"The Bible Is Not a Myth."
Literature and Belief 4
( 1984): 7-15.
"Generative Violence and the Extinction of Social Order (Dynamics of Mimetic Rivalry
Exposed by the Gospels)."
Salmagundi: A Quarterly of the Humanities and Social Sciences
( 1984): 204-37.
"Review of '
Le 19e siècle à travers les âges
,' by Philippe Murray."
Commentaire 27
Autumn 1984): 613-16.
Exorciser la violence
Le Figaro
, April 15, 1985, 2.
La Différence Franco-Américaine
. Special issue entitled "
Demain la France
( October/November 1984): 275-81.
Faits divers et bonne nouvelle
Autrement 75
( 1985): 180-90.
"Nietzsche and Contradiction."
Stanford Italian Review 6
, no. 1-2 ( 1986): 5365.
"What Is the Question?"
The Stanford Magazine 14
, no. 4 ( 1986): 60.
Dieu et l'esprit moderne
, April 11, 1986, 36-38.
Le jeu des secrets interdits
. (Review of Milan Kundera)."
Le Nouvel Observateur 1150
1986): 102-3.
La morne vengeance de Hamlet
Les Saisons de Saint-Jean 15
, 16 ( 1986): 23-38,5-35.
"The Scapegoat Transformed: The Gospel Passion as Victim's Story."
Cross Currents 1
Spring 1986): 29.
Quelques clés des désordres collectifs
Le Figaro 9
, no. 10 ( May 1987): 18.
Serres, le philosophe en marche
." (Review of Michel Serres, Statues).
Le Figaro Littéraire
, December 7, 1987, 3f.
"Ritual Killing and Cultural Formation."
Zyzzyva 3
, no. 1 ( 1987): 98-104.
Un équilibre périlleux: essai d'interprétation du comique
Les Saisons de Saint-Jean 20
1987): 5-21.
Violence et société
Revue des Deux Mondes 12
, no. 35 ( 1988): 91-98.
"Des chiffres et des hommes." (Review of: Georges-Hubert de Radkowski,
de la Valeur
, May 13-19, 1988, 186.
"'Génie et démons du christianisme,' in 'Fanatisme: la menace religieuse.'"
Le Nouvel
, October 5-11, 1989, 20.
"Love Delights in Praises: A Reading of 'The Two Gentlemen of Verona.'"
Philosophy and
Literature 13
, no. 2 ( 1989): 231-47.
"Do You Love Him Because I Do?: Mimetic Interaction in Shakespeare's Comedies."
, no. 1 ( Spring 1990): 89-107.
"The Crime and Conversion of Leontes in 'The Winter's Tale.'"
Religion and Literature 22
, no. 2-3 ( 1990): 193-219.
"Innovation and Repetition."
SubStance 62-63
( 1990): 7-20.
Religion et Démocratie
Le Nouvel Observateur
, March 1990.
Croyez-vous vous même à votre propre théorie?
Le Règle du Jeu 1
( May 1990): 254-77.
"Love and Hate in 'Yvain.' "
Recherches et Recontres 1
( 1990): 249-62.
"Collective Violence and Sacrifice in Shakespeare's 'Julius Caesar.' "
Salmagundi: A
Quarterly of the Humanities and Social Sciences 88-89
( 1991): 399-419.
L'apothéose des victimes
Le Nouvel Observateur
, January 23-29, 1992, 5455.
"Is There Anti-Semitism in the Gospels?"
Biblical Interpretation: A Journal of
Contemporary Approaches 1
, no. 3 ( November 1993): 339-52.
"Mythology, Violence, Christianity."
Paragrana: International Zeitschrift für Historiscbe
Antbropologie 4
, no. 2 ( 1995): 103-16.
"Are the Gospels Mythical?"
First Things 62
( April 1996): 27-31.
"Eating Disorders and Mimetic Desire."
Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and
Culture 3
( Spring 1996): 1-20.
