Read Tasting Fear Online

Authors: Shannon McKenna

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Suspense

Tasting Fear (24 page)

BOOK: Tasting Fear
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And his cock. She wanted to grip it, test it, pet it. She reached down, pressed her hand against his flat belly and slid it down over his belt. His hand covered hers and pressed it against the bulge in his crotch. He stroked the gusset of her panties. A murmur of satisfaction rumbled against her shoulder as he found her wet. Very wet.

He kissed her again, his tongue venturing into her mouth to twine lazily around hers, and both of them moaned as he explored her tender folds with a gentle finger, circling and pressing, sliding into her slick opening. She clenched around him, gasping in shocked delight.

“Oh, God,” he muttered. “I think my hand is going to come.”

“You think you’ve got problems,” she said jerkily.

Then, no more talking. Just deep, ravenous kissing while his finger delved and her hand stroked that massive, hot bulge. Her legs twined around his thighs for balance, and they shuddered and gasped together, tongues twining, wrapped in a tight, trembling knot of desire. Tension rose, until the sweet, keening ache of anticipation shattered.

Pulses of hot delight jolted through her body.

She sagged against him, shimmering and soft. Made of liquid, glimmering with moonlight. He’d undone the fastenings of her garters at some point and was tugging her panties off her legs. She was too limp to react. She hung on to handfuls of his shirtfront and tried to form words with her mouth. “What…ah, what are you going to…?”

“I don’t have latex,” he said. “So I’ll do this.”

He dropped to his knees and put his mouth to her.

She almost screamed, the sensation was so intense. He felt the flinch and murmured soothing, incomprehensible things against her groin as he rubbed his cheek against her thigh, petting her. His breath felt so soft, like a brush of fine silk, and his fingers were so skillful, parting her, and then his tongue, warm and soft, swirling and fluttering, and the pleasure grew too intense to differentiate sensations.

She collapsed back onto the table, and a tiny part of her brain stood apart for a moment, astonished at how her life had upended itself. Last night, celibate, and crushed out on an unattainable man. Today, spread-eagled and pantiless in his conference room, getting marvellously tongue-lashed by that same unattainable guy.

Yeah, and if she didn’t attain him all the way, she was going to collapse into a screaming, writhing human black hole, the hunger bit so deep and hard. She pushed his face away. He looked up in silent question, wiping his mouth. She saw his grin flash in the dimness.

“Mmm,” he murmured. “Good. More?”

“What about you?”

His soft laughter tickled her pubis. “I’ll live.” He paused for a moment, and added, “Somehow.” He pressed his lips to her, fluttering his tongue around her clit in a way that sent her spinning into a dizzying vortex. The man was amazing. And her body was a fire gone wild in a fireworks factory. She pushed his face away, struggled up onto her elbows. “Please,” she whispered. “Make love to me.”

He stared at her, and she wished she hadn’t used a silly romantic euphemism. It made her vulnerabilities so obvious. She should have just said, “Fuck me.” It would have been clearer, more honest. They’d both know where they stood. Or sprawled, as the case may be.

But she couldn’t. Such a blunt, crude phrase would not come out of her mouth. Romantic, old-fashioned idiot that she was.

He gripped her hips, fingers digging in. “No latex,” he repeated.

She gulped in air and exposed herself still further. “I have some.”

He froze. “No fucking way.”

“Um, actually, yes. In my purse. My co-worker bought them for me today, as a joke. She was roasting me. I never thought I’d—”

“Where’s your purse?”

“On the chair, I think, on the other side of the—”

He’d already yanked it open and flung its contents onto the table. He found the box, and seconds later he was back, opening his belt and opening the shrink-wrap in a show of manual dexterity that would be dazzling if she’d been in any condition to appreciate it. She caught a glimpse of his big, thick phallus as he sheathed it, and then he pushed her back down onto the table and folded her legs up high.

The bulb at the end of his cock seemed impossibly big, pressing against her. He slid it tenderly up and down the length of her labia, caressing her with it until he was wet, and she was squirming against him, in silent pleading. And he drove slowly inside.


Duncan counted back from ten, holding his breath. Please, God, not yet. He breathed the climax carefully down, but the second he opened his eyes and looked at her again, spread out beneath him, he was in trouble again.

So beautiful. Fuck. His body shook with excitement. The jealous, eager grip of her pussy was an agonizing torment. Each stroke was another torturous lick of the lash.

