Read The Chosen Online

Authors: Jenika Snow

Tags: #Romance

The Chosen (17 page)

He didn’t want to deny her anything but couldn’t guarantee her home was safe.

“Please, Aleksei, I want to be in my own bed and in my own house.”

He leaned back and watched her. He couldn’t deny her anything, and as he nodded and her face lit up, he knew she would be his weakness.

* * * *

He paced back and forth and waited for Osip to return from his nightly rounds. They still hadn’t found the
Prophesied Female,
and every hour he didn’t have her made his anger spike another degree.

His claws dug into his palms, and his warm blood trickled down his hands. A loud knock sounded on his chamber doors, and he stopped pacing.

“Enter.” He knew it was Osip even before the huge
stepped through.

“My Lord.” Osip knelt and bent his head in submission. Even on one knee, he was a big fucker, easily coming to Lord D’s shoulders.

“Get up and speak.” He didn’t have patience right now for formalities and just wanted to know the report.

“I am sorry, my lord, but we have not found her yet.”

D’s vision went red as his anger reached its snapping point. He slammed his fist into the wall closest to him, making the stone crumble easily beneath his hand. “Do not come back until you have
The Chosen: A Tale of the Blood Breed


her. She is somewhere in this city, and I want her here before the next night. Am I understood?” He kept his back toward Osip as he spoke.

“Yes, my lord.”

Seconds later the door shut with a light click, and he breathed in heavily. He was running out of time. They needed the female or his plan wouldn’t work. He knew he needed to have patience, but then again, that wasn’t one of his virtues.

* * * *

Lana and Aleksei’s mouths fused together as they stumbled up her front porch steps. He pulled away, his breathing heavy against her face as he rested his head on her forehead.

“Wait. I need to make sure everything is safe.”

She nodded and pressed her lips on his again, a moan spilling from her at the small contact. Their lips worked as one, and his tongue tangled with hers. Hands touched and petted over clothing, and she felt his erection pressing against her stomach. He gently pushed her away again and softly laughed. She rested her head on his chest and could feel the deep vibrations of his laughter all the way to her core.

“Wait here, baby.”

He turned from her and inhaled deeply before slipping the key into the lock and opening the door. He pushed it wide, stepping inside and disappearing into the shadows. Seconds later he returned, his hand outstretched for her to take it. “It’s all clear.”

She took his offered hand and gasped as he scooped her into his arms. She pointed up the stairs to where her bedroom was as their mouths started their exploration again. Once in the bedroom, he set her on her feet and broke the kiss to remove her clothing and then his.

* * * *


Jenika Snow

Osip cloaked his appearance so he could walk the streets of the city unaware. Being a
, he was able to become invisible, able to blend in with the very air so he went undetected. Even the Blood Breeds wouldn’t be able to sense him if he were breathing right down their necks.

He was a banished
—a bounty hunter of the
—a world that housed any creature not mortal. If anyone ever found out he was working with the
, especially the
Divinity of the Eye
, he would be hunted down and gutted. Then again, what did he care if the
found out about him? He had taken out plenty of them thousands of years ago, and they knew what he was capable of. The
Divinity of the Eye
was nothing more than creatures who thought they were above everything—beings that passed judgment and decided on the very fate of immortals.

He shook his head in disgust at the very thought of the
. As he walked the streets, he scanned his surroundings. He was frustrated with himself for not finding the female yet. He should have had her the first night. He steamed in his own anger at the thought of doing this grunt work for that worthless
. His knuckles turned white every time he referred to him as “My lord.” His time was coming, and when it did it would be a sweet victory.

His eyes and senses continually scanned his surroundings, taking in every shadow and every house. He could hear the loud and soft noises of the humans. Beds squeaked, and human grunts and moans echoed throughout his mind as bodies joined together in sexual fulfillment. He envied humans in a way. He couldn’t remember the last time he ever felt something for another being. He was born solely for one purpose—to track and hunt down his assigned prey. He stuck his hands in his coat pockets and kept a steady pace down the darkened streets. He stopped and smelled the air, immediately catching the scent of a vampire.

