Read The Grim Company Online

Authors: Luke Scull

The Grim Company (6 page)

‘Aram and Garmst,’ answered Garrett. ‘Twins, if you hadn’t guessed. They’re the fiercest fighters in the group,’ he added, to Cole’s displeasure.

‘If there’s killin’ needs doing, we’s your boys,’ growled Aram, shooting Brodar Kayne another glare.

Cole couldn’t help himself. ‘Just don’t ask them to do anything more complicated than hit something,’ he quipped. ‘I’ve heard they check each other’s trousers each morning to make sure they’re not back to front.’

He grinned at the faces around the fire. Brodar Kayne chuckled softly. The Urich brothers gave him looks that promised grim retribution. Everyone else stared back at him coolly except for Sasha, who wore a faint smile. In Cole’s estimation, that made it worthwhile.

‘On to business,’ Garrett said. ‘I received news last night. News that could not wait. Salazar has summoned his Augmentors to the Obelisk. Every single one of them.’

Cole could hardly believe his ears. ‘The Augmentors are Salazar’s elite force,’ he added, in response to Brodar Kayne’s puzzled expression.

Garrett shifted on his haunches and exhaled slowly. He looked every inch the wealthy and successful merchant – and as far as his colleagues in the Grey City Cartel were concerned, that was exactly what he was.

None of Garrett’s peers could have suspected that he spent much of his considerable wealth funding a rebel organization dedicated to overthrowing the Tyrant of Dorminia. Cole loved his foster father dearly, but he knew that when the time came for him to take the reins of leadership and guide the Shards, he would achieve more than the humiliation of a few magistrates. He would see the Magelord

‘The war over the Celestial Isles will not end with our navy’s defeat,’ Garrett was saying now. He placed a hand on his stomach and made a sour face. ‘The political situation in the Trine is on a knife edge. Marius of Shadowport and the White Lady of Thelassa know Dorminia is weakened. Salazar will seek to strike back, and quickly. He will not accept being relegated to the position of third power in the Trine.’

‘But why gather all his Augmentors to him?’ Vicard said, rubbing at his nose. He did that a lot, Cole noticed.

‘He’s working great magic. Magic on a scale that has not been attempted for many years. He’s siphoning.’

‘From his Augmentors?’ Sasha exclaimed. ‘Is that possible?’

Garrett nodded. ‘Salazar is served by at least forty Augmentors. The raw magic he has spent decades accumulating is invested in swords and spears, shields and helms that elevate an Augmentor above any normal soldier. Yet that magic is still tied to him, to be drawn upon and added to his own formidable reserves. He could be working a spell to wreak devastation on a scale not seen since the Godswar, when he and his peers slaughtered the deities. Murdered the very goddess whose temple we now shelter in.’

Everyone was silent for a time. Eventually Cole spoke. ‘Salazar’s Augmentors defend Dorminia’s territory from abominations and other threats. If he consumes their magic, they’ll be useless. He can’t afford to lose his enforcers. Can he?’ He suddenly felt a surge of possessiveness towards Magebane. He looked across at Brodar Kayne and the magical dagger at his belt. As if reading his thoughts, the Highlander placed a hand over the weapon. With his other hand he took a huge bite out of the old apple he was eating and spat the core into the fire, where it sizzled slightly.

‘Salazar is utterly ruthless, as we all know. He will do whatever it takes to further his aims,’ said Garrett. He rubbed at his stomach again before continuing. ‘The Celestial Isles are the greatest source of raw magic in the known world. Dorminia’s existing supplies will have dried up within a decade. A Magelord who holds the Celestial Isles will ensure their domain goes unchallenged for centuries. Augmentors can be replaced, new items of power forged and bound to those Salazar considers worthy.’

Sasha leaned forwards. Cole couldn’t help but notice that her eyes looked huge in the firelight. ‘With his Augmentors at the Obelisk, Salazar’s assets are suddenly vulnerable,’ she said. ‘This could be our chance. Our chance to do something big.’

Garrett’s heavy moustache twitched and he smiled at the group. ‘The Wailing Rift,’ he said. ‘Dorminia’s only active magic-mining operation, and hence of great value to the Magelord. It is usually guarded by at least a dozen Augmentors. We are going to sabotage it.’

