The Black Lotus (Night Flower) (3 page)



“I understand,
” She answered her brother with only the merest touch of heat to her words. “Mother and Father have instructed me endlessly on this point. You don’t need to add to it.” It was infuriating, this constant harping about good behaviour and consequences. She knew the difficulties, why did they feel the need to keep on at her.



“Force of habit sister min
e,” Marcus replied with a laugh. “Father would pitch a fit if I didn’t keep an eye on you,” He looked down at her with a comradely smile. “We’re on the same side you know.”


“I know.” She allowed a smile to touch her lips as he swept her past a planter of roses, the heady fragrance tickling her nose. Another couple swept past and Melissa found her eyes wandering again. An orchestra played in the corner of the room and before it, across the floor; the crowd were dancing and laughing. It all combined together in one glorious medley of sound and colour. She kept looking, drinking in the experience yet bewildered by it at the same time. Still her eyes roamed, beyond the punchbowl and open doors to the garden until finally they found the one still point of the room. Melissa almost stopped dancing at the sight that greeted her gaze.



Standing in the corner
of room with a glass raised to his lips was a young man. Impeccably and dramatically dressed in dark blue and gold he stood aloof from the crowd, watching the proceedings with little interest.



“Marcus.” She nodded towards the corner. “Who is that?”



Marcus glanced up and across the room, his eyes falling on the young man with what seemed to be concern.



“That is Justin Lestrade..
” He answered her calmly as he drew her through the crowd, away from the man and towards a pair of chairs.


“I’ve heard of him,” Melissa felt disappointed. That handsome young man had one of the worst reputations in London. Barely a week went by without some scandal or other. Sensible women did not vie for his attention yet he never seemed to lack female company.



“I’m not surprised
,” Marcus murmured as he guided her to sit. “He has a poor reputation though and I do not believe that father would ever admit him to his company,”



“Oh.” Melissa gazed across the room again, yet several dancing couples obscured her view of the corner.



“If you must find someone to moon over,” Marcus began, noting her roving eyes. “I would hope that it would be someone other than him,”



“I won’t
moon over him, I’m just curious,” She drew her attention back to her brother and smiled.


“Ah yes but we know what curiosity did and I’m just warning you that Father would have a fit if you turned up on Lestrade’s arm,” Marcus held her gaze and she saw warning within there. “So save your curiosity for more worthy types,”


Melissa pursed her lips in frustration but said nothing. Her thoughts seethed with questions and though she adored her older brother, she could not make him aware of them. Father was friends with Montjoy and he was hardly what she considered gentlemanly. How could he be friends with one person with a low reputation yet ostracise another? And how could Marcus feel that she would fling herself on a complete stranger just because she asked his name.



“I didn’t mean to preach.” Marcus said finally as the silence lengthened. “But it’s best you hear this from me and not father.” He patted her gently on the arm and stood up clearly feeling that
the conversation was finished. “Are you alright here?” She nodded and watched her brother move away across the floor. For several moments she sat quietly, watching the dancers sashay past her and across the floor. Taking a glass of canary from the silver tray of a lackey, she let her gaze drift past Rupert dancing with Emmeline Marsters, away from the blue eyed flirt that was Mary Westbury and into the corner of the room where Lestrade stood. Slowly the dancers parted and she allowed her eyes to drink their fill. He was moderately tall beneath his powdered hair and dressed in a midnight blue coat. The heavy velvet was embroidered extravagantly with gold thread and jewels. Beneath that he wore a waistcoat of gold brocade over a white silk shirt. At his throat, a blue silk cravat fixed with an enamelled cravat pin in the unusual design of a black lotus completed the ensemble. It was a rich dress, signifying much personal wealth yet that was not what called to her. His face drew her attention like nothing else had. She didn’t wish to stare like some yokel, yet she couldn’t drag herself away. The young man, for he was clearly not that much older than she, was looking at the crowd with an expression of unfathomable humour. A mocking yet slightly sad expression creased his brow and though she could not tell the direction of his stare from this distance, she was sure that they were not watching the soiree with any great interest. He was handsome, she realized as her gaze traced his features and his figure was lean and muscular beneath the rich clothing. As she trailed her eyes over his profile for the second time, he turned his head and his eyes locked with hers. Blushing furiously beneath the powder caking her face, Melissa immediately tore her eyes away and glanced down at her feet, embarrassed to have been caught staring. Feigning an overwhelming interest in the embroidery on her shoes, she hoped to divert his attention. So concerned she was with faking disinterest, she missed his slow walk through the crowd towards her and was unprepared when his shadow fell over her and drew her attention.



“May I join you?” His
voice was smooth and well modulated with a teasing note in its depths, she started and looked up into eyes of hazel that looked through her with a directness she found disturbing yet strangely compelling. 