The scent was covered, like the vampire was not out in the open but inside one of the houses. He thought about that and couldn’t think
The Chosen: A Tale of the Blood Breed


of why a vampire would need to be inside a human’s dwelling. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, tracking the scent to a small, two-story house hidden among the trees. The house was dark, but he could easily see two shapes in one of the upper story windows.

He easily picked out the vampire’s shape, and not because of the scent that was coming off of him. The guy was big, really big, and dwarfed the human his body wrapped around. He could see them easily as if it were broad daylight and they stood right in front of him.

Arousal and lust shot out of the two like hot bullets from a gun. He was about to turn and leave and continue his quest when he saw the vampire step away from the female. Osip’s heart sped up as he saw the naked female.

She was a beautiful creature with her long dark hair and her stunning blue eyes. That, of course, wasn’t what had his heart beating a frantic rhythm. Next to her small belly button was the mark he had been searching for—a crescent moon within a circle. Either the vampire didn’t know what the mark meant or he did and Osip would have one hell of a fight trying to get to her.

The sun would be coming up soon, and unlike the vampire, he was able to tolerate the bright rays. He would just wait them out, and when the vampire left to find cover from the sun, he would make his move. He didn’t know what Lord D planned to do with the female, and frankly he didn’t care.

He walked over to a large tree across the street and jumped to the highest, thickest branch. He crouched on the branch and waited, hoping the sun would rise soon so he could end this.

* * * *

Aleksei stepped back and looked at Lana’s naked form. She was beautiful and petite and all his. Her breasts were round and tight, the perfect size for his palms. His eyes traveled over her breasts and down to her flat stomach. Her small birthmark seemed to pick up the

Jenika Snow

moonlight, giving it a silvery glow. He stepped closer and ran his hand over it, feeling smooth and flawless skin. He let the backs of his fingers trail over her flesh, not letting any of it go untouched. Her eyes were closed, and her breathing increased. Small goose bumps rose along her body, and he ached to kiss them away. His cock pulsed with need, and he had to control himself not to throw her on the ground and fuck her right here. He let his hands drop from her body as he continued to look at her skin. He wanted, no, needed to memorize it. He wanted to know every curve and every hollow that made up her body.

“Please don’t stop.”

Her whispered words were his undoing, and he scooped her up and carried her over to the bed. He didn’t want to speak, didn’t want to prolong being buried deep within her welcoming heat, but he knew he had to go slow.

“Touch me, Alek. Touch me right here.”

Her eyes were closed, and she took his hand and brought it down between her legs to her soaked pussy. He couldn’t stop the growl that erupted out of him at the feel of her hot, wet heat. He ran two fingers through her folds, gathering her moisture and bringing it to circle around her hard little clit. He swept his finger down to her entrance and dipped it inside, loving the way her back arched and she made a silent cry.

“Look at me.” She opened her eyes and stared at him as he brought his soaking finger to his mouth. Her lips parted slightly as he brought his digit inside his mouth, licking all of her cream off it.

“Ahhh, fuck you taste so good, baby.” His felt his eyes start to change, and felt his fangs elongate and pricking his bottom lip. He tried to hold off the change from fully taking over, but looking at Lana beneath him had him gritting his teeth. “You like that, Lana?

Like me sucking your honey from my fingers?”

She brought her hands up and ran them over his shoulders, her small fingers causing him to shudder with desire. He dropped his head
The Chosen: A Tale of the Blood Breed


and kissed her with all the passion he felt for her. She ran her tongue along his and over his fangs. They ached to be buried in her, the same feeling his cock had.

Her tongue stroked the tips, and he couldn’t stop his moan. Her blood spread into his mouth as the sharp points nicked her flesh. He sucked her tongue farther into his mouth and brought his big body flush with hers. He pushed her legs open with his knee and settled between, feeling her wetness slide on his shaft. He rubbed his erection along her seam, her lips parting and her clit moving along his shaft.

