Read The Crimson Castle Online

Authors: Samantha Holt

The Crimson Castle (17 page)

BOOK: The Crimson Castle
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“The day before it was to take place, Lord
paid me a visit. He asked me about my father, about killing him. He asked me
what it felt like…” Gabriel’s words came out strangled. “I had not realised it
at the time but
must have seen something of
himself in me. He recognised the same evil spirit within me.”

“Gabriel, you are not evil!”

He shook his head, knowing she was wrong. “He pardoned me in exchange
for my father’s land. He promised if I served him faithfully, he would restore
my lands.” He snorted, “I know him well enough now to know he will never stay
faithful to his promise. I know I have done wrong but I do not know what I could
have done differently. Mayhap if I was stronger…I have not your courage,

“Nay, I have not courage.”

“Yet you would submit yourself to a match with a merciless man for the
sakes of your people.”

“Do not mark me as a martyr, you know better than anyone that my
selfishness has fought against this decision.”

“I would not see you under the command of such a man; no good would
come of it. I beg of you,
, run with me.”

“You know I cannot. We would run for the rest of our days and the
people of
would pay dearly for such

He turned away from her to look out the window, running his hands
across his face and resting his arm against the cold stone wall. He felt so
powerless. All his life he had worked under the conquering grip of
to gain power, to make something of himself and now
he finally had found something he wanted, everything he had worked for was
useless. His impotence crushed him.


Chapter 10

They had only succeeded in capturing a handful of the outlaws much to
chagrin. Lazarus had not been among them, the
escape having been well thought out and executed. Gabriel itched to get his
hands on his villainous neck and repay him for his treatment of Evelyn but he
suspected he was long gone, probably making his way north with his new found
riches, just as Gabriel would if he were in the same position. Now, he had to
concentrate on his new foe. Lord

Returning to the castle the next day, Gabriel and Evelyn were greeted
in the Great Hall.

“Lady Evelyn!” Lord
bellowed, in spite
of the fact that she was right in front of him, making her jump. “You seem to
have a knack of getting yourself into trouble.  Not only did you cause
several of my men to gain injuries…”

Evelyn looked at her feet.

“…you also cost me a fortune in ransom money. And you are not even my
bride yet!”

Evelyn brought her head up at this, meeting his eyes. “I will pay back
any monies owed for the ransom.”

If he noticed that she made no mention of being his bride,
showed no sign of it

 “May I suggest, Lady
Evelyn, that
you do
not go off on any more little adventures? I’ve already ordered Gabe to keep a
closer watch over you. If you have no care for your own skin, then mayhap you
will pay more heed to his,” he sneered and she shuddered at his tone. “Rest
assured, my lady, I will not take you running off again lightly and any failure
to watch over you will be severely disciplined.”

He turned to Gabriel. “As for you, Gabriel of
your carelessness shall not go unpunished! See if you won’t be more careful
after you’ve had a good thrashing!”

Evelyn looked up at him in shock and then to Gabriel to see his
reaction to this, but he remained expressionless, avoiding her gaze.


He raised his brow at her, his mouth stretched into a thin, disproving
line. “Do you have something to say, my lady? Maybe you wish to watch the
punishment…” he chuckled at this, his eyes wide with glee, “or mayhap you’d
like to do it yourself?”

“Pray, my lord, Sir Gabriel saved my life.” She could not see Gabriel
hurt a second time through her actions, it would surely break her.

Which would not have needing saving if it hadn’t
been for his negligence!

, it was my fault, my rashness meant
Sir Gabriel could not keep watch over me. Pray do not punish him.” She could
see her words were having little effect and she added falteringly, “I beg of
you, my lord.”

“Oh indeed?” His amusement at her seemed to increase. “This I would
very much like to see.”

She hesitated only briefly and looked to Gabriel, who stood stoically.
He gave her a barely visible shake of his head, his eyes pleading her not to.
She could tell he was restraining himself, fearful of revealing any sign of
what had passed between them.

She sank to her knees in front of
“Pray, my lord; I was the one at fault. I will gladly take whatever punishment
you see fit.”

Evelyn kept her head lowered but she knew he would be laughing at her, delighted
in bringing her down. A clammy hand came under her chin, none to gently lifting
her face to meet his. He towered over her, his stance intended to be one of

“My dear lady, such obedience!
What has
wrought such a change?”

 He pulled her to her feet but she kept her eyes lowered knowing
she could very well reveal the source of the transformation with but a glance.
Prickling apprehension trickled down her spine as she felt his eyes bore into

“Nay, I find I have no wish discipline you. ‘
not do to mar such beauty.”

Bringing her face up to meet his swiftly, she could tell he had noted
the short spark of fear in her eyes and she hoped he had not realised it was
for Gabriel.

“Pray, my lord, will you not offer leniency as a…” she gulped, her
heart palpitating with trepidation at the prospect of what her words would
bring, “…a wedding present.”

An unpleasant smile came across
as he reached for her hand and brushed a kiss across her knuckles, his leaden
eyes never leaving hers.

“Indeed I would. Am I correct in my belief that you wish for our

“You are, my lord.”

He laughed triumphantly, gripping her hand painfully, and it took all
her will power not to wrench her hand from his and run from the hall. A look to
Gabriel steeled her resolve. If one good thing could come out of her betrothal,
it would be preventing his punishment. She could see the sickening pain in his
eyes but he remained impassive to everyone else but her.

“Then let this be a day of celebration. Let the banns be declared and
we shall be wed within the sennight!”