He was glad he’d gotten her good and wet, or he’d never have gotten inside. As it was, each stroke was slow, pushing against the hot, plushy resistance of her body that enveloped him, throbbing with the heavy beat of her heart.

Again…and again, and finally the tight, careful strokes relaxed and they found their rhythm of deep, swirling, rocking thrusts, punctuated by wet slaps of contact, his labored breathing, her breathless gasps. She was working up to another climax. And now his own orgasm was crashing down on him like a falling meteor, the sky was in flames, but God knew how, he held it off…until she took flight.

They soared together, through that inner nowhere. Fused.

He collapsed over her, panting. His mind wiped clean. He’d never imagined feeling so close. Feeling the essence of her, in the heart of that burning, twisting glow. So beautiful.

His eyes fluttered open. He was pinning her soft body onto the hard table with all the weight of his torso. He lifted himself hastily up.

Her face was turned away. He felt shy, humbled. He didn’t know if she’d felt what he’d felt. The postcoital crash chilled him with doubts. He pulled out of the excellent, tight clutch of her body.

The condom was a problem. No way in hell was he leaving it in the trash can in the conference room. He rummaged on the table for the drugstore bag the box had been in. Peeled the condom off, sealed it up. Tongue-tied as a thirteen-year-old boy who’d just had his first lay. He hastened to shove his still-turgid dick back into his pants, and fasten them, with some discomfort, over the bulge, before he even dared to look at her.

She’d straightened her clothing in the meantime, too. She’d pulled her panties back on. Her stockings were up, skirt tugged down. She was fastening her garters. Waiting for him to speak first.

Women were always the talkative ones. This was the first time in his life he’d ever longed for one of them to break the silence.

“Are you, uh, okay?” he ventured. She nodded. He kicked himself for his lack of inspiration. So much for that stellar, brilliant attempt.

“That was incredible,” he offered.

“Yes,” she agreed.

He was heartened. “I didn’t mean for things to happen so fast between us,” he said.

She stifled a soft, whispery giggle. “Me neither,” she murmured.

It looked like she wasn’t getting all emotional on him, thank God. Maybe she was a reasonable female. “Well, there’s no going back now.”

She crossed her arms over her chest. “Meaning?”

“Meaning, I think we’re on to something here. It’ll be complicated, but it’s worth it to me. Let’s go get some dinner, and we can hammer out the details.”

“Details?” she repeated slowly.

“Yeah. Our mutually beneficial arrangement. It’ll need to be secret, for obvious reasons, but we can swing it. I’ll take you to my condo. We’ll order in. I’ll show you how beneficial it can be.”

She flipped the light switch on, unexpectedly. He blinked and took in the blazing fury on her face. It rocked him back on his heels.

“Not.” She grabbed her purse, began shoving things into it.

He was perplexed. “Nell—”

“That’s Ms. D’Onofrio to you, Burke,” she said, scooping up the scattered stuff on the table and stuffing it into her purse. “You can take your mutually beneficial arrangement and shove it right up your ass.”

She shrugged her purse over her shoulder and strode out. Her mane of black curls bounced with each brisk, angry step.

He lunged after her, grabbed her shoulder to spin her around.

“Don’t touch me.” She flinched away.

“You didn’t complain about me touching you ten minutes ago. Are you fucking with me? Because we both know that was mutual.”

“I am not fucking with you.” She spat each word out. “It looks like we were fucking with each other, but we’re done with that. Definitively.”

He shook his head. “I don’t get it. Just tell me if I need to call my lawyer.”

She blew out an explosive breath. “No, Burke. I’m not setting you up for a lawsuit. I’m not an extortionist or a con woman. If you want me to sign and notarize a piece of paper saying I came six times, I’ll—”

“Eight,” he specified.

“Do not push me,” she said, biting the words out. “The sex was great. You’re amazing in bed. Actually, that’s a misnomer. I’m sure you’re amazing on the floor, in the shower, up against the wall. But the minute you zip up your pants and open your mouth, you’re a rude, crass, graceless clod. So get out of my way.”

She wrenched open the door of the office and flounced out.

He stared at the door as it shut in his face, running through every goddamn thing he’d said and done to her. He couldn’t find any fault lines, any red flags, any horrible insults. What the hell had he said?

He felt like he’d been stripped naked and sucker-punched.

