Read Sugah & Spice Online

Authors: Keke Chanel

Sugah & Spice (40 page)

Reaching out for Richard’s hand, Charlotte held it tight. She didn’t want to let him go, ever. He looked into her eyes for any sign of pain. When he was certain that she was feeling better, he kissed her lips. “You scared me! I don’t ever want to feel that feeling again. Now, can you please just tell me what
the hell just
happened, please,” he pleaded with her. “I’ll go put on some tea and bring you back some of those gingerbread cookies you like so much, but when I get back, we will be having a very important discussion young lady.”

Charlotte laughed, nodding her head in agreement. Richard was truly a great man. He knew just how to take care of her. Her life had purpose. Even with the cancer she felt fulfilled. The only missing link was her sister. “Soon”, she told herself. “Soon we will be together again.”

When Richard returned with the tea and cookies, Charlotte filled him in on everything about her. She was careful not to leave out anything, even the parts that weren’t so pleasant, like the time when she lived with her Aunt Margaret and entered into the “family business”. He didn’t flinch. He listened intently to her every word, caressing her as she laughed, cried and got furious along the journey.

ichard wasn’t there to judge. He had been through that and probably much more
he fact that she was still standing, was a blessing. The only thing that he was concerned about in that moment was
finding Charlotte’s sister so that they could be together
as a family
. He wondered if Sugah ever knew about having an aunt. Before he could ask, Charlotte shook her head at him. “No, she does not. I want to tell her but I wanted to have some kind of information first.
All I have is this,

she said holding out her hand with the last known address of her sister provided by the private investigator she hired years ago.

he is going to be devastated because
this has been
kept from her so long
he deserves to know
, Charlotte
I know that it’s going to be hard but
I will be right by your side. We
will get through this together,” Richard assured her.

That night they snuggled up together and drifted off into a wonderful sleep. Charlotte didn’t feel any more pain
and Richard was grateful for it. He also knew in his heart that he wanted to marry Charlotte Payne and make her happy for the remainder of their days. The next morning when he got up, he was going to shop for a ring. And not just any ring, the perfect ring, for his perfect lady. She would become his wife. All of his prayers were being answered and he was truly thankful. God was awesome, Richard thought.
He suddenly thought about Sugah and what would become of her once she learned that her mother had been keeping family secrets from her.

































Chapter 31


Simone smiled as she greeted her two houseguests. She was nervous but tried to remain calm. If they saw her as weak, her plan wouldn’t work and if she wanted to be free of her evil sister she needed allies. “Come in, come in. Make yourself at home. Follow me into the den,” she said.

Java and Latte looked at each other and then around the beautifully decorated home. Everything was perfectly placed, color-coordinated,
and expensive. They still had impeccable taste, Java acknowledged even if they are evil. Latte said nothing. She was still taking it all in. Where had they gotten all the amazing artwork and accessories from? She hadn’t seen anything like them before, but was impressed. She loved art and design, although she was an attorney. She and Espresso spent several months designing her one of a kind house, ducked off in t
he hills, for much needed peace
and privacy. She was tempted to ask Simone where the pieces came from, but they were there on other pressing issues. Maybe another time, she thought.

“So Simone, why are we here? I am surprised you even had the guts to call me. I should blow your
brains out all ove
r this expensive furniture for
the shit you and that bitch of a sister pulled on me! I must be a fool or a bitch that is not to be messed with to be up in here right now,” Java spat.


Shit just got live

, Latte said
to no one in particular trying not to laugh
. She knew that those two would eventually run into each other
and that they would have to hash out whatever it was between them, but she wasn’t prepared to be a witness to a murder. Hell, she could lose her license to practice law. “Whoa, whoa, who
a, let’s just calm down
a bit
, take it down a notch or two,
try to
talk like the adults and ladies that we are, please!
J, Simone didn’t have to invite us over to her home, but the fact that she did gives reason enough to know that she is trying to make peace. Let’s just hear what she has to say and then be on our merry way. I cannot,
wait allow me to rephrase that”, Latte said putting her hand up, “
will not and hope that I’m not going to be involved in some
bullshit. Trust me, you two will have hell to pay, now can we please

!”Simone breathed a sigh of relief
, rubbed her temples and sat down on the plush sofa

Thank goodness for Latte and her rational thinking
, Java thought watching her friend try to keep peace between her and Simone
Java knew that had Mya been there, she wouldn’t need an attorney, a judge or jury. She would have gone to the nearest jail and surrendered, and murder would be her reason.
She knew in that moment that involving
was her best decision yet. “Thanks Latte.”

