Read The Assigned Online

Authors: A. D. Smith,Iii

The Assigned (22 page)

“But I give credit where credit is due,” he grins. “Nice move. So did Little Anna help you with that?”

“Leave her out of this, Bale,” says Zeek.

“It’s too late for that. You came for me. Her fate will be the same as her friends and the same as you, her little students. I don’t have time for this. Tell the Other I said, hello.”

Bale and Amnon continue walking up and around the twisting passage. They disappear behind huge concrete columns that hold together the tightly confined space. The four remaining Angels block our path. But not for long. Almost on cue, the Shadow rises around the souped-up bodyguards. And at the same time, a power races through my veins. The power to fight. Dressed in the usual white suits, a couple of the Angels take off their suit-coats. Guess they know what we’re capable of.

“Now which one of you killed my brother,” Tre mugs. The Angels snicker while some crack their knuckles. “Man, forget this.”

“Tre wait!” shouts Zeek.

Tre rushes for Bale’s Angels. I follow right behind. The mohawked Balak lands two fists to Tre’s chest sending him flying twenty feet and crashing onto the hood of a parked car. He can take care of himself. I find my old acquaintance, Hantos. Immediately he presses me with a barrage of swift punches and kicks. His speed is exceptional, but so is mine. Moves and combinations come naturally when the Gift takes over. I glance over to see Zeek engaged with the other two brutes.

I take a mean kick to the sternum. It probably would’ve set me down a couple weeks ago, but this time I fight past the initial jolt and reverse my momentum, landing a stiff kick to Hantos’ temple while performing a back flip. I come out of it just in time to see my enemy land hard on the unforgiving concrete. I love that move.

“I like to see you try that again,” says Tre, motioning to Balak. The doomed Angel sprints towards Tre as fragments of the Shadow linger. This time Tre waits, timing his assault. As Balak swings, Tre leans back, dodging the punch, while grabbing Balak around the waist. Like me, he uses his enemy’s momentum, heaving Balak over his head, sending him flying into the same car Tre himself, crashed into. Tre runs and with supernatural ability, soars in the air before coming down with a brutal punch to the face of Balak—Wait!

With not a second to spare, Balak rolls off the car. Tre’s hand smashes through the metal hood as if it were gelatin.

The other Angels regroup and formulate a different strategy. A row of custom-made choppers similar to Zeek’s, rest in the parking garage. Two of the Angels lift and hurl the bikes as if they were dumbbells. I can’t but help wonder if we’re that strong as Zeek and I dodge the flying torpedoes.

“I’ve had just about enough of this,” says Zeek. His eyes glaze over as if his every move is being controlled by another force. Ripping the wheel off one of the flying choppers, Zeek uses it as a shield as he runs straight for the Angels, weaving through the hurling barrage of motorcycles. It’s like he can foresee their every move. Guess that’s what he does. Zeek gets close, heaving the wheel at one of the Angels. The spinning disc hits the Angel square in the chest. The demon in white soars backwards, black haze and all, crashing into the abundant selection of parked cars.

The other Angel drops his motorcycle to deal with Zeek. But before he has a chance, I sideswipe him with a swift right jab. Not today. Two Angels lie unconscious. Two remain. I set my eyes for bigger fish. “You guys can finish up here. I’m going after Bale.”

“Gloria, no!” shouts Tre. “We fight as a team!”

“Don’t worry, I’ll save you some. Besides, I can handle Bale. Remember the rooftop? Just come and find me when you take care of those two!”

“Glo, wait!”

I take off around the corner, trying to gain some ground on Bale. Tre doesn’t see it, but I am fighting as a team. I can hold off Bale until they arrive. Then we can end this once and for all.

After a few turns around the carousel-like garage, I see what appears to be a stretch white limo in the distance. Sprinting closer, I view what looks to be someone in a hat—a driver— opening the rear door as two figures wait, one larger than the other. Bale and his oversized guard, Amnon.

“Hey Bale, it’s over!” I shout, just as they are to step inside.

“For whom? You?” he says, now standing in ear distance. “Because for me, it’s just beginning. Sure you’ve created a slight headache, but it’s nothing my PR team can’t handle. And by no means is it over.”

