Read The Contract: Sunshine Online

Authors: Shiree McCarver

The Contract: Sunshine (25 page)

“It will be hard, but I suppose if someone must suffer for the good of womankind it might as well be me,” Yoon playfully teased exuding the laughter out of her he was gunning for.  While her mouth was still open in a smile, he dipped his head assaulting it with his lips and tongue.

She rose up on her tiptoes to rub her semi-nakedness against his nakedness and the feel of silky skin and lace rubbing against him put all his senses on high alert.

Yoon was amazed each time her hips nestled flawlessly within the juncture of his thighs.  The thickness of his cock chafed against her in perfectly synched undulations as his pelvis matched the action of her tongue deep in his mouth and she became the master of the kiss instead of the student.

he back of his loins the fire suddenly darted stronger.  “What do you want from me, Sunshine?”

“I come from a line of strong women, Yoon.  I need a man that can handle that.  I’ve spent my entire life fighting my urge to be in control because my greatest fear is to be like my grandmother, unable to find a man that can match her passions for life; so she spends the rest of her life alone.”

“You are not your grandmother, Sunshine,” Yoon assured her.  “You’re soft, loving, compassionate and tender.  You’re a woman that needs to be cared for and protected.”

“Because you make me feel those things,” she said to him. “But the more time I spent out on my own doing things for myself, the more I could feel myself hardening.”

“I grew to desire control over my life like a drug.  My mother set up that date.  I ruined it because I knew I could and there wasn’t a damn thing she could do about it,” Sunshine confessed.  “I hated her weakness and I didn’t want to be like her, but I also hate my grandmother’s non-yielding strength.  I was so confused.”

“You have to figure out who you are and be happy with it,” Yoon appeased.

“Yoon you came along and unknowingly you ripped that control from me, leading me to believe I had no other option but the one you chose for me.”  She nuzzled against his cheek.  “God, I liked it and when you carried me on your back as if I were a helpless child, I desired you so badly I was willing to risk making a fool of myself to have you.”

“You have me, Sunshine,” he kissed her again.  His hands guided her arms above her head and with a little difficulty he managed to secure her wrist to the hook with the belt until she was dangling with her toes barely touching the ground.

He tugged lightly and she winced.  “Are you okay?  Is it too tight?”

“I trust you,” was all she said as she gazed at him with adoring heavy lidded eyes.

Her trust in him made him feel more protective of her.  “What will you have me to do with the tie?

“Over my mouth,” she instructed.  “You know how loud I can get.”

“I like the noise you make,” Yoon contested. 

“You like it enough to bring my family to the gardens to investigate?”

“Oh, I see your point,” he snorted on a laugh and tied the tie over her mouth mindful not to put her hair in the knot at the back of her head.

Yoon imagined he was on his own from this point onward seeing how Sunshine was unable to further instruct him on what to do. 

He began exuding his power over her bound form by exploring her body.  Deciding the panties was more cumbersome than he first imagined, Yoon eased them from her body taking turns going from one thigh to the other to leave the wet imprint of his suckling mouth.  Halting once, he stopped at the lace trim of her stockings to run his hands along the silky length in appreciation.

“You’re so fucking sexy,” he murmured.

She moaned a muffled reply.

He laid his hand on her back.  Softly and gently, it began to travel down the curve of her back, blindly, with a stroking motion, to the curve of her bottom where he separated the cheeks, then kneaded, squeezed and rolled them in his palm.

His penis stirred with a desire that only she could call forth at her will.  “You like the danger of possibly getting caught out here like this don’t you?”

Yoon saw her eyes darken as her pupils became dilated at his words.  “How can you look so sweet and innocent but be so deliciously wicked all at the same time?”  He asked though he knew she was incapable of answering him. 

His fingers moved between her legs and separated the fleshy covered lips to rub back and forth against her swollen clitoris.  She began to swing on her bindings to meet his strokes with her rolling hips.

“Hmm,” he hissed deep and low.  “You’re so hot and wet.  You like this don’t you?”

She grunted and nodded.  Her eyes rolled in the back of her head as he eased in one finger then another inside her tight molten hotness.  Pre-cum, the shimmering color and size of a pearl, appeared at the head of his cock dampening his stomach enough to remind him he had yet to remove the condom and place it on his erection.

Even blind lust wasn’t an excuse to be reckless.  It was his responsibility to keep her from getting pregnant until her birth control was in full affect.   The man in him felt the urge to see his seed swelling her belly knowing he created life out all this passion, but the common sense part told him that unless he could be committed to her for the rest of his life, a child would only complicate matters more.

With a regretful groan that Sunshine seconded loudly with a deep scowl to show her voiceless frustration, Yoon crossed the small space to his pants, removed the condom from his wallet, opened the packet and rolled it along the length of his erection.

Making his way back to her, he shouldered her legs apart until she was lifted higher with her thighs spread wide and resting on his shoulders until he was nose deep in pussy.  He inhaled her sexual fragrance, which was all hers and his head swam from the intoxication of her to the point his mouth watered. 

Greedily Yoon lapped at her. 
She closed her eyes, arched against his mouth and he heard the clanking of his belt buckle at it hit the hook that held her in place.  The twisting sound of leather in her bound hands was drowned out with her whimpering moans.

Voices drifted down from the house giving him pause.  He lifted his head and listened in that direction for any sign the voices were growing nearer.  Her thighs tightened about his head letting him know she didn’t care.  She wanted him to continue. 

