Task Force Three and the Irish Jewel [The Men of Five-O #3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) (11 page)

BOOK: Task Force Three and the Irish Jewel [The Men of Five-O #3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)
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“Door please!” Sean yelled, and Kyle turned away to take a moment to open the door from the garage to the house. The sound of sneakers hitting the pavement was his first indication that their mate took off running again.

“Pat and Mick are out there,” Sean said just as they heard Ava scream.

Kyle shook his head and laughed as his brothers informed him through their link that they had Ava and were headed back inside.


* * * *


Ava saw the others appear from the front of the house, so she did the only thing she could think of and ran like hell. They were on her like white on rice in a matter of seconds. Someone grabbed at her shirt to stop her. She swung her arms and screamed while she threw right and left fists into whatever part of them she could. As a strong, thick arm came around her waist and hoisted her off the ground, she slammed her head back into one of them. She panicked as flashbacks of when Fenly and his men chased her down invaded her mind. She was so exhausted she actually thought that she was running from Fenly’s men.

“You are going to hurt yourself, Ava. Stop fighting,” Pat yelled. She threw all her weight to one side, causing the one that held her to lose his balance. She saw Pat’s disapproving expression as she hit the ground.

“Release me, damn it! Let me go right now, you hooligan!” Ava screamed as Mick straddled her waist and held her wrists above her head. In her attempt to wiggle free her shirt raised higher and she could feel Mick’s hard, thick erection against her mound.

Damn, these men were a horny bunch. They were much larger than her, and she had the feeling that Mick was using little strength to restrain her.

Mick leaned down closer to her face, causing his erection to push firmer against the zipper of her jeans. Her insides immediately warmed up, and she found herself shifting ever so slightly to rub against him.

“Listen to your body, Ava. It knows where you belong,” Mick whispered then looked her over, staring at her lips, her neck and breasts as if he wanted to kiss every part of her, and damn, did she want it, too. His dark eyes held her gaze in a silent understanding that what he said was true and she could not deny it.

He leaned a little closer, his lips inches from her own, then closed his eyes and inhaled as if absorbing her scent. This action should have made her feel disgusted or violated somehow, knowing what he really was. But instead she closed her eyes, tilted her breasts out toward him, and opened her legs.


* * * *


Mick was taken aback by the strong desire he felt. He thrust his cock against her splayed thighs, rubbing up and down and hating that the fabric barred any possibility of entrance. He wanted inside her. He wanted to feel the heat and moisture of her pussy wrap around his cock and take him deep. His wolf needed to claim her body and soul and make her belong to him and his pack brothers.

“I’m going to kiss you, Ava. I can’t resist,” he whispered centimeters from her lips. She closed her eyes and released a sigh of understanding. At least that’s what he hoped it was.

The moment his lips touched hers, he knew he would never get enough of her taste, her lips, her everything.

He plunged his tongue in deeply, exploring her mouth and letting his emotions, the connections he felt, flow into her with every twirl of his tongue. He used his right hand to explore her sexy body, starting at her jean-clad thigh, then up and over the round cheek of her ass. She was voluptuous and sexy, with an hourglass figure that would surely rock his world. She wasn’t skin and bones. She was perfection. The moment he felt her hands run through his hair and her delicate fingertips touch his neck, he desired more of her. His tongue continued to explore her mouth while he used his right hand to press against her skin, feel the slight ridges of her ribcage as he caressed under her shirt and against her skin. When he reached the underside of her bra, he felt her tense beneath his fingertips and her mouth pulled away from his kisses. As much as his wolf wanted and needed to continue, the man knew to wait.

He released her lips, trailing kisses along her cheeks when she flinched.

He was on his side holding one hand against her belly, under her T-shirt while his right thigh remained wedged between her legs.

“What is it? Are you okay?” he asked.

She reached up and touched her lips before touching her cheek.

“Why did you do that? Why did you kiss me?” she asked, looking so shocked and emotional.

He gently rubbed a thumb along her bottom lip.

“Because you are irresistible and you are our mate,” Mick stated then smiled.

