Read Texas Blue Online

Authors: Jodi Thomas

Texas Blue (19 page)

Em gulped down air. She hadn’t realized she’d been holding her breath. “If we’d been a few minutes later, he would have finished the colt off.”
Lewt reached her side and took the rifle from her hand.
“If you hadn’t been here”—she met his gaze—“the lion might have finished me off too.”
Lewt set the rifles on the cold grass as he knelt beside the horse. “Get your saddlebags and the canteen, Em; don’t panic. You can thank me later; we’ve got to see to this horse first.”
She followed orders, but as soon as she began to work on the wound, she snapped, “I wasn’t panicking. I never panic. I was just so worried about the horse I forgot to take proper precautions.”
He helped her doctor the wound, which didn’t seem so bad once they got the blood cleared away. Over the days they’d learned to work well together, almost reading each other’s thoughts. When the wound was treated, they watched the colt stand. He was too big to carry, so they watched him walk away.
“Shouldn’t we do something, like take him back with us or build a pen to hold him for the night?”
“He’ll be all right. He’d only hurt himself more fighting his way out of a pen. He knows where his mother went. I’ll come out tomorrow and check on him.” She shoved her rifle back in place and put her hat on the saddle horn so the cold air could cool her cheeks and calm her nerves.
They walked their horses, following the colt until he spotted the rest of the herd.
“I thought you didn’t know how to shoot,” she said, breaking the silence.
“I said I didn’t like guns, not that I didn’t know how to use them.”
Em nodded. “You’re a mystery, Mr. Lewton Paterson.”
“Not really. Half the time when people ask me what I’m thinking, I’m not.”
Em laughed. “All right. What are you thinking now?”
He turned toward her. “I’m thinking I’m glad the lion didn’t get you because I sure as hell would like to kiss you again. Same rules as before. No strings.”
Before she could think of an answer or react, he circled one arm around her and pulled her close. His mouth covered hers. The kiss was raw with a need that surprised her, and she didn’t fight the feeling shooting through her body as the kiss deepened.
She’d wanted it too. One more taste. One more time to confirm just how good it had felt. One more time to remember forever what a kiss could be.
His arm was around her, holding her, but not imprisoning her. She could have jerked away if she’d wanted to, but the feel of his mouth against hers made her want more. Lifting her hands, she tugged his hat off and let her arms rest on his shoulders as her body leaned into his. There were a thousand reasons she shouldn’t be kissing him, but she’d think of them all later. Right now, all she wanted was to feel alive. One hundred percent alive for the first time in her life.
Lewt felt her surrender and gentled his hold around her. The kiss deepened as his hands moved over her, gently stroking her back from her shoulder to just below her belt.
When he finally broke the kiss, he brushed her cheek with his lips and moved across her face with light kisses until he reached her ear. “I’ve been wanting to do that all day,” he whispered. “And it was every bit as good as I thought it would be.”
She let out a sigh, agreeing with him. No matter how many times she’d told herself she never planned to kiss him again, she couldn’t keep from thinking that she was glad they’d had this one last time.
His hands gripped her sides just above her waist and tugged her against him as he whispered, “Don’t say a word, Em. Just let me hold you for a moment. I felt like I’d been kicked in the chest when I realized something was stalking you from the trees. I knew if I fired too soon I might miss, or if I waited a second too long, it might be too late.”
She cupped his face in her palms. After days of yelling at him for doing everything wrong, she said the only thing she could now. “You did it right. You saved my life.”
He brushed her mouth with his words. “I’m glad.” He kissed her again with a gentle kind of tenderness she never would have thought him capable of, and then he just held her tight in his arms for a long while.
Finally, she whispered, “I’m freezing.”
He laughed and let her go. “Me too. We’d better get back.”
For once, she let him help her up onto her horse, and she didn’t miss the way he slid his hand along the length of her leg as if it were a natural thing to touch her so. To her surprise, she didn’t mind. Sometime over their days together she’d learned to trust him and the truth shocked her.
EWT FELT FROZEN TO THE BONE BY THE TIME THEY raced back to the barn, but he didn’t comment. If the weather hadn’t changed, he would have been happy to stand out in that north pasture and kiss Em all day long.
He’d never felt that way about a woman. In fact, since he’d been that kid the soiled doves played at driving crazy with kisses, he’d really never kissed a woman at all and never with any passion. It seemed a waste of time, and most of the ladies he knew didn’t have a mouth that tasted like honey inside and lips that felt all soft and hesitant like Em’s did. She might be hard as a horseshoe when she was working or bossing him around, but when she was in his arms, she was all woman. She seemed to fit just right against him. Just the right height, just the right feel. She was tall and slender, but he’d felt where her hips flared and couldn’t have missed her soft round breasts pressing against his chest.
He thought about telling her how she started a fire inside him . . . about how he’d like to do more than kiss her . . . about how he wanted her beneath him in bed more than he could ever remember wanting a woman.
But Lewt knew he’d never say a word to her. She’d told him his kiss had been her first. She might be near his age, but she’d been raised here on Whispering Mountain completely away from the wildness he’d known. She might not be a lady like the McMurray women, but she wasn’t like anyone from his world and he’d be doing her an injustice to treat her so.
When they reached the barn, rain had started to fall. Sumner was there waiting for them. As always, he stood ready to help Em, and as always, she refused his assistance.
“I expected you in earlier,” he said. “Norther’s blowing in.”
“We found a hurt colt in the north pasture,” Em said, without looking at the old man. “Lewt shot the mountain lion that planned to have him for dinner.”
Sumner looked at Lewt for the first time but didn’t say a word.
