Tank's Pearl (Devil's Iron MC #1) (14 page)

Chapter 27-Blaze

Thinking again about that night last week at the Dungeon is driving me fucking crazy. Why can I not stop thinking about Tank’s woman? She is not even my usual taste not young, skinny, or blond. Maybe that is why I have not ever been satisfied with the sluts I usually fuck, because I have not been looking at the right kind. I just need a real woman with big tits, a substantial ass, some luscious curves in-between, deep dark brown eyes, and tuggable brown hair. FUCK! Tank’s woman is not the one that I want, for fuck’s sake he is my brother. I look up to see the manifestation of my thoughts walking towards me with Tank and two adorable little girls.

After Tank introduces the girls to me and we shake hands I smirk at him. “Tank, nice to see you could finally make it to one of the family BBQs. I don’t think you have been to one of these in years.” I lean over to Pearl after letting go of Tank’s hand to take hers in mine. She drops her eyes immediately as I say, “Pearl, I’m glad to see that the Dungeon or Layla did not scare you off. You won’t be needing to worry about her anymore. I made sure to let her know that her position in this club was no longer needed. I want to make sure that you feel comfortable coming here or to one of the other club buildings as much as you would like.”All I can think about is that this little pet sure looked good at the Dungeon under my flogger and whip and with my cock ramming into her mouth and cunt.

The little girls shyly walk towards me and look up at me with wide eyes when Rose starts with, “Hiya, what’s your name? Do you have one of those nicknames like everyone else around here? Why do you have so much hair on your face?”

Chuckling and kneeling down towards this bright young girl I answer. “This is called a beard.” I stroke it before saying, “And yes, I do have one of those nicknames that everyone has. My name is Blaze, honey.”

“What kind of name is Blaze? That’s a weird name to have, why do they call you that? Why don’t they call you the name your momma gave you?”

Just as she tries to go into her next question, Pearl quickly hushes her with a hand to her shoulder, “Shh, Rose, that is not nice. Stop it, you know that you need to be nice and not question everyone about everything. Sorry, Blaze-“She looks toward me apologetically and again drops her eyes as soon as they meet mine but she finishes her thought, “-she is her mother’s daughter.”

“That’s fine, Pearl, don’t worry about it. There is nothing wrong with asking questions” I move closer to this dark haired little girl and my smile widens. “Rose, that’s just the name the guys around here call me. My real name is Markus. If you promise to keep it a secret so the guys don’t make fun of me, you, your little sister, and even your Momma can call me by my real name, OK?”

Rose smiles and shakes her head in response to me; that’s when I look over again at her mom and know I am in deep shit. She is so gorgeous with all those curves in just the right places. The way she stood up to Layla the first time she meet her tells me she will make one hell of an old lady. The way she dropped her gaze when I was talking to her and her excellent behavior at the Dungeon makes me know she will be one hell of a submissive as well. She would be one hell of a pet to me; kneeling at my feet, giving in to all the depraved and dirty things I would do to her.

FUCK, I need to get the fuck outta here and stop thinking about Tank’s woman like that. I am going to the Dungeon tonight to find some sub to take this fucking sexual energy out on. A tall one with luscious curves and brown eyes is in order for me tonight.

“Girls, come on. Let’s go get some food, and we can sit over by my parents and eat. See you soon, Prez,” Tank says as he turns to walks toward where the food is being served.

“Yeah, enjoy the rest of your day as well, Tank.” Turning to Rose and Iris I add. “It was good to meet you girls, I hope to see you around here more, and I hope that you enjoy the food and have a great afternoon around the clubhouse.”

I should stop myself here, but I just cannot control myself when I glance towards Pearl as she turns to walk away. Noticing strips of color peeking out on her skin, under her skirt, from where my flogger and whip landed last week, my cock hardens instantly. “Pet, um, Pearl, it was good to see you again. Remember what I said about coming around more often to any one of the clubs.” I reach out my hand to take hers in mine continuing with, “Enjoy the rest of the BBQ. Please if you ever need anything don’t hesitate to let me know.”

What the fuck are you doing,
is all I can think to myself as I quickly release her hands and turn to walk away from her. Almost at a run I hit the garage and grab my bike to get the fuck out of this place and away from the woman who is consuming my dark and dirty thoughts way too much for my liking.

