Steven: A Billionaire Stepbrother Romance Novel (17 page)

“You’re making me cum, baby,” he said, as he closed his eyes.

“Cum on me,” I responded, immediately. “Cum all over me.”

Steven nodded and then I watched as his face began to change. He turned his head slightly to the side, his face grimacing with pleasure.

“I’m coming,” his whispered, so quietly that it was barely audible.

Suddenly, he pulled his cock out of me and began jerking himself off quickly. A second later there were thick, ropey streams of white liquid pouring out of tip and onto my stomach and breasts. Steven groaned as he leaned his head back, letting the orgasm take him over.

Cum continued pouring out of his crown, the hot liquid falling all over my torso like thick raindrops. The muscles in his body flexed as he completed his orgasm, letting out a final sigh.

“Oh, my God,” he said, as he exhaled.

He stood over me for a second, just breathing deeply. Then finally he opened his eyes.

“I’m always amazed at how hard you can make me cum,” he said, as he slowly caught his breath.

After a moment, he crawled next to me on the bed. We kissed gently and passionately for a little bit, then he pulled away.

“You want to take a shower with me?” he asked.

I nodded slowly, “Yes. I’ll meet you in there. Go get the water started so it’s warm when I get in.”

Steven kissed me quickly and then hopped off of the bed, making his way toward the bathroom to start the shower. While Steven was in the bathroom, I slowly crawled off of the bed and found a towel to clean off the sticky mess that Steven had made on me.

I felt amazing and relaxed after the sex, though. A smile was on my face and there was a little spring to my step as I walked. But as I began making my way toward the shower to meet Steven, a sinking feeling came over me.

The pregnancy...

It wasn’t that I had forgotten that I was pregnant, though. How could I have? But the intense sex had, for a while anyway, completely taken my mind off of that fact that Steven didn’t even know yet.

I slipped my panties back on and began to pace nervously around the room. I started to feel queasy and my stomach began to tie itself up in knots. I had no idea how exactly I was going to break the news to Steven and I also had no clue how he was going to react.

Is it the right time to tell him? Oh, God...what is he going to say? Maybe I should just wait for a few weeks. Or maybe I should tell him now...I don’t know.

These thoughts rattled around in my brain as I paced the room. I was carrying his baby. And after three boxes of pregnancy tests with every single one of them showing positive, I knew that it wasn’t just a fluke.

From where I was standing in the room, I could hear Steven humming to himself in the shower. I smiled as I listened to him. I was pretty sure that he was humming the same song that he had played on piano the just a few weeks prior. Clearly, the sex had put him in a good mood.

I’m going to have to tell him at some point. So I might as well just get it over with.

I couldn’t bear the weight any more. I needed to let it go. I had to tell him. So I walked over to the bathroom door.

“Steven,” I said. “Can you come out here for a minute.”

Steven responded, “Why don’t you come in here? The water is warm.”

I took a breath, trying to calm my nerves.

“Please, Steven,” I called out, over the sound of the running water. “I need to talk to you out here.”

I then walked back to the bed and took a seat, feeling as my heart pumped adrenaline through my body.

“Oh, God...” I whispered. “Here we go.”

I brought my gaze toward the bathroom, where I saw Steven step out of the shower, his muscular body covered in water droplets, causing his skin to shine. He grabbed a towel and dried himself off, then slipped on his white robe that was hung on the wall.

He looked toward me, a smile crossing his face, as he stepped out of the bathroom. He tied the waist part of the robe together, but kept the top open, allowing his tanned chest to show. Then he stepped up to me.

“I know that face,” he said.

My hands began to tremble with nervousness, but I shrugged my shoulders.

“What face?” I asked.

Steven laughed and then sat next to me on the bed, wrapping an arm around my waist.

“I’d recognize that face anywhere. It’s the one where you have something on your mind. Even if you hadn’t told me, I’d have known,” Steven responded. “So what is it, baby? Tell me what’s going on.”

I closed my eyes for a moment, drawing in a long, deep breath. Then I turned toward him, opening my eyes. He looked back at me, a look of concern replacing his boyish smile.

