Sweet Obsession: Windy City Kink, Book 1 (36 page)

BOOK: Sweet Obsession: Windy City Kink, Book 1
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“Yes,” she whispered. “Oh God, yes. I love you, Jack.”

“I still have the money your dad gave me,” he said. “I never spent a penny of it. I took the plane ticket, but I was too stubborn to take his money. I have every intention of handing it back to him, one day.”

“Oh God. Jack. You’re amazing.”

“Yeah. I am.”

She sniffled out a laugh.

“There’s still something we need to talk about though,” he said quietly, his heart picking up a thumping beat.

“What? What is it?”

“Tying you up.”

Chapter Twenty-Six

The sharp thrill of the forbidden ran through Sasha. She knew that was what he wanted. She’d known it all along.

Excitement jittered over every nerve ending and her heartbeat accelerated.

“Been taking it slow,” Jack continued. “Trying to show you that you can trust me. Trying to show you that I’d never hurt you…”


He gaped at her.

She squeezed her eyes shut. This was harder. Harder to admit, to herself and to him. But she could do it. She opened her eyes and smiled, although her lips trembled a little. “Okay, Jack. I want you to do it. I want you to tie me up.”


“Yes.” She lifted a hand to touch his cheek. “I love you. I trust you. God, Jack. Everything…” Emotion rose up in her throat, choking her. “Everything you do. I just want…I want to make you happy.”

He regarded her somberly. “I appreciate that. Really. But I also want you to want this for yourself.”

“Yes. I want it.” She stared at him searchingly. “I was thinking earlier. After I left my parents. After I found out what had happened. I feel horrible, Jack. You were punished for something that wasn’t your fault. We both wanted to do what we were doing. You paid such a price.” She laid a palm on his warm cheek. “Too much of a price.”

“It made me the man I am,” he said roughly.

“I wasn’t brave enough to tell my parents. I was embarrassed. And my mom made me feel so ashamed. I didn’t want to tell them I’d agreed to that, that I’d wanted it as much as you. So I let them think you forced me to do it, when it wasn’t true. I’m so sorry, Jack.” She leaned up to meet his mouth in a soft, lingering kiss. “So yes. I want you to tie me up.”

“God, Sasha. I love you so much.”

They both rose off the couch and he led her by the hand out of the room, pausing at the sound system to start some music, then down the hall to the room at the end he kept locked. He keyed in a code and opened the door.

Lights came on at the touch of his fingers on a button, not bright, just a few recessed lights around the room that created a cozy feel. Blinds darkened the sole window.

Jack moved a chair from one side of the room to the middle. The music of “Love My Soul” by Agron filled the room, the sensuous rhythm and spacey tones evoking a flying, floaty feeling.

He went to the cabinet and studied the selection of ropes, finally choosing one and unraveling it as he walked toward her. “I wanted to do this last night, when you were wearing my jewelry.”

She smiled and reached for the hem of her T-shirt, drawing it over her head, then unfastening her bra. When it fell away from her, he drew in a sharp breath. “You’re wearing them.”

She nodded. “I love them. But I’m not wearing the clit clip right now. Just these.”

“So beautiful.” He approached her and cupped her full breasts, staring at them with rapt interest. The look on his face, the admiration and arousal, made her quiver inside. “So fucking hot, Sasha.”

“I was hot all last night wearing these,” she whispered. “My nipples are still sensitive. And my pussy… God, every time I moved and it pinched me, I wanted to come.”

“Thank you,” he said hoarsely. “For wearing them.

“So pretty.” He brushed his fingertips over her nipples. “Take off your jeans and have a seat.” He gestured to the chair.

She sat, naked other than the tiny gold rings on her breasts.

“Fuck,” he breathed. He picked up the rope and ran it between his hands. She watched, enthralled at the way his long fingers handled it, her pussy going warm and tight at the sight. God. Finally. After all the dreams and fantasies she’d had, it was going to really happen. And it was Jack. There was no one else she would ever do this with.

