Read Teasing Hands Online

Authors: Elena M. Reyes

Teasing Hands (9 page)

I buried my fingers in his hair and pulled. “Don’t stop.”

“Come, goddammit!” He pulled his fingers out and placed the head of his dick at my entrance. “I’m so close, baby.”

Pushing myself up, I stared down at where he held himself. “Do it.”

“Want to fuck you so bad,” he groaned and pushed just the tip in. “So hot.”

“What’s stopping you,” I taunted. Wrapping my legs around him
, I pulled him closer. Camden stopped, just held himself inside, and stared me down. The lust and want reflected in his eyes caused my own to roll back. “Take me.”

In one smooth stroke
, he was inside of me. One thrust, and the world around me shifted.

I came. No other way to explain what happened, but I let go and welcomed the euphoric feel of him twitching inside me to take me under.

“Fucking perfection…feel you. Squeeze me, dammit!” Camden hissed and slammed back in. Hips flush against mine; he gyrated and pushed in harder. The harshness of his moves were in desperation. As if he wanted to go in deeper. Become a part of me.

“Need to feel you, Camden. Come on me.” Our eyes locked, he nodded
, and then pulled out. I missed his warmth immediately.

“I’m going to paint my ownership on your pussy. Fuck that…my
.” Fisting himself, he stood over me and pumped his cock. Up and down in harsh tugs, fist tight and twisting on the upstroke.

Wanting to push him further
, my hand wandered down my torso. Fingers caressed my mound before dipping low and over my clit. I was sensitive and still turned on beyond all comprehension.

“Come, Camden. Please
, baby.” His eyes followed the movement of my fingers, punishing himself until his eyes rolled back and he sprayed the first jet of come on my stomach. “So hot.”

He looked down then and bit his lip. Watching how the second stream landed right above my clit. How it dribbled down and mixed in with my own juices.

“How will I ever let you go?” It was spoken aloud, but I doubted he was aiming that at me. Instead, he continued to pump and watch as the last two spurts landed on my clit and lips. I wore him, and he loved every single minute of it. “Beautiful.”

Camden didn’t move until he’d emptied the last drop. Even then
, he stood and watched, sometimes running his fingers up and down my lips, combining our juices.

“You know that our time is up, right?” Quirking a brow at him, I waited for him to move so I could go and clean up.

He shrugged and continued to play. “I’m not ready for you to go.”

“What about your next appointment?” Truth was I wasn’t ready to let him go either. It was a dangerous game we played, but I needed this time alone with him. These minutes made me feel less like a dirty little secret.

“I cleared my schedule for you. No rush. Just let me enjoy you a little more.”

That little shit! He’d lied to me about how much time we’d had left.

I wanted to be annoyed at him. Even tried.


There was too much delight at the idea of him surprising me like this, making room to spend time with me in his schedule.

I’d be a fool to say no.







After we cleaned up, once Camden was through having fun pushing his come around my body, we walked out toward the lobby.

Mandi?” I stopped dead in my tracks, my back colliding with Camden’s front as the familiar voice said my name again. It was once the voice that made me smile, that made everything better in my world.

“Hunter?” Turning around, I faced my past with my hopeful future beside me. Never in a million years did I think we’d find ourselves in the same room again. Back in the same city as me. “What are you doing here?”

Hunter looked perplexed by my question. “Didn't Susana tell you I work here now?”

Things made sense now. Mom’s insistence that I come and be massaged here specifically. How her eyes were bright as she told me I would love what I’d find. That conniving little shit.

Why? She was witness to how heartbroken I was when he left for school. How I tried to reason with him that we could make a long distance relationship work.

“I’m sorry, Hunter, but she didn’t.” Shaking my head
, I took a step closer, only to be pulled back. Right back into Camden’s tense form. The heat of his anger fell over me like a scorching blanket. His breathing was harsh against the back of my head, and his fingers tightened their hold.

It was a silent dare to move forward again.

Hunters hazel eyes left mine and moved over to Camden’s. They hardened, taking in how close we were. How Camden shifted his body with mine with each move I made.

