The Broken Parts Of Us (13 page)

“What about the file I wanted?” he shouts.

“On the desk, asshole,” I shout back, pushing the door to exit.

I don’t have to meet River until this afternoon, but my mind and dick are still having communicational problems, and the last thing I need is Sammy picking up on the weird shit going on with Derek and me. My life is complicated enough and I just need to let this shit, whatever it is, pass.


I stop dead and take a few calming breaths before I turn to face Derek, who like a sneaky fucking ninja, has followed me out.

“What’s up?” I ask, over-gesturing a chin lift like we’re fucking homies. I clear my throat, slipping my hands into my pocket to stop myself from picking the eyelash from his cheek.

“I wanted to ask if you’ll check in on Kyra, take her some food. I have some paperwork and things to do and won’t be home until tonight. Sammy just said he’ll pick her up on his way home and take her back there until we figure out about finding her a new place.”

“Why can’t she go home if you’ve found this guy? Who is he, anyway?”  I had a million questions for him when he walked in and said they had this guy, but I couldn’t be around him in front of Sammy, not in such a small space.

“He crashed his car, one we were looking for in connection with this case, and there was evidence inside to support the theory.”

“He crashed his car?”

“Yes, Jasper. I shouldn’t be sharing this with you. He’s in the ICU and we’re not sure if he’ll make it.”

Karma; she works in her own unique way.

I shift from foot to foot. “So why can’t she go home?”

“Because I don’t want her in that shitty apartment. It’s not secure enough or nice enough for her, don’t you agree?” The way he looks at me is like he wants an answer to a question he hasn’t actually asked. His eyes are on fire with so much emotion I nearly combust under their intensity.

“No, you’re right. That place is a shit hole.”

He nods, looking away and releasing me from the hold his eyes locked me in. Fuck, how long can we keep this up?

He turns from me and walks to his car, calling over his shoulder, “Take Beauty some food, Jasp.”



y head has a marching band inside it, which is the only explanation I can come up with for the pounding inside my brain.

“Argh!” I groan, rolling onto my back. My eyes spring open as the images from last night filter in.
Oh crap. I said stuff to Jasper about Derek
. I roll back onto my front, bite the pillow, and bash my fists down while mumbling into the fabric.

“Stupid, stupid stuu…ARGHHH!” I nearly vomit from the scare of someone laughing in the room. I spin round to find Derek chuckling beside me.

“Hey. I was sitting at the window, waiting for you to wake up.” 

If a pothole would open up under this bed right now and pull me into it, I would be grateful. This morning already sucked and I knew my skin matched the colour of my hair.

“How’d you sleep?”

Oh, God. I could kiss him for ignoring my outburst.

“Fi… hurmmm, fine thank you,” I mumble.

“Red really suits you, Beauty.” He smiles.

I stroke a strand of my hair. “It’s my natural colour.”

He grins and reaches across to stroke my heated cheek. “Oh, I know, and it’s gorgeous.”

I turn an even brighter red. I can feel it, and would probably be glowing if it was night time.

“How do you feel?” he asks, still stroking my cheek. I move into his touch like a cat would when caressed. He makes me feel so safe and protected. His comfort is just that: a rare comfort.

“Mmmm, better now,” I coo and he chuckles. It’s a stunning sound.

“You want to come eat?” My stomach rejects the idea as soon as it leaves his mouth. I dart from the bed to the bathroom; trying to be sick and kick the door shut is no easy task.


* * * * *


I come down stairs after emptying my stomach lining down the toilet, and showering the dew from my skin.

“Hey, I made you fresh orange and left two aspirin on the table. Go lay in front of the TV. I’ll be back to check on you later today.” He kisses my cheek.

I reach for him as he tries to leave. “Derek, wait.”

He sucks his bottom lip into his mouth and turns to me, his face seeming hard, his eyes accusing. He lifts his brows and nods his head in a silent command for me to speak.

I feel nervous and hesitant, my stomach fluttering, the tension making my muscle stiffen from his hostile stance. “I just wanted to say sorry for getting that way and being an ass.” 

His posture relaxes, and he lets out a breath. “You’re not an ass, Beauty, and nothing you said wasn’t true.”

My eyes widen at his statement. He watches me, waiting for my reaction. Acceptance, maybe. I reach onto my tiptoe and lay a kiss on his lips. I smile when his eyes melt like caramel chocolate. “I see why, and anyone would be lucky to have you want them,” I whisper.

He grips my back to prevent me from moving away, his lips press hard on mine, stamping himself on me, marking me, owning me. He pulls away, our breathing heavy, raising our chests in a flurry of erratic breaths.

“Then consider yourself really, really lucky, Beauty.” He moves past me, leaving me unsteady on my feet.


* * * * *


Stupid movie gets me every time. I sniffle, wiping my eyes.

“Ky! Where are you?” Jasper calls, coming through the lobby. I rub at my eyes and nose to catch any dampness and click the TV off.

“Argh, there you are.” He walks towards me, his dark hair styled neatly for once. He ring faded jeans that sit low on his hips; his shirt is dark like his hair. God, why is he so beautiful
? Beautiful.
Oh God, I said that to him last night.

He drops a bag on the floor, his face losing all its enthusiasm and usual cocky smirk. He drops to his knees in front of me; my heart skips in my chest like a skipping stone on a lake before sinking. His hands reach up, the pads of his thumbs swiping under my eyes. “What happened?” he asks, his minty breath washing over me. He’s so close, I can taste his breath. He moves even closer and my heart seizes in my chest.

