The Billionaire's Bargain (22 page)

“Every woman will envy you tonight,”
he said with a whisper.

She sighed, loving the feel of his
body close to hers. Her heart pounded erratically in her chest.

“Only because I’m with you and every
other woman wants you.”

are my wife. No other woman can have me.” He turned her head
to the side and moulded his lips to hers taking and giving a passionate kiss.
left no doubt of
the meaning of his words.

Tess felt the love she had for this
man growing deeper. He was no longer the horrible ogre she’d first met. Duncan
James had become her white knight and the first man she’d ever loved. Her body
craved for him to take her and possess her. Tess wanted him to claim her the
only way he could.

He’d arranged for a limousine to
pick them up.
helped her with the wrap then followed her inside the limo.

“Are you nervous?” he asked.

“Only a little bit. It’s not every
day a girl gets to go to a ball.” She locked her fingers on her lap.

chuckled. “You have nothing to
fear. Everyone will love you.” He took her hand kissing her fingers as he laid
her hand back in his own lap.

“What happens if I embarrass you?”

“I’d have to care what the people
think. Tess, this is not a social gathering. The people we’re about to meet are
not my friends.”

“They’re not?”

“No. Mark, the best man at our
wedding, he’s my friend. These people don’t rate very high on my list,” he said.

“Then why go at all?”

“It’s good for business. There is a
lot of stuff I have to do which is good for business. I don’t always like it.”
He stroked the pulse in her wrist. She noticed he liked doing that. “The only
part of tonight I find bearable is the fact I’ll be leaving with you.”

“I’m not going anywhere, Duncan. I’m
here to stay.”

“Do you mean that?” he asked.

She stared at him, knowing there was
more meaning to his question.

“Yes, for as long as you want me,
I’ll stay.”

“You’re special to me, Tess.” He
leaned over and kissed her. She moaned. They’d been sharing kisses for several
days. No matter how many times he kissed her, his kisses felt as wonderful as
if they were the first time.

When he pulled away she stared into
his eyes. “You’re special to me, too.”

“I better leave you alone. I’ll mess
up your make-up and hair. You look stunning.”

They moved apart. She stared out the
window. None of it registered as she was lost in her own little world. Her lips
tingled. Gazing out of the window she saw her nipples rock hard and pressing
against the dress. Her pussy was wet. She wanted
. If he didn’t take her soon she’d die
of anticipation.

This is how women felt. She
understood the passion now. She was experiencing it herself for the first time.

“Are you ready?” he asked.

She followed his gaze to see the
paparazzi flashing their cameras at passing couples.

“Wow, are these guys everywhere?”

“I’m beginning to think they have
some kind of tracking device. Anyway, they’ll want to get a picture of you and
me together. How do you feel about that?”

The limo pulled close to the curb. A
man outside waited for a signal to enter. “I’m fine with it. Please, make sure
I don’t embarrass anyone. I couldn’t stand to see my picture in the newspaper
for everyone to ridicule.”

laughed. “You’re precious. I’ll
take care of you no matter what. Smile for the cameras.”

The door opened, and she was swamped
by all the attention. Cameras flashed at her.
didn’t let her go. He kept his arm
wrapped around her at all times. When the time came for their picture to be
taken as a couple,
pulled her close and took her lips in a kiss.

She forgot about everything. He knew
how to distract her.



Chapter Eighteen


Tess gasped at the delight of the
building where the charity ball was being held. A luxurious place with dazzling
lights and picturesque views, it was far grander than anything she imagined.
The ball was up on the second floor looking down along a star-studded garden
and a beautiful romantic fountain. Couples gathered around, drinking sparkling
champagne, dancing or talking in groups.
had his hand wrapped possessively around her waist guiding her to groups of
couples. He introduced her as his wife. She heard the proud note in his voice as
he spoke. His arm around her waist was comforting. When people fired questions
at her,
took over if he thought there was anything she couldn’t handle. Within no time
at all she became old news.
never left her side as they moved around. Several times guests tried to
separate them, but he held onto her, his fingers caressing her waist.

Tess felt like she was on cloud
nine. After a time, everyone began to be nice and seemed to accept her as one
of their own. She sipped one glass of champagne not bothering with anything
smirked every time she took a sip. Tess struggled to contain her revulsion at
the taste.

There was a difference in him. His
attention along with each of his touches felt as if they were speared to
something more.

She believed tonight
would finally make
love to her the way he should have done on their wedding night. Her nerves were
firmly in place, but she couldn’t wait. The temptation had been there since
he’d said how good it could be between them.

Her body trembled with excitement,
the anticipation making her feel slightly giddy. The champagne had nothing to
do with the head-rush she felt. The way she was feeling was directed at the man
beside her.

“Are you having fun?”
leaned down to

She looked into his intense eyes and
smiled. She could not think of any words to string together.

“Y-yes,” she said with a croak. Tess
cringed at her response.

