Read Tails and Teapots Online

Authors: Misa Izanaki

Tails and Teapots (3 page)

"Kale's taking me on a date." Dante bounced a little on his bar stool. "I don't know where we're going yet, but he said I had to dress up."

"A date?" Frankie hopped up on one of the stools and grabbed a beer from behind the bar. "You know you're supposed to do that before you start sleeping with someone, right?"

"Don't be a jackass." Dante whapped Frankie on the shoulder as his tail swished back and forth. "Kale's feeling romantic and I'm not about to argue with the boss man."

"It's kind of funny that you still call him that even though you two are sleeping together."

"What else am I supposed to call him? He doesn't like it when I call him 'Sir' in public."

Frankie almost choked on his beer, but it was better than spraying it across the room. An image of Kale decked out in typical leather daddy gear popped into Frankie's brain. Wow, he really didn't need that in his head. "Damn it, Dante..."


"I don't need anymore weird thoughts in my head, that's what."

"What's weird about Kale being all hot and masterful? It's pretty sexy, if you ask me."

"I didn't ask you." Frankie rubbed the bridge of his nose with his fingers. "I never ask about your and Kale's sex life. I know better."

"What about my sex life?" Kale stepped up to the bar and gave Dante a look. "Okay, Dante, what have you been telling him?"

Damn ...
Frankie almost didn't recognize his boss. Kale was dressed in a stylish, almost Victorian-looking black suit with a white collarless shirt and his long auburn hair pulled into a tail at the nape of his neck. He looked like some hot business man, the kind you only see in those Japanese "boy's love" comics. Either that or a sort of modern day vampire.

"I didn't tell him anything, well, not anything that wasn't already common knowledge..." Dante hopped off his stool and snuggled against Kale's side.


"Nothing..." Dante grinned innocently. "Shall we go?" "Sure thing." Kale nodded then glanced at Frankie. "See ya

later, Frankie. I hope you find yourself a nice little distraction tonight."

"Thanks ... You two have fun!" Frankie waved as his friends headed out the door. How the hell did Kale know why he was hanging around? Frankie shook his head. Kale always did have a knack for knowing what was going on in the club and with everyone who worked there.

Frankie drained his beer. Damn, watching Dante and Kale together just made him more depressed. He and Alan were happy like that once, or at least, Frankie thought they were. Coming down to the club was turning into a bad idea. It was a slow night and most of the guys were in the club too often to make a one night stand anything but awkward. Not that they'd be interested in him anyway.

That thought depressed him even more. Frankie sighed and slumped against the bar. Here he was, single for—what? six hours—and he already didn't know what to do with himself. He was horny, too, which didn't help things.
Damn, maybe I should have jacked off in the shower.

Someone sat on the barstool next to him. Frankie felt a slim hand touch his shoulder.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah..." Frankie glanced up and almost fell off his stool in surprise. It was the guy Frankie had seen earlier, and damn if he wasn't even better looking up close.

"Is everything all right?" Warm, worried chocolate brown eyes met Frankie's. "You look depressed."

"I was ... until I saw you, at least." Frankie cringed. That had to be the worst pick up line ever. Oh well, so much for first impressions.

The young man just smiled at him and held his hand out. "I'm Aki."

"Frankie..." Frankie gave Aki a quick once over while they shook hands. Aki had a good-looking body, too. He was built perfectly as far as Frankie was concerned anyway, all sleek muscles and slim lines. "Nice to meet you."

"So, do you come here often?"

"You could say that." Frankie turned so he could get a better look at Aki. There was something familiar about those big brown eyes, but Frankie couldn't place it. "Usually I'm behind the bar, though."

"Ah, so what brings you to work on your day off?"

"I had a hell of a day and needed a little distraction." "Ooh, anything I can help with?"


Aki leaned closer and whispered into Frankie's ear. "If distracting you involves us getting sweaty and naked, I'm all for it."

"Really?" Before today, Frankie wouldn't have asked. He would have just dragged Aki upstairs without a second thought, but the whole thing with Alan made him wonder if he could read people as well as he thought he could. Who knew one email could mess with his head so much? "I wasn't sure if you'd be interested."

"Why wouldn't I be?" Aki's slim fingers trailed up Frankie's thigh and gave him a gentle squeeze. "It's not every day I meet a man as handsome as you are."


"You're welcome." Aki gave him another breathtaking smile. "So, do you have somewhere to go or should we find a quiet corner here?"