“Steven...” I said.

He kept his gaze locked onto my face as I spoke. After a few seconds of pause, I continued.

“I’m...pregnant,” I finally said.

The words came out of my mouth and it felt like a giant weight had instantly been lifted off of my shoulders. But you could have heard a pin drop in that room. It was dead silent for a moment, as the words fell upon Steven’s ears.

“You’re...” Steven began to say.

I nodded and interrupted him.

“Yes, Steven,” I said. “I’m pregnant. You’re going to be a dad.”

Steven swallowed and his lips parted slightly from shock. He kept his eyes locked with mine. Nervousness still filled my body as we looked at each other. Time seemed to grind to a halt as we sat there in silence.

Finally, after a few moments, a slow smile began to cross Steven’s face.

“I’m going to be a dad?” he asked, as if I hadn’t already made that fact clear. “You’re telling me that you’re pregnant? With my baby? With

I nodded and felt myself beginning to smile inside. His reaction was one of pure excitement and joy, causing my nervousness to fade away quickly.

“Yes,” I said. “We’re going to be parents, Steven.”

Steven jumped up from the bed, unable to contain his excitement.

“Oh, my God, Kelsey,” he said, his smile growing wider. “I can’t believe this! How long have you known?”

I shrugged my shoulders and said, “Well, I had missed my period by a couple of weeks, but I waited to buy a pregnancy test because I thought that maybe the missed period was stress-induced. But I finally bought the tests today. I took three boxes worth of tests and they all showed up as positive. I found out just before I came over.”

Steven’s look of shock was still plastered on his face. I still couldn’t believe that he was having such a positive reaction to the news. I guess I had always imagined most guys’ reactions would have been quite a bit different. But as always, Steven managed to surprise me.

“This is the best news ever,” he said. “I mean I’ll admit, I’m a little bit scared. I don’t know how to be a dad. In fact, I don’t know the first thing about being a father.”

His initial look of joy began to turn into a look of concern, like he was already worried that he was not going to be a great father.

“Come here, baby,” I said, motioning for him to come back to the bed.

Steven stepped toward me, and then leaned down, gently kissing me on the cheek. After that, he crawled onto the bed, wrapping his arm around my waist and causing me to gently lay down next to him. I cuddled up next to his body, my back pressed against him as he pulled me close.

“You’re going to be a great dad,” I said.

And I wasn’t lying. I knew that he would be an awesome father. He was the best man that I had ever met. He was sweet, caring, emotionally in-tune, compassionate and loving. He was going to be the best father in the world.

Steven leaned forward, bringing his lips to my ear.

“This is crazy,” he said. “I just...I just can’t even believe it.”

I smiled and then rolled over so that I was facing him. Then I brought my hand up to his face, gently caressing his cheek.

“It was meant to be, you know?” I said. “It was all meant to be. From the moment I laid eyes on you at our parent’s wedding, to the moment that we first became intimate. It was meant to be. We didn’t have a choice but to follow this path. And as crazy as it got at some points along the way, we stayed the course. We let our love for each other guide us. And now we’re going to bring another life into this world. It’s all so perfect, Steven.”

Steven nodded slowly. For the first time ever, he didn’t say a word in return. He just nodded in agreement, a smile crossing his face, as he closed his eyes and pulled me close.

I placed my face against his chest, hearing his heartbeat. My arms were wrapped around him and I was holding him like I never wanted to let him go. And I didn’t. I didn’t ever want to let him go. And I didn’t feel like I needed to. Everything I could have ever wanted from life was right there in the bed with me. Our entire little family was right there in one spot; mommy, daddy and the new baby in my belly.

And while some of my girlfriends were off traveling, or going to school, or dating as many guys as possible, I was laying there with everything that I needed. I wasn’t searching any more. I had it all. I was rich beyond my wildest imagination. But I wasn’t necessarily rich with money, although Steven had no shortage of that. No, I was rich in much more important ways. I was wealthy with love.