He reached between them and aligned himself at her core, her warmth already enveloping him. In one swift move, he buried himself deep within her, his balls slapping against her skin and making the most erotic sound.

“Need to go slow.” His words were short and clipped as he stayed still within her, not daring to move a muscle. She shook her head and brought his mouth back to hers.

“No, fuck me, Alek.”

That was all he needed to hear. He growled and reared back, slamming into her willing body and causing her to move up a notch in the bed. He pulled almost all the way out before sliding into her deep and hard. She gripped his shoulders and threw her head back as he picked up a fast rhythm. He brought his mouth to her neck, licking and nipping at her smooth skin. “I want you with me forever.”

She tilted her head and moaned at his words, and he slowed his rhythm.

“Will you let me, Lana? Let me keep you forever?”

“I’m yours.”

He groaned against her skin and picked up his pace, his body slapping erotically against hers. Her hard nipples rubbed along his chest. Their skin became slick with their combined sweat and made a delicious friction. Her inner muscles tightened around him, and he knew her orgasm was close. His was, too.


Jenika Snow

Right before her body went exploded and tightened around his shaft, he sunk his teeth into her tender flesh, her blood instantly spilling into his mouth. They mouth moaned loudly, her orgasm setting off his own. He poured his pleasure through the bond they now shared and tasted hers through her blood.

His cum continued to shoot out of him and coat the inside of her—marking her as his. He moved off of her, loving the little whimper that left her mouth. He rolled onto his back and pulled her over him, her nipples stiff like tiny diamonds against his chest. She lifted her head and looked down at him, her eyes mere slits of blue in the darkness, and her hair mused. His eyes were half-lidded as he brought his hand up and stroked her cheek gently.

Ti takaya krasivaya
.” He smiled and kissed her on the forehead.

She yawned and laid her head against his chest.

“What does that mean? It sounds nice.”

“It means you are so beautiful. Although I do not feel that phrase does you any justice. You are far more than just beautiful.”

“Such things you say.”

They were both silent for several heartbeats, and he sensed Lana drifting off to sleep.

“I meant it when I said I want you to be with me forever.” He whispered the words, not able to hold in his feelings.

“I know you did, and I feel the same way. Even though we just met, I feel a strong connection to you. Does that sound silly?” She looked up at him again and smiled.

“No, it sounds wonderful to hear you say that. I feel the same way about you.”

She rolled off of him even though he protested. He turned to his side and played with a loose strand of her silky hair. “We should have that talk now. What do you think?”

She turned toward him and rested her head on her hand. “Now is as good a time as any, I guess. I get to start with some questions first,
The Chosen: A Tale of the Blood Breed


okay?” She took a deep breath and began. “Your family told me you

‘marked’ me. I want you to explain what that means.”

“You are my
Lana. Remember that first night when I told you and you ran away?” At her nod, he continued. “Well, you are mine. Forever, that is, if you will have me. Fate, destiny, whatever you want to call it has said that you are mine, and only mine. You where made for me and I for you. We are two pieces of the same whole, two copies of the same blueprint. Once I tasted your blood, I knew what you were, and my body instinctively took control. I had to have you at all cost, and damn the consequences.” He broke their stare and looked at the ceiling. “For me there is only you. I will never want or need another being now that I have found you.” He stared back down at her shocked expression and ran his finger over her eyebrow and down her cheek. “I want to be with you forever, and when I say that, I really do mean

“How is this even possible? How can I be your
? What even is a

“Members of my kind search for their
, that one person that will truly bring peace to our lives. We can live happy lives without our
, but it will never really be fulfilled. We can never have children without the other half of our souls.” He ran a hand over his hair and breathed out. “Once we find our mate, our world completely changes. Our life completely blends in with that person until we are one. Once we find our soul mate, we can’t live without them, literally.” He stared into her bright blue eyes, confusion and shock spilling out of her. “I couldn’t live without you, wouldn’t even want to. That’s how important you are to me.”

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