, Cam,” Hunter greeted and ran an agitated hand through his black hair, the cheery tone fake and the polite smile forced. “I didn’t know you were the therapist seeing my girl.”

What the fuck was he doing? My life wasn’t a game.

“I am.” He was shutting down on me. I could sense the immediate change in how quickly he released the hold he had on my dress. The minute step he’d taken back.

“Hunter, I’m your ex…not your current. Remember
, you made that choice two years ago.” Camden’s chuckle behind me was anything but quiet.

Hunter turned to fully face him and glared. “Whats so funny
, Daniels?”

“Watch it
, kid,” Camden hissed and pulled me behind him. “Today’s not the day to push your luck with me—I wont be stopped.” Whoa. What the hell?

, stop it!” Their eyes snapped back to mine, possessive anger shining through both sets of orbs. They needed to be separated before someone threw a punch.

“Why’s he standing so close to you, Mandi?” Hunter growled,
trying to reach around Camden’s menacing form and grab my arm. Wrong fucking move.

Before I could respo
nd or pull back, Camden slammed him against the opposite wall from me, forearm pressed tightly against Hunter’s neck while he spoke.

“Don’t fucking touch her.”

“Camden!” I yelled out and grabbed onto the back of his shirt. He didn’t move, only shrugged me away and with one dirty look, dared me to try that again.  “Please stop. For fuck’s sake, we’re in public! I’m surprised no one’s walked back here to see what the hell is going on.”

“Get the fuck off me,” Hunter snarled, pushing against the hold Camden had on him. Camden didn't move an inch
, not even when Hunter’s elbow connected with his ribs.

It didn't seem to faze him one bit.

My first instinct was to pull his shirt up and see the damage. My fingers twitched to make sure he was okay. Camden's hard eyes kept me in place. They told me that now was not the time.

“He shouldn't touch what doesn't belong to him.”  Each word dripped
with venom. As the last word left Camden’s lips, he pushed himself off and grabbed my hand. “She’s off limits, Hunter.”

“The fuck she
is.” Hunter had a death wish. The muscles in Camden’s arms flexed, and his hands were balled into tight fists. The man was trying to control himself. “I came back to reclaim whats mine, and no one,” he jabbed his finger into Camden's chest, “will stop me.”

Camden eyed the finger on his chest. He looked at it with amusement before his arm cocked back and he connected with the side of Hunter
’s face. Holy shit!

The sad part was that I felt nothing as Hunter
’s head snapped to the side. Not even when he hit the wall behind him. Not a damn thing.

Where there once was love sat the possibility of friendship, but now, his idiotic behavior killed all prospects of any type of relationship. Hunter was no longer part of my life, and he never would be again.

“Are you out of your mind?” We were going to be thrown out of this place. They were acting like five-year-olds fighting over their favorite toy. “Get the fuck up and leave, Hunter.”

“What? You’re picking his side
?” He had the nerve to act indignant.

“You brought this shit upon yourself. Act like an ass, get knocked out like one.”  Camden laughed beside me
, his murderous eyes stilled locked on Hunter’s stumbling form.

At this, I turned and glared at Camden. “Shut it.”

He ignored me, and surprised me with a tender kiss to my cheek. “Hungry?”

Camden didn't wait for my reply
—instead, he grabbed my hand and entwined our fingers together. We walked past a still fuming Hunter. We almost made it to the door when he spoke again.

“I’ll see you later tonight, Mandi.”

“What?” Did the hit knock the sense right out of him? Why continue pushing Camden? Hunter was not blind; he could see we were in some sense of the word “together.”

“Susana invited me over for dinner tonight.” His expression was smug, as if he’
d won this round.

Camden pulled me closer, ignoring the blatant jab. “I’ll be sure to release her in time for the glorious event.”



“So…” we both began. We’d just sat down at a small hole-in-the-wall sandwich shop in the middle of downtown and neither knew where to begin. Camden looked uncomfortable, and I wasn't in any better shape.

He cleared his throat and stared me down. His facial expressions told me nothing of how he felt. Instead, his indifference made me nervous. Made me wonder just what was going on behind those beautiful eyes.

“Just ask.” Impatience colored my tone. We were both waiting for our food and at a loss. Camden had questions and I the answers. “Nothing’s off the table.”

