Read Tainted Blood Online

Authors: Joann I. Martin Sowles

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Teen & Young Adult, #Paranormal & Fantasy

Tainted Blood (9 page)

As I peeled away the pink paper, I stared down at the most baffling gift yet. It was a vampire Barbie doll. I looked up at him somewhat confused, and he said, “I heard you like vampires.”

His eyes never faltered but I’m sure mine did. I’d seen Oliver take a step forward when Ashton said those words, and I shook my head just a tiny bit and saw him stop.

“I, uh, um, thanks…I guess,” I said.

He gave me a quick nod then headed for the kitchen. Everyone’s eyes were on me—except Kiera’s, she was the only one who was clueless to the whole “my boyfriend being a vampire” thing—and I’m sure they were all just as dumbfounded as I was.

I stared down at the doll.
Does he know?
I wondered. How could he?

Oliver still had his sunglasses on, even though it was now dark outside. I didn’t get what that was about but it would have been nice to be able to make eye contact with him so I would have some sort of idea what he was thinking.

Carter mouthed, “What the hell?” to me, and I shook my head and shrugged because I really had no idea.

Kiera had moved on—being the only one who was oblivious to what had happened—she had the cake on the table and ready for me. She had one big candle stuck in the center. She lit the candle and began singing “
Happy Birthday
” and everyone chimed in.

Everyone except Ashton, who was too busy downing a beer, and Oliver, who I assumed was too busy keeping an eye on Ashton. And of course me, it was my birthday after all.

I blew out the candle without making a wish, and Kiera began slicing up my mint chip and chocolate ice cream cake.

I whispered, or growled, I don’t really remember, “Why did you invite him?”

“I didn’t. He sent me a message earlier and asked if we were doing anything for your birthday, and I said yes. That was it. I didn’t even tell him where we’d be,” she whispered back.

I caught a whiff of the cake, the mint was strong, and my stomach rolled. I took a step back, and Kiera eyed me curiously. She handed a large piece of cake to Carter.

Between swigs of his second beer Ashton said, “Isn’t chocolate bad for dogs?”

I froze. Every inch of my body went completely stiff as I watched Carter’s eyes get huge. I’m sure mine were too.

All Kiera said was, “I don’t know, I guess so.” She shrugged, and I saw confusion cross her face for a brief moment.

Isaac popped up out of nowhere and introduced himself to Ashton as one of Carter’s friends. Then he suggested in a rather rudely-polite sort of way, that it was time for Ashton to leave. I was surprised how quietly and quickly Ashton was out the door. I’m sure it helped that Isaac had thrown in some information about knowing a little martial arts.

Kiera shrugged it all off, and those of us who were suddenly aware that Ashton knew too much exchanged knowing glances around the room. Except Oliver, he and Hayden were having a quiet, yet heated, conversation back over by the party chair. I don’t know if she’d stopped him from doing something stupid or if it wasn’t related at all but I didn’t care because right then my brain was too preoccupied with wondering what Ashton knew.

That’s when Kiera handed me a slice of cake. The smell hit me again, and I thought I was going to regurgitate my cheese and crackers right there at my own party. Zoey rushed me to the bathroom, and I rinsed my face with cool water until the nausea passed. Zoey rubbed my back while I waited, hunched over the sink.

Once the feeling that I was going to hurl was gone, we expressed our concerns about Ashton, and what he might know. Carter tapped on the bathroom door and asked if I was okay. Zoey peeked out,
after surveying the room, she opened the door and jerked Carter inside, closing it behind him. This wasn’t going to look good when we left…

We rushed through every scenario we could possibly think of and came to the conclusion that the mind-wipe thing Felix had done hadn’t held on Ashton. Or, that maybe it had never worked to begin with. Carter agreed that he’d be the one to call Felix to talk to him about Ashton, and then we tried to leave the bathroom as casually as possible.

Only Hayden seemed to notice our less than stealthy exit. Kiera was too busy cleaning up leftover cake and getting it into the freezer before it melted to notice anything.

