Read Tempted Online

Authors: Elise Marion

Tempted (13 page)

I’ve been watching you, mortal,” he said, studying Jackson with his flaming eyes. He took a step closer and leaned down until his face was inches away from Jackson’s. The odor of sulfur filled his nostrils and Jackson fought down vomit.

You must be Eligos,” he managed, once the burning stomach acid in his throat was forced back down. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

Not nearly as much as I’d wish,” Eligos said with a sinister laugh. The sound slid down Jackson’s spine like nails on a chalkboard. He clenched his jaw and fought the urge to shiver. He fought against the fear that was gripping him. “If you knew that I was one of the most exalted demons in hell, that I had sixty legions of other demons at my command, that I am capable of creating discontent and war between nations on a whim, or how easily I spread malice, wrath, and misery, then you would be cowering at my feet. And so I felt an introduction was necessary. Besides, I’ve heard a lot about you too, Jackson Bennett. I have to say that I am intrigued by your background and your capabilities. You come from a long line of hybrid humans. Your lineage is strong.”

So I’ve been told,” Jackson answered, eyeing the demon warily. Sarah had warned him that the other side would try to intervene. He was certain that until he made this mysterious ‘transformation’, nothing was set in stone. “You’re wasting your time. I’ve decided to become a Guardian,” he added.

Eligos laughed again, and flames flicked in the dark recesses of his twisted mouth. “They’ve got you convinced, don’t they? I’m sure they gave you the whole song and dance: great responsibility, destiny and purpose, guarding against the bad guys like myself. I’m sure they didn’t tell you the truth about your power. They’d never tell you how much more power you would possess were you to make an alliance with me.”

Something tingled at the back of his neck, and Jackson found himself unable to look away from Eligos’ fiery stare.

Do you not believe me?” Eligos continued, his voice wrapping around Jackson like a surprisingly soothing balm. Jackson’s heart slowed and his breathing returned to normal. “I could make you a prince in hell,” he said, his voice growing distant as Jackson’s vision grew hazy around the edges. He shook his head to clear it, but Eligos’ voice still flitted through his mind. “Think about it, Jackson. Power beyond your wildest dreams, power beyond anything those fools in heaven could offer you. The power to control minds and bend others to your will. A seat at the Dark King’s table, sitting at my right side. People, angels, and other demons will tremble in your presence when I have exalted you, and you will finally have the control you’ve lost.”

I…haven’t lost…control of anything,” Jackson stammered as he fought against Eligos’ mind-hold. With every word from his flaming mouth, Jackson felt his resolve slipping. “I have faced my past,” he said a bit more strongly.

I’ll bet you have,” the velvety voice replied. “I’m sure you close your eyes every night and see that fateful day in the desert all over again. I’ve seen inside your mind, Jackson. I saw what you did that day. It was a thing of beauty, a bloodbath fit for a High Priest in hell.”

Jackson’s vision was suddenly filled with the scenes from his dreams: a blood-splattered desert, scattered body parts, the corpse of Lieutenant Rawls in the sand….and Jackson, his mouth open and his lungs emitting an inhuman roar as he let loose on the Iraqi enemies with the .50 cal machine gun. A sickening smile spread across his face as he watched the Iraqis torn to pieces by the machine gun rounds. He laughed as they fell from the ridge like raindrops, kicking up sand and dust as they hit the desert floor.

Yes,” said the demon’s silky voice. “You know the feeling. You are a natural, Jackson, a natural killer. You enjoyed it, didn’t you? You loved every second of it.”

Yes,” Jackson admitted as his vision cleared and Eligos appeared in his field of vision once again. “I did.”

You can feel that way again. Only imagine it magnified tenfold. The power to give and take life in the palm of your hand…not even angels possess that kind of power. It can be yours. You only need to pledge your fidelity to myself and to my Dark Lord. He will welcome you into his kingdom with open arms.”

