Read The Emperor's New Nightingale Online

Authors: Angela Castle

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy & Futuristic, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Space Opera

The Emperor's New Nightingale (4 page)

“Jitt, s
it. Catch your breath, and then tell me.”

The older man did as Orin
bade, sinking into one of the few chairs around the room, drawing several lungs full of air before he spoke again.

Lord, it’s the Song Krystal! Just a moment ago, it shone! It was weak, but I swear by the gods themselves, it did shine!”

The breath caught in Orin’s throat
. Dropping the papers, he strode around his desk to face Jitt.

“She is here, but where?

My nightingale, my empress, the one true love of my life.

Lord, we don’t know who, only that it glowed.”

“She is on the planet, Drango!” Orin bellowed
. Within seconds his Verkin guard came bursting into the room, his icy blue gaze automatically sweeping for danger and two of his four hands palming weapons ready to use.

“Stand down
, there is no danger. I need you to make sure all incoming song bird ships are stopped and returned to their planets. My nightingale is somewhere on Ario. Inform the seekers we will step up the search of those already here. I want my Empress found.”

Drango bowed
. “Of course, my Lord.” The bodyguard vanished back through the doors.

Orin’s hand
s balled into fists, mirroring the knots in his stomach. Now, he knew she was here; he would not be at ease until she was found, not just for his sake but for the sake of the entire galaxy.

* * * *

“I’ve searched every part of the house, she is not here.”

rson strode into the main foyer of their home. “Everyone else is accounted for and in the holo suite. They still don’t suspect a thing.”

paced the room, struggling to bring his panic and anger under control. He needed to think clearly.

“How the hell did Julie get away
? She couldn’t have known anything, could she?”

Why are you asking me? We’re in even more trouble if someone else finds her and the Ario authorities find out we’ve broken the law.”

“We need to find her and fast.” A
n idea sprung into Uric’s mind. “Yes, the translation gas. She breathed it in. All I need to do is fashion a fume tracker.”

“Are you sure it will work?”

Uric frowned at his brother’s doubtful expression.

“Translation gas isn’t common and can be easily detected, even fac
ial traces. You look after the women. I’m going Earthling hunting.”

're not going to hurt her, are you?” He saw the concern written on Erson’s face.

“Harm a song bird, are you crazy? No, we need to find her, bring her back, and if necessary
, wipe her memories.”









“Do you have news for me, Buil?” Ractor, Lord of the Six Shades of Darkness, looked down on his sniveling servant and spy in the Palace of Harmony.

The power behind the Krystal, which kept him and his minions exiled for
centuries, was weakening, but not enough for Ractor to break through the barrier holding him bound to his realm.

If he could break through, d
arkness would engulf the galaxies, and he would battle the emperor to at last take control.

Lord, as you know we are searching for the nightingale. We have not found her yet.”

Irritation burned through his body
and he barely contained the desire to choke the life out of the Flaxian. Instead, Ractor thrummed his long fingers against the arm of his throne.

Someone made the Song Krystal flicker to life…”

Ractor’s fingers stilled and curled around the chiseled
, black bone from which his throne was made.

“…but they do not know who
. They have ceased any more travel in and out of Ario until they find the song bird.”

Ractor rose to his feet
. This was news which, for once, could be played in his favor.

“I have no desire to spend another several
centuries stuck in this realm, far from my rightful place as ruler over the entire galaxy! I don’t care how you do it, but find the female before the Emperor does and bring her to me.”

With the
Emperor’s new nightingale in his grasp, he would have all the power in his hands.

“Yes, my
Lord.” Buil bowed swiftly before scurrying out of the throne room.

This time
, Ractor would not fail. And this time, the galaxies would fall to his command.

* * * *

Julie twirled, the multi-colored skirt billowing about her ankles. She giggled, delighted at all the wonderful clothes she and Mik bought at the city market. She loved the soft, bright styles of female, Ario clothing. They made her feel both feminine and free.

“You look fantastic
. The pale blues and yellows suit you and bring out the deep, rich color of your hair.” Mik sighed with obvious envy.

“My hair?
Yours is beautiful, so silvery. Not one person on Earth has hair like you. I think you should put it up and let the tendrils hang down.”