Ava threw her arm over her eyes and exclaimed, “Oh, brother,” causing both Mick and Pat to chuckle.

“Give me your hand, gorgeous. It’s time to face the Alpha,” Pat stated, and Mick chuckled as he helped to lift Ava up. Pat took her hand and lifted her off the ground and right into his arms. The second he had her close enough, he kissed her until Mick told him it was time to get back to the house.


* * * *


Ava felt as if her head were spinning, and now her cheek throbbed something terrible. Pat’s and Mick’s kisses were to die for, and she felt all starry eyed and easy. She actually felt gullible and as if this could be some sort of scam. There was no way that five outstandingly gorgeous and mouthwatering men could want to share one woman and remain faithful to one woman. And her? Why her of all people? Was this God’s big joke on her and her entire life?

It just didn’t seem possible, real, or even fair. How in the world could one woman be with five men, and wolves no less? She could kick herself for forgetting about the fact they were wolves. What if they went crazy or got rabies and tried to eat her? Then what? Could wolves get rabies? Dogs got rabies. They looked experienced, and that in itself added to her fear. Could they have some kind of sexually transmitted diseases?
Oh shit

She looked at them as they walked into the beautiful country-style home. They looked so human and normal aside from their very impressive heights and thick, muscular bodies. Anyone aware of their line of work probably wouldn’t question their rather perfect physiques. She felt her throat tighten as she swallowed and her nipples hardened beneath her bra. The fabric was suddenly too tight and felt too rough against her sensitive nipples. As she thought about their effect on her, she felt the liquid drip from her pussy and her belly tighten with need.

“You’re hurt,” Pat exclaimed, bringing her back to reality and the fact that now four out of the five men stood in front of her with concerned scowls on their faces.

Chapter 8


“They got away, Fenly,” Doolin stated as he listened to Fenly roar. The man was a nasty wolf, and only a fool would cross him.

“How could she have gotten away? She’s human and she is just a woman,” Fenly wondered as he stood up from his desk and began pacing in front of it.

“She had help.”

“Help? What kind of help?”

“Cops. Well, actually, from what my sources have gathered they are wolves. Declan pack, to be specific,” Doolin told him.

“Declan? What would a US stronghold pack like Declan want with Ava?” Fenly asked as he stopped and leaned against his desk.

“Perhaps they have heard about the Jewel of Ireland as well?” Duggy offered as a possibility.

Fenly’s eyes immediately began to glow.

“That Jewel, wherever it is, belongs to me! I have worked too hard and planned too long for some pack like Declan to come along and take it from me.”

“You aren’t even certain that this Jewel exists, Fenly. How could a bunch of cop wolves even know about it?” Duggy asked, and Fenly stared at him, the eyes of his wolf glowing yellow.

“It is not some fantasy story handed down from one generation to the next. The O’Brian family has it in their possession and Ava is the only one who is key to finding it.”

Duggy wasn’t a believer, but his family in Ireland believed in the Jewel of Ireland.

“I will have the Jewel, and if it is worth as much as the stories and rumors claim then I can rule far beyond the borders of Ireland. This is important for our pack, for the O’Leary name.”

“If you’re aware of this Jewel and its worth, what makes you think that others aren’t aware of it as well?” Duggy asked, still feeling skeptical about such a Jewel existing.

Fenly’s lips pressed together as he puffed out his chest, looking as if ready to roar.

“Ava is mine. She is the key to finding the Jewel of Ireland and no one will stand in my way of possessing both of them. Now find out everything you can on the Declan pack. I want to know where they’re hiding out. Then I want them to get comfortable before we strike. They’ll be sorry they messed with O’Leary.”

“What I can tell you is that they are related to Valdamar pack and to Lord Crespin.”

Fenly roared at the information. They were responsible for the death of his cousin Fidelis.

“Then they die. All of them if necessary. The Circle of Elders is a waste. There are too many rules and regulations. A wolf can’t even make a decent living without having one of the old-timers on their backs. We need to get rid of them and then any secret orders or groups they have around. The Jewel will help me achieve this. Now go, and get me intel on the Declan and my woman.”