“The people are smart. They’ll see you for you really are. No one will freely bow to you.”

“You sound like Little Anna. She’s really done a job on you three. I should’ve destroyed her all those years ago. No matter. There’s always tomorrow.”

“You’ll never get the chance!” I yell, running straight for Bale. The massive bodyguard, Amnon, steps directly in front of his lord, but I was expecting that. He swings wildly as I drop into a slide and glide right through his legs. Now behind him, I rise, landing an elbow to his back and a kick to Bale’s chest, sending him straight into the steel reinforced limo door. Direct hit!

Time to show these guys who’s in charge. With both of them immobilized I advance, but Bale’s eyes open just as the Shadow swirls furiously about. I’m not sure if Bale hits or kicks me, but the superhuman blow throws me back at least twenty feet.

“I am Bale! I … AM … BALE!!!” is what I hear as I come too. As I look up, I can barely make out Amnon shaking off the blow I delivered to him.

“Destroy her. You know where to meet me,” says Bale before stepping inside the limo. The driver takes off immediately.
Okay Gloria, gotta shake this off,
I think as Amnon creeps forward. I know I’m supposed to get up, but so far, I can’t. Maybe Tre was right. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea. Maybe I was trying to do too much, to prove myself. Maybe that debilitating punch has got me second guessing myself. None of that matters now as I notice the huge frame that stands above. My focus returns just in time to see his huge foot hover over me. He smiles as the Shadow spreads from his profile. The concrete floor ripples from the exact spot recently occupied by my head. Thankfully I rolled out in time. Cracks spring out in every direction while the ground trembles with the force of an earthquake.

I spring to my feet as the beast swings for my head. He misses, nearly taking out a concrete support beam in the process. Rubble explodes from the weakened column. His punches are powerful but I’m much quicker. I land a flurry of punches to his abdomen but the monster just smiles before lifting me by the neck and slinging me across the corridor. The force is almost overwhelming but I summon the strength to get back up. He runs straight for me, wildly swinging for my head, but I drop into a split as his huge fist crushes another concrete beam. Squinting from all the dust and debris, I hit the rampaging monster squarely in the groin. He wails in pain. Finally.

Standing, I kick Amnon in his left shin. “Finally, we see eye to eye,” I say as the giant falls to one knee. I land kicks to his temple, now to his chest. Part of me gloats as screams bellow from the pit of his belly. The Shadow weakens around him as he consumes the punishment.

“And who says boys have all the fun?”

Stepping back I focus my power. This next blow should send this monster back to the pit of Hell. I run full speed towards the chopped down giant, leaping into a high-kick. Suddenly, the aggravated monster jumps out of his stooped position …


An enormous boot—or something—I’m not sure—sits on my chest. It takes me a minute to understand its purpose. It’s here to drain the remaining life from my body. Dust crowds my airway as I wrestle with the odd sensation.

Sharp, excruciating pain is replaced by a dull, numbness. I no longer hurt although I’m not sure if I still have the use of my limbs. The numbness sets in a little while longer before …

… before the change. That feeling you get when you first revive an arm or leg that has been sleep, rushes through my entire body. I’m not sure what I see. Colors of some sort, not sure. They’re unlike any I’ve ever seen. Can’t really explain them. But I am certain of the melody that races past my ears. An enchanting tune filled with what sounds like every instrument I’ve ever heard. A blaring sound of horns, drums, strings, rising in power and volume before smoothing out into tranquil vibrations.
The wind.
That’s the only way I can explain it. It sounds like the wind … if the wind were a melody.

A figure comes to meet me. Can I even say it’s a figure? It has no body, no shape, no definition. Yet I know it to be a specific entity. Although indescribable, it’s beautiful. I’ve witnessed it before in all its glory, though that was ages ago. Somehow I just know. As it draws closer, I have the uncontainable urge to scream to the top of my lungs. Not in fear, or anger, but in adoration. It consumes me and I know it to be … everything. And that’s when it no longer matters.

I’m free.