“Sometimes I like to start with a bath,” Jack said, stroking the rope with a seductive caress. “And then a massage. We’ll do that next time.”

She swallowed and nodded.

“Stand up, Sasha.”

She stood and he moved behind her, pressing against her back. He slid an arm around her and laid his hand on her chest. And waited. Questions rose to her lips, but she held them back, trying to be patient. Her chest lifted and fell against his hand, and then she became aware of his body moving with hers as they breathed in tandem.

“Do you feel that?” he murmured at her ear.


“Give yourself over to it,” he whispered. “Just focus on breathing. Both of us, breathing together.”

He was matching his breathing to hers, and as she focused on each inhalation and exhalation their bodies melded, joining. She closed her eyes and soon felt almost as if she were floating.

He gently moved away, but still kept touching her. “I’ll give you the choice,” he said. “Blindfolded or not.”


He met her eyes. “Sometimes it helps, if you’re nervous. It helps you go inside yourself and just give yourself over to the experience. But if you don’t want it, I won’t do it.”

If Jack said it would help, then she would do it. “Blindfolded.”

He nodded and retrieved a length of silk from a drawer in the cabinet. He tied it firmly over her eyes and her world became darkness. The music continued to pulse and flow around them.

“Now I begin,” he said softly, his hands moving on her body in gentle caresses. “Now there’s just you and me, Sasha. Let everything else go, all those old feelings of shame or fear. If it feels good, it’s right. Just focus on my voice and my touch.”

She nodded and tried to do that. Her skin tingled everywhere and nerves jumped in her stomach. Then a different touch brushed her skin. The rope. He slid it over her skin, just touching her with it, a soft graze, a rough kiss, and then he moved around her, knotting and looping and tightening the rope into a firm embrace. Knots pressed against sensitive places and warm, heady pleasure slid through her veins.

She quivered with anticipation, not knowing where the next touch of the rope would be, and he drew out the exquisite expectation until every nerve ending burned. The ropes were like an extension of his touch, different but thrilling.

“I love hearing your sighs,” he said. “I love seeing my ropes on your beautiful body.” Her wrists were fastened and adrenaline punched through her at the knowledge that she was utterly helpless. Her breathing quickened and she made a small noise. Instantly Jack stopped and massaged her shoulders and the back of her neck. “Sssh. It’s okay, Sasha. Relax. I’m right here, and I’m only here for your pleasure.”

Again she nodded, there in the dark, his firm touch soothing her, calming her racing heart.

“Remember,” he urged. “Go inside yourself.”

“I don’t know what that means.”

“Sure you do. Pay attention to how you’re feeling, what you’re hearing. My voice. The music. My touch. The hug of the ropes.”

She did what he told her. The ropes pressed against her skin, holding her in a firm embrace. Jack’s hands stroked her, heating her, gentling her, his touch both comforting and arousing. Her pussy pulsed and ached, and her breasts swelled against the rope that bound her above and below them. The rough rope pulling against her skin contrasted with the touch of Jack’s hands. As he tightened the rope and it moved over itself and over her body, a jittery sensation vibrated through the ropes and transferred to her body, her pussy. She inhaled deeply, the ropes tightened, and she absorbed the sensation, took it deep into her and let it carry her up.

“Yes,” Jack whispered. “That’s it. So beautiful. Fly. Fly high. Now you’re bound, you have no choice, Sasha. Now you’re bound by rope but not by inhibition or shame. Do you feel it?”

“Y-yes.” She had no choice. She could only surrender to it. And with a rush of relief, she did so, letting the embrace of the rope and Jack’s arms lift her up. Her head went light and floaty.

She didn’t know how long it took, no sense of time remaining with her in her dark cocoon of sensation. But then he’d finished binding her, and he moved around her and touched her body, her stomach, her pubic curls, her thighs. He gently pinched both nipples, the small gold rings delivering a sting of pleasure that shot to her pussy. He stroked her hair, tugging it gently out of the ponytail so it brushed her shoulders, running his fingers through it, and honey flowed through her veins, slow and sweet. She became a hot glow of sensation, rubs and pats, licks and nibbles. Peace and beauty.

