Read SocialPreyAllRomance Online

Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

SocialPreyAllRomance (16 page)

She stood, then grabbed the towel, wrapping it around her before opening the drain
to let the water out.

“Keith?” she called. “Are you out there?”

“Yeah,” he replied.

“Would you hand me my robe? It’s in the chair by the bedroom fireplace.”

He didn’t answer, but she could hear his footsteps as he moved around the room. When
she thought he was close, she opened the door just enough for him to slip the robe
through the opening.

“Thank you,” she said.

“Dinner’s here.”

“I’ll be right out.”

She dropped the towel and put the robe on. Doing a quick check in the mirror, she
nodded in approval at her flushed cheeks. A warm bath had done wonders for her complexion.
She hoped Keith approved.

Frowning, she chastised herself softly. “You have to stop this. He’s off limits. You
need to be man free for a while.”

Her lips twisted. But did that really have to include sex? She would really like to
have sex with Keith. But did Keith want to have sex with her? And would it be a smart
move? It had been so long since she’d been with a guy.

Shaking her head, she chanted, “No, no, no, no…no.” She gave herself a firm look in
the mirror.


“But he’s so gorgeous,” she whined at her reflection in the mirror.

“Did you say something?” Keith called.

Her eyes widened. Had she said it that loud?

“No,” she replied.

She opened the bathroom door and stepped out into the room. Keith stood by the gas
fireplace pointing the remote at the television. A tray of food sat on the bed. She
noticed the turned down sheets and glanced at him through her lashes. Had he been
thinking the same thing she had?

“I thought you would be more comfortable in bed. It’s been a long day.”

“Yeah, it has.”

Slightly disappointed, she walked over and climbed under the sheets. What did she
expect him to say? I thought I might try to seduce you? I want you?

She winced at the soreness in her side as she positioned herself against the pillows.
Keith walked over. “Do you need some help?”

“I’m fine,” she said as she adjusted the covers over her legs.

She watched as Keith set the tray beside her, then climbed onto the bed on top of
the covers.

Her lips twisted.
Fully clothed and two layers of blankets separated them. Not very seductive.

She could deal with a little bit of discomfort if it meant she could feel his naked
body next to hers. This morning had been just a taste. She liked the way his big body
fit so perfectly against hers, making her feel warm and safe.

She looked down at the food and almost chuckled. “What did you do? Get every appetizer
on the menu?”

“I happen to like appetizers,” he replied as he took a bite of the calamari. “Besides,
we had dinner earlier, so I thought this would be good TV watching food.”

She giggled softly. “You did good.” She picked up one of the potato skins and took
a bite. It was hot, and she moaned, looking around for something to drink. “Hot,”
she said.

“I put a glass of wine on your side of the bed. It’s on the nightstand.”

She grabbed it and took a larger sip than she should have. She’d already felt a bit
lightheaded from the wine earlier. Now a tingling warmth began to settle in the pit
of her stomach. She really needed to eat before she drank any more wine.

“There’s a bottle of water over there too, if you want it,” Keith said, but there
was a spark of devilment in his eyes that made the butterflies in her stomach come
to life.

“Now you tell me,” she said as she set the glass down. “Trying to get me drunk?”

Keith chuckled as he grabbed a chicken wing. “I prefer to seduce a woman sober, thank
you. If she’s drunk, it’s too easy.”

“So you like a challenge?”

“The chase is fun,” he replied with a wicked smile that made her heart skip several

She swallowed and looked down at the plate, searching for a napkin. She found one
and unfolded it in her lap.

“So, what else is there about the handsome former Navy Seal that I don’t know? Are
you as kinky as Scott?”

His lips twitched as he met her gaze. “Maybe.”

“Interesting,” she murmured, before taking another bite of the potato skin.

Chapter Nineteen

Keith had to admit, he was enjoying this back and forth between the two of them. Her
skin was all flushed, her nipples showing through the thin material of her robe. Did
she know? It was all he could do to keep from staring at them as they poked through
the satin.