“Are the others back from town?”
Sumner slowly turned away from Lewt to answer. “No, they sent word about an hour ago with the mail and medicine. They all decided to stay in town. The women at the little house, the men at the hotel.”
Em nodded. “Makes sense. The ride back in a buggy wouldn’t be pleasant in this weather.”
Lewt stepped beside her. “You would have crossed the hills and cut the time in half, right?”
She smiled. “Not with Mrs. Allender. I had enough trouble leading you.”
He lightly brushed her shoulder with his. “I’d hate to see sweet little Mrs. Allender tumbling from a horse and rolling down a hill.”
“Me too.” Em smiled at him and took off running to the house.
He was right behind her, barely noticing the pounding rain or mud splashing to his knees.
They hit the mudroom laughing and tossing wet coats and hats.
Light shone from the kitchen, but the mudroom was in shadows. Lewt knew without asking that Rose left a light for Em every night. Only tonight, Miss McMurray was in town. Neither the reverend nor his wife would have thought to light the lamp.
Em pulled the curtain by the bath and disappeared behind it. “Get out of those wet clothes and I’ll toss you dry ones. Uncle Travis keeps a set of work clothes here. They should fit you.”
He looked at the tall shelves squared into boxes, each with sets of shirts and trousers. He’d never really noticed them before, but now he knew they were a change of clothes for every McMurray. Any member of the family who’d worked hard was expected to change and clean up in the mudroom before stepping in the house. A washstand stood in each corner of the room, and he knew without testing that there would be fresh water in the pitchers.
He glanced over at her silhouette on the curtain. She was tugging off one of her boots. “What are you going to wear?”
She froze for a moment, then said, “I can wear Emily’s work clothes. We’re almost the same size and she rarely needs them.”
He tugged his shirt off as he watched her shadow. “You’re a little taller,” he commented, wishing to add that she was braver and bolder and more strong willed.
“Am I?” she said as she wiggled out of her wet jeans.
He stopped moving. He even stopped breathing as he watched the shadow peel away clothes. What he’d thought was almost a man’s body was very much a woman’s. She was tall and lean, but she definitely had curves in all the right places. Fighting down a yell when she tugged on a shirt, he forced himself to look away.
“You about ready?” She wiggled into new trousers that washed away her shapely figure and made her look boxy again.
He poured water into the basin and splashed. “Give me one more minute.”
When she pulled the curtain, he was buttoning his shirt and facing the wall. Part of him didn’t want to look at her. He felt like he’d learned some grand secret and she’d have to kill him if she knew he knew.
Lewt made up his mind he’d never say anything to her, or to anyone. He wished he could forget about the body he’d seen outlined in shadow, but he knew he never would. He’d see that body in his dreams probably every night for the rest of his life.
When he turned, he kept his head down as he buckled his belt. “Any chance you’ll eat dinner with us tonight, Em? I’m not sure I can handle both the Watsons alone, and Emily never has much to say. Half the time I think she’s dreaming about something else and not bothering to follow the conversation.”
Em laughed. “I didn’t think guests could invite guests.”
He frowned, guessing she was right. “Probably true, but if you don’t join us then I plan to eat with you and those two giggly girls in the kitchen.”
“All right. Emily and I have been friends since we were in school. I’ll ask if she’d mind if I join you all tonight. I often do when just the girls are at home.” She watched him finish dressing. “Besides, if you eat with the girls, you’ll be eating in the barn. They both have taken a liking to the wrangler Boyd brought along to care for his horses. Sumner tells me every night the meal in the empty stall lasts a little longer. He claims the giggles are keeping the horses up.”
He looked at her. “So you’ll join us?” He studied her eyes, deciding that when she wasn’t mad about something, she had wonderful eyes. They reminded him of the blue Texas sky.
“I will.”
Lewt smiled at her. “Thanks.” Then he thought of her body and had to look down again.
She hit him in the head with a pair of rolled-up socks. While he put them on and rubbed his hair dry with a towel, she went to find Emily.
He was standing in the kitchen downing a cup of coffee when Miss Emily came in, looking flustered.
“I’m glad you’re back,” she said, twisting her hands together. “I’ve asked Em to join us for dinner, if you have no objections.”
“I have none,” he said, thinking he could never marry a woman who got so flustered over one guest for dinner. She was a beauty, like her sisters, but in a million years Emily McMurray would never be wild enough for him.
With less sadness than he’d thought he’d have, Lewt realized he would be going back to Austin alone. None of Duncan’s cousins were right for him. He liked them all, admired them even, but he couldn’t see himself spending the rest of his life with one of them. The only woman on the ranch that he was attracted to had made it plain she never wanted to marry. The day after the big party they’d all planned, he’d ride away from Whispering Mountain and probably never return. In fact, he doubted he’d ever be welcome after Duncan figured out what he’d done.
Miss Emily gave him a smile that lasted less than a blink and turned toward the hallway. “Mr. and Mrs. Watson are in the great room having sherry before dinner. If you’ll join them, I’ll check on the meal. I’m afraid without Rose’s or Mrs. Allender’s help, the girls only managed a simple meat pie tonight.”
Lewt wondered where the dueling gigglers were, but he didn’t ask. He’d been told one day at breakfast that they liked to sleep in after cleaning up from the night before, but he’d guessed they had helped with the rest of the meals. Apparently not.
Looking over at the counter, he saw two meat pies cooling, bread in need of slicing, one bowl of vegetables, and another of peaches. “How about I help you carry this stuff in?” He picked up the largest bowl.
“Oh, no, Mr. Paterson. I couldn’t let you.”
“But you’ll have to make several trips, and two people could cut the time in half.”

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