Read The Boleyn Effect (The Boorman Ending) Online

Authors: Deborah.C. Foulkes

Tags: #romance, #sex, #tudors, #love marriage, #tudors henry viii anne boelyn, #lovetriangle, #love and emotional

The Boleyn Effect (The Boorman Ending) (21 page)

BOOK: The Boleyn Effect (The Boorman Ending)
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'Yeah, I certainly

'Look, I need some time.
I'll try and get away. I'll call when I'm on my way to

I wait all day and night
for him to call. Sitting in my flat in my PJ's crying into bottles
of wine I am the epitome of sadness. Anne Boleyn maybe not, more
like a fucked up Bridget Jones. Eventually the phone beeps with a
message and it wakes me from my drunken slumber. It's half past two
in the morning and it's from Harry.

'Sorry I couldn't get

No kiss or the signature H
on the end of the message. Just sorry I couldn't get away. This is
the reality of sleeping with a married man. They can never be there
for the hard times. They can't wipe away the tears or curl up and
hug away all the badness. It's all about the fun and nothing more.
I needed him and he couldn't be there. Katherine won this battle,
but the problem is is that I'm not sure I can even win the





Two weeks of being totally
alone has been torture. There's been Clair who comes to work
promptly, but even she's been a little cagey. I realise now that I
have crossed the line with both Harry and George.

I am now in my studio
trying to work out how much more I owe George in between clients.
But I miss him so much and I am damn grateful for everything he's
ever done for me. We had a good thing going between us, even though
sex seemed to always get in the way.

At the end of the day this
thing with Harry is not going to last. Whether there's a bet or
not. It's as good as over. I can't keep him, because he won't allow
anyone to keep him. Even his wife is struggling. Maybe marrying
George is not such an ordeal after all. That way I won't be alone
anymore. Yes he's a shit and I fucking hate him right now, but he
does love me and that says a hell of a lot. I will always have my
best friend.


I raise my head from my
laptop as Clair enters my office. My head spins at the sudden
change from screen to reality. I should really eat. These dizzy
spells are starting to become far too common.

'A parcel has come for
you. It needs to be signed.'

'We've not ordered
anything have we?' I ask.

'Not that I'm aware

Getting to my feet, I
struggle for a moment. There are some cakes in the fridge
somewhere. I'll grab them first. Leaving my office and leaving the
courier standing, I pull out a box of Jaffa Cakes and start to
munch one.

'Where do you need me to
sign?' I ask.

He holds out some handheld
block for me to scribble on the screen, then turns and leaves. It's
addressed to me, but god knows what it is. I've probably ordered
some new equipment and totally forgotten all about it.

'Are you OK? You look
awfully pale,' Clair asks.

It's the first time she's
even acknowledge or even asked about my health in weeks and though
I want to scream at her, I also feel like crying at her

'I just need to eat,' I
say. 'Will you chuck us those scissors?'

She hands me them and
carefully I slice through the parcel tape and rummage in the
polystyrene balls. My fingers catch something and carefully I pull
out a brand new SLR camera. The most top of the range gadget on the
market. I hear Clair gasp from behind me and I see it's ready to be
fired up. Pressing the on button I see on the screen there are
photos of George holding a letter on each shot all spelling I AM

I can't help but smile. He
very rarely says sorry. It's always I'm a dick or a cock and that's
it. Then the last picture he holds a sign saying look in the box,
which I do and there I find the contract we'd signed ripped into
little pieces.

'Clair, I really need to
eat, can you go on a sandwich run?'

'I told you, you have a
hold over him,' she mutters as she grabs her jacket.

As soon as she leaves, I
pick up the phone and dial his number.

'I take it you got it,' he

'I did. It was very sweet,
but I should apologise too.'

'No you shouldn't. I do
hold it against you, and I am jealous of Harry. I love you so much,
but if I can only have you as a friend then so be it.'

'And I love having you as
my friend. I've missed you.'

'Let me take you out. You
know to your favourite place. Tonight. I'll pick you.'

Later that evening, I am
dressed and ready to be taken out. Strict instructions from George
are to dress up. If he's spending so much money then he really must
be sorry.

'You look beautiful as
always,' he says as he greets me.

'I try my best,' I answer
with a smile.

'Let's go or we'll be

A taxi ride later we pull
up outside The Priory Lock. One of the most expensive and trendiest
restaurants in town and I'm impressed. It used to be nothing more
than a group of boat houses and was eventually knocked into one big
place. The walls are bare brick with low arches and atmospheric
candle and low light. The food is good and homemade and George
knows how much I love the place. As we wait in the foyer, he pulls
me away slightly and he looks worried all of a sudden.

'Leigh, I don't want to do
this over dinner, because I want us to have a good time, but as
your friend I feel like I need to say this.'

'Go on,' I say.

'You and

'For crying out loud,' I

'Wait, hear me out. I
think you need to slow it down with him. Maybe not see him for a
week or two. It will prove how much he loves you if he

Not wanting to admit that
Harry hasn't called either, I play along. I don't want George
knowing that Harry's interest is cooling, because I can't cope with
looking like a failure in front of him.

'I don't need to make him
wait to know he loves me.'

'As he told you that he
loves you yet?'

'No, but I can tell,' I

'Leigh, any man can look
like he's in love while you're riding him,' George says.

'I don't think I'm hungry
anymore,' I say pulling away.

George holds me firm.
'It's only because I love you that I am saying these things. I
don't want you getting hurt.'