She had nice breasts; perky and full with erect nipples he was dying to get his lips
around. If he didn’t stop looking at them she was going to catch him. She was hurt;
she was vulnerable; she was a friend. He had no business letting his mind drift to
sex, but damned if he couldn’t keep from it.

Every time he’d looked at her today he could image himself kissing her, touching her,
licking every inch of that delectable body. Sighing, he grabbed the beer he’d pulled
from the fridge and downed half of it in one gulp.

Yeah, that’s a smart idea. Get a good buzz going so you have even less self-control.
Real smart.

They finished eating in silence, each lost in their own thoughts as they watched the
movie on the television. At one point, they both reached for the same thing and their
hands touched. They froze and looked at one another. Keith could swear he saw longing
in her eyes, but she quickly covered it.

She surprised him by slapping his hand away. “That’s mine.”

“What?” he exclaimed. “I don’t think so.”

He reached for it again, pushing her hand away this time.

“Hey,” she exclaimed, laughing. “I’m the hurt girl here.”

He held the chicken wing just out of reach. “Oh, so that means you get everything
you want?”

“Well, yeah,” she drawled. “I thought you were my rescuing Prince Charming. My prince
would never let me do without.”

He held the chicken even further away. Her lips puckered into an adorable pout. He
pointed a finger at her. “That’s playing dirty.”

She kept the pout, and he not only fought a smile, but a very strong desire to kiss
her senseless.

“What will you give me for it?” he asked.

She sat back slightly, her pout now gone and replaced with a look of startled surprise.
“What do you want?” she murmured.

Keith opened his mouth to tell her exactly what he wanted. Her flat on her back, her
legs spread, his face buried in her pussy. “This is probably going somewhere it shouldn’t.”

He handed her the piece of chicken, and she stared at it briefly before taking it.
She met his gaze as she lifted the piece to her mouth. “You’re such a wuss,” she said
just before taking a bite.

Keith snorted. “Wuss?”

“Yeah, you heard me,” she replied around the bite on her mouth.

“Wuss, huh,” he mumbled as he shook his head. “Okay, fine, miss smart ass. You know
what I want?” Paula swallowed as she stared at him. “I want you naked, your legs spread,
my cock buried between them. How’s that for wuss?”

They stared at each other for several seconds. He wasn’t sure if he’d offended her,
shocked her, or excited her. Or maybe he’d done all three. All he knew was if he didn’t
kiss her he would combust. He wanted to taste those plump pink lips, feel her tongue
dance with his, feel her hands roam over his body.

Keith quickly grabbed the tray that sat between them and set it on the floor. Glancing
back at Paula, he noticed she still held the chicken wing, so he took it as well and
set it on the tray.

Climbing in beside her, he cupped her neck and tilted her chin up with the pad of
his thumb.

Her eyes were so expressive, so beautiful. He rubbed his thumb over her bottom lip,
tugging it down slightly, and they parted, just like he wanted. Before she could protest,
he covered her mouth with his. Her moan vibrated against his tongue as he slid it
into her mouth, exploring, tasting.

Their tongues mated, teased, twirled around one another in a dance that set his whole
body in fire. He couldn’t remember ever having such a strong reaction from just a

Her hands moved to his shoulders, where her fingers kneaded the tight muscles at the
base of his neck. He shifted forward just a little, pushing her to her back as he
settled over her. Her startled gasp of pain as his chest made contact with hers had
him pushing off her instantly.

He broke the kiss and dropped his forehead to hers. What the hell was he thinking?
“We shouldn’t be doing this. I’m going to hurt you.”

She shook her head in disagreement. He rose up so he could see her eyes. She stared
at him with lust shining in them. Lust that made blood rush through his veins and
need tighten his balls. God, he wanted her, and she wanted him too.

While keeping his eyes on hers, he used his fingers to separate her robe, exposing
her breasts.

He used the back of his hand to push it further aside so he could see her ribs. He
flattened his hand gently against the bruise, running his palm slowly over the discolored

Her breathing became more shallow and quick as he slowly worked his touch over the

damaged area. That was a bad bruise, all black and purple. The last thing he wanted
to do was hurt her more. Leaning down, he placed a kiss against the bruise. He felt
the quick intake of breath as his lips moved higher along her ribs, touching just
under her breast.