A faint rustle reached her ears and then warm air brushed over her pussy. Jack’s breath. He must have gone to his knees on the floor in front of her. She opened her mouth and a long exhalation rushed out of her as her pussy clenched hard. His hands on her thighs eased them apart and he nuzzled her curls, then took in a long, audible breath.

“You smell delicious,” he rasped. “All wet and female.” And he used his tongue to gently taste her. She shuddered, at his mercy. But God, it felt so good.

“You want this, don’t you, Sasha?” He played with her pussy lips with his tongue and his fingers, the ache inside her intensifying to an almost unbearable ecstasy.


She felt as if she was being held, firm and safe and loved. Warmth spread through her body and she absorbed it and let it relax her, flowing through her like liquid pleasure.

Yes, she was incredibly vulnerable, but as her body floated through space she felt an amazing freedom. And joy.

The song changed to Snow Patrol’s “The Lightning Strike”, piano chords moving into smooth, haunting vocals. The tempo quickened, as did her pulse.

Jack’s hands continued to fondle and pet her, everywhere, between her legs where she was drenched, then her ass, teasing the sensitive crease there, rubbing his stubbled face there, nipping her with teeth and lips until her body almost couldn’t bear any more. She thought about crying, “Stop!” But she bit her lip, because she knew if she said that, he
stop and even though she wasn’t sure if she could bear any more—she wanted to find out. She wanted to find out how far she could go, how strong she was. Who she was.

Oh God. This was incredible, flying, floating, soaring. The music in the background was a reflection of her feelings, rising in a thrilling, frightening crescendo of voice and piano chords, and she let it fill her too, adding to the dark excitement twisting up inside her.

Jack’s hands seemed to transfer an energy to her body, some kind of force. He seemed to know when to ease off, when her soft whimpers and her breathing accelerated. He stroked her close to orgasm more than once, then stopped, leaving her pulsing and aching and breathless.

“Give it to me,” he murmured. “Give it all to me.”

She wasn’t sure what he meant, but she let herself go, because that was all she could do. As she drifted, images passed through her mind, Jack as a teenager, the excitement that had heated her blood when they’d agreed that he was going to tie her up that night. She remembered all the dreams she’d had, the longing she’d experienced for that, to be bound, to be his.

God. She’d always wanted this, and even though Jack had gone away, this craving never had. It had hidden deep inside her, dormant and tucked away, now bursting out of her in this incredible pleasure. Release. Freedom.

He touched her clit, settling his fingers over it wetly. Electricity jolted through her and then he moved his fingers to plunge inside her and put his mouth on her. The music swelled and rose in a matching climax.

He suckled on the sensitive bud, slowly, gently, until she exploded with ecstasy, bursting into pieces of light and heat, her blood scalding her as it rushed through her veins, all the way to her fingers and toes. She shuddered and twisted, the ropes holding her together, keeping her from coming all the way apart in a firm embrace. The waves of pleasure went on and on and the cries kept spilling from her lips for long moments of exquisite agony and dark bliss. He pulled her to the floor and wrapped his arms and legs around her and held her so tightly, so carefully, as her body pulsed and vibrated. “Sasha,” he whispered against her hair. “So beautiful, goddamn. So fucking beautiful. I love you so much.”

This connection she felt with Jack, this lack of embarrassment at wanting something like this, the way he understood her and wanted to give this to her, made her heart open to him, so wide, and emotion swelled inside her. Tears leaked helplessly from her eyes, wetting the blindfold, some sliding beneath it to run down her cheeks. A small sob escaped her.

Emotion continued to rage in her in a small storm, her head light, her heart shaking, her breath coming in ragged bursts. All the guilt and shame washed away, replaced with peace and acceptance. The song faded away into silence.

He held her tightly, petting her and stroking her everywhere, his arms and the rope holding her snug and secure. “It’s okay, I’ve got you,” he whispered. “You did so great, Sasha. Wow.”

BOOK: Sweet Obsession: Windy City Kink, Book 1
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