It was so tempting. As Eligos weaved his spell around Jackson’s mind, Jackson felt adrenaline rushing in his veins. His blood heated to near boiling and his pulse raced. He felt as if he were high on something…death. The more he experienced the feeling, the more he wanted it, craved it.

That’s it,” Eligos whispered as Jackson released the last of his reservations. It all just felt too good to resist. “Give yourself to it. I know what you’re feeling. You will feel this every day of your life if you wish it. Everything you desire will be yours.”

That’s enough demon!”

A third voice, loud and booming, shot through the room like a crack of thunder. The walls vibrated and the floor shook as the room was filled with a bright light. Immediately Jackson felt Eligos’ hold on his mind loosen and he used the opportunity to leap to his feet.

His eyes widened as they landed on the angel that had appeared between them. He stood as tall as Eligos, and his golden armor was so bright Jackson could barely stand to look at it. His eyes shone bright white, and long, shimmering blonde hair fell to his shoulders. His skin was like glistening amber. His white wings rose high behind him.

Reniel!” Eligos spat the angel’s name like a foul curse. “This one is mine, you’re too late.”

I didn’t hear the human swear allegiance to either side, and he seems to have come to his senses now. Besides, I’ve been sent by Father himself. You are trespassing on one of his servants and you will pay the price if you don’t take yourself from here immediately.”

Jackson stumbled back against the far wall across the room, his eyes darting back and forth between the two.

Eligos hissed and drew a long, pointed lance from the sheath at his side and pointed it at the angel called Reniel. “I’ve been waiting for the day that I would have you at the other end of my lance.”

Reniel’s expression was grim as he drew a gleaming sword from his side. “So we will fight,” he said with a sigh. “Come on then. I don’t have all day.”

In a flash, the two were locked in battle at the center of the room. The sound of the two weapons crashing together filled the room, as well as their grunts and heavy breathing. Just when it seemed Eligos was beating Reniel, the massive angel dropped his sword and lunged toward Eligos, taking the demon straight through the bedroom wall.

As they disappeared through the brick, Jackson scrambled toward the bedroom door and shot through the living room, determined to make it to the roof. As he climbed the fire escape he could hear the sounds of their fight overhead.

Once on the roof, he found them hovering several feet above him, wrestling in midair. Reniel’s fist crashed into Eligos’ face, knocking the black helmet from his head. It fell to the roof where it disintegrated into black ash. After a while Eligos managed to free himself from Reniel’s hold. Instead of fighting back, the cowardly demon turned tail and ran, whistling for the winged beast that waited for him on the roof. The animal screeched as it flew toward its master swiftly. Eligos mounted it turned to make his escape.

Reniel swiftly snatched his bow from behind his back and notched a golden arrow to it. With a hiss the arrow flew across the sky and into Eligos’ back. The scream of both demon and winged beast combined as the two disappeared in a cloud of black smoke and fire.

Jackson felt his lungs expand as he took in his first breath in probably a full minute. Reniel floated slowly to the roof before transforming into a human form that looked like it belonged in a Calvin Klein ad. He turned and faced Jackson, fixing him with an emerald green stare.

Well don’t just stand there,” he said gruffly, brushing past Jackson and heading for the fire escape, eating up the distance with his long legs. Even as a human he was unnaturally tall, at least six and a half feet. “We have work to do.”

Chapter 16: Armor


Jackson watched Reniel in disbelief as the man downed four large slices of pepperoni pizza in a manner of seconds. The man—er, angel—had refused to move forward until he’d had a slice. He drained two Pepsi bottles in a few swigs and then smiled contentedly.

It’s been awhile since I’ve had a chance to travel to earth,” he said sheepishly as he wiped his mouth with a napkin. “Pepperoni’s my favorite.”

Why would Sarah give her assignment to you?” Jackson questioned, his mind still reeling from what Reniel had told him. “Why would she leave without saying good-bye?”