Duggy bowed his head then left the room. He wondered if he should just disappear and separate himself from Fenly now. He had a pretty decent business running some drugs and guns on the streets and working the system here in the States. He missed his country. It had been months since he returned to Ireland. But as much as he wanted to return, he couldn’t. The authorities and some members of the IRA would have his ass hung over the nearest tree limb and beaten to death old-style if he returned.

He thought about what Fenly had offered months ago. Becoming part of his organization and making a shit load of money was exactly what Duggy wanted. Maybe it won’t be so bad being one of Fenly’s cronies.

Chapter 9


Ava stared at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. She had convinced the men to give her a few minutes to freshen up before they applied ice to her swollen cheek. There were smudges of dirt on her cheek, and her ribs felt sore to the touch. Realizing that she only had the clothes on her back to wear for an unknown period of time, she carefully removed her shirt. There was no need to get it wet as she cleaned up. The moment she lifted her arms and removed the top, she felt the achiness against her left side. Glancing down, she noticed the red blotches beginning to turn black and blue. The bastards that attacked her outside her apartment had roughed her up good. She was glad she had gotten a few good shots in by herself.

Whether she liked to admit it or not, she was lucky that the Declan pack were nearby and assisting her. Right now the situation could be a lot worse. She could be stuck with Simon and his sexist men trying to hit on her, or worse, she could be with Fenly. The thought that either would attempt to mate her, as they liked to call it, made her stomach queasy and her insides clench with fear.

Then there were thoughts of the Declan men. None of them tried to force themselves on her. They had each kissed her with passion and heat she never knew could feel so good, and something told her she was safe with them. However, now that she drugged their leader, Willy might have other plans for her. She was used to being alone and handling things on her own. These men couldn’t change her life for the better or help her. She closed her eyes and gripped the sides of the sink as the achiness continued in her side.

“You didn’t say there were other injuries.”

Ava turned, startled at the sound of Kyle’s voice. She was tired and concerned that she stood there in only her jeans and bra. She began to reach for her shirt.

“Wait. Let me look those bruises over to be sure you’re okay.” His stern voice stopped her as she quickly pulled her hand away from the garment.

“I’m okay. I assure you that I’ll be fine,” she replied, but his touch to her wrist stopped her from continuing. Her body felt overheated and completely aware of the sexy man who now stood close behind her. She gripped the sides of the sink tighter, holding her breath as his warm, calloused hands explored her back and ribs. She turned her head slightly toward her left upper arm, inhaling the scent of male, an enticing aroma that was beginning to tempt her more and more.


* * * *


Kyle was shocked to find Ava half-naked in the bathroom when he returned to check on her. His brother Mick was getting the ice pack while the others began to explore their options for dinner.

Staring at her battle wounds, his wolf grew angry and concerned. His mate would never be harmed again. He would protect her with his life just as his pack brothers would.

The sight of her womanly figure, sexy and curvy from breasts to ass, told him that their mate was a sexual fantasy come true.

“Does it hurt badly?” he asked her as he trailed a finger gently down her spine then over toward the red markings, being careful not to apply too much pressure.

Ava shook her head then released a short, unsteady breath as she turned away from him.

“Don’t lie to me,” he whispered against her shoulder, his lips touching her skin in need of having a small taste of the beauty in front of him.

Ava gasped then shifted back against his body.

He looked her over, almost certain that she was merely bruised and no further damage was done to her ribs. He pressed his body against her back as he slid his hands over her upper arms, down the curve of her elbows, and to her wrists. He laid his chin gently on her shoulder then looked at her through the reflection in the mirror. Her abundant breasts poured from her black lace bra. She was exquisite, and he could tell her nipples pebbled from his touch. When she raised her eyes to meet his, they shared a moment and a realization that they were connected somehow.

“You’re so beautiful, Ava. It is hard to resist the urge to feel more of you,” he whispered against her neck then kissed her skin softly.

BOOK: Task Force Three and the Irish Jewel [The Men of Five-O #3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)
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