As the week went on Gabriel found his time taken up with wedding
preparations. Food was to be ordered in for the feasting and the castle made
ready for guests. Increasingly unable to spend time with Evelyn, much to his
frustration, they stole moments when they could, waiting until
was too drunk to notice their absence or using
excuses to visit the market and concealing themselves amongst the dwellings,
sharing elicit kisses and fumbling caresses.

It was with a confusing mixture of heady giddiness and desperation they
met one afternoon while
was busying
with the accounts. Gabriel pulled Evelyn into one of
the deep embrasures in the castle wall as she walked past, in truth hoping for
a glimpse of him at weapons practice. She gasped as his hands came about her
waist, tugging her into the dark recess lit only by a thin strip of light
seeping in through the arrow loop cut into the wall.

He burrowed his head under her mass of hair so he could taste at the
soft skin of her neck and she pushed him away with a smile.

“Gabriel, have you taken leave of your senses?”

He growled as he pulled her close to him once more, her pliant body
pressing against his own unforgiving one.
“Aye, ‘tis you,
I told you before of your bewitchment of me.”

She looked around with concern as her hands played upon the fabric of
his leather surcoat.

“We shall be seen.”

“I care not.” He dipped his head to hers, placing a teasing kiss upon
her lips, and he was gratified to feel her soften against him.

not the time for
Evelyn scolded him but belied her words with the brush of her
hands up his arms until they tangled around his neck.

“As you bid, my love.”

He looked at her with the passion that he saved only for her and could
not help notice the fear that lay behind her tantalizing smile. Cupping her
face, his hands swept over her cheeks, his thumbs skimming down the curve of
her nose, his fingers dancing upon her jawline as he strove to imprint the
memory of her face in his mind. A memory of when she was his.

Evelyn pressed her cheek against his hand, bringing her own up to wrap
around the outside of his.

“I will be married in two days,” she said sorrowfully as she avoided
his gaze.

Gabriel’s heart plummeted, the whimsy of their stolen moment truly
spent at her quiet declaration.

Aye, that
you will.”

They had avoided all talk of the wedding, instead absorbed in their new
found passion, both fearful of destroying the fragility of their short union.

“And what of you?”

“What of me?” Gabriel looked at her in puzzlement.

“What will you do?”

“I know not. Will you not leave, Evelyn, I beg of you?”

“You know I will not.”

“I do, but you cannot ask me to endure the sight of you wilting under

“I am stronger than you think, Gabriel.
you I fear for. You have been crushed under his hand. How will you continue to
serve him when I am at his side? ‘Twill surely

He could not help but smile at her words. How like Evelyn it was to
worry for him rather than herself. But he had lived through this hell for many
years and had toughened himself to it. Evelyn, he was convinced, would not fare
so well. She had talked of his making an escape before; leading a new life
somewhere, but how could he leave her alone in
clutches? He also knew watching her slowly subdued by her new husband and being
unable to do anything about it would break him.

Evelyn interrupted his morose reverie. “Let us dwell not on these
morbid thoughts. I have but two days to take my pleasure of you and I would not
see them spoilt.”

Gabriel could not help but laugh at her words and the beguiling naiveté
behind them, for he was sure she had no notion of the sort of pleasures he
wished he could share with her. He was still haunted by her apparition at night
but the knowledge of the softness of her skin, the feel of her supple curves,
the taste of her mouth, merely served to create a burning frustration as the
visions became tantalizingly tangible yet just out of his grasp.

“As you wish, my lady.”

Reigning in his temptation, he laid a blistering kiss on her mouth in
an attempt to brand himself upon her. For all the future may bring, he would at
least treasure the knowledge that he had once held her esteem and he resolved
to prove himself worthy of it.


The red fortress became a hive of activity the day before the wedding.
Servants and peasants alike seemed to revel in the excitement of the coming
events. Evelyn’s heavy heart could barely tolerate the jollity that seemed to
hang in the air and as Mary made the final adjustments to her gown, she began
to sink into a stupor, watching the preparations with detachment.

Mary left, leaving Evelyn in her wedding gown, the bodice seeming to
grow tighter with every breath, imprisoning her aching heart. The creak of the
door opening made her start and turn.

Gabriel stepped into the room, his steps stilling as he viewed her in
her gown. A look of appreciation flickered in his expression before being
swiftly replaced with one so wretched it almost shattered her to her core.

One swift step from him and another from her found them in each other’s
arms, pressed together in a fierce embrace.

“I am going to kill him,

She clung to him, eyes imploring. “Oh Gabriel, I pray you do not. You
could be hung or killed.  Allow me to do my duty, ‘tis for the best.”

He turned his face away, avoiding the pleading look in her eyes. “Nay,
I must. I would not leave you at the mercy of such a man. I would rather die
than let that happen.” He looked back at her, fire in his eyes.

Evelyn knew him well enough by now to know that there was nothing she
could say but the thought of never seeing him again, of seeing him put to death
before her, was more than she could bear.

“Do not utter such a thought Gabriel. I will not hear it.”

“Do you not understand? He will crush you; everything I love about you
will be gone. Do not bid me to stand by and do naught,

His determination was clear, forcing her into silence. She wanted to
pound her fists to his chest and beg for him to surrender his reckless scheme
but the words would not come. She could see the resolution in his eyes. All she
could do was grip at him tightly and rest her weary head against his chest.

Gabriel knew she would ask him to forget his plans and he’d prepared
himself for that. He was ready for her tears and her anger, but when she laid
against him, the same look of resignation in her eyes, it almost broke him. He
brought his lips down to the top of her head and inhaled her scent, weakening
for a moment.

BOOK: The Crimson Castle
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