Taken by You (Taken by You Book One) (22 page)

Hi, Stephanie. How are you?” he asked.

I’m doing great. Dating a senator now. Well, he’s married, but you know,” she said.

Sounds like you moved on up,” Blake said, in a slightly sarcastic tone.

He might not have billions, but he’ll do, even if he is a little old. Who’s your friend here?” she asked, looking at me.

This is my date, Penelope. Penelope, this is Stephanie,” Blake said.

How long have you two been together?” she asked.

Why are you really over here?” he asked.

I wanted to say hi,” she said with a snotty tone.

I think it’s best if you go back to your senator. We’re trying to have a nice time,” Blake said in a deep, imposing tone.

Fine, whatever. Have a great time,” she said snottily, before turning around and walking away.

Who was that?” I asked.

Some girl I went on a date with about a year and a half ago. She was pretty obsessive and didn’t like when I told her I didn’t see anything going forward,” Blake said.

Sounds crazy,” I said.

She was. Well, she
,” he said.

We finished our food and a busboy came by and took away our plates before another came with more champagne. I was feeling a bit over the alcohol, but I took one anyway and thought I could just carry it around so I looked like I fit in here amongst the boozehounds who were drinking it like it was water.

Blake!” a man said.

Tom!” Blake yelled, as he stood up with a smile.

The two hugged tightly before letting go and looking at each other like two old best friends from high school who ran into each other. I could tell they were somewhat close, or at least they really liked one another, which was a breath of fresh air from Stephanie.

I was hoping I’d run into you,” Tom said.

Same here, man. I’ve been looking around a little for you, but I didn’t know if you were going to show. It’s kind of stuffy here,” Blake said.

It’s been so hectic lately, but I knew I had to come out and show my support. Besides, I can’t leave my man hanging,” Tom said.

Tom, I’d like you to meet somebody. This is Penelope,” Blake said.

Ah, Penelope, I’ve heard so much about you,” Tom said, shaking my hand.

You have?” I asked.

Of course. This guy right here has told me
about you,” he said.

Don’t embarrass me,” Blake said, slapping Tom’s chest with the back of his hand.

How do you two know one another?” I asked, as I pointed between the two of them.

What, you haven’t told her about me? I feel cheated, Blake, cheated,” Tom said.

Penny, this is my best friend, Tom. Well, he’s my only friend,” Blake said.

You never told me you had a best friend,” I said.

I haven’t told you a lot of things,” Blake said.

Have you seen the photo booth upstairs? It’s a riot,” Tom said.

No, but why don’t we check it out? I have to use the restroom first, but after that we should totally go up there,” Blake said.

Okay, I’ll wait here for you. Don’t take too long,” Tom said.

Blake walked away and Tom sat down in his seat before taking a sip of champagne.

How long have you two known one another?” I asked.

Oh, I would say about ten years or so. We were roommates in college. Well, not freshman year, but after that,” Tom said.

I like that he has a best friend. He’s never talked much about anyone,” I said.

Yeah, he’s like that. He’s talked about you, though. I can’t believe how understanding you are. If anybody on this Earth should get a medal and be declared a saint, it’s you,” Tom said.

I’m sorry?” I asked.

You don’t have to be modest, Penelope. I think it’s admirable,” Tom said.

May I ask what exactly you’re referring to?” I asked.

The whole lawsuit thing,” Tom said.

I looked at him with a blank stare as I tried to think of what he was talking about. I didn’t remember anything about a lawsuit or Blake mentioning one.

He said he was with you at first and even for a while into your relationship because he was afraid of you bringing a lawsuit or going to the board because he didn’t give you the internship. He wanted to butter you up and get you some things so you wouldn’t bring all that against him. He said he told you,” Tom said.

When I didn’t respond, I could see the nervousness set in his face as he realized what he’d done. Blake never told me any of this, but apparently he told Tom he did. Maybe he did it to cover his tracks, or maybe he wanted to look good, but he sucked Tom in just like he did me.

I felt an overwhelming emotion come over me as I tried to process it all. I knew we had our arrangement, but he was just doing that to make sure I wouldn’t sue him? He didn’t actually want anything with me? What about the times he was sweet and said we were essentially working towards a relationship? Was he just sucking me in further so he could cover his tracks? This entire thing with him was a lie, and I was the village idiot who went along with it and actually thought I met a great guy who would eventually come to me. I was wrong—so wrong.

I should get going. I’ll call Blake another time,” Tom said, before getting up and leaving.

I sat there, a few tears running down my cheeks and my head down. Blake came back, stood next to his chair, and looked around.

Where’s Tom?” he asked.

How could you?” I asked, looking up at him with tear-filled eyes.

What’s wrong?” he asked, before sitting down.

You were just using me this entire time so I wouldn’t bring a lawsuit against you? This whole thing, the charade, was to cover your ass? You used me, Blake. You used me,” I said.

What are you talking about?” Blake asked, as he looked nervous.

Tom told me,” I said.