‘But the city’s under lockdown,’ protested Garmst. His brother nodded sagely, as if this detail had escaped everyone else around the fire.

‘Let me worry about that,’ Garrett replied. He turned to Sasha. ‘You will lead a small group down to the harbour where my contact awaits. I’ll give you the exact location when I brief you. Vicard is going with you. Remy, your presence would also be useful.’

‘Not me,’ the drab physician replied. ‘I’ve no taste for adventure. Besides, I must spend the evening with a patient, one of the city magistrates. He won’t be happy if I fail to turn up.’

Garrett sighed and then turned to Brodar Kayne, who had finished the apple and was now attempting to dislodge a particularly stubborn pip from the back of his teeth. The merchant’s expression became grim. ‘I would have you speak your intentions, Highlander. You and your friend now know enough to get us all killed.’

The old barbarian raised an eyebrow. ‘I saved young Cole’s life. I reckon we’ve earned your trust.’

Garrett had that calculating look Cole had seen on those occasions he had accompanied the merchant to negotiate business. ‘I have made my fortune out of my ability to read people,’ his foster father said slowly. ‘There is little that escapes me. I note, for example, that your compatriot’s breathing seems to have slowed a fraction – and that his hands are mysteriously closer to the axes at his side than they were a moment ago.’

Cole glanced across in surprise, just in time to see Jerek’s eyes shoot open and witness his silently mouthed
. He felt a sudden rush of admiration for his wily old mentor.

Brodar Kayne, too, appeared vaguely impressed. ‘You got my word,’ he said. ‘I ain’t never broken it except once, and in the circumstances I would have called any man who acted differently a damn fool.’

Garrett nodded. ‘As I said, I have made a living out of judging men. I suspect that, even outnumbered five to one, the two of you would turn this temple into a bloodbath if it came to it.’ He shook his head ruefully. ‘But enough of such talk. I have a proposal for you.’

‘Go on.’

‘The Rift is at the very edge of the Trine. Bandits often cross over from the Badlands to the north. And the area is plagued by abominations.’

Brodar Kayne raised an eyebrow. ‘Bandits and abominations? I reckon I got more experience with them than most.’

Garrett nodded. ‘Sasha and Vicard will require some muscle to accompany them. I would send the Urich boys but they’re needed elsewhere. How does ten gold spires sound?’

The old Highlander stopped picking at his teeth for a moment. ‘The way I see it, this magical dagger is fair reward for rescuing your lad Cole. I reckon I would get more than twenty spires for it in the Unclaimed Lands.’

Garrett shook his head. ‘You will find that Magebane is useless to you and most anyone else who attempts to wield it.’

Brodar Kayne looked puzzled. ‘Why’s that?’

Despite his growing annoyance, Cole couldn’t help but grin. He knew the answer to that question.

‘Magebane’s magic will only work for those possessing the blood of a true hero,’ Garrett replied. He shifted a little as he said it, as if the words made him slightly uncomfortable.

Brodar Kayne scratched his nose and then grinned. ‘Counts me out then. I never claimed to be no hero. But what’s to stop you refusing to pay up after I’ve fulfilled my part of the deal? It ain’t like I could find you again in a city this size.’

The leader of the Shards pursed his lips and said nothing. In the silence that followed, Cole could hear the
tick tock tick tock
of the timepiece in Garrett’s pocket.

‘I’ll hang onto this dagger,’ Kayne said eventually. ‘When our business at the Rift is concluded I’ll hand it back to your lad here. Just as soon as I’ve got the thirty gold spires you’re about to offer. Fifteen each for both me and the Wolf there, I reckon.’

Garrett narrowed his eyes. ‘You barter like a merchant,’ he complained. ‘Fine. We have a deal. Just be sure to keep that dagger safe. Its value cannot be underestimated. It is the one thing that can negate a Magelord’s magic.’

‘I won’t let it out of my sight,’ said Brodar Kayne.

Cole had heard enough. He rose angrily. ‘It looks like I’ll need to find another weapon. What time are we leaving?’

