Read Steele Hearts Redemption Online

Authors: M.P. Hingos

Tags: #romance, #love, #humor, #contemporary, #suspence

Steele Hearts Redemption (19 page)

BOOK: Steele Hearts Redemption
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I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. It
took everything in me not to speak as she continued.


“He threatened me. Apparently this Russian
business he stole from is the Russian mob and they knew he was
using my money to pay them off. He said if I said anything to
anyone, or go to the police or try to leave him he would have them
come after me. I didn’t know what to do so I stayed. A couple
months ago he started hitting me. I wanted to say something, to
Tess or Connor but I was so ashamed so I kept my bruises covered
and pretended everything was fine.”


Her tears were flowing again and my heart
broke into a million pieces for her. My beautiful, sweet Anna was
battered and bruised.


“I can’t let you go back to him Anna.”


The scared look in her eyes told me I had a
battle on my hands but there wasn’t a doubt in my mind I was going
to win this battle. Common sense told me I had to go about
convincing her I was right in a delicate manner. She was already
traumatized by everything that slime ball did to her so the last
thing she needed was to deal with my temper.


“Anna, I’m going to take care of this okay.
He can’t touch you again and I’m not going to let anyone else harm
you. Please say you’ll let me help you,” I pleaded.

The sorrow and pain in her eyes were becoming
unbearable for me. I knew in my heart I would do whatever it took
to keep her safe.


“I don’t know how you can,” she said sounding
as despondent as she looked.


The door opened before I could reply and
Connor and my dad stepped in the room. One quick look at us and
Connor was giving me the stink eye as though I was the one who made
Anna cry.


“What did you do Tyler?” he asked.


“He didn’t do anything, I just got some bad
news from my sister. One of my aunts died,” Anna lied to


“I’m sorry sweetheart,” my dad said,
expressing his condolences.


“Anna, stop it. Tell Connor the truth,” I


I hated doing this to her but I knew if I was
going to help her I needed help from my family. Connor already had
the resources in place to protect her until I could ensure her scum
of a husband was taken care of.


“Anna, what’s going on?” Connor asked.


“It’s nothing for you to worry about Connor.
You guys have enough going on without adding my worries to your


It was like she was on auto-pilot, repeating
the same lines for everyone.


“Oh for Christ’s sake Anna, tell them or I
will,” I shouted at her, allowing my temper to get the better of me
for a minute.


Connor decided to take a different approach.
He sat down next to her and took her hand.


“You know you’re more than just an employee
to me right. You’re one of the few people I trust completely with
my business, you’re my wife’s friend and I’m hoping mine as well.
You’re invested in my family and I’d like to think you consider us
part of yours as we do you. We’re here for you no matter what and
I’m hoping you trust me, my whole family in fact to help you if
you’re in trouble.”


Connor’s little speech brought tears to her
eyes. She looked at me and I nodded to her, assuring her I felt the
same as Connor did, even though I wanted to rip her clothes off and
have her scream my name the way she did when we were together,
every time I see her.


“You could tell them Ty,” she said in a small


I told Connor and my dad everything she told
me and just like me they were both livid, especially when I got to
the part where slime bucket beat her up.


“I’m not even going to ask why you didn’t
come to me at the beginning but Tyler’s right, there’s no way in
hell we’re allowing him to come near you ever again,” Connor told
her in his no non sense voice.


She simply nodded her bent head.


Looking at my dad, I asked and prayed he had
answers, “Dad, what do we need to do?”


“Anna if you agree to it, I’m going to file
for an emergency restraining order against your husband and then
start drawing up divorce papers. I have a few strings I could pull
to ensure that I get enough proof of his cheating, so the divorce
will be a walk in the park. If you’re cut off from him legally he
can’t demand money from you so he’d just have to find another way
to pay off his debt. In the meantime, especially with everything
going on here, maybe it’s best if Tyler took you to the beach house
in the Hamptons for a few days, with some added security for both
of you.”


