Read The Drifting Online

Authors: L. Filloon

The Drifting (37 page)

Tolan is off the chair in an instant.  “Mother, help us.”

I nod as I finish, “Yeah, that’s what I said.  If the Ciries are here, it can only mean that their leader is here as well – Kabba.”

Tolan moves from the seating area and starts to pace

lost in his own thoughts.  He turns to me quickly, “Have you told Father?”  I shake my head.  “Why not?  He has to know about this and be prepared.  He’ll have to face Kabba and send the demon back to the UnderRealm as he did before.”

I look at Tolan steadily, “Have you fallen so deeply into your own despair over Julia that you’ve forgotten what day it is?”

Tolan blinks at me for a second before slapping his forehead and moves to sit in the same chair.  “Ugh…I did forget.  Poor Papa, I should go and be with him.”

I take the seat opposite him, shaking my head, “No.  He’s in his suites now resting.  I saw him earlier and it seems like every year he feels Mother’s death deeper than the year before.  And E’leiana’s.”  I skip to mention that I also had forgotten.  “Let’s leave him out of this one for now.  We’ll let him know tomorrow.”

Tolan agrees silently but suggests, “We do need to let Ka know.”  He leans forward, elbows on knees and eyes fixed on me.  “Who is he really, Tolan?”

I shake my head,
“I don’t know, but I don’t trust him.  He is powerful, so is he’s wife.  You can only get that kind of power from living as long as the Ancients.  But even the Ancients seem to be afraid of them.  You remember Mili’s reaction to hearing of Ka.”

“I know.  I spoke with Nedleid two days ago and when I mentioned Ka, he nearly had a heart attack.  Then he said he had to get back to his study to prepare for Ka’s return.”

“What did Nedleid say about Ka?”

“Nothing.  As soon as I told him, he left.  I also visited the other four Ancients: Kurm, Halith, Bonran and Car’ithi.  I got the same reaction when I mentioned Ka and Sema.”  So that’s where he’s been.  A sense of relief goes through me knowing that he wasn’t somewhere off moping over Julia by himself.  “I spent all morning at the library, in the old cellars below trying to find something, anything that mentions Ka and Sema. There’s nothing on either of them in any of the books I’ve gone through.”

I reach for a pear from the platter that Nameth had brought in and take a bite.  I’m suddenly starving and take another bite.  Tolan looks at the tray and picks out a slice of meat from it and eats it whole.  For a moment, we’re both quiet as we satisfy our hunger. 

Finally, he looks up and with a full mouth asks, “Have you or Alorn discovered who Eathos is yet?  Sense any disguise since you’ve been back?”

I shake my head at him as I toss the core of my third pear onto the platter, ready to start on the meat.  “No.  When Alorn returned from Sema’s thela we started with the royals: uncles, aunts, cousins, step-cousins, everyone close to the throne.  We were going through the guards when Sema sent word to bring Lily back to the Tower.  We’ll continue again when Alorn returns and we’ve had a chance to rest.”

“What of Ka?  Has he been able to sense anything or anyone?”

I shake my head as I swallow. “When we last spoke he wasn’t having much success, either.  Where is he anyway?”

“Right here, my prince.”  We both look toward the door as Ka hobbles in.  As soon as the door closes, he shrugs his shoulders and straightens.  He twirls his cane in his hand and casually walks toward the seating area.  While making his way to the seat next to me, he picks up the platter and takes it with him getting disgruntled looks from both Tolan and me. 

I bring him up to speed about the Cirie as he quietly eats.

After taking a drink from one of the glasses of wine brought in with the platter, Ka looks at each of us saying, “I can guarantee you that Falsad and Harlu will be here with the demon warden.  Kabba will most likely be in disguise, but at least he will be easily located.” 

“Father will take care of Kabba,” states Tolan.

Ka shakes his head at him, “The last time your father faced Kabba you two were still in your cribs.  Thilthen is still strong, powerful…but he’s also weakened with age.  That goes the same for me, I won’t lie.  It will take all three of us, Thilthen, Sema and me to take him down and even then I’m not sure we can.”  Tolan gives me a quick glance.  We know what Ka is saying about Father is true. 

We remain quiet, letting the old man get his thoughts together.  “Right now we have an advantage because they still haven’t learned about Lily being alive.  Sema is already here.” He raises his brows at me, “Uh, she’s looking for you, by the way…and she’s not in a good mood.” I sink into my chair.  Ka continues, “However, not having Lily with her has made it an easy trip and she’s already calling in people who are loyal to us.  They’ll help her with Lily’s preparation for the Seating.  This will be the same group that will also help with the wedding.  Each trained to defend the princess to the death.”

I glance over at Tolan who shrugs at me with a “who knew” look.  Ka turns to me, “While Lily is here, you stay away from her.  Keep your distance.  We can’t take the chance of someone getting curious as to why you’re always disappearing.  They might follow you – like your friend Kalis.”

“Wait,” says Tolan sitting up, “you can’t keep Lily from Julia.  I’ve gone far enough with this, but as soon as Lily arrives Julia will know.  It’s been weeks and anyone who has seen Julia knows how she grieved over the loss of her friend and is still grieving.”

“Tolan’s right,” I add, casting a look at Ka.  “Lily wasn’t happy when I told her we’ve been keeping Julia in the dark.  And I can promise you this Ka…Lily won’t stay hidden until she’s reunited with her friend.  And she will make it difficult for everyone.”

Ka sighs heavily, “All right, all right.  But it has to be done in complete secrecy.  No one else will know about it but those involved.”

“Um, there is one more thing,” I add.  “Lily has acquired two bodyguards.  They won’t leave her side.  They’ve been sworn and assigned to her by the Mother herself.”

Ka raises his brow, surprised.  Tolan gives me a dubious look, asking, “What?”