Mik threaded her fingers through her hair, piling it up on top of her head. Julie helped her secure it, teasing out strands, letting them fall around Mik’s pretty face.

Julie was a
mazed. Five days on Ario, singing in Trall’s tavern and waiting tables was the best of her life. She never felt so light of heart or carefree.

“Think I will cat
ch the eye of a handsome Verkin? Many have been coming to Trall’s tavern since you’ve started singing. In fact, I’ve never seen the place so full of customers in my eight moon cycles of working here.”

learned Mik had a ‘thing’ for the Verkin race. She discovered Verkin’s not only had four arms and hands, but also four cocks.

It took Mik show
ing her a porno holo movie of a studly, buff Verkin in action with an Ario woman for Julie to believe it. After this it took her a few days not to look at Trall and blush, especially when Mik, and her very liberal tongue, told him why.

He laughed, good
-naturedly, but still teased her, saying she would only have to ask and he would give her a personal viewing. Trall was a mentor and friend, however, and as handsome as he was, she didn’t want to cross that line.

Another thing she gauged
from observing the inhabitants of Ario was they were sexually uninhibited, openly expressing their passions whenever the mood struck. Julie often stumbled across couples in the back rooms of the tavern.

“Come, you can help me replenish the
stocks before your admiring public arrives," said Mik. “Even with the two new barmaids Trall hired, it will be busy.”

Mik flounced out of the room.

Julie smiled, feeling more at home here than she ever did back on gloomy Earth. She felt stronger and more confident in herself and with each passing day, she knew she never wanted to leave.

* * * *

“This is certainly a surprise.” Orin glanced around the bustling tavern. The place tripled in the number of patrons since he last visited.

With every sunrise and set, Orin
’s agitation grew, until Drango suggested they visit their favorite, little tavern to help ease the burden of his mind, if only for a short while. Hundreds of females passed through the chambers and sang to the Song Krystal, but not once did it shine. She was still out there somewhere.

In his usual disguise of common clothing and
with a slight change to his name, no one ever knew he was their emperor, except for Drango’s brother, Trall.

Brother, it is good to see you again.” Trall gave Drango a tight hug before turning his pale blue eyes on Orin. “A pleasure, as always to see you return, my Lord.” Trall inclined his head towards Orin.

“What’s with the crowd
, Trall?” Orin asked.

“Oh, I have a new song
bird. Word spread of her exceptional talent and, as you can see, many come to hear her. Come, your usual table is waiting.”

Trall led them through the crowd to a table at the back
, with a clear line of sight to the stage. The three friends sat down.

I’m glad you came. I have some information regarding some of your seekers using less than reputable methods collecting contenders for you-know-what.”

Orin tense
d, not wanting to hear about the search for his bride. Before he opened his mouth to silence Trall on the subject, a stunning female sauntered up, a serving tray clutched on her generously curved hip. Orin’s gaze swept up over her ample breasts with a mouthwatering display of cleavage. Her dark hair fell around creamy, soft-looking skin. Her warm brown eyes, set in a rounded face, sparkled with life, her lush pink lips curved up in a smile.

“Can I get you an
d your friends a drink, Trall?”

er soft voice washed over him like smooth, petal milk. His body reacted, all the blood rushing south making his cock thicken in his pants.

He wanted her
; his every nerve ending went on alert, his father’s voice whispering in the back of his mind.
‘I knew your mother was the one, the moment I laid eyes on her, even before she sang.’

She was his future Empress
; every instinct screamed it. Here she stood, more beautiful than the four galaxies he ruled over.

“Three rounds of
our best
, thank you, Julie.” Trall smiled proudly at her.

She nodded, spun on her
heel and worked her way back through the bar patrons.

A new tavern maid, Trall? She does not look Arioian,” Drango said.

Oh, she’s not. She's an Earthling actually, and as you see, utterly charming and sweet. Would you not say, my Lord?”

sweet.” Orin’s were words tight as he tried to ignore the throbbing in his cock.

“Ahh, I see you like
her. Be warned, in the time she has been here, she has received many generous offers from very handsome and wealthy Ario men. She turned them all down, so far.” Amusement threaded through Trall’s tone.

