Read Swing Online

Authors: Opal Carew

Tags: #Erotica

Swing (24 page)

Despite the clanging of warning bel s inside her head, a desperate longing for him pulsed through her.

His lips settled on hers and she wrapped her arms around him, her tongue surging forward to meet his.

"Oh Ty, I want you so badly."

He scooped her up and carried her to the bed, then placed her on it.

Red petals swirled around them as he settled down beside her.

She dragged her hand over the bulge in his pants. She'd been longing for his touch all day and now that she had

him alone, she could hardly wait. The proof that he wanted her, too, thril ed her. Melissa tugged his zipper down

and slid her fingers inside, stroking over his thin cotton briefs. A second later, she found his hot, hard flesh. She

grasped it in her hand and stroked.

"Oh, honey."

The need in his voice delighted her. His hand stroked along her inner thigh and her sex dampened as she

anticipated his touch, but he bypassed her aching womanhood and unfastened the buttons of her bodice,

exposing her breasts. She'd worn no bra tonight, choosing instead to let her breasts be free under her thin top,

in deference to the newfound exhibitionist within her.

He leaned toward her and his mouth covered one hot, hard nipple and he sucked deeply. She moaned, a sharp

pang of need darting from her breast to her vagina and it contracted. He licked her other nipple, while his finger

toyed with the first.

She threaded her fingers through his hair as he kissed down her stomach. He pul ed off her panties, then his hot

firm tongue licked her slick opening. It felt so good as it curled into her, then slid toward her clit. When he found

that hard, hidden button, she almost gasped.

His hands cupped her buttocks securely as his tongue stroked and swirled over her clit and a magical heat bore

down on her, swel ing inside her, exploding in tiny bursts of pleasure throughout her body.

"Come for me, Melissa," he murmured against her hot, slick flesh.

His tongue darted against her in a rapid-fire pulse.

Intense pleasure tore through her.

"Oh God, yes," Melissa wailed.

She clung to Ty's head as she catapulted into orgasm. His blazing charcoal eyes watched her as his mouth

worked its magic. The heat pelted through her, blazing in intensity, then slowly faded to a simmer.

He pushed himself upward, then embraced her. His arms felt so warm and secure around her. She wanted this

man so badly, and for more than sex, but she refused to think about that right now. At this moment, she focused

on how desperately she wanted to feel his cock inside her.

"Make love to me, Ty," she murmured.

Ty loved hearing those words from her lips. It's not that he didn't love to hear her talk dirty and ask him to fuck

her, but hearing her ask him to make love to her stirred him in a very different way.

He kissed her passionately, longing to tell her how much he loved her.

Instead, he gazed deeply and tenderly into her eyes and said, "I'd love to, sweetheart."

He stood up and released his belt then pushed his pants to the floor. She pul ed off her dress and flung it aside.

He prowled over her and captured her lips in a passionate, loving kiss.

His cock nudged her opening, then he slowly eased into her, enjoying every inch of her tight, hot vagina as he

pushed inside. She felt so incredible wrapped around him. He pul ed back and glided forward again.

He could definitely get used to this kind of heaven.

He moved within her in slow, deep, potent thrusts, her gaze locked with his. Within the simmering blue depths

of her eyes, he could see intense longing, and his heart swel ed. She threw her head back and moaned and he

felt the orgasm quiver through her, setting off a chain reaction in him. He exploded into her hot depths,

clutching her close to his heart.

"Oh God, Melissa. I love you."

Chapter 16

MELISSA HELD TY CLOSE TO HER, BLISSFULLY SATED. BUT Moments later, disturbing thoughts assailed her.

My God, he can't love me. That wouldn't be fair. He just can't. . . .

If he loved her, where did that leave his wife?

She thought about the fact that Suzanne was probably snuggled tightly against Shane right now, and pushed

away the thought that maybe Ty's wife was exactly where she should be—and all the disturbing possibilities set

off by that thought.