"I—my place is upstairs."

"Ooh, that makes things convenient."

"Yeah, it's one of the perks I get from working here." Frankie grabbed a couple of condoms and a pack of lube from the fish bowl on the bar and took Aki's hand. "Come on."

"Is that the only perk?" Aki bounced behind Frankie as they headed to the elevator. Damn, he was cute. "I mean, working with such gorgeous guys must be a perk in itself."

"Yeah, it is pretty sweet, even if the hottest ones are taken." Frankie tapped the call button. The elevator was actually prompt for once and Frankie and Aki stepped inside once the doors opened.

"Like the cowboy with the long hair who was dancing earlier?"

"Yeah, that's Aoi; he has two boyfriends."

"What about you?" Aki slipped his arms around Frankie's mid-section and snuggled closer as the elevator doors closed behind them.

Frankie shook his head and pushed the button for the third floor. "Nope, I'm single ... boyfriend broke up with me this morning."

"Oh, that's what you meant by 'a hell of a day.'"

"Yeah, it's okay, though. I'm better off without him ... at least, that's what my friends keep telling me."

Aki rubbed Frankie's shoulder gently. "Still, that's why you needed the distraction, right?"

"Yeah, sorry."

"Why are you sorry?" Aki cocked his head to one side and looked at Frankie with curiosity. "It's pretty fortunate, if you ask me." The elevator doors slid open again and Aki tugged

Frankie out into the hall. "After all, I wouldn't have met you tonight if you and your boyfriend were still together."

Aki did have a point. Granted, after tonight, Frankie was probably going to be alone again but he didn't mind so much. One night with the beautiful boy next to him seemed worth all the crap he went through earlier. Frankie just hoped Aki didn't mind a messy apartment.

"I should warn you, my place is kind of messy." Frankie ran his hand over the palm scanner and pulled Aki inside. "I wasn't expecting company."

Aki closed the door behind him and smiled mischievously. "I don't mind, as long as your bed is free."

Frankie scooped Aki into his arms and carried him to the bedroom. "It is. I even put fresh sheets down, well, yesterday."

"Perfect." Aki nuzzled Frankie's cheek. Slim fingers tangled in the silvery spikes of Frankie's hair and pulled him into a kiss.

Frankie flicked his tongue against Aki's, savoring the sweetness of his mouth. Aki tasted vaguely of apples and something else Frankie couldn't place. It was a sweet and slightly spicy flavor that Frankie could not get enough of.

They tumbled onto the bed together, tugging at each other's clothes. Aki's nimble hands undid the button fly of Frankie's jeans and pulled them down Frankie's legs. Frankie kicked off his jeans and set to work, getting Aki out of his clothes. He slid his hands under Aki's shirt and slipped it over Aki's head. Aki's skin was soft and almost velvety beneath his fingers. Frankie just hoped that Aki liked to be petted.

"You have good hands." Aki wiggled out of his jeans and briefs. He glanced up and licked his lips. "Mmm, and an amazing body too."

"You're prettier." Frankie pulled Aki closer and nuzzled his neck.

"I don't know about that." Aki cupped Frankie's face in his hands and kissed him again. "Then again, you're handsome, not pretty. You're too manly to be pretty."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"Not to me. I think you're perfect." Aki tugged at Frankie's boxers. He grinned hungrily as he freed Frankie's long, thick cock. "Oh, better than perfect."

Frankie sat up, bracing himself on his elbows as Aki trailed soft, nibbling kisses down his chest and the flat planes of his stomach. Aki shifted a little and flicked his tongue over the flared tip of Frankie's cock. Aki lapped at him again. Frankie had to resist the urge to tangle his fingers in Aki's hair and push his head lower. He wanted to feel more of Aki's mouth but he didn't want to push Aki too hard either.

That warm, wet tongue teased him again. Frankie groaned and lifted his hips. Aki must have gotten the hint. Aki wrapped his lips around Frankie's prick and took it deep.

Oh, Aki was good at that. He didn't rush things, for one, and he had the perfect mix of suction and gentle friction going too. It was enough to make Frankie's toes curl.

Frankie stroked Aki's soft hair. "You know, I'm going to come if you keep doing that."

"It's okay. I'll just make you hard again if you do." Aki gave Frankie an innocent smile. "It'll be fun."


"Please..." Aki glanced up at him, those wide dark eyes eager and pleading.