The challenge jumped to the forefront of Orin
’s mind, but dare he? He didn’t realize he was growling, until he noted both Verkin men staring at him. He chose to ignore them.

“Why has she n
ot come to sing before me yet?”

Orin’s gaze slid back across the crowded tavern, studying her
swaying movements while she filled tankards with Trall’s famous
She glanced up, her gaze meeting his. Her big brown eyes widened before quickly glancing away, but there was no mistaking the heated flush of her cheeks turning them rosy pink.

, yes, he wanted her and needed her. The pounding of his heart, loud in his ears, every beat urging him to go to her, take her, possess her, make her his.

“She knows of the contest
and chose not to sing for you, but it’s the matter of how she came to be here which, is more pressing.”

“Earth does not have
intergalactic travel and, as far as our intelligence on the planet says, they are of small minds, destroying everything they fear, including themselves. How did she come to be here?” Drango voiced Orin’s question.

“She was abducted
,” Trall said in an easy, calm tone.

Orin tore his gaze from the woman to stare at Trall
. “Abducted?” Instant rage bubbled to the surface. Someone tried to harm his Empress? No, she wasn’t his, yet.

, yes, it was the matter I wished to speak to you about. She is not the only Earthling here on Ario. Smart little Julie escaped her captors and wandered into my tavern, the fates be praised. As she has no family back on Earth, she chose to stay. As you can see, her songs have brought much business to my humble, little tavern.”

“She was not harmed?”
Orin pressed. If one hair of her head was harmed, he would bring the full force of his wrath down on them.

“No, according to her, none of the women
have been, but were auditioned on Earth to sing for the you-know-what.”

“Damn it, all seekers are supposed to inform the
females exactly where they are going and why. I will have the matter investigated. Who is the seeker involved?” Drango pulled out his
800 communicator.

“The Weston
brothers of Flax.”

Orin felt his eyebrow rise in surprise
—he knew these seekers.

“They are
the ones who found my mother.”

“As far as I can see, they
are keeping the Earthling females ignorant of where they are. If handled with care, they can be tested and quickly returned to their home planet before they know any better.”

“Talking about me again
, Trall?” said Julie.

looked up at her as she set down the tankards of
. He was close enough to scent soft,
nettle soap mixed with her natural feminine scent. It was heady and addictive. He wanted to get closer, breathe her in and taste her skin.

also wanted to rip Trall’s throat out for smiling at his future bride. Drango’s hand settled on Orin’s shoulder, his expression clearly questioning what was wrong with his Emperor.

“Why should I not praise my most valued song bird
? Are you ready to sing?”

song bird?” Orin blurted out.

Her brow rose
while she stared at him.

Don’t worry, Julie, these are good friends of mine—Rin and Drango. They are going to help with the Weston brothers’ situation.”

. Well, thank you. Not that it wasn’t fun being kidnapped.”

“Are you happy here
, Julie?” Orin couldn’t stop himself from asking.

Meeting his gaze head on, her heartwarming smile brimmed with confidence. “Yes, very happy
. This place is so much better than Earth. In a way, I kind of owe the Weston brothers a debt. Here I get to do what I love—sing.”

, on that note, would you —”

Her soft laugh made Orin’s cock throb.

“Of course, Trall. Nice to meet you and thank you for helping.”

She turned
, striding away. Orin sat mesmerized by the gentle sway of her hips, hips he longed to explore and hold onto as he plowed deeply inside her.

Orin finally let his thoughts known.
“She is the one.”

Once again
, Trall and Drango stared at him. “How do you know? She hasn’t sung in front of the Song Krystal.” Drango pointed out.

“My father always told me
, I would know the moment I saw her. Little Earthling Julie is my Empress.”

wants nothing to do with the competition.” Trall's brow turned down with concern.

I’ll change her mind and I will convince her to sing for me in front of the Song Krystal.”

Trall pinned him with a hard glare. “I take Julie’s care seriously
. If you are wrong and you hurt her…” Although the threat hung unsaid, Orin heeded Trall’s warning.

“Never have my forefathe
rs been wrong and neither am I. She is mine.”

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