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Authors: Jr. L. E. Modesitt

Solar Express (65 page)

BOOK: Solar Express
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Copyright © 2015 by L. E. Modesitt, Jr.

All rights reserved.

Cover design by Michael Graziolo

Solar flare image courtesy of NASA/SDO/Goddard/Wiessinger

A Tor Book

Published by Tom Doherty Associates, LLC

175 Fifth Avenue

New York, NY 10010

is a registered trademark of Tom Doherty Associates, LLC.

The Library of Congress has cataloged the print edition as follows:

Modesitt, L. E., Jr.

    Solar express / L. E. Modesitt, Jr.—First edition.

        p. cm.

    “A Tor book.”

    ISBN 978-0-7653-8195-8 (hardcover)

    ISBN 978-1-4668-8551-6 (e-book)

    1. Unidentified flying objects—Fiction.   2. International relations—Fiction.   I. Title.

    PS3563.O264S65 2015



e-ISBN 9781466885516

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First Edition: November 2015

BOOK: Solar Express
5.22Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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