Read Spell Bound (Darkly Enchanted) Online

Authors: Stephanie Julian

Spell Bound (Darkly Enchanted) (42 page)

BOOK: Spell Bound (Darkly Enchanted)
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She was close, so close to breaking, her hips moving against his fingers, her hands clenching and releasing. Her breathy cries felt like physical caresses on his cock, cranking his need to finish her.

He turned ruthless, mercilessly teasing her. Hard and fast then slow and light. Her body responded to his every move, twisting and craving what he could give her.

Until finally, he felt her break. Catching her cry in his mouth, he felt her body tense and arch into him, her hip catching against his raging erection and nearly pushing him over the edge with her.

Her sex clenched around his fingers, and he groaned thinking about how fucking good that would feel around his cock.

They lay there for minutes, his fingers embedded in her wet heat, face buried in her neck. When he’d decided he wasn’t going to come in his pants, he slid his hand free and wrapped both arms around her, rearranging them until her head lay on his chest and her breath warmed his skin. He tortured himself for a few more minutes by just holding her.

If he failed again, this was what he’d lose.

Blessed Goddess, don’t let me fail.

After a few minutes, her breathing returned to normal, and she sank into him, body draped across his, head burrowed into the curve of his shoulder.

It’d be relaxing if not for the almost overwhelming urge to thrust his still-aching erection against her.

Not the time. Not the place.

But, Christ, he wanted to. He wanted to strip her, spread her out on the ground and sink into her until he forgot his own name.

Shit, he had to relax. Focus inward and concentrate on breathing. Yeah, like that was gonna work. Especially when he felt her hand begin to rub against his chest.

And when she shifted slightly off of him, he opened his eyes and found himself staring directly into hers.

* * *

Shea had never had an orgasm by anyone else’s hand before.

And damn…good thing she hadn’t known what she was missing.

Then again, it might not have been as good with anyone who wasn’t Gabriel.

And what would happen when they actually got their clothes off and he could take her completely?

She wanted to know.

Staring into his dark eyes, she let her hand slide down his hard chest to the defined ridges of his abs. His gaze stayed steady but his muscles contracted under her fingers. The corners of her mouth kicked up in a half smile, making a muscle tic in Gabriel’s jaw.

Good. He wasn’t as steady as he fronted. She slid her hand further until she reached the waistband of his jeans. For a few seconds, she let her hand lie there, not moving, letting him sweat just a little.

Then she cupped him through his jeans, the hard bulge twitching under her hand, straining against the placket until she was sure it’d burst through.

Her smile widened as his lips parted to draw in air. She loved how the touch of her hand affected him.

Gently at first, she stroked him through the fabric, watching his expression tighten into a fierce mask. But she wasn’t afraid. Hell, no. It made her hot and a little more bold, letting her fingers undo the button at the top then pull down the zipper, careful not to pull it down too fast and possibly hurt that part of him she so wanted to ease.

With the zipper split, she maneuvered her hand into his pants, his soft cotton underwear tight and fighting her. Still, she was determined and finally got her hand exactly where she wanted it. Gripping him.

He was hot and hard and soft and huge. Goddess, the man truly had been blessed. Her fingers didn’t meet when she wrapped them around his shaft and started a slow glide.

When his breath hissed in and his head kicked back against the tree, she thought she might have hurt him. But when she paused, he laid his hand over hers and wrapped her fingers more tightly around him.

She picked up the rhythm, working him with her hand, watching his face to see if he liked when she squeezed him at the tip before working her hand back to the base, then sliding farther to cup his heavy balls.

His moan fired her previously slaked desire, making her sex ache. When his eyes closed, she leaned in and sealed her mouth over his, sliding her tongue into his mouth, flicking at his until he responded in kind. When his hands slid into her hair to hold her to him, she slowed her hand, and only when he’d eased his hold on her did she grip him tighter.

Power. She liked it.

So much so, she wanted him to come on her command. She stroked him faster now, feeling his muscles strain toward release, his tongue a furious whip in her mouth.

Goddess, she ached, pressing her sex against his hip and rubbing hard as she rubbed him. She felt another climax build in her body, reached for it, just as his cock jerked in her hand and a warm wetness coated her fingers. Her body pulsed in time with his.

They lay there, breathing, her fingers still clutched around his softening shaft. Silence but for the soft rustle of the leaves above.