This was not over. He slapped the door open. The elevator down the hall was closing. He sprinted for it, but the doors pinged shut before he could wedge his fingers in. The other one was noodling up around the fiftieth floor. He dove for the stairwell.

Enough being baffled. Enough guessing games, enough bombs going off in his face. He was sick of it. She wasn’t getting away from him until he knew exactly what he’d done to piss her off.

Fuck this stress-inducing bullshit.


ell stumbled out onto the street. Her knees wobbled with anger and everything that had preceded it.

She set out, wiping tears away with the back of her hands, leaving horrendous streaks. She must look like a Halloween horror.

Mutually beneficial arrangement, her ass. Hammer out the details? He might as well ask for a fee schedule. Like a sushi menu. A combination platter. Four pieces of sashimi, maki roll, and miso soup. How much for a mind-bending kiss, heart-pounding dry humping, amazing protracted cunnilingus, and a long, hard screw on the conference room table? Should she give a discount for all the orgasms?

Crass, arrogant asshole. Reducing it to that, after he’d laid her so bare. Her heart, her fears and hopes, her deepest self, all stripped down and raw. Live wires carrying a lethal charge. As he had discovered, to his cost. She’d overreacted, maybe, but it had been all she could do not to scream like a banshee and swing her purse at his head.

Or maybe that had been just one last lingering remnant of common sense. All she had to do was look at the guy to see that she would not fare well in any sort of physical confrontation with him.

Her legs shook as she stumbled down the sidewalk. Her crotch was wet, hot and flushed and glowing with pleasure. As if all the lights had been turned on, and left on. Every step, every clench of her thigh muscles felt…well, good.

Damn him. That had been so cold, so crude, so unnecessary. He should deal with professionals, not dumb-ass romantics like her, primed and programmed to fall like a ton of rock. Embarrassing themselves and everyone else in their immediate vicinity.

She bumped into people on the sidewalk and bounced off them muttering soggy, abbreviated apologies. The colored lights were a dizzying tear-blurred swirl. She stopped at a street corner and wiped the tears and mascara away with her sleeve. God knew, this dress would have to be cleaned anyway. She might never wear the thing again at all.

She peered up at the street sign. Broadway. Good. Busy at all hours. Even though a faraway, disconnected part of her mind reminded her of her promise to Nancy and Vivi. The Fiend. It wasn’t safe.

But her wallet was so close to empty, she could not even afford a car service home, and her bank account was no better. She’d spent all of yesterday’s tip money on that stupid haircut this morning, and today’s tip money at the bank, on her break, paying down her hefty credit card minimum. And then the car service to Burke’s building.

But fear not, right? Salvation was at hand. High-level call girls pulled in a thousand an hour or more, depending on the services they were asked to provide, the level of kink. Not that she could really boast of her sexual technique, as little effective practice as she had, but hey, she could wing it, she could fake it. She had it in her blood, after all.

All she had to do was whip up a stiff fee schedule for that ice-hearted bastard, and there was the cash she needed, for the cab fares, haircuts, dresses, rent. Hell, her tuition, too. If she wanted to spend that much time on her back. Or her knees.

All she had to do was kill something inside herself. Something shining and precious and delicate. Something she’d never even known she had until that moment of astonishing connection with him.

She was appalled at her own vapid stupidity. She’d actually been hoping for love. Real love. From him. And she hadn’t let herself admit it.

She’d been walking for a long time. Her feet were aching. The busy, self-important city swirled around her. Wind swept down the street, cool against her tear-streaked face. She recognized a familiar sign. A big-chain bookstore where she loved to hang out when she had time. Standing for hours in the aisles, gobbling books she could not afford to buy. If any place on earth could offer comfort, it was that one.

Maybe she’d go in and buy something extravagant. Like the complete works of E. E. Cummings. She’d put it on her card.

And she’d stay in the place until they threw her out bodily.


Duncan dropped a few meters farther behind, keeping the pale flash of her dress in his field of vision. He’d charged out of there all fired up, with every intention of confronting her face on, right in the street, and demanding to know, exactly, in every particular, what her fucking problem was. Then he’d gotten close enough to see that she was crying.

And aw, shit. He’d lost his nerve. He might have known he was going to pay in blood for anything that good.