"Okay, okay ... just stop making puppy eyes at me." Frankie reached over and grabbed his jeans off the floor. "But if you're going to suck me off, we need to be safe about it."


"Yup," Frankie pulled one of the condoms he had stashed in his pocket earlier and tore it open with his teeth. "It's one of the boss man's rules. No bare-backing unless you're in a serious relationship." Frankie hissed as the cool latex sheathed his cock. "Trust me, it's better this way."

"If you say so..."

"I do." Frankie winked. "After all, you don't know where I've been."

Aki ran his fingers over Frankie's prick, the look on his face was more curious then anything else. "Can you feel anything through that?"

"Mmm, I felt that."

"That works for me, then ... even if I wanted to taste you a little more."

Frankie had an answer for that, but before he could say anything, Aki's mouth was on him again. That distracted Frankie from everything else. Aki bobbed in Frankie's lap. Each time Aki brought his head up, that warm, wet tongue of his dragged along the underside of Frankie's shaft, teasing the hard flesh.

From the feel of things, Aki was determined to make him come or Aki really liked giving blow jobs. Frankie trailed his

hand down Aki's back and over soft curve of his ass. It just wouldn't be right if Frankie had all the fun.

A soft moan vibrated against Frankie's cock, sending a jolt straight to his brain. Aki moaned again and arched eagerly against his hand. Oh, that was encouraging. Frankie licked his fingers, getting them good and wet. He slid the slick digits between Aki's cheeks and circled the sensitive flesh between them. Frankie eased one of his fingers into Aki's ass, slowly coaxing Aki open. Once the grip on his finger eased a little, Frankie curled it, rubbing against Aki's gland.

"Ooh! No fair!" Aki gasped and bucked against Frankie's lap. "I'm supposed to make you come."

"Do you want me to stop?" Frankie nudged Aki's sweet spot again. "I will if you want me to."

"N-no ... it feels good." Aki swirled his tongue around the crown of Frankie's prick and glanced up hopefully. "More please?"

"Whatever you want, baby." Frankie pulled his hand back and coated his fingers with more spit. He slid two of them back into Aki's amazingly tight ass.

"Oh, yeah..." Aki shifted onto his knees and rocked back, taking Frankie's fingers deeper. He was panting and his eyes were clamped shut, which meant Aki was either lost in the moment or at least concentrating on what Frankie was doing. Aki wrapped a hand around his own hard cock and started to stroke himself.

Damn, Aki was sexy. Frankie figured that he might have lost out on a blow job, but he didn't mind too much. Aki was giving him one hell of a show.

"Mmm, I almost forgot." Aki shifted again and buried his face back in Frankie's crotch.

Frankie popped before he meant to. He couldn't help it, not with those sweep lips sucking on him and that velvety tongue swabbing against his cock. Frankie bucked off the bed, driving deep into Aki's throat.

As soon as Frankie caught his breath, he turned his attention back to the tight, twitching muscles still gripping his fingers. Frankie slid his fingers in and out of Aki's ass, keeping pace with the slim hand pulling on Aki's cock.

Aki had to be close. Aki's entire body had tensed up and his breath was coming in short ragged pants accented by soft moans.

"Come on, baby, I want to see you come," Frankie murmured against Aki's shoulder. "The sooner you do, the sooner I can fuck you."

"Ooh, Frankie!"

It must have been intense. Aki's entire body convulsed as he came. Frankie felt it, too. Aki's ass rippled and clenched around his fingers, squeezing them tightly. Frankie couldn't wait to feel that around his cock.

Aki rolled onto his back, breathing heavily. He smiled up at Frankie. "I'm so lucky I found you."

"I don't know about that." Frankie sat back, watching Aki lounge. It was still hard to believe that fate dropped such an amazing young man in his lap, tonight of all nights.

"Look at me." Aki ran a finger through the sticky mess splattered on his stomach and held it out for Frankie to see. "I'm covered in come and hopefully about to be fucked cross-

eyed by a sweet and gorgeous man. That's pretty damned lucky if you ask me."

"I still say I'm the lucky one." Frankie slid off the bed and tugged off his rubber. He tossed it into the trash can near the bed. "Let's get cleaned up, and I'll see about fucking you cross-eyed."

"Sounds like a plan to me!" Aki bounced behind Frankie as they headed to the bathroom. "I can't wait to ride that gorgeous prick of yours."

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