” She couldn’t refuse now she had been caught staring at him so efficiently and she indicated the empty seat opposite. Her brother would not approve, but she was only going to be talking to him, it wouldn’t do to be impolite, she ignored the little voice that murmured that she was curious and attracted to his looks. With smooth movements he sat before her and his eyes travelled over her features carefully. Melissa felt herself flush as the intense gaze returned to her eyes and he smiled. Face to face, he was even more compelling and she felt strangely naked beneath his gaze as though he could see everything that she was trying to hide.



“I’m Justin Lestrade, I’m sure you’ve been
told about me.” In his warm voice she could hear suppressed laughter and she smiled, answering his amusement with some of her own. Even so she wondered at his hidden laughter for she felt that it was not directed toward the conversation but at something she couldn’t quite understand.



My brother did mention you,”



f course he would have done,” The amusement thrummed through his voice and she was sure that he was quite aware of her brother’s warnings. “And you would be Melissa De Vire? Yes I’ve heard quite a bit about you. You’re the toast of the room.” The laughter spilled from his voice and spread across his face, it made his features look less jaded, more human. There was something magnetic about his voice; it held a confidence beyond the norm for a man his age and a mildly derisive humour that she couldn’t fathom.



“Only because I’m a fresh face,
” Melissa replied, a soft smile touching her lips. “I got the impression that I was a shiny new toy.” She took a sip of the sweet wine and relaxed a little more.


“Well that silk does suit you well,” Justin responded, the compliment falling easily from his lips. “Green is your colour,” He beckoned a waiter carrying a laden tray forward and removed a small glass of canary. Dismissing the servant with a wave, he turned his attention back to Melissa. “I daresay shiny new toy is the best description for you at this point. It’s your first night in society; people are supposed to be curious and intrigued.”



“Intrigued?” Melissa asked, her
eyes shifting from his handsome face with required modesty.



“You are an unknown.
And the unknown is always to be explored.” His eyes sparked as he regarded her and he smiled. Melissa felt her breath catch as he turned that devastating smile full on her. There were layers to his conversation, meanings that she knew were not for a lady or at the least were meant for someone more versed in the arts of seduction. Ordinarily such a conversation would leave her tongue tied and stammering, yet he put her at such ease that she felt confident in replying.



“Perhaps the unknown is best left a mystery.” She answered finally, her fingers sliding over the smooth glass in her hands as she stared at him.


” He conceded, “but exploring a mystery is a wonderful venture.” He lifted the glass to his lips and delicately took a sip. Melissa followed the motion, drawn to his mouth and its sensual twist with an interest that could not be considered academic.



“What if the unknown wishes to remain unexplored?” It was a bold question and one she should not even be thinking of saying, yet his m
anner seemed to draw it from her. His rakish smile encouraged indiscretion and for once in her ordered existence she revelled in the opportunity to be free with her thoughts.



Does the unknown have a choice? What if the explorer decides to find out all he can?” His voice was honey soft and seductive.



She met his eyes boldly.
“Then perhaps the unknown will poison him unexpectedly.” Shock flickered through his gaze like summer lightning at her daring and for a second, their conversation stuttered to a halt. Melissa did not drop her gaze as a modest lady should and they both stared at each other. Melissa’s frank gaze meeting his startled one as the room gossiped and danced around them.



Justin laughed; a low chuckle that
broke the unnatural silence and relaxed the tension surrounding them. “This explorer always treads carefully,” He conceded finally as the chuckles subsided. “And chooses the safe path,” He sipped the canary and sat back, regarding the girl before him with more interest than before. “What has your brother imparted about me?” His eyes laughed as he looked down at her. “All bad I daresay,”



“Yes,” Melissa blurted out without thinking, “he says you’re a seducer of innocents, a gamester and a


“Then you’re quite safe,” He replied smoothly, taking another sip of canary. “For I doubt an innocent would talk so frankly about my foibles in public.”



Melissa felt her face flare scarlet and she drew her hand to her lips, mortified
at her faux pas. “I.. I’m sorry,”



n smiled, warmth touching the corners of his eyes as he reassured her. “Don’t worry, I won’t report you to the room,” He moved closer and whispered. “Your indiscretion is safe with me.”



“Oh if only I could believe that,” Melissa replied and once again, she
wondered why she was speaking so freely.


“Your brother has really taken me to task,” He chuckled, “Should I be wary of being invited to a duel?”



“He hasn’t said so much, but your reputation.” Melissa babbled out, wondering if she would ever talk her way out of this mess.



“Ahh yes, my reputation,” Justin glanced over his shoulder and whispered conspiratorially. “I have to admit that my reputation is exaggerated. I am much maligned.”



“I’m sure,” Melissa noted with no small amount of sarcasm, “but as my grandmother noted, where’s there’s smoke there’s fire.”



“Not strictly true,” Justin said, adjusting the enamel brooch at his neck as he spoke. “Damp logs don’t burn, they smoke.”



“Semantics,” Melissa fired back, enjoying the repartee that was building between them.


“Perhaps,” Justin removed his fingers from the brooch and Melissa found her eyes following the movement of his hand as it drew a handkerchief from the cuff of his jacket.
“How are you finding court so far?”

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