So he went into surveillance mode. Blank, emotions flatlined, attention focused on the target. Projecting a don’t-see-me vibe, for camo. He was nobody important, just a faceless suit in a sea of suits. Though at this hour, there was no sea of suits on the streets. The suits were vegging in front of their TVs, or packed into bars managing their stress by consuming excessive amounts of alcohol. Not a problem, though. Nell wasn’t noticing him. She was stumbling along the sidewalk, her hand over her mouth, clutching her purse. Attracting attention. A beautiful woman sobbing right out on the street. Christ.

That made his emotional flatline twitch, first with guilt and then with anger. What the fuck? Why? He hadn’t intended any of this. The last thing he wanted to do was to hurt her feelings. All he’d done to the chick was give her multiple orgasms. So fucking shoot him, already. Of course, seducing her hadn’t helped with her current off-the-charts stress level.

But he hadn’t been able to stop himself. It just…happened.

Yeah, and now he was compounding his problems by stalking her. Nice. That was superintelligent. Yeah, that was razor sharp.

But his feet didn’t hear the sarcasm, didn’t get the message. His feet just kept carrying him along, keeping her a safe thirty meters or so ahead of him. Watching that mane of springy black ringlets sway and swirl with every gust of wind.

Then he felt it. Like the whispery brush of a cobweb breaking across his mind. Instinct that said,
Something’s wrong with this picture.

He looked closer. Since he’d snapped into surveillance mode, part of his mind had been tracking not just her, but everything around her. That gray sweatshirt had been around for a while. Too long. Behind, but not far. Gray sweatshirt, jeans. Long blond hair. Dirty white athletic shoes. Nell paused to wait for a light. The guy slowed and gazed into a cosmetics products shop window. Yeah, right. Like that skank could be interested in aromatherapy bath salts or orange blossom body butter.

Duncan got on line at a streetside bank machine, and watched out of the corner of his eye as the guy sauntered across the street, and continued on his way, in the same direction as Nell, parallel to her.

Duncan flash analyzed the data, which had been reliably gathering only since the moment he’d given up on the idea of confronting her. That guy had been in his field of vision that entire time, and might have been there since they’d walked out of the building. Lying in wait.

Thirty-five downtown blocks. Too far to walk voluntarily, to not take a subway or a cab, to not have some other business or detour along the way. Nell crossed the street again as well, and headed over toward the Astor Place subway stop. Gray Sweatshirt strolled after her.

Nell disappeared into a big, brightly lit chain bookstore. The guy stopped, muttered into his collar, and followed her in.

A thread of ice congealed down his middle. The guy was wired. Reporting to someone, in real time. This wasn’t some random sicko obsessed with Nell’s tits. This was a team of random sickos. A team meant organization, financing, a serious agenda. What the

He eased to the back of the line for the bank machine again and waited, as intent and single-minded as a cat watching a mouse hole. Crunching data, speculating, presenting and rejecting hypotheses.

Time warped. People swirled by, like speeded-up film. He stood motionless in the middle of it, a laser-focused eye of contemplation.

Customers began coming out in numbers. He glanced at his watch. The store was about to close. His adrenaline started to rev as Nell came out of the store, swinging a plastic shopping bag in her hand. She looked around herself, as if trying to get her bearings, and took off in the direction of Astor Place.

Three seconds later, Gray Sweatshirt came out and followed.

Duncan forced himself to move in a casual stride. No sprinting, no primordial roars of rage. His heart thudded. Blood roared in his head. He had to pinch like a vise on the overwhelming urge to leap on that piece-of-shit dickhead and take him apart.

Nell turned onto Lafayette. Gray Sweatshirt muttered into his collar once again. Urgency began to prick at Duncan. Something was going down, and he was the only one around to stop it. He was only one guy.

So far. He pulled out his cell, and speed dialed Gant.

“What is it?” Gant snarled, in his usual bad humor. “You again? Got any more unreasonable demands to make, Dunc?”

“Yeah. Remember the chick who I’m obsessed with?”

“Yeah, the daughter of Lucia D’Onofrio. What about her?”

“I’m tailing her right now,” he said. “Stalking her, you might say.”

Gant hissed something viciously obscene in Pushtu. “And you are burdening me with this embarrassing, unwelcome, extremely personal information about yourself exactly why?”

“Because I’m not the only one who’s doing it,” he said.

Gant was gratifyingly speechless for a moment. “Come again?”

“She’s under surveillance,” he said patiently. “At least a two-man team. I’m about half a block behind the guy who’s tailing her. We’re on Lafayette. Just past the Public Theater.”