Shea didn’t want to move, and she wasn’t quite sure her body would obey if she did try to get up. Not that she could because Gabriel’s arms were tight bands around her.

Which really wasn’t a problem.

But he’d probably like to have his property back.

She released him but didn’t realize she didn’t know where to put her sticky hand. Gabriel solved the problem for her by sitting up and wiping her hand and his stomach with his shirt.

Then he zipped his pants and hers, his motions almost too controlled.

He didn’t say anything, his gaze on whatever his hands were doing and, as she watched him take a long look at his shirt before he dropped it on the ground on his side away from her.

What the hell? Was he angry at her? Embarrassed by what they’d done? Did he regret this?

He looked up at that second and caught her gaze, his so dark, it was like looking into a pit of molten dark chocolate. Her breath caught at the banked emotion, and before she could draw in a needed breath, his mouth came down on hers with a determination she couldn’t deny.

He broke off the kiss a few seconds later with a guttural moan.

“Later,” he said.

She nodded, not sure she could speak.

Damn, she wished it were later.

Chapter Seventeen


Dinner was quiet and way too long for Shea’s peace of mind.

Tonight, she and Gabriel would finish what they’d started in the woods.

Just thinking about it made her shift on the chair. She was almost as bad as Leo, who practically bounced on his seat and couldn’t stop running at the mouth, which turned out to be a good thing because none of the adults could string more than three words together without stumbling over them.

Serena’s eyes held a faint red tinge, as if she’d been crying and had done her best to clean up before she’d had to face the crowd. She smiled at Leo’s continuous jabber and asked Gabriel an occasional question but that was it.

Quinn didn’t speak to anyone but Leo. Gabriel kept sliding her hot glances that sizzled along her nerve endings and promised heaven later.

Goddess, she wanted him. Wanted it to be midnight, wanted Leo to be sleeping soundly and Quinn and Serena to be elsewhere so she could lock the door to his room and spend the night learning how to make love to him.

She didn’t want to die a virgin.

Hell, she couldn’t give a good reason why she’d never gone to bed with a guy before. It wasn’t like she hadn’t had offers.

Something had always stopped her. Though it would sound crazy to anyone else, she knew the voices in her head would have disapproved. But they shut up when she kissed Gabriel. That had to mean something. Didn’t it?

“Are you finished, Shea?”

Serena’s voice broke into her thoughts, dousing her libido as her brain made the connection again between Serena and Gabriel. Mother and son.

They didn’t look all that similar, though their smiles were identical. Gabriel must resemble his father, she decided.

“Can I help with the ritual tomorrow?” Leo broke in, practically bouncing off his chair. “I watch Shea all the time and my mom taught me a little. And my dad.”

“I don’t see why not, Leo.” Serena smiled at him as she collected plates from the table. Quinn stood and put his own in the sink before she could get to him. Her smile faltered but she continued uninterrupted. “When Gabriel was a little boy, he loved to help, too.”

“No offense, but I think I liked the rush afterward more than the actual helping.” Gabriel’s mouth lifted into a grin. “Kind of like a good sugar high.”

Serena’s glance was indulgent. “You always did have a sweet…tooth.”

After putting his plates in the sink, Quinn walked out of the room without another word. Serena stared at the door then sighed.

“I’ll be right back.”

Shea watched her disappear through the same door, back straight and an air of determination that was nearly visible.

“Is Quinn in trouble?”

Leo’s whisper made her smile and she shared that smile with Gabriel, who shook his head.

“No, he’s not in trouble, bud,” she said. “He’s just, ah, kind of tired.”

“No,” Leo shook his head. “He’s sad ’cause of Serena. And Serena’s afraid of him. Why is she afraid of Quinn?”

Shea couldn’t think of one damn thing to say. She hadn’t realized how good Leo was at picking up on emotions. She felt Serena’s exasperation like a whisper of cool fog against her skin. She wondered how Leo sensed emotions. She’d never thought to ask.

Gabriel answered before Shea could pull her thoughts together. “Serena’s not afraid of Quinn, not like you used to be afraid of the dark. Serena’s afraid of something bad happening to Quinn. Do you understand?”

Leo mulled it over for a second. “Yeah, but I still don’t see why he wants to kiss her all the time.”

BOOK: Spell Bound (Darkly Enchanted)
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