Read Take Me Again Online

Authors: Mackenzie McKade

Tags: #Erotica, #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

Take Me Again (12 page)

Her hips bucked against his hand. “Dolan, please."

"Please what?” He didn't wait for her response. Instead, he pushed another finger deep inside her, working the digit in and out. “You're so wet. Hot,” he groaned next to her ear, lovin’ the way she thrust, back and forth, into his palm. “God, I want to taste you. Fuck you with my mouth. Taste you as you come."

He felt her tremble, her body gripping and sucking on his fingers as if to draw him farther within. “Stop. You're going to make me—” He squeezed her clit between his fingers. “Oh God.” She arched her back, increasing the pace as she rode his hand.

"Woman, you make me crazy.” Of course, that was putting it lightly. His cock was rock-hard, his balls pulled close to his body, throbbing like a sonofabitch. He wanted inside her so badly he couldn't stand it. Grinding his teeth, he fought to keep his own orgasm at bay.

Her body pitched and then stiffened. She gasped, pressing her head against the straw as she muffled a cry. A long drawn-out moan resulted. For only a moment she lay motionless. Then her body jerked beneath his moving fingers. He wanted her wild in his arms and that's exactly what he got.

Trying to squirm away from his touch, she mewled, “Dolan. I can't take any more.” She squeezed her thighs together, placed her palms against his chest and shoved. But he wasn't ready to release her. “Stop. Oh God. Stop."

Even as she pleaded he felt her pussy tighten. Fucking her hard and fast with his fingers, he knew she was close to another orgasm. Her breathing was labored. Her hips jerked once, twice, until finally her thighs fell apart. Sweet surrender. He could whatever he wanted—and he wanted to see the ecstasy on her face again as she climaxed.

Tracy couldn't breathe. She was holding on by the skin of her teeth as magical fingers continued to stroke and tease her into a sexual frenzy. One orgasm had not been enough, from the intensity on Dolan's face she could tell he wanted to drive her crazy over and over again.

Maybe it was his touch or maybe the fact that they could get caught at any moment that made every inch of her body come alive. She couldn't believe she wavered on the edge of another climax and so soon. Or that in one night she had sexually experienced more than she had during her entire marriage. She had missed so much. Her tender vaginal tissues stretched to the point of burning, flexed and retracted. A flutter appeared low in her belly followed by a ripple that undulated throughout her pussy.

So close.

Every muscle in her body grew taut. Her release swelled like a wave building and building. As he pushed his fingers deep inside her again, she shuddered around him, exploding with such force the ground felt like it shook. Her head fell back into the straw, her mouth opened as a scream clawed its way to the surface. The sound was quickly stifled with a palm over her mouth.

Caught in the moment, she didn't struggle, only closed her eyes. Groaning low, she was pulled deeper into the delicious flames of sensations licking across her body. Each contraction was followed by a quiver of sensation that filtered through her. Every inch of her burned, until finally the fire died leaving her basking in the afterglow. She released a long sigh.

Damn. That was good. Her heavy eyelids rose to see Dolan's concerned expression.

"Sorry, darlin'.” He removed his hand from her mouth and the one from her jeans. “We don't want your uncle or anyone else hearing us.” He rolled off her onto his side and pushed into a sitting position before he extended his hand to help her to do likewise. A smile touched his lips as he plucked straw from her hair.

Talk about an embarrassing moment. Like some horny teenager she had just had two mind-blowing orgasms, not only in her uncle's stable but in a bed of straw with a man that didn't even like her. Of course, it didn't help that her body still hummed with desire.

She wanted him again.

More than anything she wanted to strip Dolan naked, feeling muscle and flesh beneath her touch as she ravished him. Her arousal flared when he stood. Behind his jeans he sported an impressive erection. The first step he took toward the sleeping mare almost looked painful. He reached down and carefully adjusted himself.

Tracy pushed to her feet. “Uh. Sorry.” Her apology lost something when a chuckle slipped out.

Turning around, he closed the distance between them, taking her into his arms. His expression was unreadable. “You think this is funny?” Her pulse jumped when he grinded his hips against hers.

Damn. He was hard. Just the memory of him buried inside her made her nipples grow taut.