Recent Books by Girardian Scholars
The following list includes works that explicate, apply, or criticize the mimetic scapegoat
theory (English, French, and German only).
Alison, James.
Knowing Jesus
Springfield, Ill.: Templegate, 1993.
Raising Abel: The Recovery of the Eschatological Imagination
New York: Crossroad,
Bailie, Gil.
Violence Unveiled: Humanity at the Crossroads
. New York: Crossroad, 1995.
Bandera, Ceséreo.
The Sacred Game: The Role of the Sacred in the Genesis of Modern
Literary Fiction
. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1994.
Chilton, Bruce.
The Temple of Jesus
. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press,
Golsan, Richard J.
René Girard and Myth: An Introduction
. New York: Garland, 1993.
Goodhart, Sandor.
Sacrificing Commentary
. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press,
Hamerton-Kelly, Robert G.
Sacred Violence: Paul's Hermeneutic of the Cross
. Minneapolis:
Fortress, 1992.
The Gospel and the Sacred: Poetics of Violence in Mark
. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1994.
Kaptein, Roel.
On the Way of Freedom. Blackrock, Co.
Dublin, Ireland: Columba, 1993.
Livingston, Paisley.
Models of Desire: René Girard and the Psychology of Mimesis
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992.
McCracken, David.
The Scandal of the Gospels: Jesus, Story, and Offense
. New York:
Oxford, 1994.
McKenna, Andrew.
Violence and Difference: Girard, Derrida, and Deconstruction
. Urbana
and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1992.
Oughourlian, Jean-Michel.
The Puppet of Desire: The Psychology of Hysteria, Possession,
and Hypnosis
. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1991.
Simonse, Simon.
Kings of Disaster: Dualism, Centralism and the Scapegoat King in the
Southeastern Sudan
. Leiden and New York: Brill, 1992.
Smith, Theophus, and Mark Wallace, eds.
Curing Violence
. Sonoma, Calif.: Polebridge,
Webb, Eugene.
The Self Between: From Freud to the New Social Psychology of France
Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1993.
Williams, James G.,
The Bible, Violence, and the Sacred: Liberation from the Myth of
Sanctioned Violence
. San Francisco: HarperCollins, 1991; Valley Forge, Pa.: Trinity Press
International, 1995.
Wink, Walter,
Engaging the Powers
. Minneapolis: Augsburg-Fortress, 1992.
Dupuy, Jean-Pierre.
La panique
. Paris: Laboratoires Delagrange, 1991.
Le sacrifice et l'envie: Le libéralisme aux prises avec la justice sociale
. Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 1992.
Lagrange, François.
René Girard ou la christianisation des sciences humaines
. New York:
Peter Lang, 1994.
Baudler, Georg.
Töten oder Lieben: Gewalt und Gewaltlosigkeit in Religion und Christentum
Munich: Kösel, 1994.
Dieckmann, Bernhard.
Judas als Sündenbock: eine verhängnisvolle Geschicbte von Angst
und Vergeltung
. Munich: Kösel, 1991.
Niewiadomski, J., and W. Palaver, eds.
Dramatiscbe Erlösungslehre: Ein Symposion.
, Vienna: Tyrolia, 1992.
Vom Fluch und Segen der Sündenböcke: Raymund Schwager zum 60. Geburtstag
Thaur: Kulturverlag, 1995.
Palaver, Wolfgang.
Politik und Religion bei Thomas Hobbes: Eine Kritik aus der Sicht der
Tbeorie Girards
. Innsbruck: Tyrolia, 1991.
Schwager, Raymund.
Braucben wir einen Sündenbock? Gewalt und Erlösung in den
biblischen Schriften
, 3d ed. Thaur: Kulturverlag, 1994.
Jesus im Heilsdrama: Entwurf einer biblischen Erlösungslehre
. Innsbruck, Vienna:
Tyrolia-Verlag, 1990.
Dem Netz des Jägers entronnen: Wie Jesus sein Leben verstand
von Raymund Schwager. Freiburg: Herder, 1991.