Chapter 28-Pearl

As Abraham is driving us back to Milwaukee later that evening the girls quickly fall asleep. I am resting my head against the window thinking of the weird way Markus, no, Blaze, spoke to me at the BBQ when I feel Abraham’s hand lazily skimming over my thighs. When I look over I notice his hungry eyes are on mine.

“Little One, did you have a good day?” He continues his slow stroking on my legs.

“Yes, it was nice. I’m glad that I was able to spend some time with your parents. Your mom had a few really good stories about you growing up. Abraham, you know I was really scared and nervous about intruding you to the girls and having them meet your brothers but, I am glad you pushed me. You are really good with both of them, and those guys all seemed like they are really great.” I grab his thigh as I finish talking and slowly start making circles with my fingers on the top of it.

“I’m glad to hear you say that. I want to talk to you about becoming my old lady and it would be more difficult to convince you of that if you thought that my brothers were a bunch of assholes.” He laughs out at me. “Which they are, but you just didn’t figure it out yet. If you are okay with me spending the night, I thought we could talk more about it?”

“Yes, of course you can spend the night, Abraham, and of course we can discuss this obsession you have with me becoming your old lady just remember that I need to be up at 5am to get the girls and me ready for the day, and I am not so young that I can be staying up pulling all nighters,” I answer him with a smirk.

“Hmm? That sounds an awful lot like sass, Little One. Pushing your luck with me today?”

“No, Sir. I just wanted to put my two cents in to remind you of my age so that you don’t keep me up all night so that my week starts off horribly.”

“I am very worried about you KEEPING ME UP ALL NIGHT, girl, but don’t worry, I would hate to be the reason your week would start off horribly. I will make sure that we get into bed with plenty of time to spare.”

“I know you will get me into bed, but I’m just unsure if you will let me sleep during that time!”

“You do know me well. You will get all the sleep you need, Little One. Have faith.”

With that, we are shortly parking the truck behind my house and rousing the girls so that we can get them into the house. They are exhausted from the fun-filled day they had at the BBQ. I will make a quick dinner, and we can watch a cartoon or two before they go to bed and we get this last full week before Thanksgiving over.


After a great Thanksgiving spent with Abraham’s family, he finally convinces me to be his old lady. Then close to another month of alternating our visits between Chicago and Milwaukee with and without kids, he has me scheduled in Gun’s chair to get his brand on me. The girls are with Madge overnight so I can get the tattoo tomorrow after the party tonight.

We decided on an untraditional tattoo to show his claiming of me. A lot of other old ladies in the club have “property of” written on a tramp stamp or on an arm. That was not going to work for me- well, not quite. We decided on script saying “Tank’s Pearl” inside the outline of his thumb prints one on each hip on my back. He thought of it as almost a joke when I continually complained of the bruises he leaves there when he is fucking me from behind grasping my hips with his hands. When I fell in love with the idea he had Gun start drawing it up. Abraham told me that he brought it to the brothers last week that he was claiming me, and that was all I heard about that.

Abraham has only told me some about the party that is going on tonight, but I know that it is at the Knights’ clubhouse in Chicago. There has been some bad blood, but they have been working together over the past few weeks so they are celebrating that, I guess. I am hoping this party goes off with less drama than that one two months ago. Although Layla is not allowed in the clubhouse anymore from what I heard that night at the Dungeon and at the family BBQ, I wonder if she is still hung up on Tank.

As I pull up outside of Abraham’s house it is a typical late December night- for the Midwest, cold as fuck. I grab my jacket from the passenger seat and toss it over my shoulders before I walk up to the house. He is usually always at the door to greet me, but tonight I ring the doorbell and wait for him to answer. After a few minutes and not seeing any lights or movement inside the house I pull my phone out to check the time I’m even fifteen minutes earlier than the 9pm I told him.

I give him a call.

No answer. I hang up and shoot him a text
I’m outside your house. Where are you?

Slowly walking back to my SUV I turn the engine over to get the heat back on before I stop to question why Abraham is not here. He has been very withdrawn the last two weeks or so and when I ask him what is bothering him all he says is club business. I wish he would talk to me about it because it is starting to put strain on us. Hopefully this night out will help us to reconnect, if he shows up that is.

After another ten minutes I hear a ping coming from my phone and look to see that Abraham has responded.
I left for the party early and am fucked up. I’ll find someone to come pick you up, wait there.

It seems that this night is not going to be the reconnecting date that I was hoping for. Sitting and waiting for the ride that is hopefully on its way I am lost in thoughts about this whirlwind relationship I find myself in and again question it and him.