“He’s the ex.” It wasn't a question. “Never—”

“Never what?” In all honesty, I knew where his mind had gone. Hunter was a dick, and while I wasn't blind to it in the past, now his faults felt like an embarrassment to me.

“Hunter didn't deserve you then
, and I’ll be fucked if he has you now.” Those words, as simple as they were, made me smile. Who knew the smug bastard could be sweet?

“Thank you.” What else could I say? It was the truth.

“How long were you with him?” The waitress took that moment to deliver our food. Her eyes lingered on Camden. She ran her eyes down his face and onto his chest and licked her lips.

“Can I get you anything else?” Amy
—as her name tag read—simpered while placing our lunch on the small table. My first reaction was annoyance, but then I remembered that I had no claim on Camden, and that hurt.

I watched his face as she flirted. Watched him smile and decline her offer. The sudden tightness in my chest lessened, but didn't disappear. How long would I put up with this shit?

“Why do you look pissed?” Camden reached over the table and ran his fingertips across my cheekbone. “Is it because of...” he waved his hand in the waitress’s direction.


“Bullshit, and you know it.”

“Leave it alone
, Camden.” He ignored me and stood up from the table abruptly. His chair scraped against the cheap linoleum flooring, causing the few other patrons in the place to look our way. 

“Look at me.” My eyes met his angry ones as I let him pull me out of my seat. We stood close. So close I could almost taste the mango from his smoothie. “I’m here with you. Not her or any other piece of ass at the moment,
. Cut the jealousy act out.”

You have got to be kidding me.

“So let me get this straight.” I paused and looked at him coolly. “You can pull the jealous ‘don’t touch what’s mine’ crap on me, but I can’t look displeased because she practically offered her crotch on a platter?”

da,” he began, annoyance tinging his tone. I wasn't having any of it. I’d let Hunter call the shots during the entire length of our relationship, and I’d be damned if I’d do it with Camden.

“I’ll see you next week, Camden.”  I t
ried to pull my hand from his grasp, but he didn't budge. Instead, he secured his other hand around my waist.

“You’re not leaving. Fuck
, no,” he snarled, lips pressed harshly against mine. “You, my dear
, will sit down and listen to what I have to say.”

“Let me go.” Camden ignored my hiss of displeasure
, and after nipping my lip once, pushed me back down to sit. He moved his chair beside mine. Our knees touched, and his hand laid claim to my exposed thigh.

The simple contact made me shiver. The ripple of pleasure caused me to stiffen beside him.

“Amanda, I like you, and I won’t deny that there is something happening between us.” My eyes met his. The hardness they held a few minutes prior had dissipated, and what was left made me feel uncomfortable. I saw what he was going to say in those deep eyes before he uttered the next syllable.

“There will never be an us
, will there?”

Sadly, he shook his head.
“No. I’m not looking for a relationship, Amanda. It’s not in the cards for me.” The words stung, but I knew this was his truth deep down.

“Then why…” I cleared my throat, trying in vain to dislodge the sudden invisible knot of emotions making me choke up. “Why get territorial? Hunter—”

“Don’t fucking mention his name.” The grip he had on my thigh tightened, not to hurt or bruise, but enough to let me feel his displeasure. I tried to pry his fingers away, but he wouldn't be moved.

“You can
’t do that! I am no one’s plaything, Camden. You can’t choose when to care or act like a jilted lover at the mention of another's name. It’s not fair.”

“Hunter doesn't deserve you.”

The snort that passed my lips couldn't be stopped. “Who the hell are you to have an opinion on the matter? We are nothing, remember?”

“I know.” The words were spoken so low I almost didn't hear them. Turbulent eyes met mine, and they asked for understanding. “I know I have no right, but I can’t just walk away. It isn't an option for me.”

Sighing, I grabbed his hand on my thigh and squeezed. “So, how the hell is this supposed to work, because for some reason the thought of walking away bothers me. I’m as helpless as you are in this.”

ed if I know.” I laughed at his grumpy reply. What was I thinking getting myself wrapped up in this mess? “I haven't had a relationship since my divorce.”

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