“It’s true and it’s a long story.”  I turn to Ka, “You should let Sema know she’ll have two more helpers.”

Ka shakes his head in disgust, “For crying out loud, let’s just invite the entire Oak Clan regiment to their reunion, why don’t we.”

I turn to Tolan, “How’s Julia?”

Tolan’s attitude changes to someone who doesn’t seem to care.  “I don’t know.  Why don’t you go ask Dalim?  He’s about the only one Julia seems to speak to since she’s been here,” he says sitting back in his seat.  The sarcasm is heavy and Ka and I give each other a look, with Ka casting his eyes upward.

I get up and walk over to the large oak table that takes up most of the war room.  The table seats twenty to include the Ancients, generals and the other military commanders.  There have been more meetings lately than I’d like to admit to.  A telling of how serious the civil unrests have become as more talk of war spread throughout the realm.

Before reaching the door I call out, glancing back at Ka, “By the way, the wedding happens immediately after the Seating.”

I leave the room with Ka yelling after me, “But that’s only three days from now!”


* ~





My first sight of the city of the Oak Clan was eye opening and surreal – where my reality became fantasy.  It’s as if the weight of my new life hangs before me, waiting for me to accept the unreal, the fantastic and the reality of my future.  I hesitate to take my first step onto the bridge that would take me to the
.  After a deep breath, I move forward, shrugging my past life off my shoulders and into memory.  I have come home to Tharin.

The rain gives us cover and with me walking between Milina and Glynnis, I blend in smoothly.  I’m surprised when we make our way through the main gates to find the interior of the wooded walls dry.  It’s like in the clearing; the rain remained outside the city borders.  Once inside, we are quickly taken through a series of back corridors and tunnels until we reach what looks like a main hall.  Alorn disappears while Ziri helps Milina and Glynnis with our bags of supplies.  I find a chair and quietly sit, looking about the large hall, taking in the intricately woven banners that hang down the columns lining up along the walls.  Statues of Sidhe warriors are placed between the white columns, tall and fierce looking, yet as I look at each face I see the resemblance of a family line – one belonging to Tharin and Tolan. At the front of the hall is a dais with a huge crescent table made of solid oak and lined behind it are twenty seats with the center seat higher than the rest. 

When a side door behind the crescent table opens, Milina is at my side instantly, with Glynnis on the other.  An old man walks to the middle of the hall, staring at me with weary eyes.  Slowly, he straightens from his bent position, shrugging his tired shoulders back, and gives me a warm smile transforming him, shedding years off his face like old skin.  It’s the old man from the mini-mart and the path, Sema’s husband. 

“Hello, Lily,” he greets.

I rise as he walks toward me, his hand extended.  I meet him half way taking his hand and grasping it gently.  “I’m happy you’ve made it.  I’m sure Sema has told you about me, but in case she forgot, which I wouldn’t be surprised,” he jokes with a twinkle in his eye, “I’m Ka.  Why don’t we get you some food and drink, shall we?”  He gently pulls me forward but I resist, smiling at his puzzled look.

“These are my friends,” I say as I wave at Milina and Glynnis.  “They’re as hungry and thirsty as I am.” 

Ka looks at the sisters behind me and nods, “Of course, of course.  Come now, let’s get you ladies fed.”

“Is…is Tharin here?”  Again a pang of disappointment hits me that Tharin didn’t find it important enough to show up and meet me.

“Yes, he’s here, but he’s with his father right now.  He’ll come by soon.”

“And, Julia…you’ll have Julia here, too, right?’

Ka gives me a look with a small smile, “Of course.  I’ll make sure of it.  Now, we do have to hurry.  I’m surprise Alorn would bring you to the hall instead of some place a little more…private.”

I look behind me and Milina gives me a grateful nod while Glynnis smiles before falling behind us, staying close.  I look for Ziri, but like Alorn, he’s disappeared as well.  I notice Glynnis also turning as I did
searching for the big elf.  When she turns back, her eyes are down and the smile no longer on her face.  Feeling a little sad for her, I turn away knowing that Ziri is already in love with Nameth.  I understand how Ziri would have a momentary memory loss when he first saw Glynnis.  I mean, she’s very pretty, gorgeous really in that badass-assassin kind of way.  Unfortunately, the way Ziri spoke of Nameth I know he’ll forget about Glynnis once he sees Nameth again after all this time. 

Ka takes us up a flight of stairs behind another closed door.  The stairway is narrow and steep and the walls seem to close in on us.  As we pass a circular window, I peek out to only see giant branches and large leaves.  We must be going up the large tower that we saw earlier from the bridge.  Just when I thought my legs would give out, we reach the top coming to a closed white door.  Ka opens it, stepping through and then holds the door for us as we file in.

The huge room is warm, with dark wood furniture the largest being the big conference table in the center of the room with twenty chairs pulled in.  Off to the side is a seating area with comfortable-looking furniture and walls covered in bookshelves from floor to ceiling.  Books of all shapes and sizes fill the shelves and my love for books pulls at me to look through them for a good read.  On the opposite side of the conference table the wall is also dressed in custom-made shelves but these are littered with scrolls, books and what looks like maps.  Again the pull to wander to the shelves and look through the literature and maps takes hold of me.  The farthest wall, opposite from the door we came through, is a framed map that takes up the entire wall.  I don’t recognize the geography on it, so I know it’s not a map of my realm.  Instead of a world globe, their world is in the shape of a large tree.  Although you can clearly see water and land on it, the tree connects what looks like pods of land in the shape of branches full of leaves.  There are thirteen pods, and running through them, and the tree itself, are streams of gold.  The memory of Alorn with his map during our drive through the desert comes to mind.  Is this Velesi?  Or Eirrell?

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