He knew he shouldn’t but he couldn’t stop. Not now. He pressed his lips to the underside
of her mound. Turning his cheek, he rubbed his whiskers along her sensitive flesh
as he moved upward toward her pert nipple.

He opened his lips, engulfing the tip as he passed over it. Paula moaned and arched
her back slightly, until pain caused her to hiss through her teeth and drop herself
back down.

Keith pushed up and stared down at her, searching for any sign it was too much for
her to deal with.

“If you’re going to stop every time I wince in pain, this is going to take a really
long time,” she murmured.

Keith tilted his head, his lips thinning in frustration. “I could hurt you more.”

Her fingers fisted in his shirt, pulling him down so their mouths were less than an
inch apart.

“Do you have any idea how long it’s been since I’ve had sex?” she growled.

His lips twitched slightly as he fought a full blown smile at her spunk.

“Do you have any idea how rough I can get?” he countered. “I can’t guarantee I won’t
hurt you, Paula.”

“I trust you,” she whispered.

“You can’t move,” he said as he reached down to untie her robe. “Not your hips, your

You can’t arch, I think we’ve just proven that.” He got her robe open but stopped
before pushing it wider and exposing her entire body. “You have to remain perfectly

Her eyes widened. “Are you kidding me?”

“Nope. You move, I stop.”

“That’s not fair.”

“It is what it is. Take it or leave it.” He bent down and placed a kiss in the valley
between her breasts. “Do we have a deal?”

“What happened to negotiating?”

“I don’t negotiate.”

Paula stared into his stern, beautifully dark eyes and realized he was dead serious.
He was so afraid of hurting her or her hurting herself that he would stop if he had
to and leave both of them wanting.

“I’ll be still,” she whispered.

As hard as that would be, she would rather be still than him leave her in this burning
state of need. She’d couldn’t remember the last time she was this horny. She wanted
him so bad, her whole body ached with it.

“Let’s see how well you do,” he whispered just before moving to her other breast and
engulfing the tip in his mouth.

Paula’s whole world spun off its axis as his tongue swiped over her hard nipple, sending
little currents of lust to her core. He sucked, then scraped his teeth over the nub,
making her gasp out in shock and pleasure.

She let her hands fall to her sides and fisted her fingers into the sheets to keep
from arching her back. Instead, she let her head fall back and moaned as he bit down
on the tip of her breasts.

The sharp bite of pain sent a ripple effect through her whole body.

“Good girl,” he murmured as he worked his kisses down her stomach.

“You’re still dressed,” she panted.

“For now. I want to see just how long you can keep this up.”

Paula held her breath as his kisses moved lower along her body. Her hips moved from
side to side, seeking something…anything. Keith put his hand on her lower stomach
and pushed down, forcing her to keep still.

“You’re faltering,” he teased as he used his palm to push her thigh to the side.

She was wide open to him, her pussy exposed and literally burning for his touch—a
touch he seemed to be deliberately holding back.

“You’re teasing,” she said, her voice breathless.

“No. I’m enjoying,” he said as he grinned up at her. “Now be still.”

Paula groaned and fisted her hands tighter into the sheets. His breath was hot against
her labia as he placed soft, tender kisses along her mound. “I like how smooth you
are,” he purred just before using his tongue to separate her labia.

She sighed and dug her fingernails into her palms, fighting every instinct to lift
her hips to his face. Maybe if she talked…

“I used the razor the hotel had in the bathroom.”

“Nice,” he whispered, then gently sucked one of her labia lips.

“Keith,” she sighed.

“Shh, relax.”

“I can’t,” she panted.

He slid his palm under her hip, lifting her just a little. “If you can’t be still
during this, how are you going to be still when we actually have sex?”

He drew his tongue achingly slow along her slit, and Paula thought she might scream.
When he circled her throbbing clit with the tip of his tongue, she did.

“Forcing you to be completely still is actually kind of fun,” he murmured as he again
licked his tongue along her slit.

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