The rumble of trucks rouses me from my dark thoughts as I see two big trucks pull up behind my SUV. Three Devil’s Iron brothers step out of the first truck and it’s then that I notice Blaze’s gruff beard and unruly hair step around the front of the truck. Blaze starts walking towards me and the other men stay back by the truck.

As I step out of the SUV Blaze address me. “Hey, Pet, Pearl. Sorry that Tank is too drunk to be here, we started a little bit earlier than we“

“Don’t make excuses for him, Blaze,” I say, rolling my eyes. “Just showing his age- I guess. You gonna give me a ride or should I just follow you?” I get out on a huff.

“Pearl, stop those thoughts. Tank is claiming you tomorrow and he is just blowing off a little steam because he is… I don’t fucking know. Nervous? Worried? Just cut him some fucking slack, OK?”

“Yeah, sure, Blaze. Whatever. I’m so fucking glad I got a babysitter overnight so that I could deal with this shit!”

Grabbing for my arms he sharply adds, “Not whatever, Pet, Yes, Sir. Don’t forget that I have taken my flogger and whip to you and have no problem asking to have the privilege again. Show some respect.”

Instantly my eyes hit the floor, and I apologize quickly. “Sorry, Sir, I am just upset and disappointed in this evening already, and it really hasn’t even started.

“All is forgiven just be patient with him; it’s a big step for a brother to claim an old lady. If I was claiming you as mine I would be nervous too.” Almost too quiet for me to hear he adds. “Happy as fucking hell, but, nervous as hell.” Returning to his normal volume, he continues, “Now come on, Trip will drive yours and you can ride with me over to the Knights’ clubhouse.”

Awkwardness with this guy continues, I see. What a weird fucking guy. This last exchange with Blaze only matches the awkward shit during the BBQ. I get the feeling that he doesn’t like me or doesn’t want Tank to be with me or some shit. What the fuck? I haven’t done anything to this guy, why is he so put off by me? This night just keeps getting better!

As we walk into the clubhouse I am quickly taken aback by the amount of people. There has to be 150 people cramped into the wide-open space. Two bars are situated on either side of the room with pool tables, dartboards, and tables spread in the middle.

This is nothing like the party I went to with Abraham in October. This one is out of fucking hand and it’s not even 10pm. As I take in the room, I see topless women giving lap dances, a few dudes getting blow jobs just out in the open, and even one couple that has to be fucking because I don’t know why else there would be a group of others crowed around them giving directions and cheering them on.

What the fuck have I walked into?

I walk up to the bar and order a Jack and coke. When the bartender lays it down in front of me, that’s when I see Abraham. He comes walking over to me, grabs my ass, and leans in reeking of booze.

“Hey, Little One. Good to see you.”

“Yeah, hi.”

“Oh, fuck. Don’t give me that shit. It’s not my fault we got caught up and had to come over here early. We had to meet for club business.”

“Yeah, club business got it,” I say, shaking out of his arms as I take off almost running towards where I think is the women’s bathroom. On my way I bump into someone I didn’t think I would ever see again, Layla. She bumps my drink and smiles sweetly “Oh my, Pearl, so sorry. I didn’t see you there. Hope you are OK? Seems like Tank is pretty fucked up tonight!” The wide smile on her face gets wider. “Hope nothing happens between you two upsetting your night,” is all she gets out before I turn and finish my drink in one quick swallow as I walk into the bathroom.

Walking out of the bathroom a short while later I see that he is towards the back of the room with… Is that fucking Layla hanging all over him? What the fuck is going on? Striding towards them I am suddenly overcome with an urge to throw up, and it only gets stronger when I see her lean up to Abraham on her toes and start kissing him. As my eyes go wide at the kiss he meets my eyes, sees me stop short, and pushes her away.

“Pearl…” is all I hear as I turn and run out of the crowded room. As I pass a set of hallways, I am lost in this maze. The music has quieted somewhat and I realize that I must be in the living quarters of this clubhouse. I stop abruptly trying to get my bearings and feel a woozy cloud come over me.

Before I know what’s going on, there is an arm grabbing at me from behind and a hand over my mouth. I am quickly ushered down the hallway into a room. As the light flicks on, and I take in my surroundings, I realize there are two men with me in the room. I am suddenly scared shitless that I will never see my girls again, and I try crying out but am met with a fist to the face, and the blackness takes over.

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