Blake didn’t say anything, instead bringing his hand to his mouth and looking anxious. I bet he didn’t even care about my feelings or what he did to me. He probably only cared about his image and if I’d try to sue him. I never would’ve done that. Sure, I wanted that internship, and sure, it would’ve done a lot for me, but I chose to go with Blake that night. I chose to go back to his place and I chose to sleep with him.

Is it true? I want a straight answer. You better not fucking lie to me,” I said.

I could barely see him at this point, as my eyes were completely filled with tears. I knew my makeup was probably running, but I didn’t even care how I looked right now. Everything was falling apart and I wasn’t sure it could be repaired.

Tell me,” I demanded, raising my voice a little.

Yes, it’s true,” he said solemnly.

I can’t believe you,” I said, standing up.

It was true at first, but it’s not now. I promise you,” he said, as he looked up at me and grabbed my forearm.

I can’t believe you used me like that. I guess I should’ve known better than to start something with a billionaire playboy. I should’ve left when I had the chance. Goodbye, Blake,” I said, yanking my arm away.

Where are you going?” he asked.

I didn’t reply, instead storming through the room as people looked at us like we were some kind of spectacle. I didn’t care, though. I just needed to get home, get out of these clothes, and get in bed. I couldn’t deal with this right now.

I stormed through the plethora of different-sized rooms that we had walked through to get to the dining area. I saw people look at me, even whispering to one another, as I felt my face get red from all the crying I was doing. I hastily opened my clutch, grabbed the ticket for my jacket, and shoved it at the attendant, who, seeing me in my current state, quickly found and gave me my jacket.

I put it on, went outside, and walked down the street before finding a cab that was already passing through and hailing it. I usually had to use some app to get one, so I knew I was at least lucky somehow tonight. This way Blake couldn’t come find me and try to talk to me. There was nothing he could say, anyway. Things were over.

Where ya going?” the cabbie asked.

I told him the intersection near my apartment and he pulled out and started back towards home. I pulled out my phone, unlocked it, and started a text to Nicolette, who I was praying was still at home.

Are you home?
” I asked.

Yes, why?
” she asked.

I’m on my way. Things didn’t work out, and I can’t stop crying. I’ll see you soon,”
I said.

I’ll cancel my plans,
” she said.

You don’t have to do that. I don’t want to bring your night down,
” I typed.

It’s fine, Penny. You’re more important than him, anyway. I’ll see you soon. Try to stay calm
,” she said.

I locked my phone and smiled a little amongst the rolling tears that were dripping into my lap. At least I was lucky to have a friend here who would be there for me in my hour of need. She was a true diamond of a friend.

The cab was quiet except for the radio, which the cabbie had on a low volume. He didn’t say a word to me, thankfully, as I wasn’t sure I was in any condition to sit here and chat with someone I didn’t know.

As the ride wore on, though, my thoughts kept creeping back to Blake and what Tom said, even if I tried to shoo them away until I got home. I couldn’t start crying my eyes out in the back of this cab. I couldn’t.

I kept it together, and as the cabbie stopped at my intersection, I started to feel the monsoon of emotion come over me. I handed him a wad of cash, giving him way larger of a tip than I should have, before getting out and running towards my building.

I fumbled with my key, as my hands were shaking and I couldn’t get it into the lock. Using my other hand, I stabilized myself just enough to slide it in and twist it before pulling it out. The door shut behind me and I took off my shoes, which were a little wet on the bottom anyway, before running up the stairs barefoot.

I could feel my nose running a little bit before I wiped it away with the back of my hand and wrapped around each landing before getting to the top floor—our floor.

Nicolette, likely hearing me sniffling and walking up the stairs, opened the door and I barged inside before dropping my clutch and losing my composure. She grabbed me, holding me tight. I knew she was likely beyond confused about what was going on.

What happened? You were so happy when you left,” she said.

I was just a joke,” I said.

What?” she asked.

His friend. He told me that Blake was just using me so I wouldn’t sue him,” I said, barely able to string the words together.

Maybe he was just lying to you. He could’ve been jealous,” Nicolette said.

No, it’s not that. I asked him straight up, I asked Blake, and he said it was true,” I said.

But why would you sue him? I don’t get it,” she said.

Because of the whole internship thing. He was scared that since we slept together that night after dinner that if he didn’t give me the internship I would somehow bring something against him. I don’t know,” I said, before grabbing a tissue and blowing my nose.

So this entire time has been like that? A joke? I knew he was a bit out there, and a bit of a dick, but this? Wow,” Nicolette said, as we walked over to the couch.

He tried to backtrack and say it was like that at first and he hasn’t thought of me like that in a while, but I can’t believe that. He just wanted to save his ass again so I wouldn’t make a scene or leave him or whatever. How could I trust him after he said that?” I asked.

You can’t,” Nicolette said.

I mean, I’m a nice girl, right? I don’t hurt people, I’m not mean to people—I’m a good person,” I said.

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