“Ky, please talk to me, baby. What’s wrong? Why were you crying?”

Coherent thoughts return in haste. I shake my head and move back so our lips aren’t inches apart and too unbelievably tempting. “I was watching a film.” I squirm in my seat and look away from the gentle pull of his eyes. “The Notebook.” I cough, bite my lip, and look anywhere but at him. I feel the sofa vibrating slightly and realize it’s him laughing. I pick up a cushion and swat him with it; he laughs harder and snatches it from me, lifting it and bringing it down across my thigh. I screech and fall into a bout of giggles.

“The fucking Notebook. I thought someone had died!” He strains to get the words out through his laughter.

I sit up straight and try to be serious. “Someone did die and it was freaking sad!” 

He launches himself at me, his hands tickling the sensitive skin on my stomach. I can hardly breathe from his relentless tickling. I feel his weight grow heavier over my frame as I shift and he slips between my thighs. I gasp. He has become completely still over me. I risk looking up at him, and the blue in his eyes looks like it’s swirling like the current at sea, raging from an incredible pull just below the surface.

I can’t hide the effect he has on me, and my body betrays me, flooding me in arousal between my thighs. My nipples harden and peak through my tank top as his eyes roam mine, then ignite a path down my jaw, the valley of my chest, over my breasts, down my navel, and rest where his crotch is mere centimetres from mine.


My body wants him so badly to grind against me, give me some desperate relief from the ache that’s building. But the fact he’s taken, and Derek and I are kind of trying, maybe working towards something, and the fact that Derek wants Jasper too makes me pause.

The front door opens and closes, then the sound of clicking heels echoing up the lobby makes both our eyes snap to each other. Jasper’s grow wide; he scurries to get off me, straightening his shirt. I sit up just as River walks in. She eyes us suspiciously, and points her finger at me. I feel like a teenager under the strict eye of my mother when she caught me doing wrong.

“Have you been watching those sad movies again?”

I sigh, every muscle in my body relaxing. I hadn’t even noticed I had completely tensed up.

“Yep, she has. She was a blubbering mess.” Jasper grins, pleased with himself.

“I don’t know why you’re acting the big I am.” River points to him. “You cried over Marley and Me.”

His face drops, his mouth popping open. “That was a dog, it was totally different and you promised! That’s it, no more movie nights with you.” He pouts.

She rolls her eyes and points down to his jeans. “Stop being dramatic or I’ll tell everyone I came in here to find Kyra crying and you sporting an erection.”

 She lifts an eyebrow and I rethink the wanting a hole to swallow me this morning; if it could come right now and swallow me whole that would be great. I don’t know who to look at or what to say, but Jasper prevents me from doing anything. I flash my eyes to him to find his usual sexy smirk firmly in place.

“And I’ll just tell your husband you were checking out my package.”

“That wouldn’t be the first time he’s heard that pass your lips. Now come on, I’m eating for two here.” She gestures to her stomach. “Come on, Mommy’s hungry.” She smiles and waves over her shoulder at me.

I’m grateful the studio is closed today because the thought of moving anywhere makes my stomach curdle. Jasper grabs the bag he dropped when he walked in and brings it to me. “I got you some bottled water and a sub sandwich for when you’re feeling up to it.”

I take the bag from him and watch his ass as he leaves. 
















’m sick of fighting this. Sick of watching, aching, wanting. It was bearable before because I had convinced myself it could never happen. Jasp would never be interested, but the fucking way he looks at me, I know he does and I’ve denied myself for too long. Kyra and I could have something. She’s the perfect girl, and any guy would want her. I
want her and will have her. I just need to sate my yearning for Jasper first. I just need to know what it would be like to have him under me, in me. God, I’m hornier than a frat boy.

“Here’s the picture, it’s the best we could do with the tubes in.” I take the photo of the suspect and drive to Caroline’s, the secretary and fourth victim of this asshole; she had taken some time off work, but recovered well.

She opens the door; she must have seen me pull up. She’s in casual attire which is something I’ve never seen her in. Her jeans seem a little loose on her smaller frame.

“You’ve lost weight, Caroline,” I say, and she shrugs.

“I’m just coping with everything. Give me time, I’ll be fine. Drink?” she asks, gesturing for me to take a seat.

“No thanks, I brought the photo I told you about.”

“I told you Derek I didn’t see his face.” She wrings her hands together in front of her.

“I know, sweetheart. Come sit down.” She breathes out a rush of air and takes the seat next to me. “Listen.” I take her hands in mine. “Sometimes we don’t even realise we may have seen things. Maybe he came into the office, or you saw him in the parking lot before it happened. I want to make sure I have the right guy here to keep other women safe.”

A tear leaks to her cheek she swipes it. “I’m sorry, I’m being silly. Okay, show me.”

I pat her knee, leaning in to look in her now downcast eyes. “You’re allowed to feel the way you do, Caroline. You were a victim of a vicious crime. You can be sad, silly, and reluctant. You have a right to feel.” She lifts her eyes and nods her head. I pull the picture from the file and hand it to her.

I watch her study the image. “I’m sorry. I don’t recognise him.” I smile to reassure her it’s okay. “Is he going to die?” she mutters.  

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