I closed my eyes and began to drift off into a peaceful sleep. While I dozed off, I began to realize that maybe love is the only thing that anybody is ever searching for. Maybe lack of love is the reason for everything bad in this world.

And while many people would likely look at my stepbrother and I’s relationship in a bad way, deeming it as inappropriate or immoral or whatever, I knew that he and I shared something that most people spent their entire lives searching for. We had found our other half. And that was something that I would never take for granted. No matter what.

Chapter 20


he morning sun shining in through the bedroom window covered my face and slowly pulled me out of my sleep. I lifted my hands above my head, stretching my arms and letting out a soft yawn. I had no idea what time it was. I assumed it must have been late morning.

“Are you finally awake, sleepy head?”

Steven’s voice pulled me the rest of the way out of my sleep and I opened my eyes. He was standing next to the bed, wearing nothing but his underwear. A smile was on his face and his hair was disheveled and messy. I quickly sat up.

“Oh, crap,” I said, as I tossed the covers off of me.

Steven cocked his head to the side, as a confused look crossed his face.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

I hopped off of the bed, still naked from the sex the night before. Then I made my way over to Steven’s dresser, quickly digging my cell phone from my purse.

“I told my mom that I was coming over here yesterday evening, but I didn’t tell her I was staying the night,” I said. “She’s going to think that it’s weird that I stayed here.”

I pulled the phone out and sure enough, I had twelve missed calls from my mother and one text that read “
Everything okay? I thought you’d be home by now.”

“I didn’t even think that she knew how to text,” I whispered, as I shook my head.

Steven stepped up behind me, wrapping his arms around me and placing his hands onto my belly.

“It’s not that big of a deal, baby,” he said.

I turned around in his arms and looked up at him.

“You know my mom, Steven,” I said. “She’s one of the most suspicious people I know. I guarantee that right now, she’s sitting in the kitchen, trying to figure out why I stayed the night here.”

Steven shrugged his shoulders, his calm demeanor making me feel a little bit better like it always did.

“You really think she cares that much?” he asked. “I feel like maybe she was just worried about you.”

A smile crossed my face as I stood on my tiptoes, giving Steven a peck on the lips.

“Maybe you’re right,” I said, as I pulled away from the kiss. “I just feel like she knows that something is going on between us. I wonder if she knows and just doesn’t want to bring it up.”

Steven kissed the top of my head and pulled me close to him. My face rested against his chest and I closed my eyes as he held me.

“You know, Kelsey,” he said. “We aren’t going to be able to hide this forever. I know that we’ve talked about it a lot and we’ve gone back and forth on the issue, but at some point they’re going to find out, especially now that we’re pregnant. I imagine that you’ll start showing here in a few months.”

I looked up at him once again, at the same time bringing my hand to my belly. I placed my fingers on my belly button and began drawing slow circles around it. I thought about Steven and I’s child that was growing inside of me.

I should have been more nervous than I was. In fact, I should have been terrified. The baby was going to force Steven and I to finally come clean. But for some reason, I wasn’t really that scared about it. The baby was meant to be and so were Steven and I. And the fact that my pregnancy was forcing us to come clean meant that it wasn’t even an option any more. There was nothing left to debate. It was what it was and there was nothing we could do about it. Our parents were going to find out about us at some point, whether we told them or not.

Steven placed his hand over mind, gently holding it over my belly.

“We have some options, baby,” he said. “We can still wait a couple of months before we tell them.”

I took a long sigh and then shook my head.

“No,” I said. “There’s no real point in waiting any longer, Steven. I know that I’ve been back and forth on this issue, but now we don’t really have a choice. Yes, we could wait a few months, but then what? It’s only putting off the inevitable. They’re going to find out, so let’s make sure they do so on our terms.”

Steven nodded attentively as he listened.

“I’m not saying that I’m looking forward to it,” I said. “But I really think that we should just get it over with now. Even if they freak out, I don’t care at this point. We are together and there’s nothing they could do to keep us apart even if they wanted to.”

Steven brought his arms around my back and pulled me in for a hug.

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