Tempt Me (Tease Me Book 2) (7 page)

“Yes,” he simple agreed. “So don’t stop.” I smiled and happily obliged. I pushed him down, having him lay on his stomach. I straddled him, perching on his ass, and continued to rub his shoulders. He relaxed under my fingers, and I felt satisfied each time I worked out a knot.

He rolled over again, pulling me onto his chest. I traced my fingers over his tattoos. “What does this say?” I asked.

Alejandro looked at his arm. “Death before dishonor.”

I nodded and looked at his other tattoos. Most were done in black, with a few colors weaved in here and there. They were beautiful and intimidating at the same time. I had never had the chance to study his tattoos before. Candle light flickered across his skin. I recognized a lot of them as Aztec symbols, though I didn’t have the slightest idea what they meant. At that moment, I didn’t care. All I cared about was getting wrapped up in his tattooed arms and either fucking or falling asleep. I rested my head on his chest, listening to his heart beat.

My heavy eyelids closed on their own accord. The last thing I remembered was Alejandro saying something in Spanish and the gentle crash of the waves.



THE SUN was warm on my skin. I pulled the blanket up over my face, shielding my eyes. I stretched out, foot hitting an empty wine bottle. It clanked against another bottle, one half-f of tequila. My left arm was asleep, the painful pins and needles feeling tingling up to my shoulder.

Slowly, I slid it out from underneath Ellie. She had passed out a little before dawn and after we finished the wine. I was a little disappointed she didn’t stay up long enough to watch the sun slowly rise into the sky with me. I looked at her, messy hair and wrinkled clothing and all, and found her beautiful. I sat up, shaking my arm to try and get the feeling back into it. I ran my hand over my face, rumpling my hair. My shirt was somewhere underneath Ellie and my pants had been tossed to the side.

I shuffled through the food that was next to our blanket and found a water bottle. I twisted the cap and drained the whole thing. Then I got up, wandering close to the water to take a piss.

Ellie was still fast asleep when I got back to the blanket on the sand. It was getting hot fast today, and judging by the sun’s position, we had slept until nearly ten AM. Fuck. I hadn’t slept in that late in…years probably. I had a moment of panic but reminded myself I had nothing planned for today other than checking on my high-level dealers and stopping by the warehouse. I needed to work out. I’d been too distracted since Ellie got here to hit the gym, which was fucking pathetic since I had an exercise room in the house.

I stretched my arms over my head and gazed at Ellie. Several thoughts went through my head, and I wrestled them down into my subconscious. Ellie was here because she was fun, a really good fuck, and because I had nothing else to do with her. I didn’t have to think about the real reason I hadn’t killed her the moment she showed up in my life. If I didn’t think about it, then I couldn’t acknowledge it as true or even let it pass through my mind. I didn’t care about her, and I certainly did
have feelings slowly growing for her. I didn’t have feelings for anyone.
That’s not how I worked.

Putting your heart out there was fucking dumb in this business. It was too distracting, and it was too risky. I had seen women ruin men before. It wasn’t worth it. As hard as I tried to drown it out, a voice in my head asked me if living alone was worth it, if I’d die old and happy in a bed of money…but alone.

“Shut the fuck up,” I said to the voice. Then I laughed at myself and how fucking ridiculous I sounded for talking to myself. I lay down next to Ellie, putting the back of my hand over my eyes to block the bright sun. Ellie stirred, rolling onto her back and stretching out. She scrunched up her face and groaned, annoyed by the sun even in her sleep. I picked up my shirt, shook the sand from it, and put the sleeve over her eyes. She batted it away at first, then stopped, realizing that it made her comfortable.

I didn’t realize I was smiling until I lay back down. With the warm sun shining down on me, the calming lapping of the waves on the shore, and Ellie by my side, I felt at peace. I couldn’t recall ever feeling like that since I took over the business. That voice nagged at me again, urging me to admit that Ellie was more than a fuck buddy, that confessing my desires to her last night felt almost as good as sticking my dick inside her.

