Read Summon Lyght Online

Authors: Kenra Daniels,Azure Boone

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Angels, #Demons & Devils

Summon Lyght (12 page)

BOOK: Summon Lyght
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Chapter Twelve


Kassie stood immobile until her legs told her she was going to turn into a scarecrow if she didn
't move. But it was hard when you stood in the center of a room of diamonds. The white walls and abstractly arched ceilings glistened as though painted with diamond dust. And the floor! It reminded her of the Mr. Clean commercials with that seamless wet floor of blue, only this was a light blue, like a pastel blue sky frozen in rock beneath her feet. The chandelier hanging above her head could easily be the eighth Wonder of the World. The thing was the size of…a spaceship.

My lord,
she thought, turning in small circles while looking up at the contraption holding layers and layers of diamonds. The base where it attached to the ceiling looked like the roots of a tree buried into the surface. Like if you could see on the other side, you'd find giant fingers clutching the thing tight to the roof, which seemed suspiciously diamond-like as well.

She raised a trembling hand to her mouth and gasped finally. She looked around then, noticing something odd. All around it was so bright but…she couldn
't find any source of light. Like the diamonds were lit from within.

Just. Fascinating. And impossible. All of it. Every damn bit of it. She was dreaming. She knew it with all her heart. Just a dream. Every ridiculous bit of it. Either that or she
'd died. And was in…not Heaven. Some kind of limbo maybe.

She stared at the wall of white sheers before her and made her way to it. She paused just next to them, stroking them softly. Diamond fabric? She gasped a light laugh and moved them aside. And gasped again.
"My God.". She couldn't resist the smile of awe and joy that filled her face as she stared out at what could be considered a miniature Garden of Eden. A vegetable garden! An irreverent giggle burst out before she could stop it.

A closer look at the window revealed a huge door. Unable to resist, she took hold of the diamond-looking handle and the door sort of shimmered for half a heartbeat and vanished. Hysterical joy escaped her in odd sounding giggles at the sheer delight of such a discovery.

Hurrying out into the garden, the cook in her glimpsed maturing vegetables and fragrant herbs, already planning meals to take advantage. After a few seconds just absorbing it all, she looked closer at the strange dome covering the garden all around. The sky was clearly visible beyond what appeared to be glitter-filled air. It took her breath away. She turned her full attention to the garden and began to explore.

Whoever planned this little Eden had been a master. She chuckled a little. Of course he was. Vegetables, fruits, herbs and
grew in natural-looking groupings that allowed each plant to flourish
No chemical fertilizers or pesticides in
garden, or she missed her guess.

Sudden emotion threatened to overwhelm Kassie and she let out a sob.

"Why are you crying?"

Startled, she spun to find Lyght right behind her. Feeling like a fool, she wiped her eyes quickly.

He caught her hand and drew her knuckles to his lips. "Don't hide it. Your tears are precious to me." He stroked her wet cheeks with a soft thumb.

Such a display of vulnerability left her feeling awkward and self-conscious. Until she allowed herself to look into his eyes, and marveled at the reflection of the diamond wonder surrounding them.

He stroked his thumb along her chin. "Do you like it?" His husky tone thickened with worry as though her approval meant everything to him.

How could he ask such a thing? Surely he must know? She swallowed down her emotions.
"Like it? Is it possible for someone to not like it?" 

His perfect face broke into a smile that demanded she look away or kiss him where he stood.

Kassie could barely contain the ecstatic giggles that threatened to overcome her awe. "Look at it. It's what I imagined the Garden of Eden to look like."

Perfect." His breath stirred her hair a little. "I told them to make sure it had everything you love."

's heart ached hard in her chest. She looked at him. Looked at this…being that stole her breath and made her feel like the brightest star in the universe. She wanted to know so many things but worried the questions might dispel the dream.

He suddenly took her face between his hands and turned it up to him. Her heart beat madly as she stared into his intense gaze.

"You're not dreaming, sweetheart." He placed a soft kiss at the edge of her mouth. "I'm real. And I…" he paused and straightened. "…need to talk to you."

Kassie felt a dark cloud of fear slowly encroach on the wonder of it all.

Lyght swiped the air with his hand and shook his head. "Don't. You must trust me, love."

The dark feeling dissipated and she couldn
't stop the burst of laughter that took its place. If the situation got any crazier, she would start searching out the hidden cameras. Then there would be no denying the whole thing was some sort of cruel game.

She looked around, her gaze landing on the herbs and vegetables. The bubbly joy from when she first entered the garden flooded her.
"I want to cook for you!" The words came on an excited gasp.

's deep laughter sent a thrill through her. He scooped her up in his arms and spun around, making her squeal. "Cook for me! Like a…" His face slowly grew serious and he set her down. "We need to talk."

Okay. Inside?" Kassie forced herself to keep her cool, relying on years of ranch life practice. He must
need to talk.

He held his hand out for her to go first.
"I'll brew tea for you. I had a special blend prepared."

You? Fix tea? For me?" The very incredulity of the idea made her stop in her tracks.

He stared down at her, his perfectly smooth forehead puckered with dismay.
"You think I

She laughed and shook her head.
"No, I just…" She lowered her eyes, not wanting to get all goofy emotional. "I'm just not sure why you would, I mean I'm…"

Lyght took her face between his hands, startling a small squeal loose, and kissed her like he
'd devour her.