“I didn’t do that for you. I did it for me
so don’t
twisted, honey
”, Latte said smoothing down her perfectly groomed hair
She was dressed the part of all business. Her tailored black pencil skirt, black waist-length blazer and six-inch Jimmy Choos, spoke Lawyer who wasn’t into playing games. She didn’t want to be there but if she was, she didn’t need any bullshit. “
Now, I would really like a bottle of water. J, you straight, you want this bitch to get you anything?”
Despite the situation, Java burst into laughter. Leave it to Latte and her witty comments to lighten the mood, she thought.
She truly loved her friend. Latte gave her a quick wink, but made sure to keep a straight face.

Who did these two bitches think they were?
Simone didn’t find anything
but found herself slightly amused by the little fiasco Latte was portraying. She was a riot, Simone thought.
But i
f they were laughing, it was all good.
She would be cool for now, but if things got heated, she wouldn’t be too willing to back down. Those days of being pushed around were over.
All she needed from them was a little bit of insurance. When the shit hit the fan with Mya, she needed to have someone in her corner and who better than Java and Latte, an investment banker and a lawyer! She smiled to herself.

“What’s so funny, Simone? Would you like to share because I for damn sure can use a good bit of humor to enlighten this fucked up situation,” Latte spoke boldly. “Now, I asked for something to drink. J, are you sure that you don’t want anything?”

, I’m good. I don’t want this bitch to fix me anything
and Latte you may wanna think twice about that bottle of water. She and her sister are two scandalous tramps. I could be watching her fix it
and still wouldn’t trust her ass. I am A-Okay. Trust and believe! Now, can we get whatever this is o
er with soon? I have somewhere else I need to be in an hour.”

“Sure thing,” Simone nodded. “I’ll be right back with her water and we can begin.”

“Hey, before you go,” Latte said snapping her fingers at Simone. “Just remember that I am not a Bitch to fuck with. I eat cunts like you for breakfast every day, okay. So just bring me my bottled water and don’t try anything dumb. If you can do that, we won’t have any problems Simone,” Latte spat looking like a lioness who would take the head off of her prey if she had to.
The look on her face spoke volumes, which Simone found in that moment funny and a bit over the top. She was going for a Golden Globe. She turned and smiled an evil smirk. Java was clueless as to who to trust.

red around the corner into the kitchen, she breathed. She hadn’t realized that she had been holding her breath while
The sooner she could get them out of the house, the better. She didn’t need Mya coming home to see or find them there. That wouldn’t go over well. She knew that Java and her sister could never be in the same place at the same time without going to war. But she knew why Java despised Mya
he just didn’t know why Mya hated Java so much.
Simone also thought about all the things Latte had just said to her. She never knew how feisty she was. Something inside of her didn’t like all those rude comments. Simone didn’t like them not one bit. Latte had better hope that things worked out her way because if not, she would be in for a rude awakening. “Bitch, who does she think she is”, Simone said under her breath. She was not a pushover, even though everyone thought so. It was time to show them the real Simone. The one who could turn their worlds upside down in an instance, and not think twice about it
she wasn’t to be
ed with.
Grabbing three bottles of water from the frig just in case Java changed her mind, Simone hurried back into the den.

“Here we go ladies”, she said handing each woman a bottle of chilled Perrier.
Both ladies took the water and Latte
immediately twisted
hers open and took a long sip. The coolness of the water eased her nervousness. She knew how Java was and how much she didn’t care of the other woman sitting in the room with them. Why did she get herself into this? She could be at home getting dicked down right about now, but no, she loved drama. That’s probably why she became a lawyer. Well, when she got back home, it was on. She crossed her legs just thinking about the way her man put it down on her. She couldn’t wait to fee
l his dick inside her pussy,
her mouth,
down her throat.

“Are you okay? You over there squirming and shit, what’s up?” Java knew that look and body movements of a woman in heat. Hell, she was
herself, in need of some powerful dick, but here she was, sitting in the house with a bitch she loved and a bitch she hated. Would her life get any better aside from work?

Latte felt a bit embarrassed. She felt her cheeks turn red as she blushed. “Sorry, I’m okay. I am just horny as hell and you two are keeping me away from my dick. Now, can we please just say whatever it is to be said so I can take my ass home
and get laid
bitches making me miss out on some good
, good
loving, damn!”

Java and Simone both laughed. They knew Latte well enough to know that she wasn’t playing. She was dead serious and gave them both killer looks. She took another sip of her water. Afterwards, she folded her arms over her chest in her “don’t play with me” manner, waiting on their little meeting to begin.

Simone cleared her throat. She stood in front of the massive fireplace so that both ladies could see her
and so that she could see them. Sure at one point they had all been close, but she trusted no one, especially after discovering just how evil her own flesh and blood was. Women were not to be messed with
or trusted, especially the ones closest to you, Simone thought

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