“Alejandro!” someone shouted from the patio. I shot up, turning around to see Diego’s large figure frantically wave at me. I grunted, annoyed, and waved him down. The annoyance quickly turned to anxiety. Why was Diego here? Why hadn’t he called? Oh right. I didn’t have my phone with me. Fuck.

,” Diego panted, winded from the walk down the steep hill. Despite his wheezing, he still had a cigarette in his hand.

¿Qué haces?
” I asked.

Diego’s eyes flashed to Ellie. She was still asleep. “Sorry,
,” he said, grinning. “I didn’t realize you had company.” He ran his eyes over Ellie’s body. Her dress was up, barely covering her pussy. My shirt was over her face; Diego didn’t know who she was.

My stomach lurched, and anger pulsed through me. One, I didn’t like Diego looking at her like that. She was mine, and she wasn’t some piece of meat to eye fuck. She was better than that. And two, if he did catch a glimpse of her face, he’d want an explanation. I didn’t have to tell him shit if I didn’t want to, but it would force me to really think about how things had changed between Ellie and me in the last few hours.

“I can come back,” he said, raising his eyebrows. “Or take over. Though she looks like you rode her hard and put her away wet…but if she’s still wet…” He trailed off and laughed, licking his lips. “Is she passed out?” He kicked the bottles of booze. “Any chance she won’t wake up if I take a turn?”

“What the fuck do you want?” I demanded, anger growing inside of me. I didn’t like hearing him talk about Ellie that way. I didn’t like the way Diego talked to women in general, like they were just walking pussies not worth anything more than fucking. While I had definitely bed more than my fair share of women, the enjoyment was always mutual. I never forced myself onto a woman. Maybe it was weird to have morals when I made a living illegally selling drugs and weapons, but rape was rape. It disgusted me.

“You might want to hear this,” he started. I crossed my arms, waiting for him to explain. “I got you a potential deal. A big potential deal. You’ll be thanking me.” He smiled.

I narrowed my eyes. Diego wasn’t supposed to negotiate deals. He’d been like this since childhood, doing things he wasn’t supposed to do just to get his nose a little farther up my ass. Diego was a friend, he had been for decades, but he was still my subordinate. He had never directly said it, but he wanted me to make him an equal business partner.

“And?” I demanded.

“Big business guy vacationing here,” he said quickly. “From Europe. Wants a few pounds.”

“A few?” I arched an eyebrow, feeling my temper rise. I flicked my eyes to Ellie, hoping she wouldn’t wake up yet.

“Yeah, up to twenty.” Diego dug the toe of his shoe into the sand. That was a million-dollar deal. I took another breath, fighting the urge to punch Diego in the face. He knew better than to negotiate any deals, let alone one that big.

“What the fuck does he want that much for? Is he dealing?”

“I don’t know,
,” Diego stuttered. “Interesting thing is, he said he talked to another dealer. Wouldn’t give up names, but I have a feeling it’s…” He trailed off, eyebrows coming together.

Fuck. Was it possible for the Morales to make that big of a deal? No way in hell. A smaller deal, nope. Yeah, okay…it was possible.

“Get his info, run him through the system to make sure he’s not an undercover cop.”

Diego’s smile widened. “I knew you’d be happy,

“I’m not happy just yet.” I massaged the back of my neck. Who else dealt around here? No one but me, that’s fucking who. “And send some guys to look into anyone else dealing. If they catch anyone, take care of it.”

“And by take care of it, you mean?”

“I mean take care of it in a way that sends a message to their fucking boss. This is my area. No one deals here but me.”

“I can do that.”

“Good.” I stretched my arms over my head. “If this works out, I’ll give you a bigger cut.”

Diego’s face lit up. I paid him well as it was. I wanted him to step it up, to feel like he was more important than he really was. If he was going to oversee the operations here after I went back to Mexico City, he needed to take this fucking serious.

“I’ll handle everything.”

“You will. Keep me informed. See yourself out?”

“Yes. Have fun with the woman,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows, and scuttled off the beach, struggling up the steep path that led back to the house. One of the guards stood on the patio. He leaned in close to Diego, putting his hand on his arm. I narrowed my eyes, watching. Then he pushed Diego into the house and waved to me. I gave him a nod.