Tonight meant the world to her. Why
couldn’t she grow some balls for a change?


Tonight was supposed to be all about
Tess. He wanted to please her completely.
had gone to great lengths so he’d be able to show her what true lovemaking
could be. Tess looked so beautiful, and he didn’t want to scare her with his
passions. He loved sex and wanted her to see how amazing it could be between
two people.

He hadn’t planned on leaving her for
any time throughout their honeymoon, but when he’d remembered Yvonne was still
in his life he’d flown back to end things. His original plan had been to keep
Yvonne in his life. He hadn’t believed his sexual needs would be met by Tess.
After spending the last few days with her, he knew there was no other choice
left. His first thought had been to fly back to end his relationship with
Yvonne, which had seemed the better option than ending it with her over the

knew Tess was getting to him.
Before, he hadn’t thought about others’ feelings, but now he thought about

When he took Tess and made her his,
he’d wanted to do so without Yvonne being in his life.
had told Tess he’d needed to fly back
on some important business.

He’d been on the helipad ready to
home when an attack of conscience had stopped
him from boarding the plane. Tess had been standing in the security of their
home while the private plane waited to take off. How could he lie to her? Leave
her to go and break it off with another woman? It was her honeymoon, and he
didn’t want to leave her alone to go and deal with another woman.

Instead of boarding the plane he’d
gone inside and locked himself away in his office with the intent of calling

He sipped the champagne recalling
the moment when she answered the phone. He’d hated every second of the
conversation and knew he’d gotten away easy.

sat behind his desk with her number on the card she’d given him to be
able to contact her at any time. She lived in an upscale
New York
place. He knew because he’d paid
for her to live there. Her reputation as an interior designer had grown over
the last few months, so now she could support herself.

Yvonne loved sex. She was compatible to him in appetite as she didn’t
require any emotion from him. Their relationship had lasted longer than he’d

He thought about Tess seconds before making the call. She was changing
him. He felt it inside himself. There was a time he wouldn’t have cared about
having Yvonne in the background as he was pursuing another woman. He wasn’t
Yvonne’s only lover. The woman was too insatiable to have one man at her

For the first time in his life,
felt really nervous. He wanted to be with Tess and not making a call to another
woman. .

He picked up the phone and dialled Yvonne’s number.

She answered on the first ring.

“Sweetheart, you called.” Yvonne practically purred as her voice came
over the line. His body didn’t respond to the need he heard in her voice. For
the first time ever his body did not respond to his mistress.

“I have missed you, Duncan. I have an ache which only you can fix.”
Yvonne was always more than willing to try something knew. He knew she was
trying to make him have phone sex with her.

“We need to talk, Yvonne.” The sooner he dealt with her the sooner he
could get back to his own woman in the next room.

“Is this about that woman you
were with? Don’t worry, sweetheart. I don’t mind sharing? Or do we have to be
more discreet? You know what I can do for you. How good I can make you feel.”
Her voice went deeper as if she was trying to play at keeping their affair a

“That woman I’m with is my wife.”

That stopped her in her tracks.
“Your wife?”

“Have you missed the papers? It was everywhere,” he said. The change
within her was instant. He heard the change in her voice. She became shriller.

“You have a wife?”


“You got married?”


Silence descended.

“It won’t last.” She snapped at him. Her voice grew louder, screeching.
“She’ll realise what a callous cruel bastard you are, and she will leave you.”
Her voice was hard.

felt his temper rising. This woman had no right to question his
relationship with Tess. He’d never treat her so appallingly. How dare this
woman say such things to him?

she won’t.” He told her. “You can keep the apartment. I’ll sign over the deeds.
You can keep the jewels and clothes I’ve purchased over the months. You’ll
cease all contact with me.” He waited for her final response before putting the
phone down.

“What makes you think your wife won’t leave you?”

“Because I’m only a bastard to women who
deserve it.
My wife is better than you in every
way.” He made his parting shot and slammed the phone down. He’d kept himself
inside his study until he calmed down.
didn’t want to take his anger out on Tess. She didn’t deserve it.

After he’d finished his call and calmed down, he’d gone in search of his
wife. She’d been in the kitchen reading a book near the stove. She looked so
perfect and relaxed. They’d talked for a few minutes, and he decided to take
her out of dinner and a theatre. First, he needed a shower to wipe all traces
of that disgusting woman from his mind.
felt ashamed to have even been associated with that woman. He needed to keep
Tess away from her.

Once he showered, he’d taken Tess
for a dinner and a show. They’d had a wonderful night, and he loved every
second of being in her company. She wasn’t like all of his usual women who
tried to get more out of him. She was pure and everything he wanted in a wife.

came out of his thoughts. Tess in
his arms was smiling out at the dance floor. Tonight, he would take her to his
bed, and if he had to, he’d keep her there until she felt the same. He loved
her. There was no denying it any more. His feelings scared him, but the thought
of losing Tess scared him a hell of a lot more.

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