We’d just started helping clean up the party mess when Oliver came into the kitchen and slipped his arms around me from behind and very sweetly said to Kiera, “If you don’t mind, I’m going to steal the birthday girl now.”

Kiera smiled at us and told us good night.

I told everyone good-bye, gave hugs, and said my thank yous and also made plans to have lunch with Zoey sometime the following week.

Oliver ushered me out of the apartment and led me down the path to his place. “What are we doing?” I asked, suddenly feeling all bubbly with excitement.

“The birthday celebrations continue,” he said as he opened the door to his apartment.

The room was lit only by candlelight and the table was set for two with a dozen red roses placed in the center. Shadows of the flames danced on every wall of the apartment. Even Oliver’s room was alive with candlelight. I felt a chill of excitement rush through me as I entered. I took in the whole place and felt myself smile wide. I noticed a small silver box sitting on the dining table, and more than anything, I wanted to know what was inside that box. But I kept going past it and peeked in his bedroom. Oliver took my hand, slipping his cool fingers between mine and led me away from his room.

“Later,” he whispered against my neck as he wrapped his arms around me from behind. I felt more good chills run through me. I turned in his arms and noticed his glasses were finally gone. I smiled up at him and said, “You’ve outdone yourself.”

The smile he gave in return was one of the best I’d ever seen. Then he said, “The night’s still young.” He kissed me long and slow, and that familiar hum stirred inside.

When he pulled out of the kiss, he told me to wait where I was, and he went into his room for a moment. Music began playing softly from his bedroom, and my heart was melting over all that he’d done to make my day special. First, trying to make me breakfast in bed. Granted, he’d failed, but it was the thought. Next, he’d spent the entire day with my bossy little friend to help get my party ready. Now, there was this.

I took in the dancing candlelight again. I felt so warm and happy inside. Even though it started out on a weird note, and I’d missed Lilly every second of it, it was a great birthday. And getting better by the moment.

Something brushed the back of my leg. I turned and looked down to see what it was. My hand shot up to my mouth, and I felt terrified and excited all at once. Oliver was on one knee and looked up at me when I turned around. His expression didn’t fit the moment and then realization crossed his face. He shot to his feet with the little silver box in his hand and said, “I, uh, dropped this.” He held the box out to me as my heart rate began to steady.

The box made a loud click sound as I opened it. I breathed a sigh of relief as the box revealed a beautiful star pendant on a silver chain. I smiled at him and hoped that he hadn’t taken any of my emotions the wrong way. In the soft glow of the candles he smiled down at me, and if he had, he was doing a good job hiding it.

He took the necklace from the box, and I turned, lifting my hair for him to secure it around my neck. He hooked the clasp and kissed my neck before I dropped my hair back in place.

I turned to face him again. “It’s beautiful,” I said as I examined my new treasure. The star shaped stone sparkled in the candlelight.

“It’s a moonstone. Do you like it?” he asked as he pulled me close to him.

“I love it, and I love you.” I stretched up on my toes and kissed him.

Eventually the kiss ended, and I rested my body against his, my head against his chest, and we swayed to the music that still played softly from his bedroom.

“Happy birthday, Laney,” he said lovingly.

I look up into his gorgeous emerald eyes and said, “Thank you for making today so perfect.”

“You are very welcome.” He flashed me a crooked smile as we swayed. “I love you, Laney.” I squeezed him tight and melted against him. “Are you hungry?” he asked. “I have everything to make tacos. Kiera told me it was your favorite.” He gave me this sort of bashful look for a moment and then said, “She helped me make it for you.”

He just kept getting better, and my BFF was scoring points as well. “I could eat,” I said, and he grinned down at me.

After a gentle peck on the lips, he slipped away from me and headed for the kitchen. Surprisingly, I wasn’t all that hungry but how could I turn him down after he’d gone through so much trouble?