Chapter 25

What would I do if I came out to find a demon sitting atop my crashed-in hood? I find myself asking this question as me and Zeek make mince pie out of Balak and his friend with the dreads. The two put up a good fight, but it’s nothing me and Zeek can’t handle. Finally subdued and comatose, I notice how hard it truly is to keep white clean. Oh well.

“I thought those two would never get the hint.”

“Yeah, I know right,” smiles Zeek. He pops his neck as I rub my hands, our little skirmish over. “I was just starting to have fun,” he continues. “Shame about those choppers, though.”

“Yeah. Whada ya say we go help Gloria. I don’t want her having all the fun.”

“Let’s go.”

We take off running up and around the meandering parking garage. Every floor looks exactly the same. I make a conscious effort to notice what level we’re currently on. Zeek and I call out for Glo but get no answer. I suggest we split up as we continue our search. Nothing out of the ordinary. Cars and the occasional passing glance by someone headed to or away from their vehicle. Guess it’s possible I look like I’ve been in a fight. Wait a minute. I can heal myself. Nah …

“Tre!” shouts Zeek. “Tre!” he shouts again, louder. “Hurry!”

I take off in the direction of Zeek’s voice. It only takes a few seconds to find him. He’s not alone. “Gloria?” I call. Zeek holds her head in his lap. I rub my face in disbelief, but when my eyes open, it’s still the same. Gloria’s motionless body. “I told you to wait!” I shout at her, not knowing what else to say. “I told you to wait!”

A coarse line of blood falls from her mouth. Her face is intact but the black sweater—the sweater I got for her—is saturated with dust to the point it looks white.

Emotions override the thought process. Memories of my brother submerge my consciousness. And just like that, everything we’ve been taught goes down the drain. Teamwork, discernment—I couldn’t locate Glo by just thinking of her location. The pain moves back in, taking up its usual residence. Thought it had been evicted, but looks like I was wrong. It consumes me to the point I barely notice Zeek trying to get my attention. His face appears mad, but it takes a moment to recognize his words.

“Snap out of it, Tre!” I finally make out.

“It can’t end like this!” I say, the tears running uncontrollably.

“C’mon man, do your thing!” he shouts, still holding Gloria’s head in his lap.

And then I remember. My Gift! The one thing I didn’t learn, but was given to me. Quickly, I fall to my knees, placing my hands around Gloria’s face. Nothing. I try her chest, but nothing seems to happen.

“Again!” yells Zeek.

I take his spot in the man-made crater of obliterated concrete, close my eyes and focus as best I know how. When I reopen them, nothing’s changed. Glo’s gone.


And so the collection is complete. The one thing that was given, fails me. Gloria is gone, just like my brother. Once again, guess I was too late. But I won’t mourn. I won’t doubt. I won’t ask why me. At least not now. “I’ll stay here with Glo,” I whisper to Zeek. “You go after Bale.” Zeek’s slowness to answer denotes his contemplation. “Now!” I scream. There’s no time for that. “Do YOUR thing!”

“I’m going!” he yells back.

My eyes drop to Gloria, but a swaying large object in my peripheral commands my attention.

“What about him?” Zeek asks.

in question is probably the vicious fiend who did this to Gloria. Amnon
The giant walks back and forth some forty yards away and now spots us as well. Just as good. “I got him,” I assure Zeek. “You know what to do.”

“Send him to Hell,” Zeek says before running off.

I make sure Gloria’s body is situated and comfortable before standing and rubbing the white dust from my shirt. I look for the giant once more. Once relocated, my eyes never leave Amnon’s face as I walk straight for my narrow-eyed enemy.

“I missed ride,” says the gruff-voiced giant.

“Did you do this to her?” I ask boldly.

“I destroy friend,” he grins.

The way he talks, it’s strange. Simplistic, like a child. But something oddly familiar. We now stand six feet apart, his natural shadow eating my light. A huge man indeed, but I wouldn’t care with or without my powers. Far as I know, they could already be gone. But the man—the demon that killed my friend stands before me and I will do all within my power to make him pay.

“You want same?” he asks.

I want to answer but find myself gasping for air as I recall the origin of this disturbed voice. The voice that speaks in disjointed syllables.

