Tales of the Wolf: Book 01 - The Coming of the Wolf (39 page)

Pushing him aside roughly, Tatianna stepped boldly into the room. “Greetings honored members of the War Council. I am Red Eagle, daughter of Red Crow, betrothed of Hawkeye the Wolflord and mother to the Chosen One. Red Crow appointed me as his heir to his position and property. I come to claim his position on the Great Council and in turn, the War Council.”

The War Council visibly relaxed their positions and looked around at each other in amazement. No one really knew what to think. Here was this outsider, a female and an elf, laying claim to one of the most honored positions a Highlander could attain. Never in the history of the Highland Nation had an outsider or a woman been allowed a seat on the Great Council.

Hawkeye spoke up. His voice was less than friendly, holding a slight tone of disapproval. “Greetings Red Eagle, you are late. This council meeting started hours ago.”

A slight crooked smile crossed her face as she bowed her head low. “My apologies Wolflord, I was deeply involved with my magic creating a spell to attack our enemies with. It will not happen again.”

Hawkeye kept his tone flat and emotionless. “See to it! It is disrespectful to me and the rest of the War Council. Step forward!” 

All gathered moved back a step, clearing a path for her. Keeping her head high, she slowly made her way to her beloved. Forgotten and unnoticed, Amani slipped into the shadows of the lodge to watch the events unfold.

Reaching Hawkeye and his battlelords, she knelt down. Hawkeye was about to say something, when the same Warlord of the Puma tribe that had challenged Hawkeye earlier, spoke up. “Since when is an outsider allowed a seat on the Great Council?”

A small murmur ran through the gathering.

Another Warlord interrupted this one from the Raven Tribe. “I’m not one to speak ill of the dead, especially of Red Crow. He was like a father to me but this I must protest. I’m sure Red Crow didn’t intend on giving her his seat on the Council or his title as Chieftain.”

The gathered warriors began to bicker and complain among themselves. A flash of anger washed over Hawkeye. He was about to yell at the two young Warlords when he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder. It was Anasazi. His hand had an unexpected calming effect on Hawkeye, causing him to bite back his retort.

Stepping forward, Anasazi held out his hands. Speaking in a loud, yet undeniably soft voice. “Friends, listen to me.” 

The gathering fell silent. All eyes turned to look at the ancient shaman.

“My friends, you are right. There has never been an outsider to sit on the Great Council, nor has there ever been a woman.” 

The gathering murmured their approval at his words.

“But there has never been a situation like this before either. Never has an outsider been claimed as heir by one of our greatest warriors. Never has an applicant to a seat on the Council met with the Gods. Never has one been the expectant mother of the Chosen One, the child of prophecy. All these and more make her claim to a seat on the Great Council legitimate. I for one support her claim to the seat.”

Odovacar stepped forward. “I too support her claim.”

Nilrem and Chewda stepped forward. “We also support her claim.” 

Slowly several other warlords stepped up to stand behind Tatianna, showing their support without words. Soon, all but five warlords were standing behind Tatianna.

Tatianna looked at the five that remained and said, “I will not be the cause of a division of the War Council, if the whole council cannot agree on my appointment, then I will step aside.” 

The five that remained smiled at the thought of their victory.

“But,” she added. “You must first tell me why you disapprove of my claim and allow me the chance to prove my worth.”

The Puma Warlord snickered. “It’s simple. You are an outsider and a female. You have not earned the right to sit on the Council.”

Shifting her stance, she casually rested her left hand on the pommel of her sword. “And how does one earn that right?”

“Through combat of course! If you were truly a Highlander you would know that! You are just an outsider, who thinks just because you have our appointed leader wrapped around your little finger; we will all jump and dance at your beck and call. Well, you’re wrong. We are the mighty Highland Nation! We answer to no one but ourselves!”

Tatianna could feel the tension in the room grow. She heard a slight bestial growl behind her. Without turning around, she knew Hawkeye was livid with anger.

However, numerous thoughts raced through her mind. ‘If he feels this way, then I wonder how the others feel? Maybe deep down, even those who are supporting my claim have the same sentiment deep down.’ 