I wandered along the shore, staring at the water. I closed my eyes and tipped my head to the sun. I wanted to get on my yacht with Ellie and take off, going somewhere where no one knew my name, where I didn’t have to worry about idiotic friends giving me away, shady deals, or being crossed.

My mind drifted back to Ellie’s questions from last night, and it hit me just how true my words were. Yes, I wanted money and power. But no, I didn’t want this life. I wanted a break from it at least, but no matter where I vacationed to, how much time I took “off,” I could never really relax.

“Fuck,” I muttered, shaking my head. I turned around and went back to Ellie. Some of the tension eased out of me the moment I put my hand to her shoulder. Her skin was hot and was starting to get red from the sun.

“Ellie,” I said and gave her a gentle shake. “Ellie, wake up.”

She groaned and opened her eyes for a split second. “Too tired,” she said. She feebly reached up, grabbing my arm. “Lay down with me.”

“While that offer is tempting,
, I have business. You know that.”

“Then go,” she said and turned her head. “Leave me here.”

I stood, thinking I could just send one of my guards down to watch her while she slept but decided against it. Something in my gut told me no, she needed to be in the house.

“You’re going to get sunburned,” I tried to reason.

“I don’t care,” she said, and her words slurred just a bit.

I laughed. “Are you still drunk?”

“Maybe,” she said and smiled. “Do I really have to get up?”

“Yes.” I took hold of her hands. I stood, gently pulling her. “Come on, on your feet.”

She groaned but let me pull her up. She stumbled forward into my arms.

“Yep. I’m still drunk.”

“You’re such a lightweight,” I teased and brushed her hair back from her face.

“Should I clean this up?” she asked, motioning to the blanket and food on the ground.

“No. I’ll send someone to do it.”

“Okay.” She held onto me as we picked our way up the path and into the house. Lupe, the maid, stood in the kitchen, scrubbing the countertops, when we walked through. She eyed Ellie up and down then flicked her eyes to me and smiled. I just shook my head but smiled too.

I told the cook to make us breakfast and have it brought to my room. Ellie and I went into the bathroom. I turned on the water to fill the whirlpool tub and stripped out of my clothes, wanting to rinse the sand from my body before I sat in a bath full of it.

Ellie leaned against the sink and watched me undress. I could tell she was fighting the urge to go back to sleep. She shimmied out of her dress when I turned on the shower. I tested the water temperature then stepped in, holding out my hand to help Ellie in. She closed her eyes and tipped her head up.

“That feels good,” she said. I watched the water run down her face, running in little streams down her breasts and dripping off her nipples. She pushed her hair back, turning around. I admired her ass. Compared to the rest of her, it was large. I fucking loved it.

She turned around, reaching for me. Her hands slipped across my abs. She smiled and stepped in closer. The shower was large, with double faucets on either side and a stone bench in the back. I could easily fit three women in here with me—I knew because I had done it more than once.

“Still tired?” I asked. I put my hands on her ass, pushing her into me. She was so warm, her soft skin subtle and slippery.

“A little,” she admitted. “You?”

“No. I’m not the one hung over.”

“Shut up,” she groaned.

“I’ll get you something for that,” I told her. Warm water rained down on us. I leaned into her, my dick starting to rise. She inhaled deeply then moved her hand down, taking hold of my stiff cock. Her fingers curled around it, and she began stroking me, moving her hand from the base up to the tip. I closed my eyes and sighed, enjoying her slow jerking.

Then Ellie dropped to her knees. She put her hands on my thighs and opened her mouth, taking me all the way in. I put one hand on her head, fingers tangling in her wet hair. She sucked me hard, shoving my cock as far down her throat as possible. Then she pulled back, softly sucking the tip. She dove down on my dick again, then pulled back once more, working her lips, tongue, and hands together.

She slid her other hand down my thigh and cupped my balls, just tight enough to feel good. She gently massaged them. My fist tightened, pulling her hair as she worked. I came hard, filling her mouth. She held herself there, waiting for me to finish, with one hand still rubbing my balls.

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