Three hours later after collecting some of
her stuff, we were on our way to the beach house. On the drive
there I prayed to everything Holy that I had the strength needed to
survive being close to her over the next few days.




Chapter 22


I entered her apartment first with her
trailing behind me. I stood in the foyer and turned to face her as
she slowly closed the door before turning to face me. There was so
much we needed to say to each other but before I could get the
words out she said,

“I love you,” before stalking towards me and
slamming her lips to mine. My lips parted and I felt her tongue
invade my mouth. There was hunger and need and reassurance in her
kiss. My hands tangled in her hair and I deepened the kiss, taking
control. I pushed her back to the door and pinned her there. Her
hands were groping at my clothes, trying to tear it off without
withdrawing from the kiss. It needed to be done though, to get what
we both needed, so despite her protest I broke the kiss. I quickly
undressed us both before pressing her against the door once


“Legs, baby,” was all I had to say to get her
to wrap her legs around.


“I love you Ally,” I said in a hoarse whisper
before slamming my throbbing cock inside her.


I pumped my love, my heart and my soul inside
her and felt her orgasm hit one time and then another and then
again as my lips crushed hers. I wanted this to last. I needed to
satisfy the hunger inside both of us.


“Gabe, now please,” she begged as I felt her
tighten around me, on the brink of yet another orgasm.


“God, baby, I love you so much,” I said with
a harsh breath as I felt my cock stiffen inside her.


“I love you Gabe, I love you,” she screamed
as her orgasm hit and I emptied my cock inside her. This was the
second time we had sex without a condom and feeling her raw
tightness and waves of orgasms was my undoing. I pressed my
forehead against hers and held her up against the door as we tried
to catch our breaths. After my labored breathing calmed, I withdrew
from inside her and held her against me. With measured steps, I
walked to the bedroom, fell to the bed on my back, bringing her
down on me. With her firmly secured on top of me, I brushed back
her beautiful hair that cascaded around her face and kissed her.
She whimpered as I felt my cock grow hard once again. Breaking the
kiss she reached back and grabbed my length with her hand, gently
stroking me as I grew beneath her touch. Her eyes never left my
face and I watched her as she licked her lips in anticipation. She
moved off my stomach and positioned herself above my hard length.
As she lowered herself onto me I moaned from the feel of her


“Ride me, baby,” I begged, barely able to
contain myself.


She rode me, slowly at first, savoring the
feel of me inside her. Little by little she increased her tempo,
teasing me and testing my endurance. It didn’t take long, however,
for her to get caught up in her own heightened pleasure and her
movements became frenzied. She was giving me one wild ride and I
was enjoying every second of it. When I felt my hips bucked, I knew
it would not be long before I exploded inside her. As she came down
on me one more time I tightened my grasp on her waist and held her
down. I pumped into her before I felt her familiar clasp around me
and moaned out loud as the universe exploded around us.


“So you love me huh?”


“Apparently everyone knew before I did,” she
replied, chuckling, as she snuggled deeper in my arms.


“I thought maybe you did but I didn’t want to
jinks it before you realized it yourself,” I said. ‘Ouch, what was
that for?” I asked, rubbing my side where she grabbed and


“That’s for being a jerk to me earlier and
for sounding arrogant,” she said, before leaning over and kissing
the boo-boo she gave me.


I looked at her and couldn’t be more in love
with her. She didn’t cater to my every whim, she didn’t stroke my
ego and she sure as hell never listened to me. Instead she butted
heads with me at any opportunity she got, she called me out on my
bullshit and she wasn’t afraid to knock me down a peg or two. She
was as perfect for me as I was for her. She was my match, plain and


“I’m sorry baby, but I was so mad and was
lashing out,” I said, hoping for redemption.