“You killed my friend,” I sob. “And you killed my brother!”

The giant looks confused. “My brother!” I remind him. “Martin Turner! T-Mart!”

The latter name rings a bell. His face lightens, reminiscing on his conquest.

“I kill brother,” he cackles.

My body is overcome with grief and hatred at the same time. To know I’ve fought the man that took my brother’s life only to retreat and leave him alive starts to weaken me, but I quickly turn the guilt into fuel. Everything in me wants to rush in head-first. It would take several blows from the huge beast-like man before I even felt anything. My body is charged with loathsomeness. But before I can rush the animal, a calmness surfaces. At the same time, a cool breeze tickles past my face. For some reason, thoughts of my childhood come to mind. Words I thought I’d forgotten reemerge. I turn my back on the giant as I recite passages long disregarded.

-----------T H E A S S I G N E D-----------

I didn’t want to leave Tre, nor Gloria for that matter, but I know nothing I could’ve said would change his mind. And I can’t blame him. Bale’s men went too far and someone has to pay. Running through the garage, it takes a moment to remember where I parked my bike, but the image finally visualizes in my head. If I can’t remember where I left my chopper, how can I possibly see where Bale has gone? On the other hand, what’s the alternative?

But as I focus on a point on the wall before me, something does happen. I feel
Gift manifest. An image of Jason Bale flashes before my eyes. Now a car—no wait—a limousine. I jump on my bike, barreling out of the parking garage. The structure itself has suffered extensive damage at the hands of the dueling factions. As since millennia ago, one good, one evil. Although the outcome has already been decided, the war continues.
This is the way

At least this is what I’ve been told. So much has happened, I’m not sure what I believe. I fly down the highway like a bat out of Hell, or rather … Heaven. My Gift of Seeing leads me to the interstate bridge. As I ride, my mind traces back to before any of this started …

And that’s what keeps me riding. Angel. Christina. Angelina for the courage of her convictions no matter what I or anyone else thought, and little Christina for fighting through death and coming back to me. I owe them my best. So I ride.

Memories accelerate my new chopper through the thickening traffic. After a few short minutes, I pull close to a white limo. Is this the one? My question is answered in a flash as black vapor shoots from the limo’s rear-window. The Shadow separates into streams of mist as it attempts to attach itself to the plethora of vehicles traveling on the highway. I can tell which attempts are successful as some of the drivers’ countenances immediately change. The Persuaded motorists attempt to run me off the highway as I weave between lanes at 80mph. Somehow, I maneuver through the increasingly dangerous freeway. Must be the Gift. Trying their best to flatten me, Perusaded drivers crash with one another. Cars barrel through the air like missiles before plummeting to the ground like fallen satellites. The slightest sway of my body saves me from dire consequences. I never lose sight of the limo as I swiftly approach. Out of nowhere, the lengthened vehicle fishtails in the middle of the highway, burning rubber as it comes to a rolling stop. I hit the brakes just as my chopper collides with the limousine. The collision sends me head first, soaring through the air. As I fly, images of
the accident
, flash by. I can see Angel. Man, she’s beautiful. That smile. It’s the reason I fell in love with her. What I wouldn’t give to see her again. Maybe that time is now. Nearing the end of my descent, Angel draws close. Her mouth opens to speak. I stop breathing not to miss any of what she has to say. My wife utters one word.

“Live …”

I smile at the simple declaration. And after what seems like an eternity with an Angel, I fall to the ground, landing on my feet. As I rise, cars swerve to avoid me. Leaving six-inch deep impressions in the asphalt, I step forward. Bale waits for me in the middle of the highway.

“You are beginning to cost me too much!” he shouts.

“Glad to be of service!”

“So what if you have prolonged my plan. Your attempts are brief at most. I’ll be back on track in no time. But you? You will die.” Bale looks around as people step out of their cars, watching the unfolding melee. “A man such as myself has the right to defend himself when being attacked by a crazed fan.”

“You know what … Enough of the rhetoric.”