Turning to look at the other four warlords who stood against her Tatianna asked, “Are your feelings the same?”

All four nodded their heads. The Warlord of the Raven tribe spoke up. “I also dispute your claim to the title of Chieftain of the Raven tribe.”

Letting her crooked smile come across her face, Tatianna asked, “Are the two of you challenging me?”

The two outspoken Warlords glanced at each other. With a quick nod of their heads they agreed. The Puma Warlord spoke first. “Red Eagle, I challenge your claim to the seat on the Great Council.”

The Raven Warlord said, “Red Eagle, heir of Red Crow, I challenge your claim to the title of Chieftain of the Raven Tribe.”

Looking at the other three, she asked, “And do any of you also challenge me?” 

They looked at each other and shook their heads.

“Then, if I defeat their challenges, all five of you will support my claim and in turn support the one true leader of the Highland Nation, Kamots Hawkeye the Wolflord?”

All five nodded their heads.

Clapping her hands together, she turned to her challengers. “Okay, you’re on! Let’s go!”

The two warlords were taken aback slightly. “We must prepare for the challenge.”

Tatianna shook her head. “I don’t think so. You challenged me. It is my right to state the conditions of the battle and I say right here! Right now! To first blood!”

The Puma warlord laughed loudly. “Then this will be the shortest challenge in history.”

A slight shudder ran up the Puma warlord’s spine as he quickly shifted into his animal form. A moment later, he was a large sleek puma. Weighing close to three hundred pounds of all muscle, the mountain lion was beautiful. His coat was a yellowish brown with streaks of black running from the mouth to the eyes. Lowering his upper body close to the ground, he wiggled his haunches back and forth slightly to dig in his massive claws as he prepared to spring.

All those gathered around Tatianna, including Hawkeye and Anasazi, backed away. Tatianna did nothing more than shift her stance slightly and rest her right hand on the pommel of her sword which hung on her left hip. 

The two combatants locked eyes for a moment. She could see the Raven Warlord take a few steps back, waiting for his turn. A smile flickered across her face as she waited for the Puma Warlord to make his move. She didn’t have to wait long.

With a loud roar, the puma launched himself across the room. Tatianna didn’t move a muscle as the large cat came flying at her in a golden blur. There are few things in life that would be scarier than an enraged puma charging at you but Tatianna didn’t flinch.

Several shouts of “Move!” or “Lookout!” or “Duck!” echoed in the lodge but Tatianna did none of those until the very last second. Just before the puma reached her, she took one step to right. She didn’t rush, she just moved out of his way. At the same time, she made a fluid draw and slice of her sword.

The Puma Warlord landed a few feet passed her present position with a loud growl. Turning quickly, he prepared to pounce again when he noticed her position. She was standing absolutely still with her sword drawn and her blade pointing to the floor. Drops of red blood stained the mirrored finish of her blade while something small, brown and slightly triangular lay on the dirt floor.

The Puma Warlord studied the object on the floor. It was furry and slick with blood. That’s when he noticed the intense pain in his left ear and the realization hit him like a bolt of lightning. She had cut off the top of his ear! Growling deep in his throat, his anger began to overwhelm him. He was about to pounce at her again, when two huge and hairy arms wrapped themselves around him.

Nilrem, in his hybrid bear form, had grabbed the enraged warlord in an immense bear hug. The Puma Warlord struggled briefly, clawing and biting at his arms. With a quick squeeze, Nilrem spoke softly. “You have lost. It was to first blood and you are bleeding. If you don’t shift back to your normal form before I count to ten, I will squeeze the life out of you. Do I make myself clear?”  He punctuated the sentence with another tight squeeze.

The Puma Warlord relaxed and let the change come over him. “I admit defeat, Red Eagle wins!” 

There was a loud cheer as those gathered celebrated her victory. Tatianna allowed herself a small smile before turning to fix her eyes on her next opponent.

Corax, the Raven warlord just smiled. Nodding his head in a form of greeting, he shape-shifted into a large raven. Glancing at her, he launched himself out the lodge.

Hawkeye asked, “Now where is he off too?”