“I know babe and I’m sorry also. I didn’t
take into consideration the effects of my actions on you. I acted
purely on instincts and training, and before you have to point it
out again, I know I’m no longer obligated to act as I did before
because I’m not longer an agent. It took some time to get through
to me but I’ve accepted it now. No more heroics from me okay.”




“No Gabe, I’ve accepted it and I’m fine with


“Okay baby.”


“So where do we go from here Gabe?”


“Ally, I love you, more than I ever thought
possible for one person to love another and I know in my heart
those feeling will never go away as long as I live, I only know, if
it’s possible, it’s going to grow more and more with every breath I
take. You are my soul mate and I want all my tomorrows to be with
you. After tomorrow Ally, no matter what the outcome is, I am going
to marry you…”


“But Gabe…”


“No buts Ally. I’m right and I don’t care if
it takes me a lifetime to convince you I’m right. I’ll take
everyday of that lifetime to show you I’m right…how right we are
together. You’re the only woman for me babe and you’re the only
woman I’ll ever want to marry.”

Without waiting to hear her reply, I jumped
off the bed and ran into the living room as she called out my




Less than a minute after he ran into the
living he returned with his wallet in his hands. I sat up on the
bed and watched as he dug through his wallet.


“Gotcha,” he exclaimed as he pulled out
something and fisted his hand around it. Moving to the side of the
bed, he knelt down and pulled me to him. As my legs swung of the
bed he positioned himself between my legs and grasped my left hand
with his free hand.


“Ally, would you marry me?” he asked, as he
opened his fisted hand.


I gasped. In the palm of his hand laid an
engagement ring. It was not huge or flashy. It was a plain,
elegant, understated diamond solitaire ring. It was something I
would have chosen for myself if I were to pick out my own
engagement ring. It was perfect. And he was right. We were perfect.
Our love for each other was perfect. Just like him I knew without a
doubt there was no one else for me. No one else I could love the
way I loved him, no one else my body would respond to the way it
did for him, no one else who could complete me the way he did. I
knew there were so many things we had to work out but I now
believed in my heart we could figure them all out with time. With
tears streaming down my face, I took his face in my hands and
guided my lips to his. Before touching my lips to his I said what
my heart, my body and soul screamed,




I kissed him with every emotion I felt and
felt his love pour into me. As he withdrew from the kiss he took
the ring and slipped it on my finger. It was a perfect fit.


“I bought this the day you decided to give us
a chance and extend your stay with me. I’ve kept it with me since
then. I knew then that I was going to marry you.”


“Gabe, it’s perfect,” I said, realizing then
how much he knew about me.


“Al, I know we have a lot to consider but
there’s one thing I want you to know. I’ve been thinking about this
before you came to L.A. and after we got together it made my
decision easier. I never wanted to be far away from you again and I
knew you would have eventually come back here. I’m moving back
here. I’m gonna travel for work but my life is here Ally, close to
my family and with you.”


I was speechless. His proposal was perfect
but knowing that we were staying in New York was the cherry on




Chapter 23


I woke up the next morning perfectly happy
and content for the first time in my life. After hours of making
love and talking, Gabe and I fell into a restful sleep. I turned to
look at him only to find sparkling blue eyes staring at me.


“Good morning future wife,” he said.


“Good morning future husband,” I countered,
before pushing him back and climbing on top of him. His arms snaked
around me and I felt his huge erection pulsing against my thigh. He
held my hair back from my face and pulled me to him. Our lips met
and it was as explosive as it always was. Flipping me onto my back
he nudged my legs apart with his and positioned his throbbing cock
at my opening. Using the tip of his cock he rubbed against my clit,
teasing me before pushing inside me. After a hundred years I don’t
think I’d ever tire of the feel of him inside, the fullness I
always felt. He pumped inside me, slowly and sensuous, over and
over for what seems like an eternity before bringing me to the
glorious peak I craved every time he was inside me. Our climax
culminated into one and with one final thrust we both exploded.

BOOK: Steele Hearts Redemption
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