For her demanding behavior, he spanked and pinched her bottom and the muscles in her ass contracted as a stream of wetness soaked him as she came. 

A satisfied grin came to his lips as he lowered her quivering legs, held her hips and lined his erection to her slit.  With ease, he entered her in time to feel her rippling around him and immediately she latched tightly around his thickness. 

Each dip into her body had him panting and grunting.  Tightness gripped his lower belly, tightening like the contracting walls of her cunt around his cock.  He briefly wondered if a man could die from too much pleasure as his heart knocked hard and rapidly against the wall of his chest as if it was going to bust through.

He worked at her bindings to loosen her hands.  He wanted her to touch him and scratch his back in that vicious way she did when she was reaching for her orgasm. 

While he continued to pump, her arms wrapped tightly around his neck to hold on while his legs trembled to keep them both upright.  The depth his cock was able to sink to inside of her was ridiculously deep.  He would swear, with this position he was hitting the opening of her womb.  If he were planting his seed inside her, it wouldn’t have far to travel to bring forth a baby. 

God, what was all this thought about a child all of a sudden? Was too much of a good thing driving him insane?  He couldn’t allow his thoughts to be voiced aloud.  It wouldn’t do for him to put the thought of children in Sunshine’s head knowing how she felt for him. It would feel like a natural progression of things, but there was nothing natural about their relationship. 

It was primitive, unconventional, sexual and fulfilling but not enough for him to risk another disastrous marriage like the first one.

Allowing the sex to numb his mind of all thoughts and gave into the wildness of just feeling.  Never had he had hot uncontrolled sex beneath the moonlight.  He was too conservative for such actions.

But Sunshine made him reckless and foolish.  She made him feel more alive than he had been in his entire life and she was becoming a sweet addiction.

Feeling the need to howl at the moon himself, he didn’t care who heard Sunshine’s cries of passion.  He yanked down the necktie that covered her mouth so that he could kiss her.  He adored kissing her and she made it clear that she enjoyed his kisses just as much.  Who would have thought he would find his perfect match in a woman that wasn’t of his own race?  Yoon never considered the possibility.

She cried out his name, the only thing he could understand in the midst of her
inarticulate cries.

He wanted to reach between their sweaty bodies to tweak and pinch her clit like she liked it but he feared if he did so they both would go tumbling to the ground. 

Yoon’s fingers bit viciously into the flesh of her hips as her orgasm clenched around him painfully before rippling over and over again around him as if it was a thousand hot fingers encasing his pumping erections.  His stomach churned and tightened like a bad case of gas.  His legs tightened and trembled uncontrollably. 
Air finally escaped his lungs and he drew in another deep breath when it hit him like a sucker punch.

He buried his face in her neck, kept a death grip on her thigh and ass as he incoherently muttered words of disbelief and appreciation in his native Korean language.  With her in his arms, he stumbled until her bottom was resting atop their clothing on the potter’s table.  He continued to work his lean hips back and forth in a low motion refusing to remove himself from her until his cock softened completely and slipped from her warmth.   

Yoon shuddered and closed his eyes to keep the tender tears of untapped emotions that swelled in him at bay, as she crooned words of love against his hear while stroking his hair.

What the hell is happening to me
?  He wondered.

Yoon didn’t know and at the moment he didn’t much care to question his growing feelings for Sunshine.  At this moment he loved how she made him feel and he wanted it to go on forever.

Chapter 14


Hell hath no fury...


Days later, they lay together in a heap of sweaty bodies amongst the remnants of crumpled covers on Yoon’s king-size bed.
Pillows were strewn here and about.  The sheets were in desperate need of changing.  Hunger and thirst seized them but insatiable desires distracted them from the necessities.

Sunshine felt invested, adored—carnal—remembering how Yoon fisted and pulled on the soft cotton bottom sheet, ripping it off its corner as she finger and tongued his dark hole until he was lost to another fierce release that left him utterly sated and depleted.

She never realized she had such wicked behavior stored up inside her waiting to be tried and utilized.  She was too happy that she was married to a man that was willing to try anything and everything at least once to meet her curiosity. 

The shrilling urgency of Yoon’s cell phone
seemed to grow each time he ignored it and each time she brought it up
he made love to her.  After a day into the erotic sexual frenzy, it took her half of the second day of insatiable sex to realize Yoon was using sex to run away from his responsibilities and making her an accomplice to his downfall. 

As much as she was enjoying herself, she knew she couldn’t let things continue the way they were.  Not to mention if she wasn’t mistaken
they ran out of condoms three orgasm
ago making her pray that her pills had kicked in sooner than the “just to be safe” period.

Face to face
he reached out with a lazy lopsided smile to yank her closer and she staid him off with her feet and hands. 

“No.  You stink and so do I,” she pulled a face.

“You smell wonderful to me,” he spoke in that voice that she was coming to know meant he was preparing for another go at it.

“You’re a bad liar and don’t you think this has gone on long enough?”

He cocked an eyebrow at her but he no longer looked her in the eyes.  “I don’t know what you mean.  We’re enjoying the honeymoon we have yet to have.”

“Why are you ignoring your calls?  Also, why are you distracting me from returning my grandmother’s calls?”  Sunshine asked.  “I told you I was ready to face my family now.”

“Why all the questions?”
Yoon scowled.  “Are you growing tired of me already?”

“Don’t be silly,” she touched his greasy sweaty hair and tugged.  “You’ve been acting strange since that night in the shed.  You stopped going into the office the day after that day also; I wish you would tell me what is going on.”

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