'And I won't,' I snap,
then sighing I give in. Just as I always do. 'Let's just forget it
and eat.'

A waiter takes us to our
table and as we weave through the other guests my heart stops.
There sitting in a small corner is Harry and Katherine. George
glances my way and shrugs.

'I swear I had no idea,'
he says.

'I want to go,' I say,
already backing out.


Too late. Katherine has
already noticed us and waves us over. Catching Harry's eye I shake
my head, trying to let him know I want to leave. The problem is is
that he looks as trapped as I am.

'Fancy seeing you here,'
Katherine gushes. 'Why don't you join us?'

'It's ok Leigh and I are
having a catch up,' George offers. 'Plus you two look far too cosy
for us to gate-crash.'

'Nonsense, we've not even
ordered yet...waiter!'

Katherine gets her wish
and soon we are ushered onto a table for four at the further end of
the restaurant. As if sitting between George and Harry isn't
enough, but my seating position means I am directly opposite
Katherine. Her dark eyes watching mine as we order food.

'So, Leigh did you get all
those contacts I sent your way?' she asks.

'I did thank you,' I
answer. 'I'm just following them all up.'

I am aware of both
George's and Harry's thighs touching mine and shifting slightly I
lean towards Harry's and I feel a small jolt run though his

'So how did the
anniversary go?' I ask.

She reaches over and grabs
Harry's hand and kisses it. The blatant show of affection throws me
and I grab my glass of wine to hide my discomfort.

'It was fantastic, all
thanks to you,' she says. 'In fact, I was going to ask...Harry, why
don't you ask. It's all been your idea?'

For the first time that
evening Harry looks me in the eye. The sweat on his forehead tells
me he's nervous. He should be, because I am. My heart pounds hard
and I have to remember to not look at him so intently. I barely
know him. Remember, I barely know him.

'Ask me what?' I manage to

Silence descends as I wait
with baited breath what they are going to ask me. Harry starts to
laugh nervously. Surely out of the two of us he should be better at
this then I am.

'For god's sake, Harry,'
Katherine laughs. 'Leigh, would you be our official photographer.
Harry and I are renewing our vows.'

'As in wedding vows?' I

A hand touches my leg and
I flinch before I realise its George's. I give it a squeeze,
because I need something to hold onto. My head is starting to spin
once more.

'Yes, twenty years should
be celebrated,' Katherine continues.

The return of the waiter
with our food stops me from answering. I look down at my plate and
the portions suddenly look far too big for me to handle. My stomach
churns and I have to excuse myself.

Running to the restrooms,
I hide inside a cubicle and try and get myself together. I can
barely breathe. I just want to leave and get out of here. These
anxiety attacks are becoming more common the deeper I fall into
this. Finally, taking a deep breath, I open the door and I start
with shock. Katherine is leant against the sinks waiting for

'Are you ok honey?' she

'Yeah of course. You know
woman troubles,' I say.

She gives me a smile, but
there's something behind the smile that makes me

'I'm sorry to hear that.
So what do you think to my news?'

'I think it's amazing. So
the other issue has been dealt with?' I ask.

Katherine turns her back
to me and looks at her reflection in the mirror.

'Most definitely. Like you
said, she was just another nobody. A little toy for him to play
with until he got bored. Now he's dropped her like the others. He
knows what's waiting for him at home. He's finally going to settle
down with just me. No more girls. He's promised.'

She catches my eye through
the glass and I'm sure she's looking right through me. My heart is
racing so hard and my head is spinning again. If he's dropped me
then it's over and he hasn't even had to balls to tell me

'Well that's good,' I
manage to say going to the door.

'Wait,' she says. 'There
was something else I wanted to ask.'

I move away from the door
and face her once more.

'Do you have many

I frown at the question.
'Erm, I have enough,' I answer.

'I ask, because I consider
you a friend.'

'Me too,' I manage to

My mouth feels dry and I
am struggling to speak. The restrooms are getting smaller and I
already feel like a cornered animal.

'And I suppose good
friends share everything. Like clothes, shoes, gossip...husbands
for example?'

I take a step back as she
turns fully to face me.

'Have you got nothing to
say to me? No denial? Maybe you didn't think I'd find

I have been here before.
She thought I was sleeping with Harry before and I convinced her I
wasn't then, I can do it again.

'Haven't we had the
conversation before, Katherine? You said I wasn't his type,' I try
and laugh.

'Don't you dare laugh at
me. You've been seen together at the university car park. My
husband going to your studio and then leaving some sleazy club. He
has no idea that I know. He thinks he's got away with it again. But
I always know and I always find out, but like any good wife I shut
up and put up. So this is what we'll do. I make sure those contacts
I sent you come to fruition and to thank me for being such a good
friend you will leave my husband alone.'

'Are you buying me off?
Seriously? If I'm just a toy to play with then surely you don't
need to. Unless he hasn't really dropped me and I am more of a
threat to your marriage then you're willing to admit.'

Katherine grabs my arm and
forces me too look at myself in the mirror. Her face is pale with
anger and I realise with a gloating feeling that I mean more to
Harry then all of the others. He's not left me at all. I'm still
there. I'm winning.

After my phone call I
thought maybe I'd scared him off. A little pissed off at me, but
not now. Now I may have a chance. She touches my neck where the
necklace sits and I flinch ready for it to be ripped from

'Is this one of his? It
looks like something he'd give. I must give you credit for making
him shell out some cash before you opened your legs for him,' she

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