"Sort of,” she admitted.

An ebony curl fell across his forehead as he pinned his dark eyes on her. “Paybacks are a bitch, darlin'. I plan on collecting later tonight.” His wicked promise made her stomach do flip-flops. He sealed his vow with a demanding kiss that left her head spinning when he finally released her. “Shall we check on Ice Princess?"

Ice Princess?

"Oh yeah.” Pulling herself together, she walked toward her medical case, dug inside and extracted a stethoscope. Placing the ear pieces into her ears, she went to the horse and knelt. Firmly, she pressed the instrument to the horse's chest and listened.

"Her breathing appears steady.” Tracy could feel Dolan's gaze on her as he spoke. “She seems to be peaceful. The twitches are gone for the moment.” He grew quiet. The only sound was his footsteps walking away. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw him reach into his medical bag and extract his stethoscope. “Can I join you?” he asked as he approached.

"Sure.” She scooted over as he knelt beside her.

He listened for a moment to the horse's heart, lungs and breathing. “Not too bad.” His gaze scrutinized the IVs. “About an hour before it needs to be changed. Have you come across other cases of the West Nile virus before?"

"Actually quite a few.” She got to her feet, noticing the straw on her clothes. “How about you?” She was brushing off the last strands of straw when the barn door creaked open.

"Just a couple,” he said, turning toward the door.

Uncle Carl entered along with two hands carrying two cots, blankets, pillows and a small ice chest. “Thought you two might need these.” One of the men yawned as if he'd been awakened from a deep sleep. As the hands began to set up the bedding outside the corral, her uncle entered the stall and knelt beside the mare. “How's she doing?"

Tracy moved next to him, drifting back down to her knees. “She's quiet. These things take time. We won't know anything for a couple of days."

"Damn shame,” he said more to himself than anyone in attendance. “There's drinks and snacks in the ice chest.” She didn't miss the cautious way he looked at Dolan and then back at her. “Do you want one of my hands to stay in case you need help?"

Or protection? She almost laughed, thinking it was a little too late. Dolan's bad boy reputation certainly had made its mark in this city.

"No. I think we're good.” Dolan spoke up before she could. “Right, Tracy?"

"Uh. Right. We're good."

Or was she?

Control flew out the window when it came to this man. Maybe she needed protection—protection from herself.

"Well—” Carl hesitated as if he was still thinking. “If you're sure.” Getting to his feet, he added, “I'll check back in later.” He offered her his hand. She grasped ahold and he pulled her up.

Before she let him go, she leaned in and gave him a peck on the cheek. “Thank you."

For a big man it was funny to see color sweep across his face that softened. “For what?"

"For trusting—believing in me.” Without a blink of an eye, Uncle Carl had placed responsibility of his stock in her hands. It had been years since they had seen each other. He truly didn't know her or her capabilities, but he trusted her because she was family.

"Just don't misplace that damn telephone again.” Before he stepped out of her embrace, he gave her a big bear hug. “If you need me I'm only a holler away."

In moments Tracy and Dolan were alone again. Silence stretched between. Only the shuffling of horse hooves and the occasional snort from the other occupants of the stables was heard.

"Come here.” His whiskey-smooth voice slid across her skin sending a shiver through her. Inhaling a terse breath, she pivoted on the ball of her feet to face him.

Their eyes met.

Damn that powerful attraction between them. It sizzled in the air, creating electricity that raised every hair on her arms. No way could things work out between them. She'd be an idiot not to fight the allure. There were too many obstacles lying in their path. Planting her feet firmly beneath her, she didn't move. Nothing good could come from playing with fire.

A knowing smile touched his sensual mouth.

She sighed. His kisses were so heavenly. Tracy gave herself a mental shake.
Focus girl. You're probably just another notch on his belt—a challenge—besides he can ruin everything you're trying to accomplish

Dipping his head, he allowed dark lashes to shadow even darker eyes.

Oh yeah. He was dangerous.

He crooked a finger. “Come here.” But this time he stepped toward her, setting her heart racing. He continued forward, stopping within arm's length, but he didn't reach for her. Instead he caressed her face with a hot, hungry look of desire.