I followed Oliver into the kitchen and hopped up onto the counter and watched as he began pulling all of the taco fixings out of the refrigerator.

“What will you eat,” I asked.

“I can have a lot of the toppings,” he answered.

He was preoccupied with his taco-making duty when I grasped ahold of his shirt as he was passing by. He looked down at my hand on the hem of his tee then up into my eyes. I pulled him close and planted a pretty steamy kiss right on his lips. I heard the glass bowl that had been in his hands hit the floor and shatter but we didn’t stop kissing. In fact, it only intensified, as did my need for him.

Thoughts of everything, including my entire day, slipped from my mind. Only one thought remained. Oliver, nothing but Oliver.

Every part of me begged for him. I couldn’t get close enough. I wrapped my legs around him and dug my fingers into his hair. He moaned against my lips, and in an unsteady breath, he said, “I don’t have the strength to resist you anymore.”

“Then don’t,” I responded in my own shaky whisper.

I slid my hands under his shirt, desperate to feel his skin against mine. I caught a glimpse of his coven tattoo as he pulled his shirt off and tossed it aside then I did the same with mine. I heard the glass crunch under his shoes as he took one step back. He eyes lingered on my chest long enough to make me squirm, and a mischievous smile played on his lips as his eyes met mine.
Two c
play at this game
I thought as I drew on all my nerve and reached behind me. In one quick motion, I unhooked my bra and set the girls free.

His expression instantly changed, and it lingered longer than I’d ever seen surprise linger on his face. I slipped a finger through his belt loop and pulled him back to me, pressing my lips to his. He didn’t waste any time getting his hands acquainted with my newly exposed breasts.

My fingers worked quickly to unfasten the button of his
I slid my hand down the front of his pants, and his body shuddered. I heard a rumble deep in his chest, and his lips pressed hard against mine. He pulled me against him and off of the counter. Next thing I knew, we were on his bed, and he was over me, pressing his body against mine, his scent filling the room, making me lightheaded.

I began unzipping his fly, and his eyes met mine. The glow of the candlelight illuminated his gorgeous pools of green. “I’m sorry about this morning,” he began, but I shushed him, placing a finger over his lips.

“Not now,” I said as I pulled his zipper down. He smirked and kissed me again.

I slid my hand back into his jeans, and his hands were exploring my chest once more. Things were getting seriously hot. I needed him. I pulled my hand free and began undoing my own jeans. His lips moved from mine, and they worked their way to my chest. He pushed my fingers away from undoing my own button and took over the task.

When we both had our pants off, he lowered himself back on top of me and began kissing me again. I trailed my fingers along his bare back, across his shoulders, then around to his nice firm chest. I lightly slid my fingers along both his sides until I found the band of his underwear. I slipped my fingers under the band and began trying to pull them free of his body. I wasn’t doing such a great job, and I moved too much, causing Oliver’s fang to catch the inside on my bottom lip. I winced in pain. Oliver pulled back and began apologizing.

I felt and tasted warm blood. I held up a hand for him to stop apologizing, and he did. He was propped up, staring down at me, concerned.

“I’m fine,” I mumbled. I wasn’t. There was a lot of blood but I knew how to fix it. I pushed myself up off of the bed and pressed my lips to his. I put my hand on the back of his neck and held him to me as I slowly parted my lips and invited him to have a little taste of me before his magical spit healed the gash inside my mouth. His tongue met mine, hesitantly at first, but I wasn’t going to let him stop. I tugged at his boxer briefs again, and as he pressed me back on the bed he removed his underwear and then mine.

So, there we were, totally naked, his body on top of mine, and his tongue in my mouth. He moaned and pressed himself against me as he took long draws from my lip, and his hands explored other areas of my body. I pressed myself against him, encouraging him to take the next step. I thought I heard a pounding over the sound of the music but Oliver didn’t respond to it so I let it go. He swept his tongue over the cut on the inside of my lip, and the pain was instantly gone. His lips pressed against mine, and his hands continued to explore.

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