Igor the Magnificent


Dear Readers,


I am Igor the Magnificent. You must have heard of me. I have served many masters in my time, starting with Jacob Grimm, Peter Pan; and lately worked in the Belly and the Beast as what you would call a bouncer.
I have enjoyed working for Pete the most because he was fun; but his nasty Sleeping Beauty girlfriend was unbearable, so I left.
A hunchback needs to make a living like everyone else, so I had to find a new employee. It occurred to me to go back to Notre Dame, kill everyone, get back my Esmeralda, and become a French king, of sorts. Pete would have like that; he always thought I should aspire to become a kickass hunchback. But frankly, I like the Kingdom of Sorrow better.  There is so much excitement here, so much mystery—and you get to meet famous people like Jack Madly, Ladle Rat, Marmalade, and the Queen of Sorrow.
So here I am, writing to you from the town of Sorrow in the year 2011. The town is almost empty. You’d think the rest of the people had been abducted by aliens. The truth is that none of the fairy tale characters woke up yet to inhabit it—the few locals who live here have no idea about what’s about to happen. Once the hundred years of Sleeping Death have passed, they will start waking up one by one.
Some of the fairy tale crowd will wake up smoothly, remembering who they are and what they are looking for. Some of them will wake up, not remembering anything, not even their names, lost until they get help. Some of them will wake up thinking they have been living here all their lives.  Some will wake up with fake memories implanted in their heads—the long sleep can do that to them. Lastly, some of them will struggle to wake up at all because, like Sleeping Beauty, they’ll need a certain ritual to be resurrected and freed from the hundred year
long curse of the Sleeping Death.
Sooner or later, everyone will finally know who they are, and then the adventure will begin. I’m curious to know what will happen, and what secrets will be unveiled.
As I am cleaning the dust off the empty streets of Sorrow, the wind swirls around me everywhere. It makes me feel a little uneasy. This town can be really scary sometimes.
You might be wondering about Sorrow. Is it in the real world or in the Dreamworld?
Well, it’s real; just a simple American town like any other. Still, there is a catch to it I’d like to tell you about, so please think of me as you tourist guide.
Sorrow, a simple town, is located in a bigger town—or you might want to call it a city—called Hell. Oh, you haven’t heard about that town yet?
Let me explain.
If you open your roadmap, you’ll find there are at least five towns called Hell in America—a dozen others all over the world. And don’t go looking for a town called Heaven. There isn’t a single one in America, yet. Thank you very much.
For your information, there is a town called Hell in Michigan, in Cayman Island, in Cleveland, in Ohio, in California, in Arizona, and in Kentucky. There is even a town called Hell in Norway in Europe—I guess that’s where hell literary freezes over.
See? Nothing wrong with that, just simple towns called Hell everywhere in the world. It’s just a name, or maybe it isn’t. In both cases it’s irrelevant.
All of these Hell towns are portals to Sorrow, which makes it a real and unreal place at the same time. If you’re not a fairy tale character and drive through a Hell town, you’ll find us. No one will point fingers and make fun of you; saying, ‘Look, this dude isn’t one of us. He’s not cool, he has no back story, and he has no powers.’
You’re welcome to stay around with us. That’s how we’ve been living among humans all our lives anyways. The only thing I’d ask of you is not to scream and run like a madman when things get crazy.
Sorrow is also a mysterious town, and it could really seduce you.
We have everything you need in here. Take a look!
We have a high school called Rumpelstein High; the students are bit wacky, some of them are vampires, werewolves, and the whole nine yards, but I’m sure as long as you keep to yourself, you’ll like it here.
We also have our best restaurant chain called The Belly and the Beast. All teens and adults love to hang out here. We’ve got fairy tale food; you’ll be surprised how good it tastes.
Then we have our famous library called Deadtime Stoories; all kinds of book piles for you to quench your knowledge and imagination.
If you look a little bit to the left, you’ll see we have the Phoenix gas station; which always burns for no apparent reason.
There is the Wicked Apples grocery store a couple blocks away from here. It has a rival, Pomona’s Bite grocery store, right across the street. They usually have issues with apples, but that’s another story.
A little farther in the narrow road, you’ll find the Wondershack Electronics, and the Tooth Hairy barber shop where the employees usually slash their clients open, accidentally of course.
The best teens’ nightly hangout in town is a Club called the Closet.  The schedule consists of five days of uninterrupted dance music, and two days per week for Boogie and Blues. The teens don’t like the blues nights, but I have to warn you that getting in the Closet on clubbing nights isn’t easy at all. You will stand in line for hours unless you know the bouncer or you’re VIP.
We also have that famed store called Wonderbar, which claims it sells
but I wouldn’t advice you go in there either—one of its wonders is, that rarely anyone comes out.

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