She sucked in a breath and released it slowly. Calmer now, she realized Ty didn't really love her. He'd said those

words in the heat of passion. Why had she even considered he might have meant it?

Because, she realized in despair, she wanted him to mean it. Because she loved him.

Damn it. How stupid could she be falling in love with Ty Adams?

Here was a man who happily gave his wife over to another man, and who made love to that other man's wife,

without a second thought. Either commitment meant nothing to him, which meant he was the wrong man for

Melissa, or the commitment between him and his wife was so strong, having sex with other people was no

threat. Either way, Melissa was left with a broken heart.

Remembering his disturbing question earlier this evening, the one he'd never finished asking, made her wonder

again if he was ready to leave his wife for her. . . . Her heart compressed. She wouldn't even consider that


Oh, Shane, why didn't you and I fall in love? That would have made life so easy . . . and safe.

As Ty waited for Suzanne to finish up in the bathroom, he undressed and wrapped a towel around his waist. He

glanced at his watch. He had about fifteen minutes before Melissa arrived to go to breakfast. He sat down in the

desk chair and started up his laptop. In his inbox, a message from Ashley told him she stil couldn't access the

link he'd sent with the video clip of him and Melissa. Apparently, she'd tried several times, thinking it was a Web

site problem, but still couldn't access it.

Damn, he needed to resolve this. It wasn't that he wanted his assistant to see him in all his naked glory, and he

definitely didn't want others to see Melissa, but he needed Ashley's help to find out who owned the Web site

and how to get that damned video off the web.

He clicked on the link and Melissa's delectable, naked body appeared, undulating in sexual bliss. His cock began

to rise and a deep yearning took hold of him. He couldn't take his eyes from the video, remembering that night,

remembering her delicate gasps against his cheek, his cock buried deep inside her.

A knock sounded at the door.


He clicked the pause button on the video player, then flicked on the screen saver.

Melissa hesitated in front of Ty's door. This was very weird. She was about to knock on her lover's door—at the

room he shared with his wife. Suzanne might even answer the door and invite her in, knowing she was having

sex with her husband. In fact, if Melissa suggested it, Suzanne would probably join them. An image of Suzanne,

with her bobbing breasts, her slender waist tapering to long, elegant hips as she'd waded into the water at the

pool that first morning reminded Melissa how incredibly sexy the woman was.

Yet Ty wanted to make love to Melissa. Of course, if someone has chocolate cheesecake everyday, vanilla

pudding might be considered a treat.

She sucked in a breath and knocked. The door opened and Ty smiled broadly, wearing only a towel slung low

around his hips, showing off his tightly ridged stomach, his muscular chest, and arms bulging in all the right

places. He tugged her to him, pushing closed the door behind them. He pressed her against it, his mouth

devouring hers. His kiss—along with the bulge pressing against her bel y—left little doubt that he definitely

considered her a treat.

Her hands stroked over his strong back, then slid upward to his shoulders. She forked her fingers through his

hair, becoming breathless as his tongue aroused and caressed her mouth. She arched her breasts against him,

wanting to be closer, wanting him to push his enormous cock into her here and now right against the door. She

slid one hand to his waist, toying with the corner of the towel tucked snugly underneath, easing it from its

secure position.

"Hi, Melissa."

Suzanne's sudden appearance surprised Melissa and her fingers dodged away from the thick, terry cloth. Ty

drew back, releasing her from his delicious embrace. To her horror, the corner of the towel slipped free and

dropped to the floor, leaving him totally naked. His long, hard cock pointed straight at her. Suzanne laughed and

grabbed up the towel then tossed it over Ty's shoulder.

"Here you go, dear." She smiled at Melissa. "I'm going out for a swim. You two have fun."

She winked, then slipped out the door.

Wide-eyed, Melissa stared at Ty. His cock, bobbing free and proud, twitched under her gaze.

"Keep looking at me like that and we won't make it to breakfast."