There wasn’t time,” Reniel said. “If you plan to honor your commitment, though, we’d best get started. You have a lot to learn, especially when it comes to demons and their tricks. You need to learn to defend yourself.”

But she didn’t even say anything,” Jackson said, more to himself than to Reniel. He was completely stunned by Sarah’s actions. It would seem that his feelings were not reciprocated. She hadn’t even cared enough to stay good-bye.

It stung—actually it hurt like hell—but Jackson had been through worse. He hadn’t fallen apart when his father left. He’d held it together when his mother followed suit. He’d picked up the pieces after the Army discharged him and Rochelle served him with divorce papers. His jaw hardened as anger and bitterness washed over him. Once again, he would soldier on. With or without Sarah, Jackson was stepping into his true identity.

Let’s do it then,” Jackson said. “The sooner the better.”

Reniel nodded and stood. With a flick of his wrist, the angel produced a long golden chain with a circular medallion dangling from it. At the center of the golden circle was a crest sporting a cross and a dove carrying an olive branch.

This job comes with jewelry?” Jackson asked dryly.

Take off your shirt,” Reniel said, choosing to ignore Jackson’s dry, sarcastic tone.

Jackson did as he was told, but still wondered what this was all about.
Too late to turn back now,
he thought as he whipped his black t-shirt off over his head. Reniel held the medallion and chain out to him.

Put it on.”

The gold was heavy and cool in his palm. Jackson shivered as it settled against his neck and chest. Reniel reached up and touched the center of the medallion with this index finger.

This is going to hurt. A lot.”


The word was barely out of Jackson’s mouth when the medallion began to glow bright red, searing his skin like a cattle brand. Jackson gritted his teeth, but could not stop the groan of pain that escaped his lips. He clutched the kitchen table until his knuckles were white. He then fell to his knees, knocking his chair over in the process.

As the medallion scorched him, he felt something within him shifting, bubbling to the surface. His skin tingled and the space between his eyes throbbed as blinding light filled his vision.

Just breath,” said Reniel’s voice calmly. “It’s almost over.”

Jackson focused on the determination that had gripped him earlier. He focused on the image of Jackson Jr. in his mind and held on tight. This was for Jack, he told himself. He would do better by his son. He would pass down the lineage of the Guardians, as he wished his father had been there to do for him. He just had to make it through the unbearable pain.

When the burning finally subsided, Jackson struggled to stand and rubbed the raised, black scar that was now a permanent part of his physique. He pushed past Reniel and ran into the bathroom where he could look at the scar better. The medallion and chain were gone, but the brand was there, burned into the center of his chest.

Every Guardian carries this mark,” Reniel said from the bathroom doorway. “Should you come across a human claiming to be one of you, you must ask to see his or her mark.”

Jackson accepted his shirt from Reniel and pulled it on, amazed that the fabric brushing up against his skin didn’t hurt his new tattoo. There wasn’t even that lingering sting that usually accompanied burns. His flesh did not even smell burned.

What’s next?” he asked as Sarah’s face flashed briefly across his mind. He had wanted to experience this moment with her, but had been robbed of the chance. He pushed the image aside, not easily, and tried to focus on the task at hand. Reniel smiled and motioned for Jackson to follow him to the living room.

Now for the fun part,” he said as he sat on the couch and motioned for Jackson to join him. Another magical flick of his wrist, and a rectangular gold brick appeared in Reniel’s hand. Jackson gasped and stared at the golden brick, transfixed.

Is that what I think it is?”

Reniel smiled, showcasing perfectly white, straight teeth. “This is not just any gold. This is the Gold Created by the Angel Phanuel.”

Sounds like an important guy.”

He is an archangel, one of the highest order of angels. Of all of us, he is the only one who possesses the power to dispatch a demon back to hell. As the war with hell has intensified, we have found a great need for this power. Demons who cross the line or break the rules while on earth must be dispatched. As time has passed, they become more desperate for souls, and more and more of them broke the rules. There were too many for Phanuel to handle himself.”

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