Momma didn't raise no fool. He wanted her to close the distance between them. Prove to him that she wanted this as much as he did. Well, even if it were true it wasn't going happen. She'd already crossed the line with this man. She had to be stronger.

His hand rose smoothing across her cheek, while his expression grew serious. “I know you feel what's between us."

Thank God. He felt it too. She was beginning to think the uncontrollable pull she felt between them was something her imagination had conjured. Of course, he could just be playing with her emotions.

His gaze stroked her like an invisible hand moving down her throat, sweeping over her breasts to set them to tingle. “The lure's too strong.” Every place his stare caressed grew sensitive. His gaze lingered on her hips. When he licked his lips her body went up in flames.

What she'd give to feel his tongue between her legs, moving in and out, teasing her clit, sucking it deep within his hot, moist mouth. The tightening in her breasts increased, followed by one low in her belly dampening her thighs. His gaze stroked back up her body fanning the flames. She was burning up with need.

"No sense in fighting it.” He reached for her, but she dodged his grasp. “You want me. I can feel it."

"I have an appointment tomorrow to meet with Dr. Zimmerman.” The admission burst from her mouth. “I'm seeking a partnership."

. She sucked in a breath of relief. If that didn't cool his arousal, she didn't know what would. She could almost hear a door between them start to shut. Before it slammed closed, she felt it suddenly swing wide open when he said, “I know."

Her eyes widened with surprise. “You know?” How could that be? Duh! Of course, Dr. Zimmerman would consult him about bringing another veterinarian on board. What was she thinking? “Then why are you still pursuing me? We'll be colleagues—work side-by-side.” Or worse, one of them would be without a job.

"I can't help myself,” he admitted. “We'll find a way."

Okay. She didn't expect this, not after the last couple days. He took a step forward and she followed it with a backward one.

The man must be delusional. There was no way this would work out. Still she couldn't help asking. “How?"

He took another step toward her. “I haven't figured that out."

Tracy snorted. Just like a man. Ignore it or put it off and it'll take care of itself. She didn't buy into that theory. “So your suggestion is that we lunge off the cliff not knowing the depth or what's at the bottom?"

This time when he reached for her he caught her by the arm. “Could be fun."

"Fun?” His touch was warm and strangely comforting. Even still, she spoke her mind. “Could be disastrous."

He pulled her closer so their bodies met. “Maybe—maybe not.” Dolan locked his arms around her, as his voice dropped. “Now where were we? Oh yeah—” He covered her mouth with his.

She needed to stop this madness. But the thought disappeared when his tongue slipped between her lips to stroke her own. He sipped at her mouth before sucking her tongue into his, holding it with a strong suction. Before she knew it she was clinging to his neck and returning his fervor.

Dolan was the man she'd been looking for to unlock the passion inside her and ease the ache in her body and soul. He made her feel free, uninhibited.

"I want to taste you,” she admitted without shame. Her pulse jumped when lust, hot and wild, flickered in his eyes.

Oh, yes. This was going to be good.

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Ten

The breath in Dolan's lungs froze as the tip of Tracy's tongue darted out to moisten her lips. Did his little redheaded veterinarian just express her desire to go down on him? Take him deep into her mouth?

His cock jerked with the thought of those pouty lips wrapped around him, moving up and down, driving him out of his fuckin’ mind. From out of nowhere blood slammed into his loins with unexpected force. The ache almost made him groan aloud, but he held back, not wanting to reveal the effect she had on him.

With desire glistening in her eyes, she gazed up at him and then reached for his buckle. Deft fingers unfastened his belt and the button of his jeans. His zipper made a whisking sound. Her fingernails scraped against the straining head of his cock, causing him to suck in a breath and hold it.

Once again he wore no underwear, his erection pushing past the metal teeth. She smiled upon the discovery. “I like that. Makes me think dirty thoughts at the most naughtiest of moments.” Her voice was an aphrodisiac streaming through his veins hot and wild.

"Naughtiest of moments?” he managed to say.

"During a meeting.” She ran a fingernail along his cock sending a shiver throughout him. He grabbed her wrist. Light laughter met him. “Maybe standing in front of a crowd thinking of you naked, lying in the hay—"

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