“Holy fuck,” Gant muttered. “I’ll send someone.”

“Do it fast. They’re gearing up for something,” Duncan said.

“Dunc? Do not engage with them.” He paused. “Did you hear me?”

“I heard you,” Duncan said, noncommittal.

Gant snarled yet another curse in Pushtu. “Are you armed?”

“No, but I’ll be careful.”

Gant hung up with no farewell, and Duncan hurried to catch up, having hung back to call Gant. He did not like Lafayette. It was darker than Broadway, more deserted, fewer storefronts, everything closed. He wished she’d stayed on crowded Broadway, where he could afford to be closer to her. As it was, it was a miracle that Gray Sweatshirt hadn’t made him yet. The guy might be incompetent. That, however, did not make him any less dangerous to Nell.

The cobweb whisper of alarm tipped him off again. Gray Sweatshirt’s demeanor had changed. He looked more focused. Was walking faster, as if he’d been released from some imperative, or given a new one. Beyond Nell coming toward them in the opposite direction was another pedestrian figure. A tall, rangy black man with a shaved head. They had her in a pair of tweezers. Then the car pulled up, driving slowly. Too slowly. It passed Duncan.

Its brake lights flickered, on and off, for no good reason.

It sped up. Gray Sweatshirt did, too. So did the guy coming on.

Duncan didn’t remember starting to sprint. His legs pumped with frantic speed as he struggled to close the gap. The car door swung open. The guys grabbed Nell, started wrestling her into the car, headfirst. She struggled, screamed. Duncan flung himself at the closest of the two men, the tall black guy. The man hit the side of the car with a grunt of surprise. Gray Sweatshirt’s head whipped around. “What the fuck—”

Duncan rammed a fist into Gray Sweatshirt’s nose, knocking him against the car door. In that split-second opening, he grabbed Nell by the waist, yanked her out and away from the car, and flung her in the direction of the sidewalk. She hit the ground, rolled into the gutter.

He surged back as a boot whipped past the tip of his nose, blocked Gray Sweatshirt’s swing with his forearm, rammed an elbow into the black guy’s neck. He blocked a punch to the gut, spun to take Gray Sweatshirt’s knee-jab to the groin on his thigh instead. An uppercut to the black guy’s chin sent the man bouncing heavily against the car, and he whirled just in time to meet Gray Sweatshirt’s renewed attack.

People had noticed. Yelling. A woman screamed nearby. Not Nell. Block, duck, lunge, retreat. He caught Gray Sweatshirt’s fist, whipped it up, over, around, sent the guy flying over the hood of the car. The black guy came at him again with a length of pipe. It whipped down. Duncan lurched to the side. The pipe whooshed past him, displacing air, and shattered the passenger-side window. Pebbles of glass flew.

Duncan darted in, grabbed the end of the pipe before it could work up to another swing and twisted the thing up, torquing the guy’s arm and sending him bouncing over the hood of the car. The car surged forward, pitching the guy off and onto the street. He rolled, howling.

Tires shrieked as the car peeled around the corner and sped away. The black guy dragged himself up and fled, limping, the heavy, irregular slap of his rubber-soled shoes retreating into the distance.

Gray Sweatshirt came at him with a spinning back kick. In ducking back to avoid it, Duncan lost his center, stumbled back and went down onto his knees.
The guy leaped for him, eyes lit up.

Nell had swung her plastic shopping bag, and whatever was in it had connected with the guy’s face. He let out a hoarse shout and stumbled back, hand over his nose, which streamed blood.

Duncan rolled up onto his feet, lunged to grapple—

He stopped, reeling. Fighting for balance. Hands up, open.

Gray Sweatshirt held a pistol on them, in a shaking, sideways two-handed grip he’d learned from watching bullshit action films. But at point-blank range, even the guy’s compromised aim from the stupid grip wouldn’t save them. That Glock 9mm would leave a big hole.

Duncan scooped Nell back behind him with his arm. “Easy,” he soothed. “Easy.”

“Fuck you, you fuck.” The guy’s trembling voice was thin and high, bubbling and phlegmy with the blood running down his throat. “Back off, or I’ll shoot you like a fuckin’ dog. And then I’ll shoot the bitch.” He backed away from them, gun wavering. He swung it in a wild arc around himself that sent all the looky-loos who’d gathered around into a screaming, scattering panic. Like a bunch of startled pigeons.

BOOK: Tasting Fear
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