Her gaze flew back to his face. Chuckling, he leaned forward to give her a quick kiss, then wrapped the towel

around his waist again.

"As you can probably tell, I was just about to take a shower. Back in a flash." He disappeared into the bathroom.

Melissa glanced around, then sat in the chair in front of the desk. She picked up Ty's watch, sitting beside the

open laptop. She glanced at the digital readout: 10:33. They had a little under a half hour before the dining room

stopped serving breakfast. As she put the watch down, her hand accidental y brushed across the mouse and the

screen flickered to life. Replacing the fish swimming around on the screen was a full-sized picture of Melissa.

Total y naked. Her mouth open. Her head arched back. And Ty—visible only from the back, but definitely Ty—

caressing her breasts, his hips thrust forward.

Her heart raced in her chest as she glanced to the bottom of the screen. From the controls visible, she realized

this was a video. She clicked on the play button. The sound of their lovemaking, low but audible, shocked her,

almost as much as the sight of their bodies writhing in the throes of sexual intercourse.

"My God," she murmured. With shaking hands, she clicked the pause button, then minimized the screen. Behind

the video was an open e-mail from someone named Ashley saying that she couldn't access the link he'd sent her

to the Web site with the video. Melissa cal ed up the video again and found the link in the e-mail matched the

one on the open video screen.

She lurched to her feet. Oh God, this thing was on the Internet?

Had Ty arranged to have this video taken of them making love?

Had he posted it on the Internet? Her whole body flushed and she felt faint.

Oh God, how could he do this to her? What kind of man was he?

With a sinking feeling she realized she had no idea what kind of man Ty Adams was—or what kind of deceit he

was capable of.

She flew to the door.

Ty towel-dried his hair, then entered the bedroom.

"I'll be ready in a minute, honey." He dropped the towel from his head and glanced around.

Melissa was nowhere to be seen. He shook his head, wondering where she'd gone.

He dressed quickly, then headed for the door. As he opened it, his cel phone chimed.

Maybe that's Melissa.

Ty closed the door as he flipped open the phone.


"Hi, it's Ash. Boss, I have a hunch about that link. Are you at your computer?"

Ty sat down at the desk.

"I am now."

"Good. Try something for me, would you?"


"Find the name of the link and copy everything up to the first slash."

He clicked the mouse and Ashley's e-mail displayed.

Alarm bel s went off in his head. The video had been the front window open on the screen. His gaze darted

down to the task bar at the bottom of the screen. He clicked on the video player and it jumped to ful size.

The video was further along than he'd left it. His gut clenched.

Damn it. Melissa had seen it.

"Boss, you stil there?"

"Yeah, sorry." He pul ed up the e-mail again and highlighted the text Ashley had specified. "Got it."

"Click on start, then on the command window icon."


"Now type ping and paste the name of the link. It'll display an IP address."

A series of numbers displayed.

"One nine two, dot, one six eight, dot, one, dot zero three two," he read from the screen.

"Yesss! That's what I thought."

He didn't know why she was excited, but it encouraged him.

"Okay, so what does that mean?" he prompted.

"Well, since I can't seem to access the link and you can, it means the video is probably only accessible on the

resort's local computer network."

"So that means only people here at the resort can see it?"

"That's right. But," she cautioned, "they could make it accessible on the Internet at any time."

Relief flooded through him. The key was, it wasn't accessible now. That meant Melissa was not being displayed

to the entire world, including her friends and family, in a compromising video.

The gears in Ty's brain started churning. "Why would someone make this available to the resort only?" he

wondered out loud.

"Well, I've been thinking about that. If the video was splashed al over the Internet, it would kil the resort's rep, right? So whoever did this wanted it to appear that the resort's rep had been dealt a death blow, without

actually killing it."

"Which would make anyone at the club who saw it believe that the value of the club had dropped substantial y."

"As I see it, the main suspect is this Shane Mason guy. Since he wants to buy the resort, he'd love to push the

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