A little moan slowly worked its way up her throat and right into his mouth. He answered with a deep rumbling sound, nearly a growl, and his tongue plundered her mouth with a hunger that made her helpless and dizzy. And his
! How could she have gone without noticing it earlier? A potent combination of spices and citrus and wood, everything she liked and associated with masculinity.

He pulled up and she panted with desperation while staring into his hooded gaze. The things she saw in his eyes only made the universe spin harder. His brows were drawn hard as if whatever emotion filled him caused him great pain.

And there was something else, but she wasn't sure what, only that it stole her breath and left her unbalanced. Power. That's as close as she could come to identifying it. Raw, magical, power. Right in his tongue along hers, in the hungry grip of his hands on her waist. He suddenly took her hand and led her back toward the door she'd come out.

Kassie marveled at the exterior of their little…home? Calling it that seemed like the understatement of the century. But no matter what she called it, there was nothing pretty about it. The surface was a vast chunk of weathered stone, relieved only by the gigantic cut diamond framing the opening they walked through. She gawked when she discovered the delicately faceted wall was nearly two feet thick.

Once inside he led her through another intricately cut doorway. When Kassie froze, Lyght paused and turned to her with a soft smile. She looked around, a single gasp escaping her for every marvel.

At first glance, the appliances looked like black enamel but the surface had an odd depth which, on closer examination, turned out to be translucent stone that darkened progressively to a black center.

"They're made of diamond, like the rest of the house." Lyght looked around like a child proud of a just completed project.

Kassie fought to drag enough air into her lungs but despite the effort her vision started to go black around the edges.

"You're going to hyperventilate sweetheart," Lyght whispered with a gentle smile.

She gasped a faint laugh and covered her mouth, gaze landing on the diamond faucet in the sink. Unbelievable. The diamond cabinet doors were translucent, nearly clear, while the bases were in solid hues of cloudy black to match the appliances and floor. The walls were breathtaking in swirling delicate pink rose entwined with other shades of pink ranging from near-
white to deep mauve. 


Pleased? Do say you love it, I toiled for many minutes designing it, wanting it perfect for you."

She laughed outright in amazement. Surely he was joking.

He went to the fridge and opened it.
"I filled it with all the foods you love." He turned to the diamond wall next to him and touched a depression. The surface slid inside itself, uncovering shelves—diamond, of course—full of baskets that appeared to be woven from long flexible diamond reeds in various complementary colors.

They hold every sort of food not needing refrigeration." His voice rose slightly with growing panic, prompting Kassie to inspect his beautiful face and find it lined with worry.

She quickly went to him, wanting to clear any trace of fear from his mind. How did one dispel worry from…from an
The very idea seemed ludicrous in more ways than one.

She touched his arm and he devoured the gesture by pulling her into a hungry embrace.
"I'm…I'm truly dumbfounded with amazement," she whispered, suddenly forgetting everything except those diamond eyes boring into hers.

Are you? Truly?" The nearly reverent tone he used stirred feelings of acute tenderness within her.

She nodded falling the rest of the way into his arms.

His eyes glowed with that agonizing need from earlier.
"Dumbfounded…is a good thing?"

She barely nodded with another whispered

Thank God." He slowly lowered his mouth to hers.


Lyght struggled to focus. "I need to talk to you." After several long moments spent devouring Kassie's mouth, he moved to her neck, unable to keep from tasting.

Talk to me."

The desperate need in her voice drew a groan from Lyght.
Talk to me.
And she didn't mean with words. But with his body. More of what he was doing. She'd said
make love to me
in his mind, and his body acted on it, hands splaying over her bottom, pulling her firmly into his own exceedingly hard need.

She gasped in his ear and lifted her leg in a slow caress along his thigh.

To Lyght, it seemed only right to help her get it higher. Hell, it would feel even more right to have them wrapped around him. He must have spoken the thought aloud because she wordlessly agreed and eagerly straddled his waist, clinging to his neck with sultry moans. The desperation in her sweet voice left him utterly powerless not to answer.

Lyght was suddenly in danger. Her sex undulated right against his abs and he was mere milliseconds away from dissolving their clothes and sheathing his cock inside her sweet body.

Pleasure. Pleasure is what she needed. He'd have to wait. God, help him.

He laid her on the table and she gasped when the annoying fabric hiding her body from him went poof. Lyght dropped his head back and growled through the power vibrating through him, the sound of an angel on fire. With a thought he opened her legs wide, not in the mood to wait another bloody second. She needed his tongue on her an eternal five minutes ago.

Lyght blew warm breath over her secrets, letting her scent intoxicate him in the strange way that it did. Never in all his existence had he been effected in such a way. The scent of her. Unique in all the Universes. He whispered his tongue over her beautiful ache, the sound of her pleasure more angelic than anything he'd ever heard. And Father in heaven. The taste of his…
Her essence was a divine fingerprint on his spirit. And it moved him like the hand of God.

And obedience came so very easily and certainly.

His sweet Kassie held his head, her fingers demanding he not leave until he fulfilled her. Nothing could move him from that spot. His hunger to bring her to climax surged and he thrust his tongue inside her, tasting her approaching orgasm. Her essence became sharper, more impossibly addictive. Lyght growled and groaned his way through the fearful amount of desire pounding in his every angelic cell and pore. He allowed a bit into his lips and tongue, feeling his diamond radiance growing perfectly hot.

Lyght! Oh God!"

BOOK: Summon Lyght
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