-----------T H E A S S I G N E D-----------

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil. For thou art with me. Thou rod and thy staff, they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies.” The words come so easily. Scriptures my father taught us when we children. Today, they prepare me for battle. “Thou anointest my head with oil. My cup runneth over.”

My back still turned, I can hear the man-beast’s intense breathing. But nothing worries me now. Nothing else can be done to me. If it is my destiny to die, then so be it. If I am to live, then God will be with me.

“I kill friend! I kill brother!” yells my adversary. Though incendiary, the words only bring more passages to mind.

“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that worketh in us.” Reenergized, I face my opponent. Huge hands clenched into fists sway at his sides. The Shadow flares around his torso adding to his massive dimensions. But no matter. I’m ready. “I can do all things though Christ which strengtheneth me.”


Amnon charges for me. I take off as well, spearing the giant to the ground as we meet. The concrete floor rumbles underneath. On top, I head-butt the massive man, but with ease he throws me ten feet with one arm. I land squarely on my toes, running straight back for more. The giant lunges for my head, however I duck and land a crippling hook to his rib cage. Firmly aggravated, he returns the favor, catching me with an uppercut that sends me straight into the air. Pain crowds my senses as I feel the gash in my face open. But by the time I hit the ground, it’s closed. Jumping to my feet, I meet the charging brute with a roundhouse kick to the chest. It sends him through two concrete beams before his body rams into an innocent car. Smoke and debris billows around me, impeding my vision.

-----------T H E A S S I G N E D-----------

With Bale in plain view, I run straight for him. The arrogant idol stands motionless until the very last second. Out of nowhere, he catches me by the throat with one hand, lifting me in the air. His Shadow hovers and shifts in the ever changing wind. I attempt to loosen his grip but this guy is strong.

“You think you and your friends can stop me?!” he shouts, still holding me with one hand. “Do you know how many of your kind I’ve destroyed?!” Not waiting for an answer, Bale throws me thirty feet, at least. I land on the hard asphalt pavement. Man that hurt.

Resting on all fours, I hear footsteps approaching. “See that’s it,” he says. “You’ve already got the hang of it. Now call me lord, and I’ll consider giving you a position at my side.” Still on my knees, I spit blood from my mouth.

“I’m still new to the whole
thing, so I think I’ll pass.”

Bale circles me. “The Other does nothing but take. He took your wife. He nearly took your daughter. But I gave her back to you.”

“What?” I look up to gauge his expression.

“You heard me,” Bale says without pause. “Those were my doctors, Zeek! Think about it!”

And I do. I think about Dr. Amali and the black haze I now know to be the Shadow. Could it be true?

“Through my power they resurrected your daughter! Now join me and help me show the world another way!”

Making my way to my feet, I try to make sense out of all of this. I’m not sure what to believe. He couldn’t have possibly saved Christina. Could he? “No. You lie. You’re a liar, Bale!”

Bale stretches out his hand. “I gave life back to your daughter. And I can give life back to your wife. Your Angel.”

The torment starts all over again. “Stop it!” I yell. How could he possibly bring back Angel? Much as I don’t want to admit it, my wife is dead. But at the same time, I’ve seen things in the last few weeks that have challenged everything I ever believed. But this guy is a manipulator, a murderer. He does possess power but could it be used for that purpose? Was it used for Christina?

An exhilarating fragrance flutters past my nose as I internally debate these questions. It makes me want to find out more. Almost persuading me to take the next step.

-----------T H E A S S I G N E D-----------

When the smoke clears, my Persuaded foe is nowhere to be found. Damage to vehicles and the garage itself is easily traceable, though no sign of the not-easily-hid, Amnon. Surely he hasn’t retreated. He must be here somewhere.


Sparks fly everywhere as a car on its side speeds straight towards me. Immediately I run, not taking time to ask questions. Glancing back, I see a large bald head peering from behind the speeding wreckage. Amnon is pushing the car like a football sled. His Shadow widens itself to the length of the car. The calculated haze almost looks as if it’s helping push the vehicle! I’ve never seen anything like it, but now’s not the time to marvel as I evade being mowed down like grass. War-cries bellow from the supernaturally charged giant as he moves the car almost effortlessly.

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