‘You’re not going anywhere, Davarus.’

Cole paused. What was Garrett talking about? ‘Look, my ribs are fine,’ he said in exasperation. ‘Even with these injuries, I’m still quicker than anyone here.’ He swept his gaze over the assembled Shards, daring any of them to gainsay him.

‘It’s not about your injuries.’ Garrett’s voice was heavy with weariness. ‘You nearly got yourself killed today. You disobeyed my explicit instructions and almost drew disaster down on us all.’ His voice softened slightly and grew sad. ‘I’ve raised you since you were eight years old. I love you like my own son, Davarus. But you refuse to do as I ask. You think only of yourself and glory. You must learn to act as part of a group before I can trust you again.’

Cole could hardly believe what he was hearing. He felt like he’d been stabbed in the gut. ‘This is ridiculous,’ he protested. ‘I’m the best man for this mission! You know I am! This is what I was born to do!’

‘I’m sorry, Davarus,’ Garrett said.

Cole looked around, desperately seeking support. No one met his gaze except the old Highlander, who remained silent.

‘I’m Davarus Cole!’ he shouted furiously. ‘My father was a man without equal! You can all cower around and pretend you’re making a difference. I won’t stand by as an innocent is murdered in the street.’ He reached down under his leather vest and withdrew the green quartz crystal Garrett had given him on his eighteenth naming day, when he had been officially sworn in as a member of the Shards. It hung on a simple cord of leather. He gave it a hard tug and the cord snapped around his neck.

He stared at the crystal for a moment as it rested in his palm. He remembered how proud he’d been when Garrett had presented it to him. Twelve years the man had been as a father to him. Over half his life. And
was how he treated his prodigal foster son?

Cole shook his head in disgust and, to the collective gasps of those seated around the fire, tossed the crystal into the flame. Then he stormed out of the temple of the Mother and into the stinging night rain where two hundred miles to the south the city of Shadowport had at that moment ceased to exist.

‘You may rise.’

Barandas did as he was commanded, shocked at the exhaustion in that ancient voice. The undisputed master of Dorminia and arguably the most powerful man in the north had never sounded so decrepit. It was an unsettling revelation, even for the city’s Supreme Augmentor.

He risked a quick glance at the men sitting before him as he straightened. Lord Salazar slumped forwards in his obsidian throne, his age-spotted hands clutching at the sides for support. Those voluminous robes of deep scarlet he always wore fell around his thin body like a shroud. The harsh lines of the Magelord’s dusky face were accentuated by fatigue, and his eyes were sunk even deeper than usual, shadowed by circles almost as black as the throne he sat upon. Even the beard and moustache he kept so meticulously well oiled, an ancient Gharzian custom he had never discarded, seemed to droop with weariness.

In contrast, Grand Magistrate Timerus, sitting to the left of Lord Salazar, positively glowed with satisfaction. Like the city’s ruler, Timerus was not of Andarran ancestry; though he had been born in Dorminia, the Grand Magistrate shared the unmistakable features of the men and women of Ishar to the east. The chief steward of the city’s affairs placed a long index finger to the side of his hawk-like nose and gave Barandas an appraising look.

On the other side of the Magelord, Marshal Halendorf of the Crimson Watch sat with his hands folded on his lap and a ghost of a smile on his corpulent face.

Go ahead and gloat, gentlemen
, Barandas thought irritably.
You won’t find it so amusing when the White Lady discovers the city’s Augmentor force has been shattered

‘I trust you are sufficiently recovered,’ Salazar said eventually. As it happened, Barandas still felt weak, but he would never admit to such. Not in front of the Magelord and the city’s two most powerful magistrates.

‘I am fine, my lord. However, I regret to inform you that twenty-one Augmentors lost their bondmagic. Fortunately, none of them died in the process.’

Salazar pursed his narrow lips. ‘Over half my Augmentors,’ he stated, a hint of annoyance in his voice. Barandas felt a flutter of apprehension. The Tyrant of Dorminia might be exhausted to the point of tottering from his throne, but he could snuff out the lives of everyone in this chamber in the blink of an eye – and would, given reason to do so. Shadowport’s fate was a testament to that.

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