Tatianna leaned up and kissed him briefly. “Don’t worry my love, I was prepared for this.” 

Tatianna sheathed her sword and walked out of the lodge. Hawkeye and the rest of the War Council followed her. Looking up, they could see Corax circling the Lodge of the Moon at a height of a hundred feet or so.

Closing her eyes, Tatianna spoke the word of her spell. “Buto Jamaicensis!”

A shiver ran up her spine as Tatianna’s body began sprouting feathers. Her arms shortened, becoming large wings; while her face elongated, becoming the curved beak of a raptor. A moment later, a beautiful red-tailed hawk flapped her wings and Tatianna the Red Eagle squawked loudly. With a brief wink at Hawkeye, she launched herself skyward to do battle with the Raven warlord circling above.               

For a moment, Tatianna lost herself in flying. The rushing of the wind through her feathers, the lightness of her body, these were almost overwhelming. It was one of the most exhilarating feelings she had ever experienced. Shape-shifting was not something new to her. She had done it many times before and strangely enough, the red-tailed hawk had always been her favorite form. She could remember at least a dozen times over the last ten years that she had assumed the form of a hawk for one reason or another but she had never had to fight as a hawk before.

Sure, she had watched the great birds of prey fight. They would climb to great heights before they would dive. Swooping in, attacking with their razor sharp beaks or slashing with their talons. Trying their best to rip or break their opponent’s wings in the process. Sometimes the two great birds would grapple each other, holding on with their talons, causing both to plummet to the earth at incredible speeds. All the while, they would be striking at each other with their beaks or talons. Then at the last moment, they would release each other and try to regain enough control not to crash into the ground. Sometimes they were successful and sometimes they weren’t but that is the way of nature; only the strong survive.

As these thoughts rushed through her mind, she heard a loud screech from above her. Instinctively, she dipped her left wing and dove toward the ground. A flash of black and the rush of air next to her right wing told of the Raven warlord’s slashing attack.

Looking over her right shoulder, she could see him flapping his wings hard as he flew off toward the south. He was trying to regain his superior altitude. Tatianna inwardly smiled at herself. She was headed north, toward the walls of the crater that encased Itasca. She knew there would be updrafts nearby. That coupled with her longer wingspan should give her a slight advantage in speed. Turning her attention to her surroundings, she flapped her mighty wings and began searching for the updrafts. As she approached the imposing cliff face, she felt a slight lightening of her body. She had found one!

Flying in a tight circle, she continued to flap her wings but not as often. Instead she concentrated on shifting her weight from side to side, helping her gain altitude quickly. She couldn’t see Corax at the present but knew where he was headed, up.

Allowing herself another smile. ‘This is just like any other battle. It’s just like Khlekluëllin always told me. Take in the position and attitude of your enemy. Position yourself in a superior location. Understand your enemy’s timing. And when he is unprepared, strike hard and fast!’

Passing the crest of the mountain, Tatianna turned out over the village. Using the enhanced vision granted to her by her hawk’s form, she located the Raven Warlord. He was circling the village about three hundred feet below her. Judging from the way Corax was scanning the skies below him, Tatianna guessed he didn’t know she was above him.

‘Let’s get this over with!’ she thought.

Folding in her wings, she dove. Picking up speed, she was moving fast and the distance between them began to close rapidly while Corax was still searching the lower skies.

‘The fool. He has underestimated me and that will be his undoing.’ 

When she was less than fifty feet above him, she unfurled her wings. The rushing wind pulled on them as she regained control of her speed and direction. Altering her course slightly, she positioned herself slightly above and behind the Raven Warlord. She was planning to rake his back with her razor sharp talons, drawing first blood and ending the contest. Just as she was about to make her attack, the sun broke through the heavy clouds which hung overhead, bathing the village and its surroundings in bright sunlight.

Scanning the lower skies, Corax saw his shadow flicker in and out over the lake. That’s when he saw a second shadow trailing behind him by a few yards. Panic swept through his body for a brief second before he dove.

The moment the sun came out, Tatianna knew she was in trouble. By the way Corax dove; she knew he had spotted her shadow. Nothing could be done about it, so she also dove.

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